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Former Italy President: "9-11 Was CIA/Mossad Operation"

In March 2001, Gladio agent Vincenzo Vinciguerra stated, in sworn testimony, "You had to attack civilians, the people, women, children, innocent people, unknown people far removed from any political game. The reason was quite simple: to force the public to turn to the state to ask for greater security."

[Editor's Note: April 15, 2009. Thankfully, there are a few political figures of international repute --in Europe at least-- who are willing to tell the truth about the monstrous act of betrayal that took place on September 11, 2001 in New York City and Washington DC. I stated that 911 was an Inside Job in the early morning hours of September 12, 2001 in a series of back and forth e-mails with Jeff Rense and posted a statement to that effect on September 23, 2001 on my NWO Overview page. It was completely obvious to anyone who still possessed a brain and was aware of the NWO agenda and of the fifth columnists within our government who are helping to install that agenda.

The above quote from black ops agent Vinciguerra describes perfectly the Mossad/CIA/Illuminati operational rationale behind programming mind controlled individuals to shoot up schools, playgrounds, MacDonalds, the dormitories of VA Tech, or a Civic Center in Binghamton, New York in order to sufficiently SHOCK the walking Dumb & Blind of this country into accepting the Big Brother totalitarian control agendas. Last Sunday on 60 Minutes, I saw a long segment devoted to promoting the gun control Inside Job agenda featuring comments from NWO sell-out and gun control promoter, Senator Diane Feinstein.

We will continue to see more "inexplicable" shootings of innocent people, engaged in innocent activities, by "lone nut" shooters in the coming weeks and months with mainstream media, TV, and radio talk shows banging away with a furor on the "need" for gun control "sanity". The controlled media, especially television, leaves you with the impression that gun control advocates are level headed, fair minded, safety conscious guardians of society that are working in the interest of protecting the public, while Second Amendment gun rights advocates are portrayed as unsophisticated, "conspiracy theory" red necks and "gun nuts" who are too stupid, paranoid, and superstitious to realize the great benefit that will flow to society when we can "finally" put the "insanity" of gun possession and ownership "behind us".

Thank God for paranoid, superstitious, "conspiracy theory", unsophisticated red necks and everyone who thinks like them. We need a few million more to join our ranks. ..Ken Adachi]
April 15, 2009

Former Italy President: "9-11 Was CIA/Mossad Operation" (April 15, 2009)

Ex-Italy Pres - 9-11 Was CIA/Mossad Operation
By the Staff of American Free Press

Former Italian President Francesco Cossiga, who revealed the existence of Operation Gladio, has told Italy's oldest and most widely read newspaper that the 9-11 terrorist attacks were run by the CIA and Mossad, and that this was common knowledge among global intelligence agencies. In what translates awkwardly into English, Cossiga told the newspaper Corriere della Sera:

"All the (intelligence services) of America and Europe know well that the disastrous attack has been planned and realized from the Mossad, with the aid of the Zionist world in order to put under accusation the Arabic countries and in order to induce the western powers to take part in Iraq and Afghanistan."

Cossiga was elected president of the Italian Senate in July 1983 before winning a landslide election to become president of the country in 1985, and he remained until 1992.

Cossiga's tendency to be outspoken upset the Italian political establishment, and he was forced to resign after revealing the existence of, and his part in setting up, Operation Gladio. This was a rogue intelligence network under NATO auspices that carried out bombings across Europe in the 1960s, 1970s and '80s. Gladio's specialty was to carry out what they termed "false flag" operations-terror attacks that were blamed on their domestic and geopolitical opposition.

In March 2001, Gladio agent Vincenzo Vinciguerra stated, in sworn testimony, "You had to attack civilians, the people, women, children, innocent people, unknown people far removed from any political game. The reason was quite simple: to force the public to turn to the state to ask for greater security."

Cossiga first expressed his doubts about 9-11 in 2001, and is quoted by 9-11 researcher Webster Tarpley saying "The mastermind of the attack must have been a sophisticated mind, provided with ample means not only to recruit fanatic kamikazes, but also highly specialized personnel. I add one thing: it could not be accomplished without infiltrations in the radar and flight security personnel."

Coming from a widely respected former head of state, Cossiga's assertion that the 9-11 attacks were an inside job and that this is common knowledge among global intelligence agencies is illuminating. It is one more eye-opening confirmation that has not been mentioned by America's propaganda machine in print or on TV. Nevertheless, because of his experience and status in the world, Cossiga cannot be discounted as a crackpot.

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