The Freedom of Knowledge, The Power of Thought ©


Act Now to Repeal the Original Patriot Act and Stop Patriot Act II
Civil Liberties Are What America Is Supposed to Stand For

[Editor's Note: When addressing the topic, I usually refer to The Patriot Act as The Traitor's Act because that's exactly what it is. I received this notice today from Brice Taylor (Sue Ford), a woman who knows a thing or two about the pirates manning the helm of the American Ship of State. If there is one issue you need to get agitated about and berate your Congressional Coward into acting upon, it's the repeal of Traitor's Act I and the killing of Traitor's Act II. We have been fortunate up to now that another major 'terrorist' event has not been precipitated by the traitors who engineered the previous 'terrorist attack' on America as a pretext for declaring martial law, but don't assume that the satanic Illuminated Ones have experienced a change of heart. It's more a matter of their attempts are being thwarted and aborted by 'friendly forces', both human and alien, of which you'll read nothing about in the NY or LA Times (although you might read a bit here under the Adventures of Don & Carol Croft). If individual, ordinary Americans do not take action now to preserve their liberties, there will be no liberties in America in the very near future...Ken Adachi]

From Ben <>
Oct. 24, 2003

Fax Your Senators to Repeal the Original Patriot Act and Stop Patriot Act II
Civil Liberties Are What America Is Supposed to Stand For

President Bush used Americans' fears after the September 11 terrorist attacks to quickly pass a set of laws that diminished our freedoms. Federal police were empowered to conduct secret searches, jail us without charges and snoop into what we buy, what we read at the library, and where we go. Three states and 192 cities, towns, and counties have already passed laws and resolutions critical of the Patriot Act.

A bipartisan bill, S1709, would repeal the worst provisions of the Patriot Act. You can urge your Senators to support this bill.

Also, Bush has now proposed another round of national police powers in the Patriot Act II, which would give John Ashcroft and his FBI the power to:

-Spy even more expansively on internet communications, including e-mail,

-Seize private records without judicial oversight,

-Apply the death penalty more widely, possibly to punish political advocates.

If you want your Senators to oppose the Patriot Act II and repeal the original Patriot Act, and you're a TrueMajority member, just reply to this email by clicking "reply" and "send" in your email program and we'll send your free faxes* (text below). If this was forwarded to you or you'd like to customize the message to your Senators, click here:

Letters to the editor are another powerful way to influence your Congressmembers. This feature uses state-of-the-art technology to make it really easy for you to send a letter to the editor. Click here to give it a try:

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Yours in preserving our freedoms,

Ben and the TrueMajority Gang

"They who would give up an essential liberty for temporary security deserve neither liberty or security." - Benjamin Franklin

P.S. The Congressional year is winding down and a lot of important stuff will go down in Washington this month. So TrueMajority is sending out a few more alerts than usual in October. But promise, when Congress goes home in November they'll be fewer e-mails coming your way.

Here's the fax we'll send Your Senators:

Dear Senator:

I am concerned about terrorism, but I do not believe that our government should - in the name of the war on terror - undermine our basic civil liberties. This will make us less secure in the long run because our democracy will be weakened.

That's why I am asking you to:

- Oppose any expansion of government surveillance as proposed by the Bush Administration. There's no need to allow the federal government, as the White House has proposed, to monitor the E-mail, expand the death penalty to apply to political advocates, and seize private records without a warrant, as required by the Bill of Rights--one of the greatest documents ever written;

- Join your colleagues in fighting to repeal the original Patriot Act, which was passed in the fearful period after 9/11 and is now regarded by conservatives and liberals alike as a mistake;

- Specifically, support S1709, backed by both Democrats and Republicans, to repeal some of the worst provisions of the original Patriot Act, like providing limits on seizure of library and business records, roving wiretaps, and "sneak and peak" warrants.

Thank you for standing up for America's freedoms.

(We'll put your name and address here.)

- If you'd like to contact us, don't reply to this e-mail. It will generate a fax to your Senators and Representative. Instead, go here:

- If you need to update your address or e-mail address, or if we have the wrong Representative for you, just go here to change it.

* note: A few of our strongest allies in Congress have asked us to send emails to them instead of faxes. This makes it easier for them to contact you about their position on the issue. We agree that we should help our friends in this way, and therefore we send emails instead of faxes to these special members of Congress.

PO Box 1976
Old Chelsea Station
New York, NY 10113-1976
Or call: 212-243-3416


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