The Freedom of Knowledge, The Power of Thought ©
Citizenship Renouncer Ken Nichol's Powerful Interview with Al-Quds Newspaper
"The U.S. is hostile in every way towards International Law, unless of course, it is advantageous to their agenda. "...Ken Nichols
[Editor's Note: Ken Nichols is a native of Hawaii who has publicly renounced his US citizenship and has burned his passport (see He is now living in Holland. The state department won't allow him to recognize his right to "self determination", making an utter mockery of the Constitution and the lofty words chisled on our federal buildings. In this interview with an arab newspaper, Al-Qud, Nichols does an admirable job of making liars of the Liars and monkeys of the Monkeys. His assessment of who and what the United States government represents today, and the corrupt criminals who are in charge of it, are dead on target. Let Freedom (and Truth) ring ...Ken Adachi]

By Ken Nichols <>
Juyu 22, 2002

To My Friends & Family,

I am very happy to be getting the chance to speak directly to the Arab people. I am including a copy of the interview I did with Al- Quds. I am working on something very big right now and will send its contents to those of you on my email list as soon as it is ready. For those of you who are not knowledgeable about the Middle Eastern press I have included an email from the lady who interviewed me (Nada) below. The interview was published on July 20.

Aloha & Peace,
Kenneth Nichols

Universal Kinship Society
From: "Nada Al-Rubaiee"
Subject: Al-Quds News paper
Date: Sun, 21 Jul 2002 17:48:53 +0200

Hallo Ken,

Yesterday I was watching the news on Al-jazeera TV, and as usual they started reading the international and Arabic news papers published on that day. They usually start with the most important news or articles written in those news papers..... this time they started with your story, and they were talking about the interview (with you) that Al-quds newspaper had published yesterday. I was really happy for you, for two reasons: first thing,is that Al-jazeera is -as you know- the most important channel in the Arabic world. As well as that, it is the most trusted one. That's why, it is very important that they keep interested in your story. the second thing, is that Al-Quds newspaper, has the same infleunce on Arabic readers as Al-jazeera, because the Editor-in-Chief (Mr. Abd barri Atwan) is well-known for his standpoints towards the Arab-Isareli conflict and Iraq.

Yours, Nada

Question 1:
Let us start from the last few moments before you burned your passport, what was the US Consulate response to your citizenship renouncement request?

The U.S. is hostile in every way towards International Law, unless of course it is advantageous to their agenda.

The response of Consul Jim Gray at the Consulate was to say that he had no answer from the U.S. State Department, but that my renunciation did not look good because I had no other citizenship. This citizenship issue reveals more than people realize and it shows the enormous power of what I am doing and the U.S. knows this full well.

The main reason they refuse to acknowledge this right to be "Stateless" is that I will then truly be outside of their jurisdiction and therefore no longer subject to the fascist laws that rule the U.S. Once I do this, what is there to stop others from doing the same?

In order to understand why this is so powerfu,l you need only know the injustice that exists in virtually all nations in which "citizenship" is, in reality, enslavement. A "citizen", by the definition of the word, owes allegiance to the nation and also is subject to its laws, laws that you will never see in Human Rights Law. Laws that cause great harm to human rights and provide massive control of people around the globe. This explains how thus far, Human Rights only exist on paper. We the people have been duped into an allegiance with corrupt governments run by puppets for the real powers of the earth, who are mostly out of public view. The so-called "laws" that citizens become subject to are then used by the "system" to ensure control and submission.

Show me a nation where this does not exist? The U.S. knows this and at some point they will want to get rid of me and the least risky way to do that is by falsely accusing me of whatever bogus law they choose. They will then provide all the "evidence" required under their own fascist laws to "prosecute" me in their fascist courts. Then they can lock me up and throw away the key or even execute me, legally of course. The good old days of just using CIA "hired assassins" or "assets" as they are called has become too risky with the advent of the Internet and global communication. Martyrs are generally far more powerful than convicted criminals sitting in prison.

Keep in mind the U.S. has the largest prison population in the history of the world (and it is growing by the day). "Land of the Free" they call it. Furthermore, in the year 2000, the U.S. ranked number 4 in the world for state executions, behind only China, Saudi Arabia, and Iraq. Not only that, but George W. Bush has signed more "Death Warrants" (required legal document to execute people) than any other President as well (135 as Governor of Texas). Understanding all this, I would have to be a fool to see citizenship as anything other than a major liability. And in reality, a relinquishment of all my Human Rights.

Question 2:
On what bases -legal reasons/ laws- was your request based on?

First let me give the example of my true home and nation, Hawaii. The Hawaiian people (kanaka maoli) had inhabited their island nation for nearly 2000 years before any contact with the West. These people were kanaka maoli, not British, Japanese, or American. But due to the imperialistic crimes of the United States, the kanaka maoli had their nation stolen. Since then, they have been systematically targeted for extermination (Genocide) by the U.S.. And adding to the injury, much of the world views Hawaii as part of America. Technically, the kanaka maoli have become involuntarily "naturalized" as U.S. citizens. The criminal who has tried to exterminate them, now controls them through "citizenship." Are these people now U.S. citizens regardless of how they identify themselves? Or do they determine their own being? You can substitute every victim of imperialism in the above scenario and the result is the same. Furthermore, Westerners or others who want no association with their criminal governments and nations are also afforded the same right of determining their political, cultural, national, or religious status. If nations and governments control these choices, you have the corrupt and vile system we are all dealing with today. I say that time is over.

International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, December 16, 1966

"All peoples have the right of self-determination. By virtue of that right they freely determine their political status and freely pursue their economic, social and cultural development."
Part I Article 1
"Everyone shall have the right to recognition everywhere as a person before the law."
Article 16

First and foremost we are people, not citizens. Unless of course, that is what we voluntarily choose.

The Law of Nations (International Public Law)

"But every man is born free, and therefore the son of a citizen, when arrived at the age of reason, may consider whether it is well for him to join the society in which he happens to be by birth. If he does not find that it is to his advantage to remain in it, he has the right to leave it" (end quote)
The following excerpt is from the U.S. State Department's own document entitled "STATEMENT OF UNDERSTANDING CONCERNING THE CONSEQUENCES AND RAMIFICATIONS OF RENUNCIATION. The following excerpt is accurate word for word and I have the copy of the actual signed document.

"I, Kenneth Roy Nichols have the right to renounce my United States citizenship. I am exercising my right of renunciation freely and voluntarily without force, compulsion, or undue influence placed upon me by any person."

If I do not possess the nationality/citizenship of any country other than the United States, upon my renunciation, I will become a stateless person and may face extreme difficulties in traveling internationally and entering most countries.

It is classic U.S. behavior to disregard even their own laws, so you would have to be a fool to seek justice in their totally corrupt system. This is why I was forced to take action outside of their corrupt legal system and legally serve the United States Government with the "International Notice" that removes any jurisdictional ability on their behalf to control my status as a human being. This notice was sent directly to George W. Bush. Essentially, I have forced the mighty United States to "Object" to the human rights I claim under international human rights law. I have also made clear that no nation can claim me as their citizen.  This is vital. The U.S. cannot object, even with its legions of lawyers, because they know they have no legal grounds to deny my human rights.

This strategy is effectively using the power of law for the pursuit of justice by eliminating U.S. arrogance and inaction. It is an example of "Power to the People." Once the "30 Day Objection Period" has expired on July31, 2002, I will then post another International Notice declaring all of my rights as a human being not under the citizenship enslavement laws of the U.S. After that, I will push the logical and just principles of human rights law which are being violated around the globe with my newly acquired status as a truly free and Stateless person. At that point, only legitimate international courts will have any jurisdiction over me, and any entity wishing to violate any of my human rights can and will be attacked in these same international courts. I intend to use this strategy as a means of showing others the power they hold, and how they can duplicate my actions to retain their inherent rights as a human being. This is about human dignity and respect and we as people will earn this freedom when we demand it. Well I demand it now, for all people.

Question 3:
You have mentioned that the US administration has issued a "warrant" of $11.000 to get you arrested; do you think this might be due to your participation in the Hawaiian Independence Movement, or your opinions and statements concerning the Middle-East, the use of DU [Depleted Uranium] and the so-called war on terror?

My activity in the Hawaiian Independence Movement was without doubt the biggest reason for this warrant. Our goal in this movement is to take lawful control of Hawaii away from the unlawful control the U.S. has right now. I detailed all the facts in my film "The United States of Hypocrisy." In this film I charge, and I would argue, prove the U.S. is Guilty of Conspiracy to Commit Fraud and Genocide against the Hawaiian nation and people. This is no game. I can back up every charge I make and the U.S. knows it. There is simply no question that the warrant was a means of intimidation intended to punish me. This is how the U.S. operates till either you stop your activity (which many do) or until you find yourself to be one of the millions in jail. Since I would rather die than bow to intimidation, I recognized the signals for what they were and got out before going to prison. Because, had I gone to prison, you would not have heard of me and this interview would not take place and I would simply be another U.S.statistic. I refused to accept that, and instead I continue the struggle on my own terms.

Question 4:
The European and Dutch media tried to "abbreviate" your case to participation in the "Hawaiian Independence Movement" and your standpoint about the war in Afghanistan. Do you think that the essence of your case might be put down in those two issues?

We have to face the unfortunate fact that the media as a whole is the primary weapon used to misinform and not inform the public about critically important information such as the United States being the Greatest Terrorist of 19th, 20th, and 21st Centuries. Any serious look at history and the legitimate definition of terrorism makes this fact undeniably true. Al Quaida looks like Mickey Mouse compared to the CIA and the U.S. Government, yet the majority of "educated", "civilized" people of the West see Al Quaida as their major terrorist threat and the U.S. as the good guy. The media of the West could correct this absurdly false belief and insult to human intelligence tomorrow if it were legitimate, but that would run counter to the current function of the major media: Their real function is to keep all of us peasant's stupid and fighting each other.

The so-called learning institutions we have from grade school up to Oxford also serve this function. This is why you have such ignorant bastards with degrees from the world's most prestigious universities. This is also why I would rather talk about life with a Palestinian in the West Bank or a kanaka maoli in Hawaii than a Harvard graduate. If I really wanted to be stupid, but "comfortable", I would have simply accepted the trash from these institutions as presented and also got a degree. Instead I chose not to be stupid, and at peace with myself.

As far as being put down by the media, I should seriously question myself when they do not do this. I will undoubtedly be attacked ruthlessly by the media and I accept this as the price for saying the truth out loud. I should say in fairness that there is legitimate independent media and I do use them as a source of information.

Question 5:
You are a former US Marine, and you have served in Iraq during the second Gulf War. What made you alter your attitude towards the issue? What I mean is: what triggered you to make you aware of the other side of the story?

First off let me say that my joining the U.S. Marines was the most ignorant thing I have ever done in my life. In my own way, I am trying to make up for this ignorance although I know I can never completely accomplish this. Thankfully though, I never fired a shot in the Gulf and therefore I know that I did not personally kill anyone. But as life so often shows us, it is this most ignorant and painful of choices that we learn the most from. What I learned more than anything else was just how precious freedom really is. As a result, I vowed never to give up my freedom again and to fight for it wherever I could.

Although my understanding of the world in which I live is an ongoing evolution, I remember reading a book entitled "The End of Nature" that had a huge impact on me. It made me realize that we are all doomed unless we learn to cooperate with each other and in turn with Mother Nature. I had been largely oblivious to this fact and it came as somewhat of a shock to me. After the shock, I realized that my own petty desires were quite pathetic really. Later I came to understand that all life is interconnected. This in turn compelled me to contribute to the world as if I was contributing to myself. Now I simply subscribe to the Golden Rule of "Do unto others, as you have them do unto you." But I do not confine that to my human brothers and sisters alone, I apply this philosophy to all my non-human brothers and sisters as well. I see injustice in any form, towards any being, as an injury to us all.

Question 6:
After participating in the second Gulf War and coming back to the USA, DU issue started off as your personal interest, would you explain that?

Actually DU [Depleted Uranium] is a fairly recent issue for me. I had surprisingly not seen fit to involve myself in the matter perhaps because I have been active in so many other areas. I do however suspect that I was exposed to DU so it is a personal issue for me as well. I suppose it was inevitable that I would pay attention to the issue eventually. Now I recognize any use of DU as a clear cut Crime Against Humanity. The long-term affects are hideous and undeniably known by the U.S. The U.S. knows more than anyone about the affects of radiation on human health. I say that every abortion, miscarriage, birth defect or death from cancers that has resulted from the use of DU in Iraq, the Balkans, and Puerto Rico is 100% premeditated state sanctioned murder on behalf of the United States against these civilian populations. It is a major Crime Against Humanity that must be brought in front of a legitimate international court and should any "accidents" happen to me, I call on all those capable of continuing that mission to do just that.

Question 7:
What do you think of the Economic Boycott on Iraq and the expected invasion on Iraq?

This is yet another Crime Against Humanity

Definition of crime against humanity: Int'l law. A brutal crime that is not an isolated incident but that involves large and systematic actions, often cloaked with official authority, and that shocks the conscience of humankind.  Among the specific crimes that fall within this category are mass murder, extermination, enslavement, deportation, and other inhumane acts perpetrated against a population, whether in wartime or not. (Black's Law Dictionary Seventh Edition)

If you can read and know the results of these sanctions than you will also see these sanctions as a massive criminal act that punishes innocent civilians more than anyone. The sanctions have actually strengthened Saddam Hussein while severely punishing the civilian population in the most horrendous of ways. As far as I know, at least 500,000 children have died as a direct result of these sanctions and perhaps the total figure is double that or more. The fact that the West has allowed this to continue without hardly a whisper of protest is one of the most shameful legacies all of us in the so-called "free world" must share. I think Madeline Albright (Former Secretary of State) expressed the value America puts on Iraqi life when she justified the 500,000 dead children, as "worth it."

Absolutely disgusting, but very reflective of U.S. policy. Never mind the fact that if the U.S. wants to produce, use, and sell more weapons of mass destruction than all other nations combined, they are in no position to tell their enemies they cannot defend themselves by also having these weapons. This is why all such weapons must be eliminated, starting with the U.S., not Iraq or any other nation for that matter.

Question 8:
How do you evaluate the American policy towards the Israeli conventions against the Palestinians?

Washington D.C authorizes everything Israel does. Despite the ridiculous public show that intends to dupe us into believing otherwise. Accordingly, Israeli actions are simply an extension of U.S. policies.

Question 9:
How do you see the connection between the American policy towards the Palestinians and the Iraqi issues?

The policies of the U.S. are intended to ensure global submission and domination. Israel serves as an extension of that mission, so it is useful to have it seen in the region as a sort of attack dog that can be called on at any time. Although some would say that the policy towards Iraq and the Palestinians is based on racism, this does not explain why the U.S. is so close to Arab Royals who are also criminals. As Noam Chomsky has put it, "the U.S. is an equal opportunity employer." If you are a brutal tyrant who will ensure U.S. domination in your region and therefore the continuing flow of resources into the hands of the super rich billionaires who are the real powers, than the job of Head of State may very well be yours. Fidel Castro would be one of the most notable exceptions to this. If you are a tyrant under U.S. control, than that's just fine. Such as Hussein during his worst crimes. But if you are a tyrant who is not under control, well then, now you become the reincarnation of Hitler, or today, Osama bin Laden.

Question 10:
What is your next step? Are you intending to bring legal charges against the US administration for war crimes; as you have mentioned earlier?

Yes. I will bring these charges forward along with others who see it as a necessity. But we need more assistance. So for those with the will to help, let's get together. Right now we have to get past the obstacle of not having a permanent criminal court that will deal with 20th Century crimes. This is the reality with current ICC rules, which is much to the liking of the world's greatest murderers.

If they continue to have their way, we will never see 20th Century crimes dealt with. This is unacceptable. Either the ICC is compelled to change this, or another court must be organized. The importance of a permanent criminal court can be found in the obvious hostility the U.S. shows for the ICC. It did everything it could to prevent its formation, including direct threats. Why do we suppose that is?

The U.S. does not fear terrorism, or any violence for that matter. In fact, it is precisely what they want. But the U.S. is deathly afraid of truth and justice and the "Rule of Law." If  'we the peoples' demand a legitimate court, we will make the world a safer place. If we fail, I believe that we will almost assuredly see World War III and perhaps total global destruction within this generation, probably in the next 10 years or less. I do not think the urgency of people to act could be more serious.

But violence plays right into the hands of the power mongers. Having said that, I do not turn my back on the freedom fighters around the world who are ridiculously labeled as "terrorists" by the world's leading terrorist. I see them as warriors who refuse to accept the unacceptable, as does anyone who is not a coward or a sell-out.

Question 11:
What are you planning to do if the Dutch government refuses to give you a refugee status?

I do not want Dutch citizenship even if they offered it to me. Citizenship is allegiance and Holland is not a nation I will give my allegiance to right now, although I do respect the people and the laws as a guest. When Holland becomes more honest about its historically monumental crimes and stops participation through complicity in ongoing crimes, I will be proud for the Dutch. But I do not intend to stay for long in Holland or any other Western nation for that matter. I've seen enough of the ridiculous hypocrisy here. I really want to be with people who do not hold typical Western values. But I will make the most of my place right now, and there is still much I can do here. I am also currently attempting to reach Fidel Castro and would be very interested in visiting Cuba. I have been invited to Egypt and I would love to meet people in the Middle East. Ultimately however, it is a free Hawaii that I intend make my home.

Question 12:
Did you receive any support from the European Union or the Arab world?

The European Union in general is an enemy to all refugees and I would expect no help from them. They also largely perpetuate the joke of America as a great big happy democracy and best friend.

Al Jazeera has done two stories on my situation and I am grateful for that. I have Arab and Kurdish friends here in Holland who provide moral support, as I do for them. I received one beautiful email from an Egyptian Doctor that was really special. Thus the invitation to Egypt. I would like to expand my relationship with the Arab world and perhaps learn Arabic. I am genuinely interested in learning more about the culture and its people. The way I see it for most people in the West, white is black, black is white, and the truth is nothing but a word. But my God is the truth, and I pray to her every day. I am hopeful that the truth is far more revered in the Arab world.

Question 13:
After leaving your friends and family and becoming stateless, how would you describe your feelings?

I feel as free as is humanly possible. I feel at peace with myself and empowered to face any enemy at any time. I feel a love for all that is, that most do not seem to know at this time. I feel the love of my family now and forever, as they do mine. I feel as happy as a person can possibly be with a world so horribly unjust. I feel a deep desire to work with all those ready to take on the major tasks ahead to solve these problems. I understand the natural laws that govern the transfer of energy and never its death. My energy, which is primarily love, will accordingly never die. This is eternal life and the key to it is in the simple understanding of what I have just said. And I did not form these beliefs on my own; this is wisdom passed on to me by many great spirits who also live eternally within all of us.

Question 14:
At the end, what would you like to say to the Palestinians suffering under the Israeli occupation?

I see the Palestinians as my brothers and sisters and I am in great pain at the world's indifference to them. I am ashamed of the cowardice that prevents the so-called leaders of the West from saying what is so obviously true; there will never be peace under Israeli occupation and curfews. There will never be peace with the horrendous policies of the United States disguised in Israeli actions. I am especially ashamed at the absolute lack of meaningful demands for justice regarding Sabra, Shatilla, etc. and now Jenin. According to the hypocritical popular thought of the West, if the Palestinians had the ability to use tanks, helicopters, missiles, etc., they would cease to be terrorists. As if any rational person would choose to use rocks and bombs strapped to their bodies instead of pressing a button and launching a missile. But it is the cowards who are pushing the buttons and dropping the bombs now.

I know that if I were born in Palestine I would have almost assuredly been one of the so-called "terrorists" fighting the true terrorists. It is only by the fate of geography that I hold my non-violent set of beliefs. I see this as a luxury that Palestinian warriors do not have. So I will fight with them and for them as I do for all people who are oppressed, but with the strategy of truth and law that fights their cause on another front. I am not ashamed to give all my love and support to all people who resist occupation and oppression and even sacrifice their lives in the interest of ending the injustice. I would part by quoting one of America's greatest and truest heroes.

"We declare our right on this earth to be a man, to be a human being, to be respected as a human being, to be given the rights of a human being, in this society, on this earth, in this day, which we intend to bring into existence, by any means necessary."

Malcolm X

Power to the People!

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