The Freedom of Knowledge, The Power of Thought ©

Morgellons: 'Fiber Disease' Bizarre Truth Begins To Emerge

[Editor's Note: June 25, 2006. When I first heard about Morgellons, I had thought that the fibers were being picked up from chemtrails and then pushed out of the body via lesions. However, somebody wrote to me and assured me that the fibers were being PRODUCED by whatever strange organisms were associated with this new 'disease'. Of course, it's a given that this "problem" was manufactured in some military or black ops government lab somewhere and it's most likely being dispersed via chemtrails. As scary as the topic seems, however, there is nothing in the universe that does not have its own "resonant frequency". If it exists, then it has a resonant frequency. If you happen to know what the resonant frequency is, and you can successfully apply it to the "organism" under question, then you can cause that creature to self destruct. I feel reasonably certain that those web sites which attempt to link this new 'disease' to ETs or off-planet origins (Mars 'meteorites' and similar NASA nonsense) are merely pushing the disinfo envelope for our friends in the alphabet agencies. All of our 'newly' discovered -hitherto unknown- 'diseases (AIDS, Ebola, Flesh eating bacteria, Hanta Virus, SARS, Bird flu, etc., etc.) are bio engineered bugs. Population reduction certainly seems to be the theme of AIDS, but this bug may be intended to keep people preoccupied and distracted while they install the NWO police state. You should always bear in mind, though, that for every problem, there is ALWAYS a solution. It can be no other way; it's Universal Law. Isaac Newton tripped onto that law with his own observation of "for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction" ...Ken]

By Cliff Mickelson <>
June 25, 2006

We begin today with the continuation of my prior communications and informative discussion with an acquaintance employed as an Asst. Prof. of Pharmacology at a foreign University.

(Q) .....Have you any relatives that have contracted it?

No. However, I believe the evidence is overwhelming that this affliction is contagious. It vectors itself in a variety of ways, including via some very common cotton products.

From charting my own profile and that of other victims around the world, (I have a file of cases from nearly every Continent except Antarctica) It is apparent that this organism often engages in a period of latency following initial infection.

The period of latent time involved appears to be subjective to a variety of external and internal factors that I have not focused on nor have I attempted to identify. Preliminary investigation tells me that there may be a connection to a weakening of the immune system that occurs for what ever reason; perhaps one that may even be at the behest of the parasite.

This hiatus I mention above, can be as long as 2 to 4 years. In my case, the time period was nearly 3 or so years from initial contact, (and likely repeated exposure) with the source, until the overt manifestations, (such as production of the macro-hair-like fibers in follicles, scrapes, cuts, wounds) began to occur.

Some extended time before the first noticeable onset of this disease there are often reports by victims of the inexplicable occurrence of a painful rash. This is NOT the short-lived "bulls-eye" Lyme rash.

I have experienced this rash myself. It comes out of nowhere and is pure agony. It itches intensely, but to scratch it is to bleed at once. Nothing that is normally applied to such a condition will have the slightest effect. It tends to appear on extremities such as the ankles, wrists or back of the neck. For some reason, if one ankle or wrist is afflicted the other will usually also show some kind of sympathetic reaction.

This rash defies all convention and can last for as long as 5 or 6 weeks. Then, it disappears as suddenly as it appeared.

A victim simply wakes up one morning and the rash is gone! However, it can frequently reappear, normally a year or so later, but in less severity and with less duration. Then it disappears again just as mysteriously.

This is a signal flag that the victim has been infected by contact with the nematomorphic worm that is vectored in cotton. It can be found in many cotton products. It is especially prevalent in Q-tips, cotton balls for Makeup usage, and in cotton socks and undergarments imported from the far East. The worm can exist indefinitely as an independent form, but it originates as an appendage of the adult "skin fluke" form.

How it gets in cotton, I have no idea. I have even found it contained in sealed medical swabs that were manufactured approx. 6-7 years ago and that have been in storage ever since!

Following the disappearance of the rash, the aforementioned dormancy period of several years can occur before onset becomes evident.

To return to the discussion of the macro "hair-like" fiber, it is important to stress that this form is part and parcel of the parasite.
It is one of the several number of forms that appear to be transitional as well as simultaneously integral to the life form.

This particular form will often be seen growing out of open wounds in a manner that one would expect of a hair. Since hair does not grow out of open wounds, that characteristic is a dead giveaway. Further, unlike a hair, when such a fiber, ("parasite form," is more accurate description) is pulled out with tweezers, there is rarely any pain at all. (unlike with a true hair)

The parasitic macro fiber is usually brown or clearish tan in color. It exhibits a very close approximation to the size of a normal human hair. As I have noted in past articles, it can often be seen growing side by side with a normal hair from out of the same follicle. The parasite quickly kills the original hair, however, and replaces it as the sole occupant.

It is most disturbing to see numbers of follicles with duel occupants! Open lesions, in conjunction with the fluke form and it's attendant "cotton" worm; the "pepper" seed specks; and the colored micro fibers, will all appear shortly thereafter, provided that the illegal squatters are not served with a prompt eviction notice.

The removal of the above described macro fiber form always effects an immediate relief of the low level throb of pain that is additional and attendant to that of the wound. You will be interested to know that the parasite, in both the fluke form and in the macro fiber form, (or in tandem with each other, as well as in degrees of transubstantiation with each other) appear to have the ability to block the body from healing damage to the skin. This characteristic is reliably consistent time after time.

Any wound where these organisms are extant will remain open or poorly closed for weeks or even months on end. It is during this time that the clear or white colored "cotton" worm is engaged in feeding the home "colony" as an appendage and dependency of the mother form.

As a result of much research and as described above, I can comfortably state that this organism can often multi task. In other words, it can either invade from without, or appear from within, any existing cut or abrasion. Lacking such a convenience, it can create it's own wound in the skin. (The lesions)

It would seem that our little friend has a tendency to do this as a byproduct of the proclivity for eating flesh and blood during the active feeding stage.

The physical removal of all visible forms of the parasite from the wound is most efficacious. The body begins to instantly repair and heal in a normal fashion. Nonetheless, the creature is quick to reappear, often within an hour. Unless vigilance is the order of the day, things soon are back to their original state of affairs.

Another fascinating observation I have made is that the above two-forms of the creature are inordinate devotees of open air and the freedom of wide open spaces. If one binds the wound well and keeps it reasonably air tight, the organism will remain generally passive and the wound will heal at a rate that is much closer to normal.

As an aside, I will mention to you something that you may wish to ponder.
I humor myself that a remote outside possibility exists that this organism is neither plant nor animal, but in fact, an odd and un-natural entity that exhibits characteristics of both flora and fauna.

I do not have the means nor the time to investigate that hunch any further, but it does intrigue me a great deal!


(Q)..... I have read & re-read your emails & poured over the Morgellons links & for
the life of me I can't tell if they are related, identical or completely
separate with absolutely nothing in common.


I understand your mystification. Allow me to reassure you that they are one and the same. Several points that need to be made here are:

We are dealing with something that no one now living has apparently ever seen before. It certainly does not exist in the Physicians Desk Reference. To compound matters substantially, our subject matter is magnificently designed to mimic specific products and processes of the human body in both the early and, to a point, in the mature states of infection.

To further the consternation, the organism has the irritating facility to react and respond differently to any number of environments it finds itself in. This has let to many surprises for me at times and is a reminder of the risks of working from the assumptions of the evidence of past behaviors.

Therefore, it is natural that a great deal of confusion exists. Many doctors initially sent patients home with a diagnosis of delusional parasitosis, because the patients would point to a bunch of samples of what looked like cloth lint or flakes of dead skin, and say...."Here ya go, Doc"! "There it is"!

I was fascinated by the reports I read from labs that claimed exactly that! Many reports state that the samples submitted by the Doctors, to the labs, either did not register any organism, or came back with a read-out as lint or as skin. I suspect that this may be because the cloaking devices that equip the organism are designed so as to employ methods outside the parameters that standard tests are programed to look for.

I do not believe that it is because "skin" was all that was submitted.

It is an endless source of amazement to me how "First Person" testimony and the validity of the evidence recorded by the eye is supreme in a court of law and will send an accused person to the gas chamber. But, in all other venues, the testimony of the eye is so often readily blinded by the hearsay second hand affidavit and personally unsubstantiated glare of words reflected hypnotically from the pages of a book.

I have read much "sound and fury" about the possibility that the Fiber disease is an opportunistic infection catching a free ride on the likes of Lyme or other pathogens. Were I to subscribe to more sinister viewpoints, I would remark that mixing a bit of the truth with a bit of the untruth is a classic rule of thumb in the game of disinformation and social diversion.

As we may pause to recall, Lyme was quite recently considered to be a very rare affliction. Although I am certain that some people with Lyme may also have additionally contacted this parasite, my belief is that if a "free ride" is being hitched, then it is the other way around.

The hitchhiker may have likely already been sitting "in the car" and not simply "standing on the road" with a thumb sticking out in the classic essence of a homeless microbe in search of a vector; one that is patiently waiting for a ride to come along.

I aver that most opportunistic infection devotees, in the main, are medical professionals who's judgment has become toxic as a result of mixing their particular personality type with an overdose of their own training. The affliction thereby produced, can be understandable but dangerous and/or fatal to those around them.

Excluding the less forgivable "dog in the manger" motivation with some, this type of professional journeyman is actually a cripple. They are unconscious "self-limiters" who find themselves having trouble choking down the fact that they are looking at something that defies text book convention, belies established systems and beliefs, and confounds the resources of all known descriptions contained within the parameters of their professional world.

Subconsciously such an encounter is easily viewed as a threat to many careerists. It is a road that is not drawn on their map and they instinctively know that to travel upon it will detour them to an end-logic destination, the likes of which, they have no wish to go.

Therefore the natural tendency is to find refuge by diverting focus in a direction where they are dealing with established "known quantities" thus, comfort is found categorized minimalist avoidance of the unknown.

In other words:....It's past the border of our road map, so it must not be there..., and/or is some kind of odd side-product that can be minimized, ignored and marginalized by making it a subordinate effect of a known quantity.

Unfortunately, this puts the cart before the horse instead of the horse before the cart.

That is not to say that Lyme is not occurring in cases......

Be that as it may, I notice that most of the patients I have communicated with who have received a diagnosis of Lyme, have not responded fully to the prescribed standard treatment. Although cases may exist, I currently do not have a single case file where a patient who exhibited this parasite, and was diagnosed with Lyme, has been cured by traditional Lyme curatives alone.


(Q)....Do you know if you were ever bitten by a tick that carried the Lyme spirochete?


To the best of my knowledge I have not been bitten by a tick at all since I was a child.


(Q)....Do you also have the fatigue that seems to accompany Morgellons?


Yes, I did have the fatigue and mental fog that has been noted as a product of the Fiber infection. Additionally I had, and still do to some point, shortness of breath and difficulty negotiating physical objects such as long stairs or climbing a hill.

I attribute the shortness of breath to the fact that my research indicates that the parasite is fond of the respiratory tract. In particular it can often be found to prefer the nasal passages and ear canals. The same effects it creates in those areas, it also creates further down the tract in the lungs. This activity gives an effect of partially occluding the free passage of oxygen into the body via the aegis of the lungs.

I remember the first time I noticed this effect in myself. Although I have always been very physically active all my life, and have never smoked cigarettes, I felt as if I had been suddenly smoking 3 packs a day!

The chronic fatigue and mental fog noticeably lessen when an active program of visible parasite removal is maintained. The first time I engaged in such a program I was amazed at the instant manner in which my energies and cognitive facilities returned. (Extrapolate the social implications and possible significance of that interesting cause and effect, eh?)

Parasite removal not withstanding, in less than 24 hours, the same symptoms of fatigue and fog would re-occur without fail. I came to understand, as a result, that I must devote several hours a day, without fail, to the task of parasite abatement if I were to wish to continue a semi-normal life.

This creature is exceptionally prolific and can reproduce and recover from losses inflicted upon it, at an astounding rate of speed.

I will mention, as per my first letter to you, that traditional poisons, medicines, chemicals, and petroleum products do not truly phase this creature. A direct application of Acetone, Lacquer thinner, or even MEK, (Methol Ethol Ketone) has no noticeable effect upon a colony. It may annoy them a bit, but proportionately, Vaseline vexes them a great deal more. At least the effects of Vaseline forces them to probe the surface in order to see what it is that is gumming up their room with a view.

In the course of my experiments, I have discovered an exception to the rule above. As per my last letter, an application of undiluted Polysul will have an immediate topical effect. I do not recommend this. Polysul is an agricultural compound and can be poisonous. Nonetheless, the result of the application of this compound causes the fluke (feeding station) form of the parasite to break up into an odd tapioca-like substance that is apparent when portions of the transformed parasite is then removed with tweezers. Other than to identify the negative effect of a high sulfur content compound upon the career of our freeloading friend, I have not had the time yet to analyze this phenomena further.


(Q)...A person who responded to your current STA thread seemed to imply that he
was 'cured'. Do you think it more likely that he is in remission?


Yes, I noticed that at once. I have contacted this person and asked them for details and for specifics that they feel may be relevant to the situation. I personally believe that remission is more likely than cure. I will be looking forward to hearing from the respondent in question.


Part 2

Greetings one and all:

After several years of desperate work, I am currently achieving excellent results with a curative procedure that has radically reduced my own affliction. I remain hopeful that I will succeed in ridding myself of the disease. At this point I am very close to being free of what is, in my opinion, a rogue bio-agent, or something even stranger and more significant than that.

We humans have a MAJOR problem on our hands. This is a world epidemic and to compound the damage, we have an official denial in place that further enables the spread of the affliction.

However, based upon my research, it is my opinion that there may be a good reason that "Denial" is the unique official reaction to the Fiber disease!

Does it strike anyone as strange that Ebola, Mad Cow, Aids, and Lord knows how many other dozens of new diseases have emerged in the last few years; all of which are almost immediately acknowledged and accepted as a subject for research by the CDC and other organizations that we charge to protect our health?

BUT NOT Fibers (AKA MORGELLONS)! Curious? Well, I'd say so, at least a wee bit, eh?....So.... Just "why" do we suppose that this is the state of affairs?

I believe I may know the answer to that question!

I don't want to come across as too radical on this affair, but the fact is... that I am extremely radical on this affair! After suffering through all the indignities and grief that this affliction causes, I intend to speak my mind in hopes that I may help others who have been kept in the dark by the ignorance (or worse) of the enlightened.

And.... I don't care what the derm doctor, or the or any of the other paid disinfo folks have to say in their attempts to cloud the truth or to try and cover their tails. Those interested should know that what I have found is very disturbing.

This parasite is using a common material to infect humans that is so wide spread, and is used by humans so universally, that I believe the entire world is at risk. (See Links at bottom) By the way, this is NOT the only way this disease spreads, but it is one of the most effective.

On the positive side.....After more than 2 years of trying nearly medicine, every poison and every herb known to man, I may have finally found something that promises to eliminate or at least stymie the organism.

I don't want to jump the gun prematurely until I am certain that I am on the road to a cure, but I am very excited about this new form of attack on the disease. Lord only knows, NOTHING else has worked at all. After 3 weeks of this new approach I am nearly parasite free. I remove more dead and dying forms (Again, there are at least 5 forms of the same creature) every day.

If I achieve full success with this new regimen, I will post the information at once. In closing, I would like to add that the truth as I suspect it, about this little monster, is proof that fact is stranger than fiction!


(email below)

(Email is a Q and A exchange between myself and a Doctor of Biology at a foreign University.)

*** (begin snip)

So...To get right to brass tacks and answer your questions:

1) Do you think that the organism that you isolated is the causative agent in Morgellon's?

1A) First, I will have to qualify my answer by saying that at this point there really is no definitive box to put the term "Morgellon's" in. Since the creatures described at Mary's site seem to have been on vacation for the last 300 years of medical history, we have little to really go on in order to answer an inquiry of that nature. I will say that there exist certain points of resemblance to what was described in the past, that taken at face value could connect yesterday with what we now confront in the present.

If, indeed, this is the same creature, then where has it been for the last several centuries, and how do we explain the additional traits the modern organism is exhibiting that are not mentioned in the texts of the Seventeenth Century?

So, I will have to say that, although a connection possibly could exist, I do not personally believe that the creature affecting the human population today is the exact same re-emergent plague of the past.

2) Are your samples that you have mentioned in earlier Posts alive, dead, inactive or do you know?

2A) It is my fervent hope that they have all been effectively dispatched! Should I be wrong, then we, and "Houston" have a lot more than just "A Problem"!

3) Have they been looked at under a microscope?

3A) On what I consider a non profession level, yes. For the record, I do not consider myself to be a professional researcher. I was dragged into this study by the caprice of infection.

So, to explain further, the samples and results that I have on file have not been professionally viewed by a person trained in the use of a tool such as an electron imager, or who would possess free access to high quality equipment found in University labs.

4) This one might sound a little crazy, but Ill try & Explain afterwards. Do you think these are Carbon-based terrestrial life-forms?

4A) Rest assured that NOTHING that I could be asked about these creatures would run the risk of being catalogued as crazy!

As a matter of fact, I have repeatedly entertained the very same notion my self. The odds of them being silicon based forms however is unlikely in my opinion due to the fact that they show a decided preference for eating flesh and body fluids. I may be wrong, but that sounds more like the diet of a carbon based parasite. As for the origin of these little monsters, I would not be surprised in the least were I to find that they are former prodigal inhabitants of an alien world a lot farther away than the one we call San Francisco!

It is more likely that they are an engineered bio-agent.

The more I learn about these forms, the less I know. I am reduced to imagining that what we have is nematomorphic nematode. One that is exquisitely engineered for the human body. There does exist the remote possibility that it is a creature produced of a rogue agricultural experiment that has gone wrong. However, the longer I am involved in studying this organism the more I am convinced that we may be looking at the fabrication of rare genius or at that of another world.

I have recently managed to isolate what I feel is the primary form of this organism in it's active stage in the host body. However, many loose ends remain to be pegged and several of the forms still serve functions that I make no pretense of understanding in the least. I am reduced to educated guesses in those areas.

The primary form of this affliction is NOT the fibers. It is also not the cotton vectored nematomorph. It is instead, a fluke like form so odd as to defy description. From it issue both the worm and the fibers. Now, I must say again that there are 3 other forms of this thing that I have not yet connected to the primary. But, I believe that it eventually will be accomplished. I believe this because the relationship between the different forms is such that (IMO) only two possibilities exist. 1) All stages are manifestations of the same creature in progress, ...or...2) If more than one organism is involved here then they are so closely tied in a symbiotic relationship as to be indistinguishable. In other words they would be more like delegated task performers of the same immediately related species of insect. (such as with bees or ants)

The primary form I mention has an appearance that varies slightly in size and shape. I suspect that this is due to the stage of growth that it is in more than anything else. It closely resembles a flake or a piece of dead skin, and only a trained eye will detect the difference at first. However, nearly all of these forms exhibit two small protuberances at one end such as you might see on a snail or slug with no shell. In fact, a slug with no shell is about the best comparison to other creatures that I can come up with.

This "form" can be exceptionally flat or if it is filled with what look like live birth junior parasites, it can be somewhat swollen. Each of these creatures will posses a single needlelike appendage that is inserted into the body of the host. The creature lives below the top layer of skin and creates a hard calloused look on the top, or surface of the skin. It grows with time in a horizontal or lateral position. It is exceedingly strong and has the capacity to attach itself to the underskin of the host with a tenacity that defies belief. Upon occasion, when grasped with tweezers it can only be removed by ripping it out through the skin as one would the string on a bag of dog food. Despite the force required to do so, the form of the creature apparently has more tensile strength than does human skin because I have yet to see one break in half. They usually come out in one piece. As this form matures it begins to produce the worm. The worm grows out of one end of the creature and can eventually reach several inches in length. It is this worm that causes the lesions as it feeds upon the flesh of the host. Eventually the worm separates from the Fluke like form and goes it's own way.

Interestingly, the form seems to need or seems to prefer access to open air. The skin above where it is located is perforated with hundreds of tiny holes. Out of these holes the organism occasionally extrudes filii or podia that can be plucked with tweezers. The reaction time of this "extrusion" can be quite remarkable. It is stimulated to appear by the stroking of the skin but can retract instantly when a grab with the tweezers misses. >From these extrusions the form also extends mucus that holds within it the colored micro fibers. This mucus like substance appears to be exactly like that produced by the body, except is will usually be full of colored fibers and also contain hundreds of the tiny black "pepperlike" specks that many have speculated are a form of "seed."

The mucus form often appears to function freely on it's own, but only has been found in the respiratory / digestive system and nasal passages of the host. Never on the outside of the skin. However, it will always vector the colored fibers and black specks. It remains possible that it is simply a preliminary or free form incarnation of the primary fluke form.

This particular form has a remarkable way of moving itself around. It will somehow throw a slender thread of mucus across the gap it wishes to bridge and then transfer itself in consecutive "blobs" to the new location by moving through the inside of the thread of mucus the way that water moves in a pipe.

To return to the prior and primary fluke form .... It is my opinion that one of the functions of the extruded filii or podia is to infect itself upon any foreign object that passes within a certain distance. To this end, it can be seen to literally hurl a mucus like substance forth as an object passes by.

Once removed from the host, however, all forms of this creature appear to lose the ability to respond to any kind of stimulus whatsoever, except for the clear nematamorphic "cotton" worm. That particular form can be seen in a frenzy of agitation. It appears to be able to exist indefinitely in isolation. I have samples that are still active despite months of being quarantined. Also, It is interestingly much more active and responsive when it is removed as a free agent than when it is removed attached to the fluke form.

As an aside, one interesting phenomena that I am currently investigating is that when Polysul is applied to the fluke form, it appears to break apart into a number of inert pieces that resemble a sort of "tapioca." This is a consistant reaction and one that I am most curious to understand.

Additionally, it exhibits indifference to the application of many petrol based substances and derivitives that would kill you and I instantly in a proportionate dosage!

Well, That's all I have time for right now. Much more remains to describe. Much of it I have observed but do not understand the function. In some cases I have yet to even establish a purpose. I will bet the farm that this creature is much more complex than anyone currently suspects. I would not be at all surprised to find that it has the capacity to function on a variety of levels that humans do not normally credit to what they call "lower" life forms.

There remains to be said that the infection is both systemic and external. The nature of the manner in which the systemic infection is achieved remains unanswered. It is possible that two forms of the same "Borg" are at work here. One internally and the other externally. My research indicates strongly, that externally, the so called "Pepper" specks do propagate the macro fiber form that grows from open wounds and hair follicles, but not the micro colored fiber form nor the white Cotton thread like nematomorph inhabiting some cotton products. The latter is spun off of the primary fluke form and the former are produced by the mucus form of the fluke, before and during it's metamorphosis into a primary "mother" form.

One last thing. I have observed that the organism seems to be able to respond to changes in it's environment with amazing alacrity. It can evince subtle and not so subtle ajustments in its shape and its ongoing functions. This can translate into a new surprise to be seen every so often.

Unlike most organisms of it's size, It seems to be able to transfer information to others of it's kind. This can be readily seen in the proactive reaction it exhibits to attacks upon it or its environment. The response is very aggressive.

(end snip)

(More on the other forms of this disease, at another time)



Index of Morgellon's articles posted at

Diary Of A Morgellons Parasite Disease Sufferer
March 3, 2005


The nematode I believe is an enteropathogenic biocontrol species which has been genetically modified to be of very small size. The Steinernema riobravis is one genetically modified species used today in the USA for cotton. Many species are used already all over our country as well as the world. The way it works is: agriculturalists (since the late 80s) release millions of these tiny biocontrol worms into the soil of crops (in particular citrus, cotton and corn), into golf course turfs, gardens, etc., etc. to parasitize and kill off other "pest" insects. Unfortunately, there is no guarantee that these nematodes would stop at insects, when warm-blooded hosts may be readily available. (There are absolutely NO controls by our government regulating either the testing, distribution or application of these creatures!)

The worms each contain a unique type of bacterium (which they themselves are immune to, and this bacteria has been genetically "enhanced" to make them more lethal) and is the deadly element released once the worm invades the larger insect host. The bacterium could explain the bizarre formation of fibers and other amorphisms in the skin of the host. Obviously the clothing or textile (raw cotton or processed cloth) is not being sanitized and getting into garments which are distributed through our country (USA). In Columbia, they treat crops with dioxin, and some crops have been exposed to paraquat via the drug cartel wars which may have modified the organism. And many clothing manufacturers use Columbia for a source of cotton. And numerous other chemical treatments are used on crops there. Also many third world countries lack the stringent sterilizing elements found in the US methods. Enteropathogenic nematodes are used by ALL countries that produce cotton.

However the shape of this parasite appears more like the filarial Nematode species. This has to be a cross between several species it behaves like a silk worm, and demonstrates Scabies or spider like tendencies.. and it is producing some chemical particles from my skin and hair also there is a bacterial element and that bacterial could be genetically altered bacteria which works with the nematode, as they do have symbiotic relationships

It is possible that the primary damage or core of this disease is bacterial, although I do not believe it is Lymes disease, as is sometimes supposed. Obviously, if bacterial, then the vector of it becomes secondary in importance. In this case, a microscopic nematode, which may itself have been vectored by a small species of screw worm fly found throughout our the Midwest and Eastern coast. One or more of these insects carried with it a new form of genetically modified, heat-resistant bacteria, capable of producing fiber. Please don't misunderstand, I am not suggesting that this is bio-terrorism. On the contrary, that these types of bacterial strains may have been produced with our own government's consent and even involvement for the purposes of research and development.

Second, the bacteria involved in this disease do not consist of one but multiple strains, depending on their source of origin. Thus, while all those experiencing this disease present with certain symptoms which are common to all, many individuals manifest symptom variations which are quite different from those of others. There exists such a diversity in the commonality, because the bacteria that one person or group received are slightly different from the bacteria another received, although they are designed to produce similar end results.

Third, the bacterial strains have been engineered for the purposes of creating raw materials biologically, especially fibers which will be used in creating new textile markets. These bacteria have been extensively engineered and tested over the last ten years by a plethora of companies (DuPont, Honywell, Nexia, etc.) including the U.S. Army, using both plant and mammal tissue as a medium to verify their ability to produce these materials. Many failures were reported and the inadequate bacterial strains were "discarded."

Fourth, these bacterial strains have been disposed of indiscriminately, with improper safety protocols, much as were the many toxic wastes of the last generation's industries. This is because there are no effective safety measures in place within our government or any others (of which we are aware). Instead, the public is told that these types of research and products are absolutely environmentally friendly, since they are not "toxic" but purely biological. It is alarming to think how easily the mutant bacterial strains could spread to different vectors once outside the laboratory. NOTE: I am not implying that such leakage would be intentional, but merely accidental based on lax protocols.

Finally, the bacteria which produce fibers can do so inside the skin as well as outside it, as long as there are available proteins for it to use. The "fiber balls" that are seen so often with the disease are in fact produced by the bacteria (not nematodes, or any other invertebrate species), using the proteins from skin, hair, cloth, etc. The bacteria themselves are quite infective, being able to invade the skin, and are felt as "itchy, stinging" sensations on the skin when they enter. When they are multiplying and (often) rapidly producing fibers, they can be felt as "tingling" or "crawling" sensations, on or under the skin.

NOTE: Now as we know, the bacterial spores infest clothing readily, and are quite heat resistant, a factor to which everyone with these fiber balls in their laundry can testify! (We must bake our clothes for 13 hours at 250 degrees to finally kill all the spores or boil 30 minutes & cool 30 minutes 3x in a row.) This heat resistance is yet another verification that the bacteria have been genetically modified. As you may know, before the 1960s, it was commonly held in scientific circles that even the hardiest bacteria could not withstand lengthy temperatures of over 160 degrees. This notion was completely shaken when Thomas D. Brock of the University of Wisconsin-Madison began to study bacterial strains in the hot springs of Yellowstone which actually thrived and reproduced at near-boiling temperatures! Sometime in the seventies and at least by the eighties, the high heat genes in these bacteria began to be spliced by scientists into other bacteria (Bt bacterium used in GMO corn or cotton, for instance) and other organisms, enabling them to become far more heat resistant. Even naturally occurring pathogenic nematodes used in crop control are now being infected (in the laboratories) with heat resistant bacteria to make them more "effective" in killing their hosts.

Additional thoughts and care of body:

1) In the wound which can be open.. or a pimple that appears closed, but spews out parasites... the rye bread shaped seed or opaque or red parasite moves throughout the exterior of the body. It drops down and clings, or very slowly moves on the skin. This is the tinkling sensation you feel of them moving, but see nothing in the area. When there is no wound there.. they are there, and possibly the worms are in clusters in the vicinity. Removing it in the area, stops the sensation right away, obviously, but it ALSO CLEANS THE AREA.

I believe this type of worm carries the eggs too, and can also sting you, and morphs in several shapes in it's growth. It is initially a completely clear transparent worm, which I could see once due to the backdrop being a white sink with a tiny bit of water. As it grows, it's color is more readily seen as white.

2) If the wound is open.. you can clean out some laying in the wound growing there.. or many!!! And the other type is the male, which I believe likes to do the digging in the wound with his horned head. So therefore the others must be the female which assume the long strand shape.

2) If you put on clothes.. since the female nematode is perhaps a cotton one.. it's genetic coding kicks in.. and it instantly tries to lay and egg there, hence you feel the activity. Where ever you feel scratchiness is where on your body, the female worm is invisibly layered on the skin. If you feel pain, chances are an egg in the clothes is hatching and boring down into your skin in a new area.

So, if you clean up your body of all the areas.. which my be your entire body of the external worms, when you put clothes on, they will logically not get re-infected with larvae. And only get re-infected in the place where you still have traces of the larvae left after laundering.

The female worm can lay on an object and as you touch it shoot a dart into you.. the dart may or may not be some kind of bacterial antigen it uses to try to paralyze you.. but you are not an insect, and the dose is way too small. The reason again you do not see it readily, it that is has a transparent color initially.

Now for the sci-fi part... The Microbiologist claims the white squiggly stuff, or worms that are white and sometimes clear, are chemical.

a) This suggests perhaps - the sample immediately decomposes upon exit and only a chemical remains.. or

b) The parasite is hidden in all tests because it is a bio-chemical weapon - and a chemical is not screened out in a parasite test.

Thereby making most physicians dubious that you have anything in your system. My research today, may explore that possibility and how it can be done..

c) The female clear parasite worm externally is not a female at all... it is a bacterium which the nematode traps in the nest and collects the bacterium from. And if this is the cotton nematode, that bacterium is genetically and chemically engineered. Which would explain why the infection is so great and hard to get rid of... it would also explain the patterns of white on the furnishings and pipes. Those could be bacterium instead of fungi in patterns.

(end excerpt)

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Reader Comments

Homotonic Treatment for Morgellon's

Subject: My thoughts on Morgellons and treatment
Date: Sat, July 1, 2006
To: Editor <E-mail>

Hi Ken,

I think you're right on target about "resonant frequency." Homeopathy uses disease agents as medicines, which resonate on a similar frequency, so to speak, as the disease entity itself. But the remedies are in highly diluted form and rendered purely energetic, so there is no toxicity.

Technically speaking this is not homeopathy but homotonic treatment, although they both use the law of similars in this way.

Such a remedy could easily be made out of this parasite itself, to be used as a treatment. Anyone can do this using water as the dilutent, or if the substance isn't water soluble, then it is ground up with lactose powder until a substance is formed which is water soluble.

I posted the instructions for making such a remedy out of any disease agent or poisonous substance, here:

I hope this info is useful.


(More from Karen:)

Re. Morgellon's Disease, An Introduction to Heilkunst (July 7, 2006)


Date: Sat, 01 Jul 2006
To: Editor <E-mail>
Subject: Morgellons


Is there any way that a message can be passed on to anyone who may be interested? Has anyone tried using carrot poultices, drinking carrot juice and eating carrots as a way to rid the body of this disease?

It's a reoccurring intuition I've been having and I have nothing else to back it up. :-) If I had the disease I'd try to go with "organic" carrots.

Kind regards,


Date: Thu, 27 Jul 2006
From: Donna
To: Editor
Subject: morgellons in Edmonton [Canada]

I had an accident 3 years ago and some material that has cotton in it got lodged in my body.My boyfriend and I now believe I have Morgellons. I wanted to write to Cliff Mickelson but my letter to his e-mail address cmickel@aol1065 failed to deliver.

My condition is getting worse. I would like to know if there is anyone in Edmonton I can contact. A support group or doctor that deals with this. Does Cliff Mickelson have an e-mail address where I can contact him.
Morgellons is real and in my case caused by repeated exposure to cotton/wood pulp.

Thank You
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