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The 'Real' State of The Union

[Editor's Note: I found the web site of Ed Lewis thanks to one of the many excellent links posted by Montalk. In addition to Ed's insightful writing, he has posted many other strong articles and free on-line books that you can download in PDF format. Well worth the visit...Ken Adachi]
by Ed Lewis <>
February 2, 2003
"The size of the lie is a definite factor in causing it to be believed, for the vast masses of the nation are in the depths of their hearts more easily deceived than they are consciously and intentionally bad. The primitive simplicity of their minds renders them a more easy prey to a big lie than a small one, for they themselves often tell little lies but would be ashamed to tell a big one."  -Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf
The American people would do well to read and heed this statement by Hitler, not only because of the truth in it, but because the man who delivered the “State of the Union” this past evening is not only copying the build-up of the Third Reich but has gone so far as to use very similar language said by Hitler. Not this quote, of course, but such terms originally wanted, such as “Fatherland Security”. Due to the outcry, this was changed to the slightly less Gestapo sounding “Homeland Security”.

But, this isn’t about the parallels which are obvious to anyone that has studied factual history rather than the garbage put out by the federal government and its changing of historical facts to suit its purposes.

This is about the state of the union as perceived by this American patriot who above all else believes in the rights of people to set their own course and to not be ruled by others. This was the intent of the founders of the country, an intent that has been demolished by the Bush’s of American history.

This perception is far different from that uttered by the illegitimate president that has set himself as a dictator with Congress and the balance of the federal government supporting his treasonous acts. His office was gained by fraud and his state of the union message was a fraud meant only to sell the gullible on the horrendously unconstitutional acts of this man's administration.

The actual state of the union is that the federal, state, and political subdivisions of states are scamming people out of half or more of the earnings. This is done through unlawfully applied tax statutes – both income and property – unlawful license requirements, unlawful taxes on private means of conveyance, unlawful registrations of conveyances, and other unlawful seizures of property, to name a few.

The people who have studied the statutes, the laws of God, the common law secured to all free people by the Constitution, and state constitutions are thwarted in securing justice by courts that have been converted to courts of the Admiralty/military and assumed equity through contracts that do not in fact exist.

These “adhesion” contracts are not valid. They are not entered into with full knowledge and, in most cases, not willingly or intentionally.

When one attempts to correct the problem, not only do the courts of the State interfere, they essentially force compliance by rendering lawsuits against applicable officials as being “frivolous”. This is in spite of perhaps every official in the executive, legislative, and judicial branch having acted in opposition not only to the common law of the land, but have conspired to have those who file the lawsuits maliciously prosecuted.

Judges without any authority whatsoever make up their own laws as they go. They call the court “theirs” when in fact it is the people that are the court. The only judging that is allowed in common law proceedings of the people is supposed to be done by a “jury of peers”, not some black-robed tyrant.

Bar attorneys – the plaque of society – twist, deny, and manipulate the laws to their own advantage, assuring that the winner is always them whether they “win” for their client or not.

Opinions of courts that are unconstitutional are then treated as “law” when in fact they are only opinions. Not even a judgment by a jury of peers is “law”, as the next case of similarity may be judged differently just because of a specific incident in one that was not present in the other. Each case is to be treated in and of itself.

This – the jury of peers – that is responsible for both the law in substance and fact is the last defense against the tyranny of government. But, those in the legal profession have done all they can to limit the function of juries with judges even ordering juries to rule as they say, not as the conscience of the jury directs.

In fact, the legal system – not to be confused with the lawful system – is doing all it can to deny people juries. Municipal courts are a perfect example of this. Violators of city ordinances – nearly all of which are unconstitutional – are led into a “court” in which the only purpose is to acquire revenues. It is nothing more than a system of unlawful accusations and a means of forcing the “accused” to hand over an extorted payment.

Law enforcers and enforcement agencies do not protect the rights of the people nor do they uphold the Constitution either of the united States or their own state. Instead, they have placed themselves above the law and are enforcing laws that are actually null and void in regard to the free men and women living in the states.

They use force to force compliance, from the use of weapons to beatings and being thrown in jail for such things as traffic violations. Sadly, such violations apply only to corporate government created entities and not to free people.

These thinking-they-are-great-Americans, however, do not know that the only crime that can be committed by free people is to interfere with another’s rights, and that the only means of a man or woman being an accused is if a man or woman has had their property or person damaged by another. They do not know – nor do they quest to learn – that governments and other artificial entities do not have rights that can be violated by a free man or woman. Thus, governments can make no claim against the sovereign.

The only exception to this is if a murder has been done. The State – since the harmed one cannot speak for himself – may assume the role of the murdered sovereign.

All the alleged laws the enforcers enforce are actually “regulations” meant to govern artificial entities. Therefore, every enforcer of these regulations using coercive measures against the sovereign people commit treason with every illegal and unlawful citation issued.

Local officials who haven’t any law making authority place draconian laws on people and their private properties, aiding and abetting the enemies of freedom as much as any invading army would do.

Local paramilitary units that used to be known as peace officers raid and rape the rights of the people supporting what the “bosses” tell them is law when in fact their “bosses” are the people, not the local officials. They serve not the public but the illegal and unlawful practices of petty tyrants.

The worst part is any American who points out the unlawful and illegal actions of a law enforcer (cop) or any other official/agent – such as the acts of judges and unlawful Bar attorneys in actions against the people – then slam down the American and do all they can to prevent his knowledge from being made public. The tyrants use trumped up and false charges killing the knowledgeable or putting them “away” for many years in order “hide” their crimes.

Then, of course, we have the traitorous federal government that has established the president as the dictator. They have done so by allowing and enforcing Executive Orders as “law”. They are not – they are void as far as the American people are concerned.

However, with the corruption of the Constitution resulting in unconstitutional courts, unconstitutional prosecutors (another creation of Bar attorneys), unconstitutional raids within the many states by federal and other enforcers, and unconstitutional courts of equity/Admiralty/military being used against the people, the dictates by one man are treated as “law”. And this is by an official that is no longer put in office by constitutional means.

The people have dummied down to the extent that few now know the true meaning of liberty. They believe the falsehoods put out by government through its lackey – mainstream Zionist-owned media.

The result is that the people treat the government – no matter the level – as being sovereign when the truth is that the people are sovereign over every level of government. This means that every official is under the control of the people and subservient to the people.

This union of states was formed with the intent that no government or government official could have control – or rule over – the people.

American jurisprudence, the founders themselves, past Supreme Court opinions, the constitutions of states, and – when read using the correct definitions of terms used – state statutes all support this. The people are sovereign and no law may by made that is in opposition to the inherent unalienable rights of the people.

A man by himself, such as the unlawful president, cannot declare wars or commit Americans to devastating attacks on other countries. One man cannot be the judge of needed attacks. That is why any attack must be very carefully considered and based on aggression against the states or that imminent aggression could be proved.

Thus, only Congress after careful consideration and in compliance with the people, can declare war or a Letter of Reprisal.

Therefore, the state of the union in regards to Bush’s and his warmongering staff’s intent to kill Iraqis in order to get control of its oil, is absolutely against the supreme law of the land and the laws of God. The Executive Branch is the enemy in this case, not the Iraqi people.

Of course with Congress not demanding the Constitution is upheld in these matters is also the enemy of the American people. It has committed hundreds of thousands of treasonous acts against the people, the most horrendous of late being the US Anti-patriot Act and the establishment of the Gestapo-like Homeland Security Office.

Then, there is FEMA, a government organization set up to remove by force the property and rights of the American people. It has no authority within the many states but armed enforcers of the federal government and ignorant State/local enforcers will assure the people are subjected to it and the above acts.

State governments are going along with these measures because of officials who haven’t the slightest clue as to the rights of the states and the "priority one" of the rights of the people.

Instead of banning US Government statutes from being applied nonjurisdictionally within the states, they instead “use” the unlawful applications to further their own gain and increased revenues. Hence, huge surpluses are built up that these governments do not tell the people about.

City and county officials do the same. They protect and preserve unconstitutional regulations that give them most power and revenues.

Well, Folks, this could go on with the atrocities by government filling several volumes. But, the point, I think, is made.

Bush ignored the actual horrible state this union of states is in. And, why not – neither he nor his family has ever been subjected to the draconian laws the rest of us have. Plus, they have went to great lengths to aid in the fraud and corruption.

What we have is essentially a rich, spoiled brat idiot – thus, his temper tantrums – that has now met his drunken or drugged out dream of being the dictator of the United States through the wealth of his family and those financial giants who lent a hand. He is extending his “realm” over the once separate and distinct united states of America.

He and his family have made billions from unlawful and illegal acts – none of which they have ever been punished for – and will continue to create billions more for “his people”. His people include those of the oil, pharmaceutical, defense contracting, and prison systems now being federalized under the Corrections Corporation of America. But – “his people” does not include “We the People.”

He has the pleasure felt by any petty dictator who likes people being killed on his orders, resulting in millions of people being attacked, maimed beyond recognition, and blown into thousands of pieces – or a single shot to the heart or head as black ops operate all around the world, including within the many states.

People – mainly Bushitas – may believe this man is a Christian and believer in God but this man isn’t and doesn’t. You see, words mean nothing when actions are the exact opposite. His actions prove he has no concept of the human rights by our Creator, nor of the laws of God. Or, he ignores them.

For every atrocity Sadam Hussein has allegedly committed against people, one can find thousands exactly like them or worse done by the US Government and its agents. It is deadly; it is single-minded in gaining control over all people and all resources; and it cares not a whit how many people are butchered in the process, American or otherwise. God does not condone any of these.

To summarize, the state of the union is that it is NOT the union of states formerly known as the United States of America. It is an oligarchy (controlled by a few) or a dictatorship knowing no boundaries between the many states or the US Government.

Thus, the former united states of America is nothing more than a suburb of the District of Columbia – the home of the US Government - the most life-threatening, terrorism-using, freedom-threatening evil corporation ever thought to be a government.

Surely our Creator must be terribly disappointed in us, as disappointed or moreso than when children do not live up to the expectations of the parents. His wrath, though, is likely to be far more widespread.

But – maybe – it is not too late. Time will tell as it always does. But, the choice as to when will be ours.

Ed Lewis
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