The Freedom of Knowledge, The Power of Thought ©
The Healing of the Nation
Part B

Part C Part A

By Jenny Miner <>

The Quiet War
Sometimes in the course of human events Divine Intervention not only becomes necessary to save a nation, but for the survival of the species and for the preservation of an entire planet. We suffer from lack of understanding, have given up our ‘crown’ seeking a mess of pottage and think that we will outrun it all if we just ignore it. It is true that the evil will fall by its own weight one day, but if we do not have the understanding to put it back together, all will have been for naught and we will have lost our nation and the freedoms for which our forefathers fought.

We have an evil on this planet we shall call Mammon which uses as weapons the tools of fear, hate, shame, guilt, lust, greed and prejudice. It binds us to it, has usurped our power, lied to us, deceived us beyond our wildest imaginations and has as its only intention to make us beasts of burden and basically steaks on the table. Does this offend you? It should, but it is nevertheless true. This is a quiet war and the weapons are silent.

We, generally, as a people are being kept in a state of illness intentionally, a profit-oriented state whereby pharmaceutical companies, chemical companies, food giants, and insurance companies are collecting vast fortunes while they destroy the integrity of the human genetic structure. Many are reaping the benefits of this fortune by virtue of being in the medical field even if altruistically, but none will be able to enjoy the fruits of it nor will our children when our nation is damned, not unlike Sodom and Gomorrah, for allowing the aberration of male homosexuality to continue. Homosexuality, as well as many other degenerative diseases are being created intentionally and are allowed to continue to keep the profit machine turning, and to keep us in chaos and in separation.

Drugs are a silent weapon that Duverus likes least for it damages our youth and pulls them away from learning their responsibilities especially at a time when they are so vulnerable. We have a dear friend that was fired from her position as a dean of a university for exposing the fact that drugs were being sold by professors to students. She discovered later much to her dismay that in this country and others, the higher you go into the political structure, the more pro-drug the policies are. It is not, “Don’t do drugs!” but how you can do them and alcohol safely. The Angel Duverus tells me that our military is responsible for bringing some of it into the country. Would this be how it was so easy for those pillars of society in Georgia to get their drugs? What part do pharmaceutical companies play?

Another insidious silent weapon is the acceptance of fluoridation in our water system and foods. The fluorides come from toxic byproducts of the manufacturing processes of the aluminum industry, the phosphoric acid industry and the superphosphate fertilizer industry of which Cargill produces 70%. These byproducts have been made profitable by promoting fluoride as a dental cavity preventative. Even at the beginning of water fluoridation the Mellon Institute knew that fluoride caused mottled teeth. The Mellon family owned ALCOA at that time.

Fluoride is a cumulative poison in the body and has been shown to be a factor in the higher incidence of bone fractures especially of the hip, is an enzyme inhibitor, that it causes mutations and chromosome aberrations, affects fertility and reproduction by reducing serum testosterone concentrations and has a neurological effect which results in lower intelligence. Fluoride also makes aluminum more bioavailable when in its presence and increases the aluminum content in the brain, sometimes doubling it which has shown to lead to early senility. The amount of fluoride present in water is directly correlated to increased levels of lead which could be the reason for the lower IQ’s. This is because fluoride is highly corrosive. This is especially true of SiFs (fluosilicic acid, silicofluorides and sodium fluosilicate) which is what is used in our area and is especially dangerous to babies. There have been no tests for the health and safety of these compounds and the purity of them is generally relegated to the end user. Even the EPA has no data on the health effects to humans. Arsenic, lead, mercury and radon are contained in commercial grades of fluosilicic acid. Food grade fluorides are not used as they are cost prohibitive.

The entire premise of preventing tooth decay with the addition of fluoride to the water is a farce to provide an industry an outlet and a profit for their toxic waste which is also dumped into our rivers. Dentists in Ireland have concluded that mottled teeth are more prevalent in areas where they fluoridate. We prevent tooth decay by improving our diets, by taking out refined carbohydrates and by brushing our teeth as was proven by Dr. Weston A. Price many times over.

Chlorine in our water supply also contributes to ill health even though it is put there to help us. Like fluoride, chlorine is a halogen and readily displaces other chemicals. Our water contains so much organic impurities and when mixed with chlorine produce trithalomethanes which are carcinogenic and possibly linked to stillbirths and miscarriages. Chlorine, like fluoride and mercury, kill the healthy bacteria in the gut, which is our first line defense. That is why chlorine is so effective in treating water, it punches its way into bacteria and viruses destroying them. This destruction of the healthy bacteria in the human gut will lead to candida and candida toxins which many think is a precursor to different kinds of cancer and other illnesses. Chlorine has also been shown to destroy essential fatty acids which leads to difficulty in metabolizing cholesterol.

Chlorine, fluorine and bromine also compound with other organic and inorganic matter to make Haloacetic Acids which are also proving to be cancerous. The EPA is now monitoring levels of these HAAs. In test with animals, HAAs were shown to have adverse effects on the brain, testes and eyes. Haloacetic acids are pesticides/herbicides and in Canada these were found in concentrations close to or above the threshold for toxicity in plants. Concentrations were highest near cities and at all depths near the cities off the Great Lakes. It doesn’t take much thinking to realize we are doing something wrong in using these chemicals so freely. In regard to water management, there are other ways to clean our water which are better for everyone.

Of the twelve globally most threatening and persistent organic pollutants (POPs), chlorine is in every one of them and they have an affinity for fat, which means they get stored in fat. DDT is a POP as well as seven other pesticides, and five other industrial chemicals such as dioxins. Not enough is being done worldwide, but we can make changes close to home.

Mercury is one of the most toxic elements and has been shown to inhibit DNA repair, alters digestive bacteria causing outgrowths of candida which has been linked to cancer, induces autoimmune responses, interferes with the function of enzymes, endocrine functions and nerve impulses and it also decreases the oxygen carrying capacity of hemoglobin by binding to it. Many people develop environmental sensitivities because of the presence of mercury in their system.
As early as 1926 it was demonstrated that mercury vapor is released from ‘silver’ fillings. Germany, Austria, Denmark, and Sweden have banned the use of amalgams. Even the US government established that the mercury leeched from amalgams exceeds the minimum risk levels. The brain tissue of one Alzheimer’s patient who had died, showed 53 times the normal levels of mercury in the brain.

Another source of mercury is vaccinations in the form of a compound called Thimerosol which is used as a preservative in Hepatitis B, diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus and HIB vaccines. Many children have died at the hands of these vaccinations and many have been damaged and become autistic. This is not serving us at all. We should ask whose idea this was? There are now lawsuits out to stop this insane practice.

Fish and shellfish contain methyl mercury and some grains and seeds are treated with methyl mercury chlorine bleaches. Many of the compound chemicals we use in our daily lives also contain mercury, even cosmetics as it gives a red color. We need to clean up our environment because mercury is very toxic.

Thought projection is an insidious silent weapon. Bab wrote a book called The Next Voice You Hear. It was about an invention Thomas Edison brought forth about 1930. Edison thought this receiver he had made was receiving the voices of people who had died. What he invented was a thought receiver picking up thoughts from living people. Thoughts are things and have not you picked up on the thoughts of others occasionally? Our young children did this often. Anyway, the device was never heard about again. Bab wrote that the device is being used, but that it has been turned around and is projecting thoughts. In this booklet Bab lists many examples how it is being used against us. In my quest for understanding, I also sought to understand it all, and He, the Angel Duverus, has allowed me to pick them up in my dream world. All we need do is ask for understanding and it will be revealed to us.

About six months after our second child was born I went into a state of apathy and stasis where I felt just to sit and do nothing. After a week or so of this, we got our minds together and asked God what was going on. Our older son who was still in touch with his basic consciousness said, “There are two people and they have a gray box and they are working on you.” I asked him why, and he said, “You are the weak link.” And this was true for I had not been with Bab for very long, only a year, before he died. We got our minds together and blasted them, the thought projectors, and that business came to an end. Bab had told us that they usually use a man and a woman, working together, to broadcast thoughts. They sure did a number on me.

It was several years later before I had any other experience to relate. First came the direct impression regarding Anita Bryant. It came as a whole piece, not a story told in words. I had been resting at my desk, contemplating Duverus when it happened. It was a gift from Him at how insidious the Beast is. According to Him they used the device against Anita Bryant. She was actively enlightening others regarding the dangers of homosexuality, when the thought was placed within her mind telling her to condemn the homosexuals. Remember the confusion and the separation of peoples that followed. She was a victim of thought projection; they can even make you think you are hearing the voice of God. It was also done, because when you attack something you make it stronger by opposing it and this has proved true because the gay rights movement blossomed after her attack. The Christ told us “Resist not evil.” Many years later I ran into an ex CIA/ATF agent who verified this for me in a round about way. Needless-to-say, I could see where they could tear the nation apart based on our actions when Anita Bryant came forth. They are trying to do it now with the Boy Scouts. Do not let this happen. Support them. Make sure your United Way supports them. Give them a copy of this booklet.

We need to interject here with another reason why she was made to hear the voice of God telling her to condemn the homosexuals. It was a shock test — a test to see how we, the masses, would react. They do this all the time through the news in its various media forms, through mailings, through events they create and by word of mouth by their agents. The economy is moved by news reports producing propaganda. The Rely tampon was a shock test to see how quickly we would use products that come through the mail, how quickly we would perceive the source of toxic shock syndrome, to see how we would react to the fear of it and to see what we would do about it.

Peter Jennings, one night on the evening news, spoke about how the U.S. military could use its technology to change the weather, essentially making it a weapon of war. It was only a two or three sentence blurb, but it was a shock test to see how we would react and if we would. This technology we call weather modification has been used for four decades as a silent weapon and many today still recognize the contrails they see in the skies, widen and eventually make clouds. Real contrails disappear. Many feel that chemicals and germ warfare is also dispersed in these trails they call chemtrails. They shock tested the scientific community with articles about the “enduring particulates in contrails.” Do you think they caught on? Take the time to watch the skies.

By word of mouth propaganda, we meant that agents of “the forces that are” penetrate different groups and instill lies to see how they are accepted. This is what happened to Timothy McVeigh. The Identity movement, which has the Tribes of Israel being the gray race, began this way. We had a chance to meet several of these slick-tongued devils, a preacher with a military inclination and a supposed consultant for the police who both made attempts to rile people. They definitely were not peacemakers.

Basically, they have humanity drawn out like an electronic schematic with capacitors, resistors, tubes, switches and wires and they control how we flow based on past shock tests. It is good humanity is predictably unpredictable.
The poll makers, which the thought projection machines are used for, were hard at work after the Gulf War. For three mornings in a row, a Saturday morning, a Sunday morning and a Monday morning, I dreamed about President Bush and what a terrible president he was and that he needed to go. Well, I thought so, too, but why would I dream about him. That Friday in the banner headlines of our local newspaper were the words, “Bush down in the Polls.” So, how aware are we? Are our thoughts really our own? Makes you think that possibly we have all been asleep since the 1930’s and we have for the most part.

Before the Gulf War, canisters were launched into our atmosphere filled with barium and lithium on the supposed experiment of somehow marking grid lines. Remember that Bush gave Hussein an ultimatum, a specific date, at which time we would attack if he did not meet our demands. Those canisters were opened right before this date intentionally. Barium creates red light and is associated with violence and lithium affects the emotional body. Together they incite us to violence, to war. This is another silent weapon.

I have had other miscellaneous experiences with thought projection, but the most outstanding one of recent years was the one that I experienced during President Clinton’s situation with Monica Lewinsky. His polls were low in the beginning and gradually they started rising. It was supposedly the “soccer moms” who were supporting him, if I remember correctly. One night I dreamed about him. He came into the room, looked at me and greeted me like we were the best of friends. We hugged and I remember waking up to this very vivid dream and thinking that it seemed so real. I really had no problem with his infidelity, but his lies were atrocious and he lacks the integrity of a statesman. I am sure they were creating polls through their thought projection.

I believe though I do not know that the children killing children are also a product of the insidious thought projection machines. This is especially true with SSRI drugs like Prozac, where at times these people cannot tell the difference between a dream world and the real world. All you need do is go on the web and read example after example of how these drugs have affected people’s lives. Oh, what they could do to a child! Four of those children who shot at other children in their schools were on psychotropic drugs like Ritalin and Prozac. The child in Oklahoma who shot but did not kill others was a good child, brought up in a good home with lots of love and attention. He had to be a victim of SSRI drugs and thought projection.

Consider some of the other shootings. Are they created through thought projection? Could the postal worker who killed 21 people at a McDonalds be a victim? We had an incident in Arkansas where a young man shot his family. He said he heard a voice telling him to do this.

Economics is being used against us continually as another silent weapon. Through control of our needs like gasoline, electricity, and medical care they can control our wealth and keep us in motion or stop us dead in our tracks. Our nation’s money system is in the hands of relative few who can make a depression overnight and have. They control our economy by the interest rate and the amount of money in circulation and by the propaganda machine of newspapers and television news. They are not Americans. We have forgotten the importance of having a national monetary system that is actually in our control and tied to the Gross National Product rather than the whims of a few.
Long ago I worked for families in two different large cities. These families were never in the newspaper, but they controlled the cities, were on the corporate boards of many, many large companies across the nation, had their fingers in every pie that was to make money and knew when to make good on every fluctuation of the stock market. They had foundations and used them humanistically to support their agendas. Very little of their wealth was used to alleviate conditions for the betterment of all. These kinds of people are in every city of size.

What else steals our wealth from our people for the purpose of controlling them? Gambling and lottery. I can remember Pittsburgh twenty years ago when the steel industry was failing and people who had little money would line up to buy a lottery ticket, eating their sweet rolls they had just purchased from the bakeries on every street. We sat down one day and put our heads together to figure out what the state of Pennsylvania collected, what it gave away and what it would have left. The figures were astronomical. It is a racket and another weapon to steal the wealth from the people.

Another silent weapon, a very sad state of affairs, is that we have been taught to let others do our thinking for us. Do we teach our children to accept blindly or do we teach them to think for themselves, to question what seems to be, to ask God for understanding and then to challenge our so-called authorities? Do we do this? Do we question our representatives in Congress? Are we kept so busy surviving that we are not able to do this? Are we kept in the weapon of debt which is the modern form of slavery so we work all the time? Do we keep promoting the childish practice of adult sports? Who cheered for the millions of dollars spent for a stadium that could have elevated 2,000 minds to a higher way of life? Are the men putting down their toys and taking care of their nation responsibly? Have we been deceived into making life a leisure trap devoid of walking upright as we were taught to do?

Your popular television, radio, and paper media also control you silently by spewing everything but understanding. Not all, but most. A copy of The Golden Reed is available upon request if you want to know the truth of things and about yourself and why we are here on this planet which is at the tip of the universe about ready to be cast off as waste material because it is not serving the Body of God which is really our only reason for being. All else is vanity. How do we serve the Body of God? By “Keeping and Dressing the Earth” which means to protect and to prepare for use for future generations. Are we doing this in our rape of this planet? We need to take a hint from the aborigines in Mutant Message Down Under by Marlo Morgan. We need not say more about this than they, except that here are a people that never killed another human in their long history. We are the savages or mutants as they call us.
The lack of Negative laws is another silent weapon. We are on a Positive planet and therefore are a Positive people with a Positive family unit, the man at the head. We require Negative laws which is why the commandments were “Thou shalt nots.” These are our moral laws. They serve the people, letting them live in peace. A Negative government serves the people and provides the services that the people cannot provide better for themselves as was enumerated in the original Constitution. When it becomes a welfare state and does what the people should do for themselves, what the individual states could do better, and it no longer serves the people, it becomes Positive and where there are two Positives one of the Positives will consume the other in the struggle for domination and both will be destroyed. Our nation will collapse and we as a people, and we are seeing this today. “With all thy getting get understanding.”

When did the Executive Branch of our government, which is our President, begin making laws in the form of Executive Orders? FEMA was created by a series of Executive Orders which has given FEMA the power to suspend the constitution, control transportation and communication, and register every man, woman and child and to move them around if FEMA decides to do so in the case of a national emergency. What does this sound like?
In 1987 I asked the Postmistress where we were living if I could see a copy of the FEMA form where we would have to register in case of a national emergency. She went to the back to get me a copy, said she had several bundles of them in the safe, and then thought better of it.

Speaking of laws, by virtue of a husband and wife having social security numbers and a marriage license, your marriage becomes a quasi-corporation. As in the case with all corporations, the profits of such corporations are directed by the state. What are the profits of a marriage? Your children. They are considered wards of the state and the state may dictate regarding your children’s welfare over and above your decisions unless you annul your marriage license. This was tested in New York, Pennsylvania and Nebraska. Why is this so? What laws have brought this about?

Since we lost our gold standard, lost our ability to pay debts at law and have gone into receivership to the privately owned (not by Americans) Federal Reserve Corporation, we have lost our allodial titles and all that entails, we have lost our Common Law and have come under the jurisdiction of Maritime Law. Because we are on this “Maritime ship” and by virtue of being in debt, having debt, insurance is the name of the game. As with all “ships” we have to be insured. When we suffer calamities such as the floods on the East Coast two years ago, or a tragedy like September 11, 2001, we all pay our share of that debt. No one has “rights” when involved in national credit. Everyone is on a joint venture for profit, together, and thus we all have to be insured.

Speaking of the bane of insurance, research tontine insurance policies that were made illegal in 1905 and see if our Social Security tax isn’t just the same scheme just on a grander scale. We pay this insurance, gambling we will make it to age 65. These insurance companies that used the tontine insurance scheme before the end of the 1800’s became so wealthy they were able to buy up many businesses, especially in 1893 when a recession was instigated. I often wonder how Social Security could be in trouble when it seems as lucrative as the state lotteries.

Why has our government become but a finger of corporate America? I worked for this man who hired engineers for government and private sector contracts. He wanted to obtain a contract with a firm out in California. He had to go to the then Speaker of the House Tip O’Neal to get that contract. We all know this happens. It is a silent weapon against us all for that means our government and the corporate sector are working in cooperation and our government is not serving us, the people whom they are suppose to serve.

What kind of government do we have when it takes up arms against its own people as it did with Bab, the atonga for Delamer Duverus back in 1984. He was outside of his home in Arkansas when five black, unmarked helicopters flew overhead. A sixth one hanging back swooped down from over the trees and sprayed him with what he thought was phosgene, a mercury based nerve gas. Later, tests showed this and paraquat in his body. The spray burnt his throat and made it difficult for him to eat, drink and talk. Again, what kind of government finds it necessary to kill a man because he tells the truth.

After the first attack on the World Trade Center several years ago, I was given a dream of understanding. It came in three parts one night. There were explosions in the distance, three or four, and I remember asking my husband who was standing next to me if they were going to hit us. He said no, not directly. In the third dream we were standing outside again and this huge object like a UFO was passing overhead. At first we could not make out what it was except that it was breaking apart. As it moved on over us we could finally see that it was the Statue of Liberty and she was falling apart. The message I received was that they would use these bombs/explosions to take our liberties away from us. Then the Oklahoma City bomb happened, the bomb at the Olympics, and now this attack at the World Trade Center. Nothing happens by chance and what seems seldom is. Timothy McVeigh had help from government people though most likely he did not know it. These catastrophes, as terrible as they were, did not happen by chance and they will move us away from our cherished liberties towards a One World Order and not necessarily one under God. Are the “papers” the media talked about the population carrying like the FEMA forms and is this not unlike Russia 50 years ago, where one could go no where without his/her papers.

The quiet war extends like an octopus with its tentacles into all segments of our lives to deceive us and control us. Our inventions are being stolen from us. Tesla invented a way for us to tap into the static electricity of the atmosphere to get all the free energy we need. Why do we have to pay for electricity? I had an ornately carved light bulb that my grandmother used for years and that I used for seven years more every night until I left it behind and it never burned out. Why do we have to make such junk except to keep us in subservience to those who would gain from it and use it quietly to control us. We could insist on quality and stop the waste on our planet.

How do we stop this quiet war against us? We stop it by asking for understanding and then by serving God which is serving our children, all the children, through education, and by putting a stop to the problems in a manner that does not divide us. We must begin by understanding what it means to live in love free of fear, hate, shame, guilt, lust, greed and prejudice, and we must provide for each other’s needs. We stop it by keeping and dressing the earth and giving up unconstructive profits, which neither serve our children, ourselves, nor our planet.

Our Constitution
Have you ever read our United States Constitution? Do you know what our founding fathers patterned it after? What kind of government did it give us? Do you know what are its strengths? What are the checks and balances and are these checks and balances still intact? What are the amendments (since the Bill of Rights) and what effect did they have on the original constitution? What, besides the constitution, keeps a nation in harmony? Do we still have a valid and operating constitution?

The United States Constitution was patterned after the Iroquois Nation, a five- then six-Nation Confederation of Indian tribes, and their oral constitution. It was Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, George Washington and others who borrowed much from the Iroquois Nation Constitution, from the checks and balances, to the representative form of government, to the adoption of the Bald Eagle as the symbol for our country. The Iroquois Nation Constitution was devoted to keeping the Great Law of Peace. Statesmen were qualified, could be deposed by the women in their council, if statesmen were not given to peace. It was the Indians who talked about natural rights and the pursuit of happiness. Leaders were considered servants of the people. Wealth was distributed evenly and it was usually the Chief who went without. Their constitution provides that, “In our every deliberation, we must consider the impact of our decisions on the next seven generations.” One comment by a founding father stated that these “savages” lived much more peaceful lives than any colonist. One can see why they lived in peace and why they were a happy people. They took care of their people and they did everything within their power to deter war. To call them savages is the lie of the historian. We would have done better to have added more from the Iroquois constitution.

We are not a Christian nation by then or today’s definition of Christian for Washington, Jefferson and Thomas Paine stated that the United States was not founded on Christian principles. It was their intention that we live under God’s Laws which to them meant Natural Laws.

Originally we had a democratic republican form of government. Webster’s Dictionary defines a republic as, “a government in which supreme power resides in a body of citizens entitled to vote and is exercised by elected officers and representatives responsible to them and governing according to the law.” In the beginning the sovereignty of the States was supreme in the minds of the colonists, but they saw the need to have a federal government to take care of the functions that it could do better than the states individually. This is enumerated in Article 1, Section 8 and included functions such as a postal system, regulation of commerce, provisions for a navy and a militia, and the coinage and valuation of the money. The States neither wanted a monarch nor a burdensome, centralized government. They pursued a representative type of government with limited powers, a Negative government.

However, we have lost this form of government and most of the changes came during the infamous year of 1913. In the beginning the State legislatures elected the United States Senators. This is no longer true, being changed by the Seventeenth Amendment; the United States Senators are now elected by a popular vote. This moved us away from a Republican form of government, which was similar to what Moses was given and what the Iroquois Nation instituted for themselves. Our founding fathers understood the folly of democracy; however, we became blind to it. The corruption of Senators, the Progressive Era, and “The People’s Rule” were all propaganda ruses to sway the people to support this change. The amendment did nothing to stifle the corruption of the Senators.

Also in 1913 the Income Tax Amendment (16th) was passed which allowed Congress the power to levy and collect taxes on income, though the intent at the time did not include wages, but income from professional people who collected fees but also paid employees and had business expenses in the course of their livelihood. It was not until World War II that wages were taxed, but they could be taxed directly by the Federal government during a time of war, but only for two four-year terms. However, it was never stopped, the people bought it, and we lost a little more of our Constitution. Supposedly the ruse was here that the burden of financing the federal government was shifted from the states to the people, which gave the people a direct stake in the government’s spending of public funds. The people forgot about State sovereignty and why it was necessary to keep the power of direct taxation closer to home. It was simply another check and balance that was lost which continued the growing abuse of power. Article I, Section 9 stated, “No Capitation (poll), or other direct, Tax shall be laid, unless in Proportion to the Census or Enumeration herein before directed to be taken.” This was to prevent the heavy taxation without representation our forefathers had lived with in Europe.

The strength of the Constitution comes from the checks and balances. Most people understand the 3 parts of our government, the Executive, the Legislative, and the Judicial; how the laws are brought forth in the Congress through bills, passed between the houses, can be vetoed by the President, over-written by another vote in the Congress, and rejected if deemed unconstitutional by the Supreme Court. We, the people, have the right to remove any of our representatives from office who are not serving us, from our local governments to the federal government. These checks and balances remain relatively intact, but now your President makes laws in the form of Executive Orders. Go to a Law Library and research these Executive Orders. It is a real eye opener for it makes you wonder what our President has become. Do we really have a constitution any longer when Executive Orders have created a scheme to control all parts of our lives?

The way the President and Vice-President were elected has been changed. Do you know how and what did this check and balance? We still have the check and balance in the recording of every vote taken, who voted for or against each bill. The Bill of Rights also provided checks against abuse. One check and balance that has been buried deep is the right of a jurist on a jury to void a law if it is unjust. A judge will never tell you this.

Much of our Constitution has been bent and misinterpreted. Article I, Section 8 delineates the responsibilities of the Federal government. Where does it give Congress the power to appropriate money for reasons of charity or for any reason other than what is has been given power to do. Look at the grants, the programs, the welfare, and the waste which we have all allowed. Welfare for the people, of those less fortunate than ourselves, those done in by natural disasters, or devastation of one kind or another, either personally or to our material goods, need to be taken care of by the people themselves, in their churches, in their cities and counties. To have the power to distribute this charity is not what is meant when the Constitution says to “promote the general Welfare.” The Indians understood this and their tribes took care of their own, each clan within a tribe doing for themselves before that. However, they were not a materialistic people and not given to living in fear of not having. It was always the superior one who had the least.
It was the Commerce clause in the Constitution through which Congress passed laws to start a weather modification program. Why do not they just pass a bill to allow themselves to play God?

What else keeps a nation in harmony? Did our constitution provide us economic checks and balances? Why did the Articles of Confederation fail, where the U.S. Constitution did not? It was important in the beginning for each State to retain their own sovereignty keeping the center of power closer to the States and the people, but they came together under the Articles of Confederation because all of them realized the necessity of the union. At the time of the Articles of Confederation not much was said about money and debts, both being problem areas. War debts were high, taxation was somewhat inequitable, as always being more of a burden on the poor land owners, but the most detrimental situation was each state printed its own currency. This created many problems and all derived from the fact that whatever commerce you engaged in between states, you were gambling. Some demanded payment in specie (gold) and oftentimes paper money between states was not valued alike. It is not unlike in today’s world where everything is a commodity and one countries currency can be devalued before another’s, creating a constant struggle to make the most of your commerce. It was no different then. Because of this, all was not well in the young nation until they created the money clause in the Constitution wherein the value of our money was regulated on a federal or national level. The Congress was given the power to “coin Money, regulate the Value thereof.” It was only then that our nation began to bloom and become the strong nation that it became. All paper money was backed by gold and silver and had a specific value. Now there is no gold or silver backing, money is created at the drop of a pen, and banks create their own money by their lending policies. It is a fiat money system in the hands of a few.

The Federal government was to regulate the value of our money, and this did prove well, but control over the money has been a struggle from the beginning. Many volume could be written about money and economics and need to be so the people will understand the importance of handling it correctly. There were many battles over the handling of our money, Hamilton winning the first battle and establishing a National Bank chartered by the federal government but only one-fifth of the directors were government appointed. Andrew Jackson had his fight against the proponents of “soft” money (paper) and he won that battle, but not without much economic grief because he did not play by the banker’s rules. Americans lost the understanding, were never given the understanding, of how money could be used against us. In 1913 when almost every one had gone home for the holiday season, a handful of men passed the Federal Reserve Act, which put the control of our nation’s money in the hands of a relatively few, again. Because of the debt from borrowing our own money and the shenanigans of the Federal Reserve, in twenty years we lost our Gold standard. We were bankrupt, taken off the gold standard because we really did not own the gold anymore, lost our allodial land titles which were used as collateral for the debt because we could no longer pay debts at law. There was no real money.

Is our money backed by gold and silver? No. Is there gold at Fort Knox? No. In fact, I doubt there is any gold at all. Remember the hostages held in Iran during President Carter’s term? How did we get them back? Do you remember? I met a woman who worked for the Mellon Bank in the Grand Cayman branch, and she said we paid gold for those hostages, that two jets took our gold over there to pay for them. Did we know this? I was not aware of it.
Our money is at the whim of the Federal Reserve and guess who owns the Federal Reserve? Your guess probably would not be any better than mine, but it is not our Federal Government. It is more than likely the Synedrion of which Delamer Duverus writes. Senator Louis T. McFadden spoke out against this monster in all its corruption.

What happens when they tighten the money supply or raise the interest rates? What happens when they loosen the money supply and lower interest rates? What kind of control do they have over you when they can cause a depression overnight? An older accountant I worked with told me of a brokerage firm he had worked with in New York City. The owners sold all its holdings on a Friday, fired all their employees and then closed it doors for business. The next week, everything crashed. This was in the seventies some time. Then that brokerage firm bought everything they could at the much, much lower price. They knew; they had inside information. They were part of the Synedrion.
We do not need gold and silver to back our money. We need, however, to tie it to something and that is the Gross National Product which is the sum of all goods and services sold, and it changes gradually. Our money supply will increase gradually and be the foundation for growth. It is all a confidence game anyway, relying on paper money, but it will be a start.
Have you ever considered what has caused our national debt that rises so dramatically every year? Why the extra refunds in taxes these last few years? It cannot be that we have paid off the national debt. It is all a game they play with us, to keep us playing until they are ready to close down the country.

Do we still have a valid and operating Constitution and just what is the Law of the Land? In 1913 when the Federal Reserve Banks, private banking monopolies with ownership in Europe, took control of our nation’s money our nation sank deeply into debt in a very short time, to the point that in 1933 HJR192 was passed to suspend our gold standard. We were bankrupt, existing on credit, having had to borrow money to pay our debts that were insidiously created by the Fed through war and depression that they created, which put our lands went into receivership to the Federal Reserve and Maritime Law came inland, in the sense we all became part of this national credit commune which is really an insurance commune where we all “enjoy” limited liability for the payment of debt. As said before, this is why we all chip in with higher insurance rates after a calamity and why after a company has several heavy medical bills, their insurance goes up. We lost our allodial land titles, making them subject to tax. There are no rights, only privileges for using our lands and vehicles for they are subject to tax, also, and you will lose them if these taxes are not paid. This means you never own anything that is part of the commune, even grain you might store in a grain elevators with everyone else. Part of the commune. If you have a tax case it gets tried in the Federal court and “In Admiralty” which is to say Maritime Law. You really cannot get to the Constitution and to the common law. Because the presidency now makes laws that are binding over and above Congressional Laws and has secured a vehicle in the form of FEMA to take control over all factions of our life, because everyone is tied into credit because they have made it so easy to be a part of it what with credit cards, home mortgages and car loans in this inflated economy, because they continue to drain our money through exorbitant medical and pharmaceutical products and services which could be avoided if they grew food that was nourishing and that was not raised on chemical fertilizers that they make and sell, and because religions have the masses believing that serving God is lip worship only on Sunday, we are living on borrowed time and why they are waiting to close down on America is unknown, but possibly there is still a few details they have not worked out for themselves.

This is not an easy subject to understand, but it is true.The Constitution is the Common Law and we cannot get to that more Natural Law until we stop participating in the journey of the commune, when we stop playing THEIR game. It is certainly not God’s game.

What I have written here is just the tip of the iceberg and you may not believe that it is true. I did not. I went and researched it all for myself many years ago at a law library and found it all true. And much, much more. I was angry, very angry at being deceived. They want that. They want us to get angry and rebel and take up arms against our government. That is the trap they lay for us. I have seen it twice in the two government agents that tried to rile groups that I got involved with at different times. Patriot groups are prime targets. Keep your own council, we were warned. They want a reason to close this nation down, to call martial law, so that they can instigate FEMA’s plans which are really the Synedrion’s plans to make us slaves on the soil on which we live. We are almost there. They have been laying the ground work for it slowly, keeping us constantly in chaos so that we will not notice. Educate and share your education so that others will see the truth of our government, the abomination of desolation, and those behind it.
The Angel Duverus wants us to make changes in our constituion in the form of a more definite money clause wherein the government has control of the economy and the money supply and the state banks in charge of managing the money, stipulated with sound monetary and lending policies. He wants many of the amendments after the 10th to be repealed and the electorial college eliminated and replaced by a vote by the state legislatures and a committee made up of 2 women from each county in the state, those to be elected by the counties. The choosing of the president and vice-president will be more like it was in the beginning, so that the president and vice-president could be of different parties, but have the highest in election votes.

The Mystery of God
In this chapter we dedicate to all of the different Christian religions that have held the Bible in reverence as the written Word of God, and have kept it intact as much as they have been able. Without their dedication which cost many their lives at times, humanity would have perished and remained within the chaos, with no chance of progressing. It was their believing that we needed to serve that something greater than ourselves, God, that has kept us out of the bottomless pit and allowed us today to offer a greater understanding. The Angel Duverus thanks the religions for this.
Some of us did not have the benefit of having a Bible read to us as a child, even the story of the birth of Christ. Some of us never had one opened in our home. Some of us were even too obtuse as adults to have realized that although there were many errors and contradictions in the Bible which caused us to disregard the Bible, there was still so much value in what it taught, that it really would have made a definite improvement in our lives.

However, perhaps my not being a part of any religion made it easier for me to accept the writings of Delamer Duverus. It was truth I was after and in all the Delamer Duverus’ writings I could find no contradictions. I knew the man who was the atonga and lived and worked with him for a year and knew that in many ways he was of the Mind of Elijah by what he wrote. He was the one who led me to the Mind of Duverus and His Angel and the first thing the Angel did when He first spoke to me empathetically was to ask me to read the Bible. The knowledge given through Delamer Duverus in The Golden Reed and His other writings has helped me accept the Bible and come to understand that much is written in allegory, some has been left out intentionally, some has been misunderstood and mistranslated, some is still a mystery waiting to be explored when we have grown up and can be trusted with the knowledge, and that there is a wealth of understanding to help us live better lives, starting with the Ten Commandments.

We offer “The Mystery of God” as a different way of looking at God. It is not important if you accept it or not, just that we accept the reality that He is the Reason, and that our Reason is to serve Him and Life and live by His Laws. This is just the tip of the iceberg to the understanding Delamer Duverus gave us and presented in The Golden Reed.
Let us begin with the Somata. (See front cover) It represents Harmony Through Balanced Opposition. It is the Law of the Universe and it is the Structure of the Universe. It is composed of six segments, positive and negative each of red, yellow and blue. This is the structure of our galaxy, consisting of three constellations, two positive and one negative and another triad to oppose it. This is the structure the Earth took before we refused to live in peace and destroyed the balance and harmony of our planet, by losing the negative red segment we call our Moon. The “plates” of our Earth are these segments and they move because we are out of harmony. The aurora borealis is the traction beam the positive red segment (Eros) extends to its “mate,” the moon (Diana). The Somata is also the building block of atoms that scientists have identified as the quark. The Star of David represents the Somata, though it is unlikely those of the Jewish faith understand the reason why.

The Mystery of God stated simply is that we on Earth, as well as all life in the Cosmos, are a part of something much bigger. This Somata which is the Pineal Triad within the Body of the Living God, a body containing Life by Memory, is God. He is the Reason, and without Him there would be no Reason for anything.

It is Divine Law that all living things must procreate to survive in that Body. We are arriving at this time in the Infinity, when the Beginning and the Ending come together, when our cell of a solar system, our galaxy, and our universe will also procreate, everything having its increase. This we call the Dividing of Times.

JeSus Immanuel, the Christ, is the Chosen Seed for God’s Reproduction. The Christ is the beginning and the ending of this plane of evolution. He was accepted as a proper pattern of behavior. If a thousand years is but a day in the eyes of God, this is the third day after the Crucifixion and JeSus will overcome the chaos and take His Kingdom, His Body, and cast out that chaos and all that does not serve Him, and rule with an Iron Rod. This every child in the womb has to do as it evolves from an embryo to become a foetus. We are progressing into the 3rd Dimension where illness becomes nonexistent and that which does not conform to the memory that conceived it for procreation, must be cast out. We will have the 4th Dimension as opposition and will become complete. This is Divine Biology and Divine Genetics.

This is the reason that the Angel Duverus, a Leucocyte in the evolving Body of our God, has returned to this Earth. The Chaos of the 2nd Dimension is always repeated, so it is not the events that change, only humanity’s reaction to those events and their reaction depends on their understanding. Until we can correct the chaos through resolution and make the transition through our own efforts and learn to live in harmony and peace, we keep one foot in the 2nd Dimension. Humanity lacks understanding and He is here to help us. It is time that we come together to bring this Order out of the Chaos. Stated in another way, “This is the process of Regeneration by Symbiosis, the Embryo and Foetus to emerge from the 1st Dimension into the 2nd and then to the 3rd to become the Man Child (Freedom) about to be delivered by the Woman (Liberty) who was carried on the back of an Eagle (Magna Carta and U.S. Constitution) into the Wilderness (U.S.) to be protected until her child is born. Satan (Chaos in the 2nd Dimension) has sent a Flood of Waters (people) to drown her, but the Earth will swallow up the Flood of Waters and Protect the Woman and God will rule.” The United States Constitution brought forth the balance we needed to make a great nation. Many countries wanted to copy it. Our original Constitution was the continuation of the resolution since the Magna Carta, but we have forgotten its original intent and have let it be destroyed through deception. We have also forgotten to put God first and live by His Laws and hold our government responsible for doing the same.
The Holy Spirit of God exists in Six Dimensions, not Six Days.

1st Dimension is constant, unchanging and positive
6th Dimension is opposition to the 1st and negative

2nd Dimension establishes change in the Nebulous state of Creation and is negative
5th Dimension is opposition to the 2nd and is positive

3rd Dimension establishes Resolutions for the change and is positive
4th Dimension creates a double Trinity making all completely balanced and is positive

7th Dimension is God, containing us within Him

This is the Double Triad which is Our God, with positive and negative elements, for God created opposition for all things, to give strength to the living. The entire Universe, two parts of which are invisible to us, is God’s Pineal Triad, with Two Positive and One Negative Time Coordinates, making our God Male. In the negative time coordinate, God is Female.

True Life is toward the center of our Universe, because all Life radiates from Alcyone, the Universal Sun, which Malachi referred to as the Sun of Righteousness, with Healing in His Wings. This is the Sun of the Pleiades. Melchisedek, the Hyksos or Shepherd Kings and Delamer Duverus come from there. The Pleiades, being solar systems revolving around Alcyone, to create a solar system composed of solar systems was the Garden of Eden, where humanity was cast out because we refused to obey God’s Laws and live in peace.

Three billion years ago, Earth was created by Jupiter and occupied the orbit now occupied by Uranus. Two hundred thousand years later, life was given to the Earth. After Jupiter created Earth, Earth and Jupiter mated and created Mars (Cain), and the Planet that is now just an Asteroid Belt (Abel) between Mars, and Jupiter. Then it was Jupiter and Earth that created Uranus (Seth), to replace the lost Planet, destroyed by the war between the Planets, with Mars, and the Planet which is now just an Asteroid Belt. This is just the beginning of understanding the allegory in which the first four books of the Bible are written.

Adam and Eve were not people, they were the beginning of life in the Cosmos which is the Body of the Living God and were created by a process of genetics by Man, the Lord God, not God. Adam and Eve knew the Lord God and His Voice and when they refused to obey and were cast out of the Garden of Eden and were cast down to Earth by Man because they did not live peacefully and responsibly, the way to Eden was cut off so we would not infect the Somata. We were put here on this planet to strengthen the speciel memory which is the foundation for all forms of life. Man mated with the daughters of humanity, becoming one with our species, to replace the Mind of Abel, the part of our original inheritance which was destroyed by Cain, and it was this addition to our species that took us out of the trap laid for us by Satan and gave us back our inheritance. This made it possible to evolve.

When Abel was destroyed, a portion of that Planet shot into the orbit of Earth which was in the orbit of Mars (Cain), and struck the Earth above the Canadian Border, and that was what caused us to lose our Moon, and when the Moon left Earth, it released all of its waters, causing the Earth to be flooded, and when this happened, the entire solar system changed, and we lost two-thirds of our Sun. This happened when Nimrod built the Tower of Babel from the plans handed down from Adam. The Tower could be used as a weapon and he used it to make war against Man. Since we lost the negative red segment of our planet, we have been on half time. In our three dimensional time pattern of Earth, two of the dimensions are complete, but the segment upon which we live is only half the measure of time of either of the other two, making our observations relative only to our time. We are only aware of our own existence because of this.

Also, we do not receive the full benefit of our Sun’s energy which should radiate in all directions continually. This is why we grow old, get sick and die. Each of the three segments of our Sun sends out a different type of energy, red, yellow and blue, and presently we get only one-third of the Life Energy at any given time instead of all three. The Earth’s orbit also became elliptical as one of these energies repels instead of attracts.

When the Earth was a sextoid planet, in harmony, before we lost the Mother Segment which controls the waters, the yellow segments were at the poles and the land was around the equator and the water was above the land and below the land. We continually received all three light energies from the Sun, the red, yellow and blue, and the cosmic energy of that Light, continually took the waste matter from the earth. There was no sickness, and life extended to 1000 years. Our orbit around the sun was circular instead of elliptical, a year was 360 days, 6 days to a week, 5 weeks to a month, 12 months to a year.

The Moon is the Mother of all life on Earth and She gives us Life, not the Sun. The waters from which Life began on Earth belong to Her and as the Earth turned on its orbit about the Sun, She purified the waters, and bathed us in a mist of Living Waters continually.

Our Solar system is about ready to reproduce, just as cells reproduce, where Pluto, a new nucleus, will ignite to become a sun and a new solar system next to our solar system. Jupiter has been creating planets for that new solar system, for Jupiter is not a planet, but a Negative Sun and she created all of our planets in this solar system. Already one of Jupiter’s planets has left to go to the orbit outside of Pluto.

When the Dividing of Times does occur Pluto will take away a part of this solar system to form another solar system. When the Sun loses those planets, its energy will increase and create an even greater gravitational pull within our planet. Mercury will be taken into the Sun to be recycled and sent out to become a planet for Pluto. Venus and Earth and Mars, etc. will all move one orbit closer to the Sun. Everything will have its increase. Our Sun has consumed 4 planets, one with each generation of the Earth, since Earth formed out of Jupiter and each time the Earth moved up one orbit closer to the Sun. The four generations are: Adam, Noah, Nimrod and we are the fourth.

Going through the chaos is inevitable. How we react to the event and the confusion caused by Satan, will determine if we evolve or not. If we worship the god of war and destruction and refuse to live in peace, if we let those determined to conquer and destroy that which they cannot conquer continue to keep us in that state, we will stay with one foot in the 2nd Dimension and one in the 3rd Dimension, not a part of life, living halfway in death. We must draw off and serve God, just as Noah did when God promised him He was going to cleanse the Earth.

On Finding God
Many people have asked me, “How did you get to where you are, hearing the voice of an Angel of the Lord God?” “What is it that you have done to accomplish this?”

I have to reflect on exactly what brought me to this point, if it was more than just the Grace of God, and I think that this is the thing that has brought me to this point, reflection, inner reflection and the internal pursuit of putting an end to all the disharmonies I felt but did not understand in my life, my seeking for truth and understanding, all which eventually led to a realization that real life was service to God.

It began with an inner realization that I did not like where I was in my life and I asked the Christ spirit to come into my life. It was only a very weak calling for I had no religious background on which to rely, but it was enough. Then there was the realization that I knew nothing of value. White was black and black, white; they called for peace and there was always war; one week this cured cancer, next week it was something else. From my point of view there was no truth on which to base my life. I could not even understand the Bible. There had to be truth, I reasoned. I asked for understanding for my son, because I did not want him to grow up in ignorance as I had, not knowing anything of value. And then I asked it for myself, because I was one of the ones responsible for raising him.

Besides the understandings given by Delamer Duverus in The Golden Reed and his other books, I took my lessons from life. I observed that when I was angry, I was usually angry with myself. Most people were this way. I observed and learned that most people were afraid, just as I, and I learned that what most people wanted was to be listened to and cared for, just as I. I became a listener. I did not have the understanding yet to help them, but people do not usually ask for advice, they just want someone to listen.

There were a number of years of learning and growing and working through my problems for I felt the disharmony often and I did not like it. I did not like being at odds with others and accepted it as my responsibility to find out why, what inside of me was at odds. I watched my thinking and literally became an observer of myself, my thoughts and my motives. I watched those thoughts and examined them. I never judged them to be good or evil, but right or wrong. Was I acting selfishly, why was I hurt over what someone had said to me, why do I feel this way or that way over a situation, what happened to keep a situation coming up again and again in my mind? What needed to heal?
There was EST, Mindspring, Dianetics and other protocols for facing yourself and becoming a whole person by clearing oneself. This was what I wanted. I wanted to clear myself. I wanted to face all the stuck stuff and wash it away. Some may call them evil spirits, stuck emotions, boogies, or engrams. It did not make any difference to me what you called them; I just wanted to be free of them. I never had the money to spend on any of the programs, but I read and tried to understand the workings of the mind and how the negative emotions kept us in bondage. I sought to face fear, hate, shame, greed, lust, guilt and prejudice.

I did not like the sickness that I carried and I grieved over that, did not like myself because of it, improved myself whenever I saw something in myself that I did not like. I forgave and forgave and forgave and asked for forgiveness. Eventually I realized how far I had come, how much I had cleansed my soul of erroneous thinking and how happy I had become, and I was very, very thankful for having contacted the disease. It did not matter to me if I had it for the rest of my life. What was important was that I keep growing towards harmony, the harmony that is of God.

Life began to take on a new appearance and I found my life empty and meaningless. Yes, I had a family and was glad to take care of them and I was very happy. Yes, I could have had a job, but they no longer seemed appropriate or satisfied what was inside of me. I then came to a point in my life where I realized I wanted to help God. In Georgia He let me help. A community had been trying to get rid of drugs and I, through the Angel Duverus, got to assist in being an answer to their prayer. God works His miracles through people.

After coming to live with the atonga of Delamer Duverus, I learned great lessons in mind. I was tested many times. I failed a few. Looking back I realized I still served my own ego. After the atonga’s passing, I still had disharmonies to work through, illnesses to heal, I still strove for understanding, but I had the tools with which to work. Everything I did I asked that it be for the highest good for all. Well, I should have been asking to do His will. All illnesses I took as diseases of the spirit and did the best to heal myself this way. I was to learn this is not always true especially in the chemical oriented processes of today. It makes me sad to think that so many of our ills are caused by pollutants of our industrial age.

I also learned that diet is also important in keeping one’s health and genetic character for future offspring. Oh, how I wish I had known this before my children were all born. I have passed on the weakened genetics that I received to my children. However, we do not back into the future looking into the past, we face the future and make changes as we can. We resolve to make changes.

I have used dreams to help guide me. I asked for them, wrote them down and they were always helpful and provided much insight. Anymore I do not dream, as the Lord God is my guidance.

When I was so sick, when I could barely walk across the room because of my anemic condition, when each breath was a struggle because of the infection in my lungs, I asked God, “How can I help you when I feel this way?” That was all my heart wanted to do, to help Him. Nothing in the world, fame, fortune, and worldly goods had value to me. It wasn’t a week later that my journey toward God sped up again.

The atonga had said that there was great pain on the road to Duverus and that one had to die in order to get there. This is simply death of the ego and the realization that the only thing of value is serving God. I simply wanted to rid myself of my disharmonies, “polish” my soul and serve God. I simply wanted to help bring the truths I had learned to help others heal and to correct the problems within our nation. There was such strength and freedom in the understandings that Delamer Duverus gave our nation and us. He does not want to see us fail individually or as a nation.

Many believe that the Christ came to save us and that His death on the Cross washed away our sins and that once you have been saved, you are home free. I have not come to a complete understanding on this. I have never felt saved. I feel that I made a conscious choice to serve and to know the truth of things and to understand. I feel that the Christ came to show us the way to wash away our sins and that He provided a pattern which we should follow, but that we have to do it ourselves to a great degree. When we ask for help and sincerely seek answers to our problems and work towards them, we do get help. We certainly cannot do it without help from above. When we make that sincere choice to serve Him and do become a part of Him, we need still to be ever vigilant, even more so, in holding rein over disharmony. The learning is not over.

God wants what has come to me to come to everyone. This is why Duverus is here. This is the Divine Destination. There are many paths, but only one Destination. This is where we will find the peace God designed for us.


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Delamer Duverus

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