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Don Croft Daily Reports

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From a Balanced Skeptic in Australia

By Don Croft <>
October 26, 2004


I don't want to bother you with many emails as you are likely very busy (how do you find the time to gift and also appear on so many different forums?), but I have another question I would like to ask, for when you have the time to answer, along with a report, perceived of course from my point of view, from Sydney Australia (if you haven't had anyone tell you about the situation here).

[Don Croft: I do get quite a few reports from Oz. but in fact the gifting effort was slighly derailed (not quite the same idea as 'slightly pregnant') a year ago when some principle, un-named and mostly forgotten people apparently went to the other side due to some successful CIA/MI6 subterfuge. Now the gifting is being done more privately, as in England, apparently. ~D]

Firstly the question, I would like to ask about James DeMeo and why he seems to find problems with your attempts? He seems to completely deny the
existence of corruption in the tyrannical world leaders of today (both government and corporate).

I find it hard to believe that being so involved with orgone and subtle energies that he doesn't seem to see that there is something going on. I mean it is hard of course for people like me to accept all the business about reptilians and aliens (although I am being increasingly convinced), but nevertheless it is quite easy to see and believe that there is something very wrong with the way things are being done and the fact that governments and corporations are constantly in bed together and constantly cause damage to the environment and the human population.

I know something is up, I don't have any direct experience yet of how 'up' it is, but I can still feel it is wrong. So what is his dispute with you? Is he an 'agent'? He seems to know a lot about the workings of orgone and about weather control and so forth, yet his continued denial is confusing for me.

[Don Croft: I don't use the term, 'agent,' lightly, please understand. It may be that he feels his own reputation is threatened by our work but that's only conjecture. There's some good empirical evidence that he built one of our orgonite cloudbusters three years ago, made a big, circular rainstorm in a drought area, then dismantled it immediately. Right after that he began claiming, 'conclusively' that our approach won't work. We saw that rainstorm, centered approximately between Ashland and Klamath Falls (that's where he lives--it's in semi-wilderness) on the Weather Channel one night on a trip in our hotel room. I'm quite sure that if Dr Reich had been aware of orgonite he'd certainly have adopted it. In fact, we know that a black family in Virginia was making orgonite before Dr Reich arrived in America because Stacie, who posts on, met an old black man fishing in the surf there who was using orgonite sinkers, which he said his grandad taught him to make and use. He was catching LOTS of fish that day :-)]

I have seen the pictures of chemtrails and I tell ya, no commercial planes could cause that many to fill up a sky in that kind of pattern! I hope you don't mind answering me, as I do have no direct experience of what is really going on I can only speculate and research. It makes me feel uneasy, as if perhaps I'm part of some hoax and I am going to end up feeling really silly at the end of it, but I really hope not because as nasty and horrible as the whole occult/conspiracy thingy is, it is kind of reassuring in that there is an end to it, and we as humanity aren't entirely to blame for the horrible things that have been done to our mother earth. it makes me feel excited about the coming years... I hope I survive whatever final backlash they try to bring. I hope I'm not offending.

[Don Croft: The only way I know about to get past the 'hoax' feeling is go do more and more gifting. In the present paradigm (I no longer call it the 'new paradigm'), confirmation is a big part of science and spirituality. Before, folks were successfully conned into mistaking blind acceptance and imitation as 'faith,' and that just won't wash any more. Also, study the BOOKs about conspiracies. The internet can help you find the books but only books contain the proper amount of documentation, which is just another word for 'confirmation.' All conspiracies, except the deepest ones, are fully documented in public record. The deeper ones can be extrapolated from that well enough to get the targetting info needed to take out the principles in them when possible, we've found.

The internet isn't sufficient for gaining real knowledge about conspiracies. I honor all genuine research journalists. As this paradigm becomes more and more manifest in people's awareness 'news' programs will tell more and more truth, don't worry. After awhile the disinformation artists will be in line at the soup kitchens and sleeping in homeless shelters and prison cells, don't worry.]

Secondly, a perceived report of Sydney. I have seen some evidence of chemtrails here, but not much. Although at the moment it has been heavily storming for the past week (although not raining on our catchment area, which they say is going to run out by December, 2006, and of course the government hasn't done anything about it... I'm just waiting for water privatisation to occur! So they can mess up our water supplies even more... Damn! I have been feeling so angry ever since I found out about fluoridation).

I don't know what the storm means, but I have the feeling that they are probably pushing the rain away from falling on our catchment, perhaps even
as a means to taunt us... I don't know if I am over analysing that too much though.

[Don Croft: I've heard from several prolific gifters in Oz over the years. Generally, when someone has disabled a few hundred towers without being seduced into inactivity and sabotage by the CIA or MI6 that person is likely to just keep on gifting until his/her entire area is covered. In the case of Sydney, I guarantee that there are scores of HAARP transmitters in the vicinity and thousands of death towers, so the gifting, to date, plus several cloudbusters, no doubt account for the fact that the chemtrail no longer spread out to white out the sky.

In order to stop the HAARP network from stopping rainfall in the water catchment area, though, one needs to get out for a few hundred miles along each paved and otherwise primary highways and bust all the HAARP arrays along the way. You'll see them approximately every 60 km or so. Also, it's very, very imporant to disable all the coastal HAARP arrays because this is mainly how they stop moisture from reaching the inland areas. When Georg and Trevor busted all the HAARP arrays along the Indian Ocean coast of Southern Africa it rained all across the Kalahari and Transvall regions, which had been in a drought so severe that the gov'ts were warning of imminent famine.

Unfortunately, there just are no shortcuts or arcane solutions as far as we know, though by anyone's standards orgonite is a magic bullet: wink:

It's the legwork feature of this work which has turned gifting into a global grassroot movement in a very short time. If a few gifted people could have done all this work :roll: and taken credit for it, what a pitiful state we ordinary gifters would be in right now! We meek are inheriting the earth, though, by default. That's just the way history is unfolding now, as predicted 2,000 years ago.]

We do have plenty of death towers... heaps of them. But many of them have been here for quite some time, although I think there are more now. There
was one installed in my high school grounds when I was there I think, if my memory serves me correctly (6 years ago now) so was their agenda that
advanced then?

I went out to a local lookout in what is now remaining of bush and could see 3 towers from that point. They look so awful, big black bulky nasty
feeling things. In the suburbs where I live the sky can be ok, but now that I read about sunsets and started looking at them they are usually a dull
kind of orange or a pink colour.

[Don Croft: Many folks who are only now starting to notice the death towers assume that they were 'just built,' but in fact not many are being built any more, with a few areas excepted. As I indicated, lots of towers are now gifted in the Sydney area, Damien. Since it's being done privately you should use your energy sensitivity to determine which ones need a gift. A zapchecker may help you determine that, at least in the beginning while you may need outside confirmation, but pretty soon the CIA will arrange for all the towers near you to get some remote groundwave transmissions which will queer the zapchecker's readings, then the only thing that can help you, if you're not confident in 'feeling' the energy, is dowsing, I think. I use a pendulum in my dominant hand while holding a Succor Punch crystal in the other and this is the only way I can personally get consistent results.]

In the city the sky is usually pretty hazy, but then again isn't that as a result of all the car and industrial pollution? I have been talking with many people about what I have been reading and what I think is going on, and something that I find lends evidence to the revolution occurring is that most people are quite ready to accept that something sinister is occurring (although the alien and reptile thing doesn't go down very well, but I don't always mention that).

People are quite aware that something is afoot, but perhaps that is just the company I keep as our toad of a prime minister Johnny boy Howard managed to get back in again, this time winning the power of balance in the senate (I smell foul play here too though! I mean we filled out our ballot paper in pencil!!! but then again I think him getting back in is just likely to help accelarate the process as he f***s up our country even more. Perhaps it is a sign of their desperation and need to quickly push their agenda that they used fould play to get him back in and give him more power?).

[Don Croft: In the US, savvy people know that we haven't had genuine national elections here since 1860 and that our national sovereignty disappeared five years later, with plenty of foul play in between those five dates, to boot :wink: but, again, gifting changes energy dynamics in our favor, even politically. YOu can experiment with this in your own neighborhood, Demian. I'm very happy that you see that more and more people are able to discuss these things now. This is true even in America, the stronghold of nihilistic materialism and cultural schizophrenia, so that bodes very well for the rest of the planet.

Gifting goverment offices, courthouses, copshops and the gulag archipelago in your area is certainly more effective than pencilled in votes will ever be because it affects the behavior of corrupt government people, who are absolutely the rule, not the exception, in ALL industrialized nations right now. Fortunately, all humanity are being held more and more accountable and the pressure of that trend is quite thorough. As you've seen, when even Pajama People are faced with the incontrovertible fact that their alleged leaders are pedophiles, satanists, wife beaters, thiefs and liars they have no choice but to be shocked into relative wakefulness. The entire occult/corporate world order relies completely on keeping the PJ folk in blissful slumber, of course. They spend trillions of dollars, literally, each year on disinformation, movies, 'news programs,' mind control programs, death towers, publishing, educational institutions, the medical gulag archipelago, ad nauseum aimed at preventing the masses from waking up to this criminality. This is the most expensive war in history, in fact: the war on humanity being waged by this obsolete world order.

'Reptile baiting' is a fun, new sport that most of us are enjoying now. Just get some Reptile Repellants for you and your friends and get close to people in public and see who gets severely agitated, whose irises turn into slits, whose eyes turn all black and/or who's behind starts sprouting tails under their skirts and trousers. It's fun and rewarding! is the source for those inexpensive items (I think 'Cbswork' can only be persuaded to send these overseas if you order several--he doesn't charge enough for these in my opinion)

Smog (haziness) is a result of the atmosphere having a net positive static charge, Damien. When you gift a smoggy area you'll see it disappear in minutes and it won't come back. In that case, the orgonite has ionized the lower atmosphere, simply stated. This is another good way to gather confirmations. Marcus Guy disabled a thousand or so death towers in San Antonio, Texas, over the past year. That was one of the most polluted cities on the continent. He did it by increments in an intelligent way so that he could see the contrast between teh areas he gifted and the remaining polluted parts of the city.

Cbswork and a few others disabled many thousands of death towers in the Los Angeles Basin and there's almost no smog any more in LA & the skies are clear nad loaded with healthy cumulus clouds these days, nor do chemtrails stick at all, even on heavy spew days. This is something you can do for Sydney if you take the time and expend the energy and money. I'm hoping that by posting your letter on at least one of the gifters in Sydney will contact me again so I can facilitate a little networking in Oz again and pick up where we 'left off' a year ago when the betrayals occured.

Thankfully, even if I don't get re-involved there the work's going to get done in a timely way. I'm sure of that. This is a genuine grassroots effort, so I'm not essential to its progress any more.]

That is about all I can see around me, I still find it hard to believe that we can change our ways but I have many visions about how it could and should be. We should be living sustainably already... the impending running out of water shouldn't even be an issue as we should all already have rain tanks and greywater systems, its ridiculous that we live in such a wasteful society and I have for a long time questioned why is it so?

But then I think I found my answer... it's all planned isn't it? However there are still some issues that don't sit right and I sometimes find it hard to believe that all of this really could have been planned... why didn't they just up and control us from the outset?

But then again we are a pretty resilient species aren't we? I mean even with the toxic water, air and food... the vaccinations... the pharmaceutical drugs... with all of that, we still survive! Amazing!

[Don Croft: In fact, there's always been more fresh water on our lovely planet than we'll ever be able to use. Think of HAARP as a temporary inconvenience, please. Georg has been demonstrating, as has Galaero in Arizona and Cbswork in LA (along with quite a few others on a lesser scale) that we can make it rain in deserts now. The obvious implication--the imminent and inexpensive reversal of ALL deserts and arid regions--is pretty encouraging.

That one thing will blow all of the 'overpopulation' and other exploitive Malthusian fantasies (along with the ozone scam, the 'we're all parasites,' scam, the 'technology is evil,' scam, etc.) right out of the water, and not a day too soon! I'm glad that you're at least suspecting that all that 'blaming the victim' mind control crap from London's omnipresent aristocratic/academic mind control trolls isn't turning your head, much.

This ennervating propaganda has been the foundation of the contrived environmental movement, which is financed by the Rockefellers and other parasitic families. Humanity isn't the culprit; we're the targetted victims of these and a few other, even older families in the occult/corporate hierarchy.

'Sustainable' is a pretty good word but in fact people of conscience are always going to be inclined to practice economy and in this historical paradigm the people of conscience are finally being allowed and encouraged to exemplify our (your and my) worldview, thanks to the internet.

We are, indeed, a resilient specie! One proof of that is that a few thousand volunteers around the world are effectively disabling the most heinous rape/pillage/genocide engine ever assembled by a predatory order and we're not even organized! ;-)

Those bloodlines are the ones doing all the horrible things to our environment and they're paying bloodmoney to the cynical environmentalist cadre to blame you and I for the same families' crimes, of course. This is the trick the Brits used to excuse their genocide in India in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, when the British East India Company, who ruled India, had forced the farmers to grow opium poppies instead of food for several generations.]

I have a little theory that came to me the other day, I have been for some time a marijuana smoker (although feeling like I am about 5 bongs from losing my mind I just quit) and I am also into the hip-hop music/culture. Yet many of the big names in hip-hop (especially those more commercial artists, who I don't enjoy... I can't stand pop music) promote the use of marijuana, quite liberally.

In fact it is a pretty heavy part of hip-hop/rap culture and most fans of the music will also be smokers. I get the feeling that some of these names (e.g. snoop dogg) are a part of it all, perhaps even reptiles themselves. Promoting the use of marijuana as cool to get the mainstream youth smoking and addicted (especially to the high chemically grown stuff that is mass produced nowadays... controlled I think by the australian police force).

Whilst I believe that organically grown marijuana as a herb has it's place in medicine, but its place is not the abuse that is now seen by many young people, myself previously included. Hemp also definitely has it's place, able to make almost anything out of it I feel it is one of "our" plants as humans, just like wheat so to is hemp one of the plants we have used for so long (also why it's banned, because it's just too good of course).

I also get the feeling that not only does marijuana lower the activity level of chronic smokers (so perhaps they will see and think about conspiracies but they wont be motivated to do anything about it), but perhaps it even aids in brain parasites establishing a home (because of the DOR created during the contraction that occurrs after smoking). Just a theory, what do you think?

Ok I hope I didn't slow you down/tire you too much with this long post... but then again you are also prone to exceptionally long postings haha.

[Don Croft: You've sure got my number with the 'long postings' observation, Demain 8) but, by the grace of Grid, I won't develop a too-distinct reputation for pontificating. Feel free to call me on it if I do. My wife does that without hesitation, which is a good, supportive argument for the
institution of marriage.

I agree that all plants are useful. We cook with poppy seeds, for instance, and eat bananas and lettuce, which have a hallucinogenic compound in the peels and stems. Hemp is absolutely a wonderful fiber plant--maybe the best one--and produces terrific oil. It's a peerless cash crop wherever a corrupted government hasn't interfered with farmers that way. Most of the pot evangelists neglect to mention, by the way, that the hemp plants grown for fibers, oil, etc., aren't hallucinogenic. I personally resent the way they have pirated the hemp industry (and the Libertarian Party in the US) as a way to justify pot addiction.

No doubt as a medicine, too, the hallucinogenic variety has some appropriate applications but I personally doubt that smoking it or putting it in brownies are generally appropriate. I'm 55, so my generation was the first to be subjected to marijuana as an aid to mind control agendae. Many of my generation don't want to know, by the way, that Drs Leary, Alpert ('Baba,' my white @$$!) and Watts were very cynical CIA psychiatrists who experimented with hallucinogens on unwitting prison inmates in order to watch their behavior, which was almost always predatory, violent and resulted in madness, bloodshed and death in the experiments. They then set up the Berkeley Free Cllinic, where Leary distributed free LSD to the Haight Ashbury crowd on behalf of his employers in order to initiate the hippy movement and thereby successfully pirate that phase of humanity's awakening process.

Getting free of drug addictions has been one of the secondary features of this gifting effort for many people. Others came to this after overcoming their addictions. By the way, when one stops using drugs one loses a lot of friends. Thankfully, the folks who are involved with this effort, though, make some genuine friends through the networking aspect. I'll keep your email addy, Demian, and will do what I can to connect you with the genuine, sober gifters in Oz.

You're right that it's the 'inactivity' aspect of pot addiction that prevents people from 'doing something' about the world's problems. Some of my teenage daughter's college friends are pot addicts (intelligent, motivated students with a social conscience, though, or she probably wouldn't have befriended them) who read all of my writing but they haven't lifted a finger to make or buy any orgonite. This is partly because they're broke, of course, but I know that if they spent on orgonite what they spend on pot they'd be able to transform their environment easily enough.]

Thank you very much for taking the time to read my thoughts and correspond with me. I hope to get active very very soon, if it isn't all over in the next couple of months that is! haha.

One last little thing though, I really like what you said about taking down the regime and people of conscience will hold the field. Rings very true... do you think though that it will all be exposed for everyone to see what really went on? Will my friends who didn't believe me, visibly be able to see what the truth was? Will we even get to know the whole truth?

[Don Croft: ]I'm the first to say that we're not responsible for the present upsurge in consciousness, best characterized by increased accountability. This is a function of historical cycles and other factors, I think. What we're doing is certainly a proof that it's happening, though, and we absolutely are responsible for exploiting the process to humanity's benefit. As I see it, our job is to help this transition by minimizing the mayhem that the occult/corporate order is able to commit during it's exit and we seem to have been doing a good job of that, so far.

Some of us, off the board, are hitting these predators very hard and though that can't be documented well or otherwise corroborated, we feel that we've stopped a whole lot of specific mass murder plots, mostly by people high up in the hidden hierarchies in Britain, Eastern Europe and America. HOnestly, I am a little worried that we're not yet aware of what's happening in the hidden Chinese hierarchy. That's either not important right now or we're being successfully veiled from seeing it. The Women Warriors will probably be working at ripping that veil, if the latter is true. They're really good at that. ]

Thanks again,

happiness. harmony. compassion


p.s. hope the zapper hurries up and arrives this week, for me testing the zapper on myself will be like a very big verification that i am on the right path and that things really are stranger than fiction.

[Don Croft: You may get some firsthand insights about brain parasites' role in the occult/corporate mind control agenda soon. My zapper career started the day I discovered that my brain parasites were gone, which was the day after I zapped for the first time (an hour in that case). That was in April, 96 and I haven't been depressed at all since then. Before, I was depressed most of the time, though I'm an essentially happy person, and my life had been a treadmill of mind control and the accompanying requisite self-sabotage and social isolation challenges.

Before that (not to give an inaccurate impression about zappers' potential), I spent several years intensely struggling against these uncharacteristic aspects in my life, during which time I developed a rewarding signpainting business and reputation and my family and home were wrested from me, apparently in reprisal for my budding independence from my CIA suppressors (I apparently was cast out of MK ULtra for character issues--I had character--as an adolescent). Freedom is never secure but when we fully embrace personal freedom and accountability we have a much happier, more fulfilling personal life, at least : wink: ]

Don Croft

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