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Antony Sutton: Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution

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Interview with Antony C. Sutton, July 1, 1987
Posted Feb. 16, 2016

Antony Sutton: Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution (Feb. 16, 2016)

This page includes: 1987 Video Interview * English Transcript * mp3 Audio file* Complete book in html, Wall Street and The Bolshevik Revolution

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English Transcript by Ken Adachi

mp3 audio: http://educate-yourself.org/cn/Wall-Street-and-Bolshevik-Revolution01July1987.mp3

Interview on July 1, 1987

Interviewer: Getting back to the Bolshevik Revolution. One of the ironies of it is that both Lenin and Trotsky were in exile; one in Germany, one in the United States. Tell us about who helped them get where they were going to make sure that revolution was pulled off.

Antony Sutton: Well let me summarize about four chapters into four minutes. While Trotsky was in New York, he had no income. I summed his income for the year he was in New York. It was about six hundred dollars, yet he lived in an apartment. He had a chauffeured limousine. He had a refrigerator, which was very rare in those days. He left New York and went to Canada on his way to the revolution. He had ten thousand dollars in gold on him. He didn't earn more than six hundred dollars in New York. He was financed out of New York. There's no question about that.

The British took him off the ship in Halifax, Canada. I got the Canadian archives. They knew who he was. They knew who Trotsky was. They knew he was going to start a revolution in Russia. Instructions from London came to put Trotsky back on the boat with his party and allow them to go forward. So there is no question that Woodrow Wilson, who issued the passport for Trotsky, and the New York financiers who financed Trotsky, and the British Foreign Office, allowed Trotsky to perform his part in the revolution. Now, over in Switzerland, you get Lenin who's in exile. He went through Germany in the famous sealed train by permission and with the encouragement of the German general staff. And yet Germany and Britain were supposedly fighting each other and you get them both moving there, two key revolutionaries into place inside Russia. And then, of course, the rest is history. They created revolution with no more than about 10,000 revolutionaries. They needed assistance from the West and they got assistance from Germany, from Britain, and from The United States to continue and consolidate the revolution.

Interviewer: Just tell us all over again - why?

Antony Sutton: Why? You won't find this in the text books. 'Why' is to bring about, I suspect, a plan to control world society in which you and I won't find the freedoms to believe, and think, and do, as we believe.

Interviewer: Did these power brokers actually envision at that time a one- world government that would be socialist?

Antony Sutton: Yes. The second statement I made was that they did not want the Soviet Union to develop under another free enterprise society and that this would offset it. Staging revolution would offset this event. That was made as a statement in 1919. You have various books, one by Gillette, the razor blade . Gillette, called "The City" [1] I think it was, which laid out this corporate socialism for the world to see as early as what? 1905, 1910? So around the turn of the century, you begin to see, actually written statements by these internationalist businessmen as a kind of socialist empire they wanted to bring about. It's there, but these books, of course, are not included in your courses in political science and history at the regular university.

Interviewer: Well, talk about the Red Cross Mission [2].

Antony Sutton: The Red Cross Mission to Russia in 1918?

Interviewer: About 1917. Bankers, lawyers, businessmen, there were a couple of doctors

Antony Sutton: There were two doctors I think..[3]. (Interviewer interrupts)

Interviewer: What was the Mission?

William Boyce ThompsonAntony Sutton: The Mission was financed by William Boyce Thompson [4], Chase Manhattan Bank, Federal Reserve System. The Red Cross didn't want to send the mission. The Red Cross said: 'we don't need a mission to Russia.'

They already had one in Romania which was doing a good job, but William Boyce Thompson wanted this mission and he put the money up. He financed it. And if you look at..., I printed a list of the people on the mission, and they were mostly bankers and lawyers, Wall Street lawyers, and people in and around the Wall Street establishment. The function or the purpose of this Mission was to be in place to assist the Bolshevik Revolution. The Red Cross Mission to Russia was a cover vehicle. It enabled these Wall Street elitists, these Wall Street manipulators, to be there in place. And then I traced the cable: one million dollars from the [JP] Morgan Company in New York to Petrograd [St. Petersberg]...I forget to which bank, but it came from William
Boyce Thompson [5], and which financed the revolution.

And then they put pressure back in State Department in Washington to actually send arms to the revolution which went forward in 1918. And then I found in the state department files an extraordinary telegram in which Trotsky appealed to the state department to send American arms and instructors to train the new Soviet Army. And I think I've reprinted that in one of my earlier books.

So briefly, the Red Cross Mission was a cover vehicle to enable Wall Street to be there in place, to guide and manipulate the ongoing Bolshevik Revolution.

Interviewer: And what was the response to the State Department?

Antony Sutton: Oh yes, they were quite willing to send US arms and instructors.

Interviewer: Do you know to what extent?

Antony Sutton: I don't know if they went forward. I know the arms, I know the rifles went forward. I didn't trace the response to the telegram, except it was approved within six months. And I reprinted the telegram. I never did find a response. That was probably taken out of the files.

Interviewer: Do you know the figure to which Wall Street supported the Bolsheviks?

Antony Sutton: Well, it was one million dollars.

Interviewer: Just the William Boyce Thompson figure?

Antony SuttonL Eh, that figure, but then you've got the other assistance. For example, the whole Siberian episode. You see, in 1918, the Bolsheviks really only controlled Moscow and what was then Petrograd, which is now Leningrad. They could not have beaten off the White Russians, the Czechs (who were in Russia at that time); the Japanese who were anti-Bolshevik. They could not have beaten them off without assistance from the United States and from Britain. And the Siberian railroad is critical because if you look at that map of Russia. You know, Moscow and Leningrad is stuck at the left end. And you've got that vast expense of Russia, and the backbone is the Trans-Siberian railroad

Now, the history books will tell you that American troops went in. They occupied the Trans-Siberian railroad in order to prevent the Japanese from coming in. Well, this is absolute nonsense. I've never written the book. I hope to get around to it one day. I've got two big boxes of files on this. The purpose of the American Army in Siberia was to hold the Trans-Siberian railroad until the Bolsheviks were strong enough to take it over.

And they did that very effectively. They held off the Japanese. They held them back near Manchuria. They evacuated the Czechs out along the Trans-Siberian railroad. The French and the British gave up because they said that the Americans are helping the Bolsheviks. They [the British and French] evacuated. And in one of these books, I reprinted a little clipping from the New York Times about in 1919. Finally, the Bolsheviks got to Vladivostock right at the far end of Siberia, near Japan, in which the local Commissar addressed the American Army and thanked them for aiding the revolution. And that was in the New York Times and I reprinted it. Now, this is totally contrary to everything you find in the textbooks. The textbooks say we went into Siberia to, at least, be neutral. And I suppose most people would assume we went in to stop the Bolsheviks. We didn't. We went in to help Bolsheviks. There's no question about that.

Interviewer: There's no question that they could not have consolidated their revolution without the capitalists.

Antony Sutton: Absolutely not. Absolutely not. They had too many enemies. Not only outside enemies: the White Russians; the Ukranians themselves were not particularly happy; all your ethnic groups in Russia were not particular happy with the Bolsheviks. They could not have won without Western assistance. There is no question about that.

Then, they were starving. The factory, they could not operate the factories because the Bolsheviks shot all the managers and the technicians. Either that or they left Russia. The factories were closed down. Russia was starving. By 1922, Lenin himself said: 'the end has come.' They had no food. They had these closed-down plants. The plants were not destroyed in the revolution. That's what the textbooks will tell you, including Kennan [6], the State Department expert. He says the Russian factories were destroyed in the revolution. They were not destroyed. Why? Because I've seen the photographs after the revolution and they're right in the Hoover Institution tower, There are these massive boxes of photographs of Russian industry after the revolution. They could not operate the plants. So what do we do (with Averell Harriman and the National Chase Bank, and National Bank, and their old friends from Wall Street)? They go in there.

And, of course, the Hoover mission to feed Russia. We go in there and we had these 250-300 concessions in which American companies went into Russia and they started up the idle plants. Harriman, Averell Harriman, took the manganese concessions. Armand Hammer, Occidental Petroleum, took the pencil factories and the asbestos plants. And all these top capitalists went in and they got Russia going on behalf of the Bolsheviks because the Bolsheviks had either shot or kicked out all of the people, all the Russians, who could run the plants.

Another point: that Tsarist industry was at a very high level. Your text books will tell you that Tsarist industry was backwards and it wasn't until the Soviets came along that it began to make progress. This is absolute nonsense. The Russians in 1913 had two indigenous Russian vehicles, Russian automobiles. There had never been an indigenous Soviet automobile. They've all come from the West

The Tsarist Russians produced an aeroplane in 1916 with a wingspan longer than the 747. This is not known today. It's just wiped-out history. Technologically, the Tsarist Russians were at least on a par with the rest of the world. They only began to decline when the Soviets took over. And then you've got the long history from that point onward how...You've got the first five-year plan, 1929 - 1933. I looked at the first five-year plan. I looked at every plant that was built in Russia at that time. Every single plant was built by western companies. Not one single plant was built by the Soviets. You name any plant. If there are any Russians here [in the audience] from way back. You name any plant in the first five-year plan and you know as well as I do who built it. It wasn't the Soviets. It was a western company. And you run down the list: Caterpillar tractors. There are more Caterpillar tractors in the Soviet Union than there are outside the Soviet Union.

Ford. Ford Model A. Well, Ford built the Gorky plant. And as soon as the Ford engineers directed, they started to turn out military vehicles. You name it in the first five-year plan, every single plant was built, basically by American companies, but a lot of British, French, and German, and Japanese were in there too. Then the second five-year plan in the 1930s was a duplicate. They tried to copy the first five-year plan with their own resources. They fell flat on their faces and they had to come back to the western companies for assisstance; to duplicate the plants put in the first five-year plan. For example, I was in Douglas Aircraft Company. They let me into their files. And it was amazing the detailed assisstance given by Douglas Aircraft. They built one DC-3. And then they brought a DC-3 in sub-assembly. And all kinds of duplicate spare parts and drawings.

And then we've got that story - I don't know how much detail you want- which continues right up to today, July 1, 1987. And you mention, I think, this morning, that the Toshiba Japanese plant and the Norwegian company - a government-owned plant - which provided the milling machines which enabled now the Soviet submarines to be ten times quieter than they were before. And that's going to cost us $4 billion dollars, so that we can offset what we have given them. And this stupidity has continued for...well, stupidity in my sense. From the viewpoint of the Wall Street capitalist, I guess it's smart business. This has continued for over 60 years.

Interviewer: And this supposedly by our allies. But this is not the people of Japan and Norway

Antony Sutton: No, no.

Interviewer: This is again the internationalists

Antony Sutton: It's the internationals. Toshiba, represented on the Ttrilateral Commission founded by David Rockefell in 1973. It's your top corporate elitists; your top corporate establishment; attorneys; the top politicians. As Senator Mansfield once said: "you don't get along, unless you go along"

[end of video clip]


1. John Morris Gillette (1866 -1949) See contents of Box 14, manuscript of "The City"

2. The American Red Cross Mission to Russia in 1917

3. The Thompson-funded Red Cross Mission was composed of 24 individuals, including 5 medical doctors.

4. Errata: William Boyce Thompson (May 13, 1869 – June 27, 1930) is not the son of John Thompson, founder of the Chase National Bank (later Chase Manhattan Bank). William Boyce's father was William Thompson, one time mayor of Butte, Montana. The Thompson family of Butte made their money in mining and lumber, before William Boyce moved East to become a mine promoter and stock broker. William Boyce Thompson, however, did serve on the board of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York from 1914-1919.

5. "William B. Thompson, who was in Petrograd from July until November last, has made a personal contribution of $1,000,000 to the Bolsheviki for the purpose of spreading their doctrine in Germany and Austria." (Washington Post, February 2, 1918)

6. George Frost Kennan (1904-2005)

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(Reader comments posted below book contents)

Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution (1984)
By Antony C. Sutton

Table of Contents (complete book in html)

 TO those unknown Russian libertarians, also known as Greens, who in 1919 fought both the Reds and the Whites in their attempt to gain a free and voluntary Russia


Chapter I:

The Actors on the Revolutionary Stage

Chapter II:

Trotsky Leaves New York to Complete the Revolution

     Woodrow Wilson and a Passport for Trotsky
     Canadian Government Documents on Trotsky's Release
     Canadian Military Intelligence Views Trotsky
     Trotsky's Intentions and Objectives

Chapter III:

Lenin and German Assistance for the Bolshevik Revolution

     The Sisson Documents
     The Tug-of-War in Washington

Chapter IV:

Wall Street and the World Revolution

     American Bankers and Tsarist Loans
     Olof Aschberg in New York, 1916
     Olof Aschberg in the Bolshevik Revolution
     Nya Banken and Guaranty Trust Join Ruskombank
     Guaranty Trust and German Espionage in the United States, 1914-1917
     The Guaranty Trust-Minotto-Caillaux Threads

Chapter V:

The American Red Cross Mission in Russia — 1917

     American Red Cross Mission to Russia — 1917
     American Red Cross Mission to Rumania
     Thompson in Kerensky's Russia
     Thompson Gives the Bolsheviks $1 Million
     Socialist Mining Promoter Raymond Robins
     The International Red Cross and Revolution

Chapter VI:

Consolidation and Export of the Revolution

     A Consultation with Lloyd George
     Thompson's Intentions and Objectives
     Thompson Returns to the United States
     The Unofficial Ambassadors: Robins, Lockhart, and Sadoul
     Exporting the Revolution: Jacob H. Rubin
     Exporting the Revolution: Robert Minor

Chapter VII:

The Bolsheviks Return to New York

     A Raid on the Soviet Bureau in New York
     Corporate Allies for the Soviet Bureau
     European Bankers Aid the Bolsheviks

Chapter VIII:

120 Broadway, New York City

     American International Corporation
     The Influence of American International on the Revolution
     The Federal Reserve Bank of New York
     American-Russian Industrial Syndicate Inc.
     John Reed: Establishment Revolutionary
     John Reed and the Metropolitan Magazine

Chapter IX:

Guaranty Trust Goes to Russia

     Wall Street Comes to the Aid of Professor Lomonossoff
     The Stage Is Set for Commercial Exploitation of Russia
     Germany and the United States Struggle for Russian Business
     Soviet Gold and American Banks
     Max May of Guaranty Trust Becomes Director of Ruskombank

Chapter X:

J.P. Morgan Gives a Little Help to the Other Side

     United Americans Formed to Fight Communism
     United Americans Reveals "Startling Disclosures" on Reds
     Conclusions Concerning United Americans
     Morgan and Rockefeller Aid Kolchak

Chapter XI:

The Alliance of Bankers and Revolution

     The Evidence Presented: A Synopsis
     The Explanation for the Unholy Alliance
     The Marburg Plan

Appendix I:

Directors of Major Banks,
Firms, and Institutions Mentioned
in This Book (as in 1917-1918)

Appendix II:

The Jewish-Conspiracy Theory of the
Bolshevik Revolution

Appendix III:

Selected Documents from Government
Files of the United States and Great Britain

Selected Bibliography

Copyright 2001


This work was created with the permission of Antony C. Sutton.

All rights reserved. No portion of this book may be reproduced without written permission from the author, except by a reviewer who may quote brief passages in connection with a review.

HTML version created in the United States of America by Studies in Reformed Theology



On 2/17/2016, Jim (Canada) wrote:


A Canadian professor obtained through the US freedom of info act, over 10,000 FBI files on Rockefeller transferring over 1bil$ to put Stalin in power and for that he receved exclusive rights to export oil, gas and resources by his subsidiary Occidental Petroleum and Resources. I met the son of the former Russian Ambassador to Cuba and Brazil and he said that his father told him that Stalin was funded by New York bankers. I told him what the professor found that supported what his father told him. That professor was discredited as being anti semitic when he never was…..he was the first in Canada to expose the NWO in 1986 and that it was satanic and much more in his three books,

The New World Order and Corruption in Canada - Canspiracy

.. Shelley Ann Clark has been abstracted from the book ‘NEW WORLD ORDER CORRUPTION IN CANADA', by Professor Robert O'Driscoll [now out-of-print].

a friend of mine interviewed O’Driscoll in Ireland late into the night. The next AM O’Driscoll was found dead. He could not believe that it was natural death based on the state O’Driscoll was in the night prior.

Stephen Marshall (writer) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Stephen Marshall is a writer, film director, and internet entrepreneur from Canada ... videos, short format work, feature-length documentary, and political criticism.

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