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FBI Pair Tip Off  Speaker of Coming Martial Law Scenario

By Pam Schuffert <>
July 22, 2001

I have recently spoken to a personal friend of mine, a former fellow Bible College student, Barbara Richmond. Barbara is a wonderful Christian lecturer who stands in support of Israel and the Jews, who also lectures all over the world. She also speaks of endtime events and present occurrences around the world which are tied in with Bible prophecy.

Recently, following her lectures, she was approached by a member of the intelligence community who warned her that she was actively being monitored and followed by FBI. WHY would the FBI monitor her??? Are there not enough deadly Satanist hate crime mongers, NWO terrorists, etc., that they must follow and harass peaceful people like Barbara?

A few days after the warning, Barbara was approached by two FBI operatives and questioned. One admitted he was assigned to follow her for the past six months to see what kind of information she was disseminating to the public. He admitted one key things was her mentioned that IRAQ WOULD ATTACK AMERICA.

This is absolute fact that I have already brought out in my book, Premonitions of An American Holocaust. America and Great Britain have been deliberately provoking Iraq through repeated strikes, so as to generate Iraqi missile strike on American soil. THIS is designed to deliberately plunge America IRREVOCABLY into MARTIAL LAW, as I have been told from sources in the military and Washington DC.

In fact, so certain were American and German military sources in 1998 that America would be plunged into martial law through our strikes on Iraq , that German Bundeswehr officers in Alamogordo with Holloman AFB were openly leaking it out when I was interviewing there.

People I had interviewed in the Washington DC area during that year admitted they were being told to take precautionary emergency measures (food/water supply, etc.) should this retaliation occur, according to one source whose family member worked with the DOD in missile development programs.

These two FBI admitted that they were part of the Christian element, who were standing with people like Barbara. They warned her that MARTIAL LAW WAS INDEED COMING, and gave her some tips and precautionary measures as to what she could do and how to warn people.

For example, knowing she was concerned for the Jews in America, they warned that ONCE MARTIAL LAW CAME DOWN, THE AIRPORTS WOULD BE SEIZED AND US CITIZENS WOULD NOT BE ALLOWED TO FLEE OUT OF THE COUNTRY FOR REFUGE. (I have published this fact and warned people repeatedly also.)

When I asked Barbara's friend, Mike, if they indicated martial law may be soon, he indicated THAT THIS WAS A POSSIBILITY.

(This is why I have emphasized the urgency of closely watching the California power crisis, deliberately created to bring forth a power crisis leading to martial law, first California and then triggering others states to follow. Plus, watching closely the Iraq bombings.

Frankly, there are so many warning signals to watch for... the increase in strange or deadly plagues or viruses, etc., that I was warned (through certain CIA) would be deliberately released to help foment a martial law crisis and to weaken the people prior to martial law, and more.)

In a previous report, I have warned people of FBI harassment of Messianic Jews in Israel, even interfering with their freedom of religious gathering in Israel. (Again, do not the FBI have enough violent terrorists to deal with in Israel, working jointly with MOSSAD, that they have to harass peaceful Messianic Jews there???)

I received word from our Pentagon source, Al Cuppett, that even FBI officers have been finding their names already on government lists (such as FEMA'S infamous "RED and BLUE" list) marked for termination under martial law.

This follows the government's pattern of the "use and toss" psychology, wherein they will use people for their own agenda and advantages, and then conveniently toss them like so much garbage (into Federal prisons on trumped up charges, or terminate them outright.)

Many of my information sources coming out of the CIA and such have been through the "use and toss" cycle and are blowing the whistle after being burned by the same government they once served so faithfully.

Pray for my personal friend, Barbara Richmond. Pray for her friends in the FBI who dared to tell her the truth about COMING MARTIAL LAW.

(To learn more about her, go to, type in "Barbara Richmond.")

Reporting from the Pacific Islands, Pam Schuffert

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