The Freedom of Knowledge, The Power of Thought ©
Letters to The Editor

Missing Children: "Surely you must be kidding"
December 15, 2010

Missing Children: "Surely you must be kidding" (Dec. 15, 2010)

Subject: underground bunkers
From: Mark
Date: Wed, December 15, 2010
To: Ken Adachi

Dear Ken,

I find your site pretty interesting but I have a question (with undoubtedly more to follow) for you.

You say....

"Hundreds of thousands of men, women and small children are brutalized, tortured, programmed, experimented upon, and killed in many of those underground facilities (and taken by aliens) which often are shared with incredibly malevolent alien beings who literally eat human beings. "

If this is true, wouldn't we all know at least one or two people, either directly or indirectly, who have ended up "missing". Even at 100,000 Americans, this would amount to an average of 2,000 people per state. Surely we would know at least one person that has gone missing. You mentioned "hundreds of thousands". So if the number is 200,000 people, then there would be an average of 4,000 people per state. Surely you must be kidding or the numbers are extremely exaggerated.

I look forward to hearing from you.



Hi Mark,

I'm not given to exaggeration, it's not part of my nature. If anything, I'm conservative with figures. I prefer to state the case honestly, without over or under statement.. The info I mentioned was acquired from people like Ted Gunderson who invested the time to look into the covering up of snatched and stolen children. He wrote a very lengthy report about 15 years ago called The Finders which exposed the CIA's role in snatching children and the FBI's role in covering it up. Ted used an example of Reader's Digest magazine which did a few articles on missing children and Reader's Digest came up with about 2 million kids a year disappearing from the streets of America. After they had some heat applied, they backed off completely from the story.

Ted also pointed out that the FBI was INTENTIONALLY not keeping records of missing children. \Why is that? They keep a log of stolen cars, why not missing children? Isn't that a more important statistic than stolen cars?

Cisco Wheeler reported in her books with Fritz Springmeier that tens of thousands of kids were being used and abused in underground facilities for mind control programming or various secret projects in which they were used as human guinea pigs and most wound up dead.

Kids are also taken for satanic ritual sacrifice, forced into prostitution, kiddy porn films, snuff films, and sold at auction. The official agencies who are supposed to be concerned about missing kids by putting their pictures on milk cartons, etc., are just front organization to cover up the magnitude of the missing children in this country.

You also don't realize that children are born to women who are called "breeders" by the government and satanic groups who are part of this human slavery network. These kids are not born in hospitals and there is no official record of their birth. Some are killed in satanic rituals, but others are raised to be slaves, prostitutes, snuff film victims, etc., etc.

I don't have the time to write up a 150 page annotated report on every subject I write about. It would take 3 months of work for each and every subject. By necessity, I'm limiting my explanation to a bare bones overview of the topic. If you think I'm a BS artist, then you have no intelligent reason for coming to my web site.

Your presumptions and assumptions are typical of an armchair critic who hasn't really looked into the subject seriously. Because the world you live in is not affected by snatched children, you arrive at conclusions based on your limited view and perceptions.

If you were really interested in discovering whether I was exaggerating or not, you would do your own digging in books and in articles and in archives. And if you had any ability, you would discover that I had under-reported the numbers.

A lot of kids run away from home. Maybe 40-45 % don't come back. How are you going to know what happened to them? Are their parents going to send you an e-mail to report their kid is missing? How about the kids of illegal aliens who go missing? You think the parents are going to call the police or the FBI? Some would, but the majority probably wouldn't. How about homeless kids and teenagers? Any way to keep tabs on them? Kids are also snatched from poor countries in latin America and transported to the USA, Asia, Europe, and the Middle East. No one is keeping track of them either.

It's easy for a million kids to disappear in America , without someone like you noticing, because the official agencies who should be keeping track and trying to find kids, are part of a larger cover-up network. Police corruption and government complicity in these activities is much deeper than you might imagine.

Take care, Ken


Subject: Re: underground bunkers
From: Mark
Date: Thu, December 16, 2010
To: Ken Adachi


I don't know about being an armchair critic. Maybe that fits, maybe not. And I'm sorry, I didn't mean that you were exaggerating the truth.

In the 1980's I worked as a national sales manager, selling products to a network of 35,000 independent drugstores across America. I travelled the country in a car, visiting and working with hundreds of sales reps - many of them for a week at a time. I got to know them well and sometimes I got to know their families well. I ate dinner in their homes and even stayed in some of their homes. I visited thousands of drugstores with our network of sales reps and met thousands of pharmacists and store employees in every conceivable village, town, and city across America. If a town had a drugstore, I've probably been there.

My simple question for you is this: If what you are saying is accurate (and believe me, I'm not disputing you. I'm sure you've done an immense amount of research), isn't it just a little bit intriguing that I never once met a single person in all of my travels who ever mentioned knowing of anyone whose child was taken? As the saying goes, we are all only six degrees separated from anyone else on earth:

Again, I'm not disputing any of what you are saying - I am only asking one specific question about the number of children that end up missing and never found again. I guess there is a chance that this is happening amongst the lower socioeconomic classes where the media would gladly overlook these tragedies and the rest of us wouldn't really care because it's happening in the projects and not in our nice neighborhoods.

No need to respond - I'm sure you must be a busy guy.

Thanks again,


Hi Mark,

I know your intent was not to be hostile, so I'm not accusing you of that, but your e-mail to me was skeptical and challenging of the information I had presented in that article. Of course you were disputing the number of missing children; that's why you wrote to me.

If you had asked a "simple question", I'm sure I've would not have characterized you as an armchair critic. You were challenging the numbers I had presented, so let's not deny the obvious. OK?

You were a sales manager of a large national company that had sales outlets in 35,000 drug stores across America and because you traveled to many of those stores and had met and had diner with thousands of pharmacists over the years, you find it incredible that you never heard an anecdotes about missing children, so therefore I must be exaggerating. Isn't that what you're saying?

My response to your assumption: I'm sure there are hundreds of thousands of men with jobs that take them all over the country which allows them to meet and break bread with a ton of people, and yet they will never hear even a single story about missing children. Does that mean that large numbers of children are not (or WERE not) snatched from the streets of America each and every year?


It simply means that the socioeconomic strata of missing children are rarely in the category of run -way children of pharmacists. Besides, what's the likelihood of something like that coming up in casual conversation, anyway? People just don't start blurting this stuff out when they invite a sales manager over to their house for diner.

Well-to-do people whose kids suddenly go missing would create a sandstorm of political and media agitation that would bring the subject of children kidnapping to national prominence and the people who take kids -such as the CIA- would want to avoid that, so naturally they go after VULNERABLE kids; the sort of kids whose picture and story would not show up on the Six O'Clock News and America's Most Wanted as soon as they were grabbed.

I never claimed I did "immense" research. I was echoing statistics that Ted Gunderson and Fritz Springmeier were using in their lectures and if you had read The Finders report, you would have seen the sources Ted used, and they certainly seemed credible. Former FBI Los Angeles Bureau Chief Ted L. Gunderson is not a person who exaggerates and makes things up in the interest of sensationalism.

If you re-read my quote which you sent to me in your first e-mail, I used the expression "hundreds of thousands of men, women, and children" are abused in various secret programs and underground facilities. I wasn't just talking about kidnapped kids, but a much wider group. I was being CONSERVATIVE in the numbers I used to in order to avoid criticism of over-statement and exaggeration.

Reader's Digest magazine in 1978 said that 2 MILLION kids a year were going missing in the USA. Do you think that the writer (or writers) who worked on that story just made up that figure?

I don't think so.

I think that they were probably reviewing state and municipal police records and had stumbled upon something that they were not suppose to stumble upon. Just like a lawman some years ago in D.C. who had stumbled upon a Washington DC kidnapping ring (CIA) that he quickly found out he was not suppose to stumble upon, or arrest people for, or create any paperwork about. He found out very quickly that abducted kids are a Big Business in this country. It's operated by very nasty people, who have the highest political protection possible They operate this business very quietly and covertly.

And they see to it that people like you never hear or read about their activities.

Sincerely, Ken


Subject: missing children
Date: Fri, December 17, 2010
To: Ken Adachi

2.000.000 children a year? clown


Hello Clyde,

Yes, Reader's Digest put it at about 2 million a year. I think the article was published in 1978. Ted has a copy of it in his files and also mentioned it in many of his taped lectures.

Sayonara, Ken


Subject: Missing Children: "Surely you must be kidding" (Dec. 15, 2010)
From: Andrea
Date: Tue, December 21, 2010
To: Ken Adachi

Hi Ken

In response to the above mentioned email, I have to say I was intrigued. I have been reading your site for many years and I am a fan of your work and research. I must admit it amazes me the amount of time you must take (free of charge) to help us educate ourselves, so I sincerely appreciate what you do.

That being said, I honestly believe this person has a valid point. When I actually look at the numbers, do the math, use my own mind to conclude, and do not go by what anyone else has told me, I would imagine that more than one person in my life would have a missing person in their life. I have a big family, a full social life with many friends. I work with alot of people that I socialize with outside of the job. I attend church and I also go to school. Yet I dont know one person who has a family member or friend come up missing, and after reading this letter I asked more than a few of these people that exact question.

I am not debunking any one persons work, nor am I an "armchair critic". What I am is a person who agrees that this is a topic that should be open for more discussion. Where these figures come from, and their accuracy CAN and SHOULD be challenged. Why not? Is that not what your web site Educate-Yourself, promotes? I for one have never been the type of person to say I beleieve ANYTHING simply because another man says its true. I know most of your readers are the same, or they would not be here.

I will further add that I know people from many walks of life. I grew up in an affluent suburban area, yet I also have family in the projects. My father lives on a farm and I have multi-cultural friends. So I cant be pigeon holed as a person that only knows one group of people or socio-economic group. I pride myself on the acceptance of such diversity and actively seek out people different from myself.

Lastly, I would like to encourage you to be less defensive with your readers that dare to question you or the work of those you site. I thought the person who broached this topic was very polite and straight froward, without being the least bit offensive. You really appeared to attack him. I understand you probably get hundreds of rude and ignorant emails, but its disturbing, to say the least, to read such an angry response.

Keep up the good work. I will admit I am a little fearful of how you will respond to this email :) Just know I will research this topic and educate myself. I am not asking you to change any of your views or do any foot work for me.


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