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Possessiveness is Part of Marriage

by Henry Makow Ph.D.<>
May 3, 2008

Possessiveness is Part of Marriage (May 3, 2008)

Possession and marriageAt the risk of being politically incorrect, what many men want most in marriage is not great beauty, brains or sex, but the simple feeling of"possessing" a woman. In other words, what they seek is a degree of ownership or power. (Gasp!)

And I believe that, in their heart, many women have a complementary craving, to totally "belong" to their husband.

This is the key to intimacy, how two people become one. When a man wins a woman's love, she entrusts herself to him. And of course he aspires to be worthy of this responsibility.

Thus, a woman empowers her husband. Men and women were designed to complement each other, not to compete or fight.

When I reflect on my marriage, I get most satisfaction from the fact that my wife is "mine." She makes other women redundant. I no longer feel one of them holds the missing key. I have what I want. My wife helps me fulfill my goals.

And I suppose my wife gets security and comfort from this bond.

Marriage is the exchange of feminine worldly power for masculine love and protection. Of course, women retain other forms of power, i.e. spiritual, emotional, artistic, intellectual etc.

We live in a toxic environment for marriage. The Illuminati (Masonic) central bankers, who control modern politics and kulture, continue to sabotage this power-love exchange.

They constantly attack woman's trust in men. Men are irresponsible"abusers." Marriage is exploitative and oppressive. Women must be"independent." How can a person belong to another? The more sex the better. Yadda, yadda, yadda.


A reader in his early 20's writes that the TV show "Sex and the City" has molded girls of his generation.

This lesbian-tinged quotation is their watchword: "Maybe our girlfriends are our soul mates and guys are just people to have fun with."

Today's young woman "sees no value in a marriage or boyfriend-girlfriend relationship; rather she just gets random sex from guys and emotional/interpersonal stuff from friends," my correspondent writes.

"It's influenced all girls my age because they see some value to sleeping around-- like being a whore is some "strong women" empowering thing..."

Paradoxically the TV show (soon to be movie) is about four aging career women who are looking for marriage and/or family but find they are incompatible with men. The reason of course is that, due to their feminist brainwashing, they think men and women are identical. They are confused-want to possess a man and be possessed at the same time. They have lost the knack of feminine love (i.e. to surrender, trust and empower a man.)

Similarly feminism has also molded men to seek sex and extended adolescence instead of marriage. It has undermined and emasculated men so that often they can't demand or command a woman's trust.

Thus the women end up in a series of unsatisfying sexual encounters: an endless repetitive, pilgrimage to a chimera Mecca of Love, i.e. they suffer from arrested development.

But all along they console each other in coffee shops and chic boutiques and pretend they're sacrificing their happiness for women's lib; and friendship is superior to what they really want.

Sex is an act of possession. It the symbol of intimacy and exclusivity. The more men these ladies belong to, the less likely they'll ever belong to one.

It's no coincidence that the Creator of "Sex and the City" is Darren Star, a homosexual. I have defined homosexuality as "failure to bond permanently with a member of the opposite sex, caused by confusion over sexual identity, resulting in arrested development." Heterosexuals are being re-engineered to fit this description.


You don't win a woman's trust by attempting to dominate or suffocate her. Rather you show her how you live, and want to live, and invite her to take a honored place in your life.

You respect her individuality. For example, you don't try to impose your ideas on her. Naturally you will choose someone who has an affinity with you. But you are not looking for someone to slavishly follow your intellectual path. You should value her perspective and enjoy your differences.

I get letters from men who complain that their women can't buy into the"Conspiracy." So what? Do you really want the madness mirrored back to you? If what we are saying is true, it will eventually become apparent to her. People in possession of the truth do not have to impose it on others.

Another example. I can't imagine a man ever insisting on having sex with his wife when she's not in the mood. There's no faster way to turn a woman off a man, and off sex. (Of course if she never wants sex, the marriage is broken.)

On the other hand, a man won't let his wife engage in activities that endanger her or their marriage.


When a man loves a woman, he wants her to be happy. He wants her to want to be his.

I'm not saying all marriages have to be this way. I'm not saying my marriage is perfect. The proof of the pudding is in the eating. Whatever succeeds for you is best for you.

I am saying there is a place for "possession" in many marriages. If I am right, the feminine quality men should seek is receptivity: Her ability to love, trust and empower him.

Henry Makow

Henry Makow Ph.D. is the author of "Cruel Hoax: Feminism and the New World Order." ( His articles can be found at his web  site He enjoys receiving your comments, some of which he posts on his site using first names only.

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