From Ken Adachi, Oct. 14, 2011: Al Bielek Passed Away in Mexico on Oct. 10, 2011 at Age 84 (Oct. 14, 2011)
I received an e-mail today from Rich Grybos that Al Bielek, whose extraordinary memories surrounding the 1943 Philadelphia Experiment and the secret projects undertaken at Montauk, Long Island had kept millions of late night radio listeners enthralled for nearly two decades, had died last Monday, October 10, 2011 at 6:30 AM in Guadalajara, Mexico. Al was 84 years old and was buried at a local cemetery in Guadalajara.
By Ken Adachi <Editor>
August 9, 2001 Translator: Convert English into 51 Different Languages|en|
Much needs to be said of Al Bielek. I first heard him on the radio with Art Bell about 1995, which I think was a repeat broadcast from 1994. During that 3 hour interview, I was amazed to hear the details of the Philadelphia Experiment. I had only read an article about the Philadelphia Experiment in Newsweek magazine somewhere around 1984 I believe, but I had no idea of the incredible technology that was being employed or the eventual consequences that humanity would have to pay for the folly of that experiment; since it ripped opened a hole in the space-time continuum that allowed unwelcome (and unenlightened) aliens to literally pour into our galaxy.
There already exists many articles about Al Bielek on the Internet and I will repost some of those articles here, but I hope to add new material based on a four part video autobiography that Al made about his life story in April of 2000 in Colorado. I'll also cover new info from a four hour talk that Al gave at a private home in Laguna Hills, California on February 17, 2001, along with insights gained from many conversations with Al over the phone. Al is featured on a CD produced in October 2000, which covers his life as Al Bielek, Edward A. Cameron, the Philadelphia Experiment, the Montauk Project, mind control and time travel.
Prior to conversations with Al, I was already familiar with some of his earlier videos made at various expos, including a very informative video on mind control made in the 1992 with Vladimir Terziski. Most of the material on the Terziski videos has not appeared in text form on the Internet. Al also laid out the details of the Philadelphia Experiment in a book, The Philadelphia Experiment & Other UFO Conspiracies, co-authored with Brad Steiger in 1990.
Lost Memories
In 1988, Al Bielek started to recover fragmented memories of his involvement in the Philadelphia Experiment after seeing a late night TV airing of the 1984 movie, The Philadelphia Experiment. Because of Al's involvement with the Philadelphia Experiment, the Montauk Project, and other secret, black budget programs, he's been subjected to mind control (as have all personnel connected with such projects), with the goal of eliminating from his conscious mind all memories of his involvement in the black projects. "Memories" can be created, changed, or wiped completely when you are subjected to mind control. Does that mean that Al's information may not be 100% accurate? Perhaps, but I feel strongly that the overwhelming bulk of information that Al Bielek has relayed over the years is true and has occurred as he has stated it.It's always possible that selected memories could have been distorted or even inserted into Al's subconscious mind for disinformation purposes, but to dismiss his remarkable revelations out of hand is foolish. Al had discovered that if both hemispheres of the brain are in balance or in 'sync', then mind control access or manipulation by mind control programmers is thwarted. He explains in his autobiography videos some methods for balancing the left brain and the right brain to achieve this balanced state.
Al Bielek and Phil Schneider have been two of the very best sources we have had to reveal highly secret information about the Accrblack projects of the American government. (People have often asked Al why he hasn't been killed if his information is so good. He tells them that he and brother Duncan have something of a protected status because their bodies are locked in with the time experiments of Montauk and that the earth needs to complete a biorhythm stabilization cycle that converges on Aug. 12, 2003. According to Al, that stabilization is somehow locked in with Al and Duncan's bodies. Al already found out that he cannot (and will not) be arrested by police when he was taken into custody after being discovered on a clandestine and unauthorized inspection of the Montauk base in the early 1990's.)
One of the more compelling revelation from Al's private talk in Laguna Hills and from his eight hour video autobiography is the reference to being teleported to the year 2137. After jumping off the Navy ship Eldridge on August 12, 1943 with his brother Duncan Cameron, as the Philadelphia Experiment began to spiral out of control on board ship, Al and his brother found themselves in a future hospital in the year 2137. Hospital personnel and other people with whom he spoke, told Al of the great changes and cataclysmic events that occurred in the opening years of the 21st century.
The Life of Al Bielek
Al Bielek was born in 1927. His earliest memories as Al Bielek began from the age of nine months old, when he clearly remembers sitting in a basset which was placed on top of the piano during the family's Christmas party. He recalls that he could fully understand the conversation that was taking place around the piano. When Al attended grade school, he was known to his classmates as the "walking encyclopedia". He had an opportunity to take an electronics test before graduating high school and he was the only person to pass the test. The Navy was interested in young men with electronic aptitude and recruited Al as a contractor towards the end of the Second World War.
Al took on various vocations in the field of electronics. While contracting for various military contractors, the people who worked with him began to reveal the truth about the US government's involvement with extra terrestrials and PSI Ops (Psychic Operations) programs. Strange things started to happen to Al soon afterwards.
While in Hawaii in 1956, he had a brief encounter with a man , who he believes now to be Mark Hammil - the actor in the Star Wars movies. Some years later, he was recruited into the Montauk Project which was developed in a multi-level underground facility beneath Fort Hero, near Montauk, Long Isalnad, New York. .
During his Montauk work, he would work his normal day job in California, and take a highly classified , high speed, deep tunneled underground magnetic levitation subway train from Los Angeles to Montauk, Long Island in about 2 hours to carry out his duties at Montauk and take the same 2 hour subway ride back to Los Angeles by early morning.
After the time tunnel was perfected at Montauk, he would simply be teleported to the Fort Hero, Long Island underground base and returned back to his apartment in California using Montauk's time tunnel machine.
During the 1970's, Al was the Program Director for the group of Psychics who manned the infamous Montauk Chair. Since the Montauk Boys were a key program at Montauk, Al had some influence with the Montauk Boys program as well. His duties were to handle the operations of the Mind Control program. He was in regular contact with Duncan Cameron and Preston Nichols. Stewart Swerdlow was one of the Montauk Boys programmers under Al Bielek.
In the 1980's, when the time control equipment was fully operational, Al participated in some of the time travel experiments. Both he and Duncan used the Mnntauk time tunnel to travel to Mars on several occasions. He now remembers several other trips he took with special teams to 1. a research station in the year 100,000 BC; 2. to other planets to get canisters filled with Light and Dark Energy; and 3. to future time periods, sometimes thousands of years in advance of our current time.
In January 1988, after seeing the movie - "The Philadelphia Experiment", his memories of his participation in the August 1944 Philadelphia Esperiment started to return. Al believes his involvement with Montauk ended with that memory recovery. Over time and though meetings with Preston Nichols, Duncan Cameron, and others, many more memories have since returned. Ironically, just after his memories returned, Dr. John Von Neumann, a leading player in the Philadelphia Experiment and the Montauk project, attempted to get in touch with Al - a promise he made to Ed Cameron- should Al ever begin to recovery his memories of his participation in the Philadelphis Experiment.
Al made the decision to go public with the information about his involvement at Montauk and the Philadelphia experiment in 1989. He has been a prolific speaker on radio talk shows and at conferences.
He believes that he has not been harmed or stopped because his time traveling experiences have locked him into this timeline. Somehow, by being here today, he, among others in the Montauk program, serve to balance the time warping imbalance effects they produced from prior time travel experiments.
During these taped interviews, Al Bielek said he received information that up to 2 Million children are missing each year. This corroborates with estimates made by Ted Gunderson and others that many children are being snatched by government agents and others (see "The Finders" ) for secret government uses in mind control programs, underground slave labor for aliens, satanic ritual abuse/murder, white slavery/prostitution, and other black op programs. One man who took the time to investigate, found that there is a total of 1.4 million children reported missing in the United States; California alone had a total of 110,332 missing children.
to be continued.
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This brief biography of Al Bielek is a compilation of notes included with the CD about Al's Life and my own notes garnered from lectures and tapes. This summary is a quick overview to give the reader unfamiliar with Al's life a chance to get handle on some of the more astonishing elements in Al Bielek's story. Greater detail of Al's history is now available in his own words on audio and video recordings of which I'll tell you more later. The information that Al has acquired in the course of his time travels and secret government projects is of great relevance and importance to not only Americans, but everyone living on this planet. I only hope that the posting of his information at this site will help establish a wider audience for his amazingly detailed recollections of past events, but also for his sobering revelation of coming events, especially in the year 2003-2005.The most difficult part of Al's story for the newcomer to accept is that Al Bielek retains all of the lifetime memories (starting from babyhood) of another man, Edward A. Cameron. Ed Cameron, along with his brother Duncan Cameron, were first hand participants in the Philadelphia Experiment of 1943.
The idea of a separate consciousness inhabiting , at least temporarily, someone else's body is a well known phenomena as is the case when a channeler or a medium brings in a spirit to speak through him or a person is possessed by a demonic spirit. It is also possible for a spirit or consciousness to transfer into a different body during a 'single' life. This is essentially what occured to Al Bielek. when the consciouness of Ed Cameron was 'transferred' into the body of one year old Alfred Bielek in 1927. If you are familiar with the many books written by T. Lobsang Rampa, you know that the author of those extraordinary books was the consciousness of a Tibetan monk whose body was destroyed at the hands of Chinese captors in the early 1950's. On the astral plane, a 'deal' was struck between Rampa and the soul of a rather ordinary Englishman. The spirit of the Englishman wished to return to the spirit world, and Rampa wanted to inhabit a human body again in order to make his story known to humanity. Some people refer to this exchange as a 'walk in'.
I won't attempt to go into all the details here, but the reader will better understand some references made in my brief bio if you bear the above explanation in mind. According to Al, alien technology was made available to government and non-government groups, which has the capability of taking a living human being and 'age regress' that person backwards in time to any desired age. This assertion concerning age regression technology has recently been corroborated in a new on-line book written by Stephanie and Michael Relfe called The Mars Record. Michael Relfe had recovered memories of working for the Navy on Mars for 20 years and being age regressed back by 20 years and re-inserted into the earth time continuum at the point in time in which he was taken to Mars to begin his tour of duty there.
1991 Interview with Al Bielek
This 1991 interview took place in Yelm, Washington between Al Bielek and unnamed reporters working for The Sovereign Scribe of McKenna, Washington. Al recounts how he and his brother Duncan were transported by a Time Tunnel machine located at Montauk, Long Island into the interior of an underground facility on Mars in the late 70's. The United States, possibly Russia, and certain aliens already had bases established on the surface of Mars in 1969 in keeping with the provisions of an agreement between the aliens and the US called Alternative 3. The US personnel on the ground, however, couldn't gain access to these interior Martian facilities because they lacked the heavy equipment needed to force an entry. Possessing advanced computers and exact positioning coordinates for Mars, the Time-Space tunnel machine set up at Montauk could place Al and his brother at any location on or inside the planet to within a few inches of computer coordinates. Al and Duncan made many authorized trips to Mars with the Time Tunnel and two "unauthorized" trips on their own in which they were later discovered and taken off the Mars time tunnel project.1997 Interview with Al Bielek Part 1 & 2
Kenneth Burke of Leading Edge Newspaper interviewed Al Bielek at the Global Sciences Congress, Daytona Beach, Florida in August 1997. A highly revealing interview. Covers many important topics.Al's 1992 Video on Mind Control with Vladimir Terziski
Al Bielek made at least two underground videos with Valdimir Terziski. The first one covered the Philadelphia Experiment in depth and this second video went into the mind control aspects of the Montauk Project, which included both trauma-based mind control of the "Montauk Boys" and the development of microwave electronic mind control that is now being implemented worldwide. You can read a brief summary of this video on the Products page by clicking the above link.The Montauk Project & Montauk Boys
Ear Implants, Ear Candles, and Repilians (Mar. 28, 2004)
Reptilians at Montauk By Michelle Guerin (Oct. 3, 2003) Hybrids By Michelle Guerin (Oct. 3, 2003) Pero & Project Superman (Oct. 27, 1999) with Andy Pero, Montauk 'Superman' Programming Victim (Jan. 6, 2004) Superman: The Saga of Andy Pero By Eve Lorgen (Fall, 2000) Undead: The Montauk Project and Camp Hero Today (Part 2) By John Quinn (Nov. 1998) Air Force Station-Active or Not? (Part 1) By John Quinn (Nov. 1997)
The Philadelphia Experiment
Debunking Al Bielek (Aug. 16, 2005) 12, 2003, Significant Date in Philadelphia Experiment Saga (Aug. 12, 2003) Philadelphia Experiment Day (Aug. 12, 2003) the Philadelphia Experiment Debunkers (July 15, 2003) Of A Hoax, The Philadelphia Experiment 50 Years Later by Jacques Vallee-1994 (July 15, 2003) Montauk Project
The 2003 Al Bielek Debunking Campaign
July 22, 2003. A new campaign to debunk Al Bielek got kicked off on the internet somewhere in late Spring of 2003. I've been sent e-mails by two relatively unknown individuals who are anxious to have me review their debunking allegations against Al. I haven't responded to them yet, but a third individual said to be associated with this current debunking effort is better known; his name is Marshall Barnes. Barnes has previously spoken supportively of the Philadelphia Experiment (and Al Bielek) on the radio, so one has to wonder what's going on there. This is not the first time a campaign has been launched to discredit the Philadelphia Experiment story. The late Jacques Vallee attempted to do just that in 1994 with an article titled: Anatomy of a Hoax: The Philadelphia Experiment 50 Years Later which appeared in the Journal of Scientific Exploration. I guess it might have held sway at least with the casual reader, had it not been thoroughly demolished and shown to be a disinfo piece in an article titled: Debunking The Philadelphia Experiment Debunkers which appeared on December 6, 2001 at One has to wonder if Al's unexpected sleuthing and resultant discovery of the HIDDEN FILES embedded within the CDs mentioned above could have had anything to do with this latest discrediting effort, or if Al's more recent radio interviews discussing information about worldwide electronic mind control using microwave "cell phone" towers has anything to do with it. Regardless of the reason, Al says that one doesn't have to scratch very deep beneath the surface to find the hidden hand of Naval Intelligence at work when it comes to undermining his credibility or the reality of the entire Philadelphia Experiment saga.HYPERLINKS:
Index and Direct Hyperlinks to the Other Web Pages on this Website:
The Philadelphia Experiment and the Secrets of Montauk Home Page
Life of Al Bielek
Aliens, Time Travel, and Wormholes
US Navy Official Record
The Philadelphia Experiment Story
The Philadelphia Experiment
Life of Ed Cameron
Dr. James Corum
Nikola Tesla
Dr. John Von Neumann - Official Record
Camp Hero - Fort Montauk
Montauk Project
Larry James
Preston Nichols
Stewart Swerdlow
Duncan Cameron
© Copyright Al Bielek, June 24, 2004.
All rights reserved. No portion of this document may be reproduced in any form without written permission of the author.
Al Bielek's DVDs, CDs, and Audio Tapes
Al Bielek VHS Videos & DVDs
The Autobiography of Al Bielek in Four Parts, April 17-20, 2000 (Denver, Colorado)
Al Bielek's life story encompasses the complete memories of two men, Ed Cameron and Al Bielek. The idea of a separate consciousness inhabiting , at least temporarily, someone else's body is a well known phenomena as seen when a channeler or a medium brings in a spirit to speak through him. It is also possible for a spirit or consciousness to transfer into a different body during a 'single' life. This is essentially what occured to Al Bielek. when the consciouness of Ed Cameron was 'transferred' into the body of Alfred Bielek in 1927. Al spent a week in April of 2000 staying with a a friend at his home near Denver, Colorado to video tape for posterity the amazing details of Ed Cameron's involvement in the government's most highly classified and secret projects, as well as the continuation of involvement in secret projects in the body of Al Bielek. These four tapes run to eight hours and contain a great volume of ancillary detail and new information not included in any of Al's previous lectures or interviews. Each video part of this series is a complete and distinct exposition and does not require owning the entire series to understand the material. The last tape of this series, Part 4 (Time Travel), was not originally intended to be viewed by the general public, but Al decided in 2003 to publicly release this tape as well. Al Bielek's story is one of the most astounding sagas of the 20th century. Highly recommended.Part I (2 hours) $25 plus shipping ((Specify Video or DVD)
- Growing up as Ed Cameron
- Schooling
- The Philadelphia Experiment
- Other Conspiracies
Part 2 (2 hours) $25 plus shipping (Specify Video or DVD)
- The Mach 1 Project
- JRC Enterprise
- Removal of Ed Cameron
- Enter Al Bielek
Part 3 (1 hour, 44 mins.) $25 plus shipping (Specify Video or DVD)
- Growing up as Al Bielek
- 30 years as an Engineer
- The Montauk Project
- The Re-Awakening Epilogue
Part 4 (2 hours) $25 plus shipping (Specify Video or DVD)
- The Rest of the Story
- Time Travel
***Package Deal- All four video tapes or four DVDs of Al's Autobiography for $80 plus shipping*****
- The Montauk Project (Experiments in Time) Al Bielek's June 13, 1993 Los Angeles Lecture & Workshop
Part I: Lecture- The Montauk Project began as an outgrowth of the Philadelphia Experiment where time travel and the manipulation of space and time were part of the research agenda, but the application of these experiments for the purpose of mind control and even wider scale population control became intertwined with the time travel experiments. Thousands of adolescent children, snatched from the streets of Long Island, NY and other American cities, were sent down the Montauk time tunnel; never to be seen again. Other children were used in lethal, high power microwave experiments, while still others were mercilessly beaten (or killed) into submission for the "Montauk Boys" mind control project. Today, according to Al Bielek, there are Montauk-style, electronic mind control programming facilities in every major city in America. There are literally millions of American youth who have been surreptitiously programmed at a local Montauk programming facility-and don't know it-as the programming is impressed upon the subconscious mind of the victim. One obvious tip off or red flag of programming are kids who cut themselves and can't explain why. The second half of this tape includes a 32 minute narrated video tour of the Montauk base recorded in January of 1993 by Preston Nichols, co-author of the book series called The Montauk Project. (1:17 hrs total time) DVD $25 plus shipping (Specify if you want VHS tape)
Part 2, Workshop: Al Bielek's Evening Workshop- Picks up where the lecture left off. This workshop has to be the definitve expose on the diabolical and insideous Montauk Project, which is affecting every single human being on this planet, whether they realize it or not. Includes many slides and Al's unexcelled ability to explain the events, characters, and historical signifigance with clarity and precision (1:56 mins). $25 plus shipping (Specify Video or DVD)
***Package Deal-Both Montauk Project VHS video tapes or DVD's for $40 plus shipping ***
- Al Bielek on Mind Control with Vladimir Terziski, April 16, 1992 (2 hours)
This is the second 'underground' video that Vladimir Terziski made with Al Bielek in Los Angeles . The first video covered the Philadelphia Experiment. This second tape begins with a very brief recap of the Philadelphia Experiment followed by an overview of the multifaceted projects that grew out of the initial invisibility experiments. The principal theme of this recording is the secret development of mind control technologies by private (Montauk) and covert government groups working with former Nazi scientists and negative alien groups. The use of portable invisibility technolgy and time/space travel is now commonplace, according to Al, among military, intellligence, government and private covert organizations. Ten years later, we are seeing the full installation of population-wide electronic mind control apparatus (ELF and GWEN towers) first developed by the Japanese in World War II and further refined in the 70's and 80's under the Montauk Project. It's now plain that Al Bielek was 100 % accurate in his description of secret technologies discussed on this tape. DVD $25 plus shipping (Specify if you want VHS tape)Al Bielek on Audio Cassettes or CDs
- Four hour talk, private home in Laguna Hills, California (Feb. 2001). 2 tapes ... $20 plus shippping
- Al's experiences in the years 2137 & 2849 and notes on Remote Viewing. Al recalls his 6 week hospital recuperation in year 2137 and describes earth life in year 2749 where he was teleported and lived for some time. (90 mins.).... $8 plus shipping
- Larry James and Al Beilek (tape #1) on Montauk Time tunnel, visits to Mars, re-engineering history, and much, much more. Astounding revelations (90 mins.)... $8 plus shipping.
- Larry James and Al Bielek (tape #2) Further expansion of info introduced in tape 1 (90 mins).. $8 plus shipping
- Al Bielek on Mind Control with Vladimir Terziski (2 hours) Audio of above video tape.. $10 & shipping
- Al Bielek Remembers Phil Schneider (2 hours) Al Bielek met Phil Schneider at an Expo in 1993 and until Phil's death in February of 1996, they shared many hours of conversation while rooming together on the lecture circuit. Al recounts unpublished details of Phil's work, the secret life of Phil's father, Oscar Schneider, and Phil's inside intelligence on government collusion with negative extraterrestrials....$10 & shipping
- Al Bielek's 4 Part Autobiography on Audio Cassettes (2 hours each) ... $10 each or $35 for all four tapes plus shipping.
If you wish to obtain any of these recordings, send me an e-mail and type "Al Bielek premium gifts" in the subject line
Thanks, Ken Adachi (
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