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Auctioning Her Virginity Is Natural Step For Feminist

[Editor's Note: I usually don't comment in front of Henry Makow's essays because doing so is more a case of gilding the lily rather than adding relevant insight, however, I will note is this case that the woman cited below reports that she got the idea from her sister who has been working in a Nevada brothel for some time. It's disheartening to read that a young woman in the full flower of her youth, beauty, and vibrancy would debase herself in such a tawdry and public way. The personal treasure of SELF RESPECT has far more value than that of paper money or a graduate degree in Women's Studies, for God's sake. Prostitutes make money, and many will say that are happy because of that money and the comforts it brings. But are they really happy, in the way that an honorable woman is happy with the exclusive dedication of her most intimate of God-given charms to be known only by an equally faithful and loving husband? I don't think so. And I wonder just how much bread (pun intended) she will put on the table with her prostitute-purchased graduate degree in Women's Studies when the Amercian economy sinks into the grestest (contrived) Depression ever known in the history of this country? ...Ken Adachi]

By Henry Makow <>
September 12, 2008

Auctioning Her Virginity Is Natural Step For Feminist By Henry Makow (Sep. 20, 2008)

"Natalie Dylan", the 22-year-old San Diego woman who is auctioning her virginity to pay her tuition is a Women's Studies grad. Girl_to_auction_virginity_on_radio_show/articleshow/3468895.cms

Natalie Dylan, Feminist ChippyHer decision to prostitute herself is the natural result of an "education" ( i.e. indoctrination) that trashes marriage and family. It also shows how feminism, which pretended to oppose the sexual objectification of women, has had the exact opposite effect.

Sounding every bit the feminist, Ms. Dylan (not her real name) says: "I don't have a moral dilemma about it. We live in a capitalist society. Why shouldn't I be allowed to capitalize on my virginity? I understand some people may condemn me. But I think this is empowering. I'm using what I have to better myself."

This girl has a degree in Woman's Studies and yet thinks her most valuable asset is her vagina?

Yet she wishes to raise the price of that commodity by recalling the traditional morality that held virginity in high regard.

Can she have it both ways?

Men put a value on virginity only in a wife. Virginity in a prostitute is not an asset, but a serious liability.

Dylan proposes to complete the transaction at a Nevada brothel where her sister already works. Why would a man pay an exorbitant price for an amateur when he is surrounded by pros?

In 2004, Rosie Reid, an 18-yr. old British lesbian sold her virginity for $20,000. Reid admitted the experience was "horrible" but blessedly brief. "It was horrible. . . I felt nervous and scared," she said.

How much pleasure can a man get from sex with such a woman? Dylan's venture exposes her (and society's) naive attitude about sex. If a man's satisfaction were merely sexual release, he could masturbate. His pleasure comes from the woman's total emotional and physical response to him. A prostitute or a professional virgin is not going to satisfy him.


Sex has become a commodity because feminism has alienated women from their social role as wives and mothers. Divorced from this identity, they are sexual commodities and sex is impersonal physical release.

Inversely, men generally do not see wives and mothers as sex objects. For one thing, another man will thrash them if they do.

Women used to devote their lives to their families and saved their virginity for their husband. This had the effect of creating stable permanent marriages capable of producing healthy children. Families are necessary for our personal development, no matter if we are women , men or children.

Feminism, with its hidden lesbian agenda, is brainwashing and social engineering. It was fostered by the financial elite in order to destabilize family en route to creating a totalitarian state. The destruction of the family was a plank in the Communist Manifesto, which was financed by these same bankers.

Young women today are lost souls, betrayed by their society to think their only value lies in sex appeal and career. They are willing to have promiscuous sex to assuage their sense of worthlessness. This only undermines their chance of marital success.

Ironically, Natalie Dylan wants to use her money to pursue a Master's degree in "Marriage and Family Therapy."

Henry Makow

Henry Makow Ph.D. is the author of "Cruel Hoax: Feminism and the New World Order." ( His articles can be found at his web site He enjoys receiving your comments, some of which he posts on his site using first names only.

Related: "How Feminism Killed Courtship on Campus"


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