Important 1998 Interview with Dr. Hulda Clark
With Dr. Hulda R. Clark and Jan Matthews
June 1998Jan Matthews: Dr. Clark, could you please tell us little about your background?
Dr. Clark: That is a bit difficult, considering that I have a number of years to a put my memory through, but thanks for inviting me. I would first of all say that I come from a hard science background: Physics, Biochemistry, and Biophysics, which was my final training. And consequently I was interested in the electronics of the device that I was using and did come to some conclusion as to how it was functioning and how I could simplify it to make it available to the public.
Jan Matthews: Could you describe the device you were using?
Dr. Clark: There are two electronic devices actually. One is called the Syncrometer and the other is called the Zapper. The research that led up to them is discussed a little in my book The Cure for All Diseases. The Syncrometer is basically a way of scanning the body, of seeing into the body electronically and seeing what’s there. Not only can you see what’s there in the body as a whole, but you can specify a tissue to see what is in, for instance, your muscles or what is in your brain, or what is in a specific part of your brain, such as the medulla, or what is in a specific part of your ear giving you your tinnitus, and so on. So, it is a device that lets you electronically scan your own body to find out what is there and what, of course, may be giving you a problem.
Jan Matthews: How does the Zapper relate?
Dr. Clark: The Zapper was developed because I found with the Syncrometer that each animal, such as ourselves or a virus or bacteria, has as a band of frequency that it puts out. It puts out some kind of energy that has a bandwidth and if you give it a high energy at some frequency inside that bandwidth, you can kill it. So that was the original discovery and that is discussed too, in my Diseases book. The original discovery was with a frequency generator and an A/C signal, but the Zapper is not a frequency generator. We later found that you don’t need to be precise with the frequency, that you could use a square wave and very little energy from a source, such as a 9volt battery, and it killed all the parasites and bacteria and virus that you have that are accessible to the current — kill them together. Therefore, not requiring that you know what the frequency is, nor do them sequentially.
Jan Matthews: When you say parasites, are you talking about worms, bacteria and viruses?
Dr. Clark: Yes.
Jan Matthews: If I have the flu, will it kill the flu?
Dr. Clark: Yes. You may not succeed, but you can. Many people many times do succeed. But the flu is complicated. The flu can be a virus or it can be something else. If you first find out diagnostically, with the Syncrometer, what your flu is, of course, you stand a much better chance of killing it.
Jan Matthews: Can we actually determine the parasites and the viruses and the bacteria that are in our body?
Dr. Clark: Yes.
Jan Matthews: And where they are located — using the Syncrometer?
Dr. Clark: Yes. That is the new technology. So, you’re not only searching for things like mercury or a metabolite like lactic acid — you can include other living things like a specific worm or the staph bacteria in your search with the Syncrometer.
Jan Matthews: Why has the medical establishment failed to recognize the cause of so many of the diseases that we seem to be plagued with these days?
Dr. Clark: I think that they are certainly interested — they are certainly not disinterested. But, time and money are the main constraints on any research. The money and time that regular clinical biochemistry and micro-biology technologies require are prohibited for studying everything the way we would like to have them studied. It is not possible, using the old technologies, to go after research problems in numbers the way we need to now because of the big increase in our health problems. It’s the new technology that is going to make it possible, the way that I have begun it.
Jan Matthews: So the key to discovering many of these causes is the Syncrometer?
Dr. Clark: Yes, because in one afternoon you can discover more than you could discover in a year of doing regular clinical biochemistry.
Jan Matthews: Many dollars are spent in cancer and arthritis research, and money is certainly being put into these areas to detect or determine what the causes are, and yet we seem to come up with new ways of treating symptoms rather than discovering what the root cause is. Why is it that we’re not getting this insight?
Dr. Clark: There isn’t really enough money to go around. There is also one more fact — the parties who are going to do the funding have to believe in the project. There is a component of understanding or belief that goes with doing research. For instance, as long as you don’t believe that it is possible that an insect is making you sick, you will not spend your money on such a project nor give anybody else money on such a project. The fact that Malaria is brought to you by an insect was very ludicrous at one time. It could not get research funds. As long as there is a paradigm of thought in the funding agency that excludes certain biological explanations for disease they, of course, will never give funding for those projects. We just have to wait for the personnel in those agencies that govern the funding to be replaced by individuals who have broader knowledge and greater insight into the possible cause of disease.
Jan Matthews: So we actually need to open the minds of these people, so they don’t predetermine the outcome of a particular research project?
Dr. Clark: That’s a pretty big agenda. I don’t think that we can open the minds of persons who are very well established in their professions. I know that’s true for me in my profession. We just have to wait for younger professionals, who have a greater experience, to come along and fill these shoes.
Jan Matthews: It seems to me that we should make The Cure for All Diseases required reading for all who begin premed or medical school.
Dr. Clark: Yes, or if not required reading, given as a reference text in case they get ill.
Jan Matthews: Oh, yes, when you make it personal it sometimes becomes . . .
Dr. Clark: It goes much faster to your understanding.
Jan Matthews: It seems like chronic, debilitating and fatal diseases are becoming more prevalent in our society. Cancer is on the increase, as well as arthritis. More and more people have these diseases. What is causing this?
Dr. Clark: My conjecture is that it is due to the increase in the use of chemicals, particularly solvents and certain other toxic chemicals. These have handicapped our immune systems. I would specify the gasoline industry to be responsible for AIDS — it’s the mixing of the gasoline industry with the food industry. Now, when I say gasoline industry, I can be more specific: Anywhere there is gasoline there is a trace, an ultra trace of benzene. The Syncrometer, which is extremely sensitive, detects benzene wherever there are petroleum products — no matter how cleaned up they have become for use in human food, for instance, or in human body products, or in water. This, my conjecture, is very frightening to me — that the gasoline industry has polluted the biosphere in this way — our food, our body products, the feed for animals, our water. It has set a train in motion for reduced immunity.
Jan Matthews: So it’s basically something like Vaseline or some of the lubricants?
Dr. Clark: Yes, exactly! Lipstick!
Jan Matthews: Lip balms?
Dr. Clark: Yes.
Jan Matthews: I notice you talk about bottled water also being contaminated.
Dr. Clark: Yes, contaminated with antiseptic and contaminated with pump oil. The pump oil is a petroleum product. The antiseptic is another solvent. We are not so much inundated, yet we are pervasively poisoned by traces of these items. It is true that while we are healthy and younger we can detoxify these traces. But, there comes a point when it becomes too much for even the young and that is certainly true with benzene. It is what I have seen in all the HIV and AIDS cases that I have seen, which is somewhat over 300 now. In every case, without fail, there was benzene buildup. By benzene buildup I mean nothing mysterious or something that had to be conjectured. You simply search for benzene, which is a pure test substance. You search for it in an organ in the body, or the body as a whole, of the patient.
Jan Matthews: I notice that isopropyl alcohol seems to be pervasive. I read my shampoo label and I see Propylene Glycol and rubbing alcohol. I see isopropyl alcohol all over the place and I know you mention it as contaminating soft drinks, bottled water and this type of thing. I read a material safety data sheet that listed isopropyl alcohol and it said it was extremely toxic and to be avoided. It said to go as far as to use face protection and rubber gloves when using it, and yet I find it as the main ingredient in many of our cosmetics and apparently it gets into our beverages and food industry. What is happening here?
Dr. Clark: That is a paradox that is very well stated — just the way you stated it. Many of the substances that are in our foods and our products are very toxic if you read the MSDS sheets. Should we then not believe the MSDS sheets? And why isn’t something done about that, then? Well, those are two different questions. The MSDS sheets are correct, but its common knowledge that they might not be stating the case in reference to the way you are using it. So, even though mercury is very toxic and so on, if you mix it as an amalgam in your tooth, you won’t drop dead and you won’t have all these problems. So the public lore, the professional lore, is that it is not really so toxic as the MSDS sheets say.
Jan Matthews: They say: “There is only a little bit there and it can’t really hurt you.”
Dr. Clark: That’s right. You don’t see anybody dying, and of course a professional person would have the confidence of an organization behind them, the ADA, or AMA or some other professional organization on which they feel they can rely for information much more than looking at an MSDS sheet.
Jan Matthews: I have a friend in the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and I have had discussions almost to the point of debates with him about mercury. He basically tells me that the FDA makes no safety claims about the dental industry and that the FDA doesn’t approve of the use of mercury in dentistry — but they don’t disapprove of it either! He says: “We take no stand on it, but be clearly advised that the FDA has strict guidelines on the disposal of this material and that some day you will have to reckon with the legal profession on the advisability of including mercury in dentistry.”
Dr. Clark: I would like to hear Dr. Frank Jerome [author of Tooth Truth] from Indiana speak to that subject. He is an expert on that subject, much more than I am. I see the results from using mercury in your mouth, but I am not an expert on the technical issues of it.
Jan Matthews: I notice in your revised The Cure for HIV and AIDS that you go into great detail concerning new views you have on dentistry. Could you tell us a little about that?
Dr. Clark: The new views are primarily rather negative. We have not apparently found a replacement tooth material that is safe in itself. Or can be safely glued to the existing tooth part that you still have in your mouth. Two problems are created: The first problem is the toxicity of the tooth material that’s going to replace the missing part of your tooth and the second problem, which might even be greater, is that there is a crevice left under the filling which invites bacteria of the Clostridium family. These are probably the worst members of the bacteria family that we can invite into ourselves. And they are bacteria that initiate our tumors or if not actually initiate them, cause them to become aggressive.
Jan Matthews: How do the bacteria actually effect the tumor? I mean, you’re saying that in our teeth we have the Clostridium bacteria?
Dr. Clark: Yes!
Jan Matthews: And it’s either a cause or an accelerating element in the growth of tumors? Is that cancerous tumors or non-cancerous tumors, or both?
Dr. Clark: I have clearly distinguished between cancerous and non-cancerous tumors. But it is the distinction that is somewhat arbitrary in the clinical sense. Clinically, the distinction is made on the basis of observing the cytology tissue and that is rather vague. I have removed the vagueness of the distinction by saying that at a point where a certain stimulator is produced, at that point, we will call it malignant. That is what I am using and I think it is by far the best, it’s at least precise, and the only time that you do have this stimulator produced in your body is when you have a particular parasite. The stages are found in your organs. These stages abound in our food and they can easily be found clinically if somebody were to search about to find them. But, in doing so they have to believe in what they are searching for, of course. So the distinction between malignant and non-malignant is precise in my definition, and not so precise clinically. I would prefer mine, of course. So, before the tissue becomes malignant it is not malignant. You can say it is benign or pre-malignant or something much earlier than that even and the Clostridium bacteria occur at an even earlier time. It is before the tissue has become malignant but while it is setting up to be malignant. In other words, the Clostridium is denigrating the DNA for the tumor to become aggressive and grow even before it is malignant.
Jan Matthews: Is there a way of detecting tumors in an early stage?
Dr. Clark: With the Syncrometer it is quite easy. You simply put a pure sample of DNA in the circuit and use the Syncrometer the way you’re taught to use it (Syncrometer Class given at the Self Health Resource Center). Search for it in any one of your tissues. Wherever you find it, you will find a small abnormal growth. If it’s large enough to see on a scan, of course, you will see it. And I always recommend doing a scan immediately if you find DNA in a particular organ because there will be a small abnormal growth beginning there. You don’t know how far along it is, so in either case it’s best to have some kind of a picture, a scan or an ultrasound, of that organ to see if the small abnormal growth is big enough for you to see. Very often it is. Well over half of the ones we find can be seen on some kind of X-ray picture after we find it electronically.
Jan Matthews: So, by using the Syncrometer and a DNA sample, you can actually detect breast tumors, or brain tumors, at a very early stage and then use some sort of confirming device to actually take a picture of the tumor?
Dr. Clark: Oh, yes, we do it all the time. Sometimes it’s not so early. Very many tumors are undetected at an early stage because there are no symptoms. The first symptom of a brain tumor might be having a seizure or being dizzy and falling down. Or the tumor might already be fairly large. It could be the size of a pea or the size of a nickel, and you can spot that pretty easily on a CT (computerized tomography) scan of the brain. At that point you couldn’t go after it, of course, so this is by far the most meticulous way to search the body for a tumor.
Jan Matthews: The Syncrometer will actually detect tumors even before they’re detectable using other means, such as mammograms?
Dr. Clark: To be detectable by other means they pretty much have to be 4 millimeters at least in size, and most of those get missed. In fact, a lot of brain CT scans missed tumors that were 5 to 6 or 7 millimeters across. It’s understandable. There are no particular symptoms and some symptoms, like memory loss or a change in personality in an elderly person, aren’t taken so seriously by the medical profession that they would search very carefully and look for a tumor in the brain.
Jan Matthews: So, once you detect it on the Syncrometer you know that its there and it can then be searched for more diligently and looked for until its found, rather than: “I didn’t see it so it must not be there.”
Dr. Clark: That’s right, but, of course, we can get rid of it in one day, so you would need to jump to attention and get that scan made so you can see it before its gone. We take the DNA out of it in a day or two.
Jan Matthews: How do you do that?
Dr. Clark: Well you have to know that the DNA is made by the Clostridium bacteria. And that the Clostridium is coming from two sources and two only: The intestinal tract and your teeth; the large fillings, especially plastic fillings, in your teeth.
Jan Matthews: So, by removing the fillings . . .
Dr. Clark: Yes, we take those fillings out, pronto. If possible, the first day or the second day — even before I see the patient because that’s the lifesaving feature. That’s where time is so important; we take those out and we clear the intestinal tract of Clostridium bacteria. Evidentially the teeth are infecting the intestine — not other way around.
Jan Matthews: How do you get the Clostridium bacteria out of the intestine?
Dr. Clark: We have a supplement which is essentially a stomach supplement: betaine hydrochloride. It will clear the Clostridium bacteria out of most of the intestinal tract — it will push them back down all the way to the colon. A cancer patient ordinarily will have Clostridium bacteria all the way up from the colon through the stomach and even in the esophagus. And, also, in whichever organ is involved in having tumors — it is sometimes all over the body. But, by using betaine hydrochloride to clear it from the intestinal tract, and removing the teeth with the large fillings (because the entire tooth is really invaded by the Clostridium) then the Clostridium goes away by itself. The body has enough immunity to kill the bacteria that has entered these organs. It just does not have the wherewithal to kill bacteria in a tooth crevice.
Jan Matthews: So, what you are doing is kind of like killing an ant colony. You are killing the colony and the few little ants that are still out there in the body, the immune system can handle itself.
Dr. Clark: That’s right.
Jan Matthews: What you are doing is removing the source of tumor formation.
Dr. Clark: Exactly, and you will see improvement the very next day or two days later — it happens very quickly — the body is exceedingly swift in correcting its health problems as soon as you do the right thing. So, the very same day that you have the extractions of the teeth with large fillings, the Clostridium is out of your mouth. You still have to treat with betaine hydrochloride to clear it from the intestinal tract; otherwise it would be quite slow. We do both together and in two days we are rid of the DNA no matter where that tumor happens to be growing.
Jan Matthews: And then the body itself will eliminate the tumor?
Dr. Clark: There is more to it than that. The tumor has already undergone quite a few mutations. Of course, it may or may not have undergone all these mutations. You just have to study the tumor with the Syncrometer to see what stage its in and how aggressive it is and what has already happened to it — what mutations have already occurred.
Jan Matthews: Once we eliminate the Clostridium.
Dr. Clark: We have cut off the supply!
Jan Matthews: It’s the growth of the tumor that we have stopped.
Dr. Clark: It’s the growth that we have stopped, but we cannot shrink the tumor just by doing that. You may be fortunate and your body may shrink it because it is now so powerful in some way that we don’t understand yet. But, if you want to shrink it with reliability you have to go after the rest of the dozen components of that tumor. A tumor is much more complicated than a malignancy. The malignancy is a simple invasion of the tumor. It is just an invasion by a fluke parasite stage, which was assisted by isopropyl alcohol. It’s quite easy to get rid of that. But the tumor was created in a complicated way and perhaps you’ve had that for ten or twenty years already. So its understandable that layer after layer has been added to that small growing mass in order to make it an aggressive tumor.
Jan Matthews: In the USA and Canada is it legal for licensed medical practitioners to use these methods to treat diseases?
Dr. Clark: I don’t know the answer to that. I think you would need a medical attorney. Probably most medical personnel themselves would have only an off-the-cuff answer and that would not be precise enough. Certainly these devices could be used in a research setting.
Jan Matthews: They would have to define what they were doing and they would have to actually explain that this is experimental in nature.
Dr. Clark: I do that, though I am not medical personnel and my profession isn’t medical.
Jan Matthews: Have any formal clinical tests been conducted that were sanctioned by the medical establishment?
Dr. Clark: Using my methods?
Jan Matthews: Yes, using the Syncrometer.
Dr. Clark: Not that I know of, but they are probably in the offing in the future.
Jan Matthews: I actually conducted my own test with a patient with terminal colon cancer. When I first read The Cure for All Diseases I thought: “This is so believable I have to try it.” Soon thereafter, I had the privilege of working with a gentleman named `Norm’ who had been treated elsewhere for six years and came to me with terminal colon cancer. He had three large tumors on his spine and we were able to stop the progress of the cancer using the Zapper. I didn’t have a Syncrometer so I couldn’t tell what was in there. I took your advice and I did this treatment based on faith. Within twelve weeks this terminal patient, who was supposed to die in three weeks, was actually back to work and was pronounced “in remission” by his oncologist. So, I personally know that this technique works. It was a very exciting experience and Norm is now looking for other people with the same type of disorder and is making Zappers for them. One of the questions he has is: “Now that I’ve cured the cancer, or that I am “in remission,” and have gotten rid of this life threatening parasite in my body and gotten rid of the isopropyl alcohol, how must I live the rest of my life? How do I prevent this from coming back?"
Dr. Clark: That’s the most intelligent question that he could ask. And I am glad that you brought it up because if he doesn’t avoid isopropyl alcohol in his lifestyle, he is most certain to pick up the same parasite again. Incidentally, we hear a lot of very, very nice stories like Norm’s and, of course, that becomes a driving force behind doing more research and probably behind your motivations too.
Jan Matthews: Absolutely!
Dr. Clark: Parasite stages abound in our meat and dairy industry, so there is no way of completely avoiding it. For that reason I would tell persons like Norm that we have to be aware that the environment is very conducive to illness and unless we explore the whole environment and the problems it brings to us we will never know how to improve it. It will take persons like yourself to start to use the Syncrometer, keep notes on everything they do, communicate with each other in their findings, improve each others’ skills, and build the art — at present there is still an art component to it — because it has not yet been automated. But, of course, it’s in its infancy and everything has to start in its infancy. I am very glad persons like yourself have the insight to clear up a very ill person’s illness and not call it a “spontaneous remission.”
Many a clinical person might have been tempted to call it “chance,” namely a “spontaneous remission.” It’s something not understood well. This experience of yours does not fit the pattern of what you might call a “spontaneous remission,” but that little feature often gets overlooked. Say you dealt with a person whose chance of recovery was very, very small. And, therefore, even if he is only one person, changing his status was very, very unlikely. That anything can do it is very significant, therefore you don’t throw that aside as “due to chance.” Statistics, compiled by people like yourself, are needed before people will realize that they are capable of doing something very remarkable.
Jan Matthews: I’ve read stories about patients with colon or brain cancer being told they are terminal by the medical establishment. After reading your book, I want cancer patients to not worry about being terminal. I want them to just know the cause of their cancer and how to deal with the cause.
Dr. Clark: Yes, and its very important for people to know that you don’t have to understand every bit about the technology that you’re using, as long as you can depend on it and see that it works for you. In the same way, I don’t have to understand just how the light is produced from a light bulb in order to use it.
Jan Matthews: All you have to know is where the light switch is.
Dr. Clark: You do want somebody to know, or somebody to be researching that, but you don’t have to be that person - you may be busy trying to cure people. At this point, I would like to tell you how very complicated it is to clear up terminally ill patients and bring them back to health. You have really taken on three tasks: Getting the malignancy out of them, getting the tumor to shrink, and bringing them back to health. Those are three different things. You might have thought that you really had only one problem, cancer, because they were so intertwined. But in order to cure the cancer effectively you have to know its main components, otherwise they will come after you. So, you need to be able to shrink that tumor reliably, not by chance, so that you can expect it to happen in a certain time frame. And then, do a CT scan to see that it has happened. Then you would feel secure that you knew what the perimeters were, governing the growth of that tumor, so that you could prevent it.
Jan Matthews: Is it true that in Germany there are more than five hundred physicians that are interested in your methods and are any of them using your methods in their practice?
Dr. Clark: I have heard that there are a considerable number of professional people using this method and that there is a growing interest, yes.
Jan Matthews: I noticed that The Cure for All Diseases has been translated into German and Japanese. Are there plans to translate the book into any other languages?
Dr. Clark: There are a number of languages already that some of the books have been translated into.
Jan Matthews: I’d like to shift a little bit and ask about some specific diseases. It seems that everyone I talk to lately knows someone with Chron’s Disease. Chron’s Disease is a devastating disease and, especially when a young person is involved, it effects the other family members almost as much as the person with the disease. In the October 1997 issue of Newsweek there was an article about it and other diseases of the colon and intestine. The author said small perforations could be seen in the wall of the intestine and that these small perforations allowed bacteria, viruses and other pathogens to get into the body. One of the speculations was that as the result of these perforations things like diabetes, cancer, arthritis and other chronic and devastating diseases occur. Could you comment on that?
Dr. Clark: I saw this happening more than ten years ago when I had a number of cases of Chron’s disease. You’ll have a large number of parasites growing in the upper part of the small intestine and it becomes ulcerated. You would expect that. And, wherever there is ulceration there is traffic through the wall. So, Salmonella bacteria, especially, are very prevalent here and other bacteria, and the parasites spread themselves out as much as they can. And, while the individual is pretty young they cope with it, but later on they become debilitated.
Jan Matthews: Frequently, sections of the intestine are removed, and because of scarring, there is restriction in the intestine and this causes pain when food passes through. If we kill the pathogens and clean up the various solvents in the body, will the body repair that scarring?
Dr. Clark: I know that Chron’s Disease patients can be corrected in a matter of weeks and the pain from scarring has had definite improvement. I think you would have to look at that under a microscope to see how the scar tissue is doing, but as long as there isn’t any pain with it that’s not my first concern. I think getting Chron’s patients back to eating normally and feeling normal and living a normal life would be my first concern regardless of what the scar tissue is doing
Jan Matthews: I’m currently working with a gentleman in Canada who has had Chron’s Disease for seven years. One of the problems he has with it is chronic diarrhea, or at best, loose stool. I read a book by Webster that says acidophilus bacteria, the good flora in the colon, is beneficial for this problem. Webster claims there is a method of restoring the good flora in a matter of weeks by an implant method. He uses human acidophilus to correct the acidity problem — to get the correct pH — and then he uses wheat whey, actually eaten or taken in a liquid form, that feeds the flora. Have you had an experience with anything similar?
Dr. Clark: I have not pursued very diligently the changing of the flora with cultures because I haven’t been successful. I find it’s a much faster approach to remove what shouldn’t be there. In other words, cleaning up your lifestyle and killing your parasites. That changes the body’s functions so quickly, changes your flora so quickly, that it outweighs the other approaches, such as taking various bacterial cultures. I tend to emphasize removal of bad things rather than taking on new good things. I think there is a better chance of you getting corrected by removing bad things.
Jan Matthews: Another very serious debilitating disease is rheumatoid arthritis. Many people have this and it is claimed that the immune system is attacking the person’s own body. In The Cure for All Diseases you talk about roundworms being present. Is it possible that the immune system is really attacking roundworms that have been unidentified by the medical professionals?
Dr. Clark: I think that’s exactly right. Either the immune system is attacking the bacteria that have become constant in that tissue, or the parasite that has become a constant part of that tissue. In rheumatoid arthritis you see a parasite very strongly in addition to bacterial invasion — again coming from the teeth. It is pretty easy to solve. You just clean up your teeth. That means removing all infection from your mouth. You have to remove the source of the infection, which is under the big fillings, and the bacteria that invade the joints.
Jan Matthews: I notice that the conventional treatment is normally the suppression of the immune system. That’s playing right into the invader’s hand, isn’t it?
Dr. Clark: Yes.
Jan Matthews: And, as a result, patients frequently degenerate into a poor quality of life.
Dr. Clark: Yes.
Jan Matthews: I talked to a gentleman whose wife has had rheumatoid arthritis for ten years. Her doctor put her on Prednisone ten years ago and now every time she tries to get off the Prednisone she goes into a coma because her adrenal glands literally shut down. Is there an effective way of weaning her off of this serious drug?
Dr. Clark: No. There is not an effective way, but you still have to do it. You must go very, very slowly and it is a clinical problem getting off a drug like that, because it could be life threatening. But, once you have your joint function back to a considerable extent, the body has a resurgence of coping power some how. And you can — and this is a conjecture — I think it would be a lot easier to come down off this Prednisone after having cleared up the disease, the joint disease, than beforehand. So, that is still a clinical problem. You want to be in a doctor’s hands to observe you as you are cutting down your dosages.
Jan Matthews: Dr. Clark, could you tell us about your recently updated The Cure For All Cancers?
Dr. Clark: Yes, the updated Cure For All Cancers (February 1998) has new information on what causes tumors. It is brief because the book is about the malignancy and the malignancy is the highest priority. To save a life you must quickly get rid of the malignancy. Then you need to shrink the tumors and stop making tumors grow and that is a different part of the problem. I have outlined that for my readers in the update so that they can take measures to stop their tumors from growing, to start shrinking their tumors, and to not have anymore tumors.
The other part that's new - and its a big part - is the dental clean up. One has to do much better then I originally thought. In other words, the plastic that I was recommending in the first issue of The Cure For All Cancers, called composite material, I find is full of those very things that cause tumors to grow. They are copper, cobalt, malonic acid and its family, and urethane, which is a very common tumor grower, which was discovered way back in the 1920's. Urethane pollutes our plastic teeth and seeps out continuously. It's part of the plastic industry and pollutes many parts of our environment.
These composites also have an estrogen substance in them and I'm not at all certain that it has anything to do with cancer or tumors but we should not be sucking on an estrogen substance day and night. It's bad for men and it's bad for women. We have a lot of women's problems, a great deal of women's problems, not the least of which is osteoporosis. We also have a great deal of men's problems. We should not be sucking on estrogen. Finally, there is dye. The material used in dentures and partials is often colored pink which is (usually) a very carcinogenic dye. It is extremely carcinogenic, so having that in your mouth as a restoration it's unthinkable. What you can do about all of this is what I have discussed in the update.
Jan Matthews: One of the things you mention in the book several times is malonic acid. What is the problem with it? What is the cause? What problem does it present to the body? And how do we get it into our food chain?
Dr. Clark: This comes as a surprise to a biologist like me - that there should be something in ordinary food that we, as animals, have been eating since time began, and that there should be something rather harmful in it. Of course, there are other chemicals in all foods that are harmful too, but nobody suspected malonic acid to be present in food. Even though analyses have been made of say, orange juice, which go back to the 1920's, and malonic acid was one of those acids that was found.
Malonic acid is not only found in certain foods but it is an industrial chemical. That's how all researchers became aware of it at the turn of the century - in 1900. It was already known then that malonic acid, which was being used in all industries at that time, caused inhibition of oxygen; a slowdown of cellular respiration. It was known because experiments had been done on dogs. By 1920 or so, the first great cancer researcher discovered that no matter how you slow down respiration - whether by using an anesthetic or another chemical, it didn't matter - if you slowed down oxygen use by a living tissue, you could induce tumors.
But nobody ever combined those two facts, even though they worked with them side by side. Cancer researchers worked with malonic acid because it's the same research you did when you researched oxygen utilization. And you could always see that malonic acid reduced oxygen utilization. So malonic acid was a staple in any biochemist's experimentation for about fifty years. But, while you could see that malonic acid always slowed down respiration, and while it was known that slowed-down respiration led directly to tumor formation, nobody thought that we, who are infected with tumor formation, might be eating malonic acid - because it's an industrial chemical - how could we be eating that?
Nobody, certainly not I, in my wildest dreams, would have suspected malonic acid in the food we eat as a possible cause of tumors in humans - spontaneous tumors - the way we get them spontaneously. But there it was! The Syncrometer discovered it. Now, how to explain it. We found it first wherever there were tapeworm eggs. And for a year I researched that and decided finally that the tapeworm cysticercus stage or an egg stage or some larval stage must be making it - or inducing us to make it right there on sight.
So, first we found that there is malonic acid wherever there is a tapeworm stage. Secondly, we found it in food! That was, of course, mind boggling - how we could be eating our own tumor forming chemicals! It was just too much to believe and yet every tumor that we analyzed, even after the tapeworm stages were gone, still had malonic acid because we were giving patients carrot juice! Even though they complained that they didn't feel well after drinking it (there are a lot of complaints about carrot juice) we insisted they drink it because of its good nutritional qualities. Finally we understood the problem. Patients brought the problem to us. After analysis we found it in the common everyday foods that we eat, specifically carrots, tomatoes and several others. Fortunately the list is not very long.
Then we found one more place where you get malonic acid - in your plastic tooth replacements - and from there it seeps into your system day and night. It is a pretty hearty chemical. Its not one that goes away or is easily detoxified - not at all! It consumes all our B-12 and folic acid, and that's were our vitamin C goes - that's why we need grams of vitamin C.
Jan Matthews: Is that why you recommend vitamin C powder on everything - to detoxify mold and get more vitamin C into our body?
Dr. Clark: It'll do that too, but the reason we need so much more than the MDR - the commonly accepted small amount of 60 mg. - and we really do need these gigantic amounts, is to detoxify malonic acid derivatives in some organ.
It doesn't go all over your body; it's attracted to those organs perhaps that have metal in them because there is a chelating effect of the malonic acid on the metal and vice versa. The dynamics of it need a lot of study, of course, but the bottom line is we should never be eating malonic acid. We should get the malonic acid out of our mouths - stop sucking on it - and of course we should kill our tapeworm stages. We do that with the updated parasite program. Thus we are free of malonic acid in our bodies and the tumor is now free of one of the dozen things that cause a tumor to grow.
Jan Matthews: Can we test for malonic acid using the Syncrometer?
Dr. Clark: Oh yes, and its derivatives too. I use four derivatives that I commonly see made in the body. If you eat malonic acid the body changes it into methel melanate. In a healthy person you don't see that. You don't see even malonic acid in the tissues of a healthy person. A healthy young child who is eating a carrot will not depict malonic acid in some organ that I am searching. Apparently the body has metabolized it quickly in some other way. I don't know just how. That needs to be researched. I have a theory in the book, but that's all it is.
But, once you have sickness - a sick organ somewhere - then that's not what happens to malonic acid. A different route is taken. Apparently you can no longer metabolize it normally and now your body tries to detoxify it instead. First it makes methelylmalonic acid then it makes maleic acid then maleic anhydride and then D(+) malic acid. These are not ordinarily related chemicals in biochemistry. We are all familiar with these, but it is only with the Syncrometer that I have detected the serial nature formation of these - always in one direction and requiring certain vitamins and that is why we need such large quantities of certain vitamins. And as soon as you stop eating malonic acid, or getting malonic acid in any way, you relieve the tremendous requirement for those vitamins.
For cancer patients the first thing we have to do is remove all the malonic acid and dose them up heavily with those vitamins that they're very, very short on because of having used up all those vitamins - first in that organ and then in the rest of the body. The rest of the body has tried to supply that organ with B-12, folic acid and vitamin C and in doing so it has become depleted.
Jan Matthews: So, we definitely need nutritional supplementation of the correct vitamins.
Dr. Clark: We do need nutritional supplementation, but getting safe ones is another big hurdle.
Jan Matthews: Can we use our Syncrometer to detect the safeness of nutritional supplements?
Dr. Clark: Absolutely. That's the whole idea. You get yourself a Syncrometer and a set of the most common solvents that pollute our supplements. They are manufacturing solvents and antiseptics - used in manufacturing to clean the pumps, the tableter, and the tubing that carries the material as it is pumped along - and to grease or oil things. And when you find a product that is free of those you can take it. When I accept a product I also test for all the heavy metals - about eighty them (not all heavy metals, but toxins too) - that I have mentioned in the book.
Jan Matthews: Have you ever published a list of brand names or do you not get involved in recognition of safe brands?
Dr. Clark: We need that service very much. I was hoping that Syncrometer users would eventually make a newsletter for themselves and exchange that information so that a good list could go out to people.
Jan Matthews: Maybe someone will take the initiative after reading this and go out and fight the good fight. I read in your updated (1997) Cure For AIDS and HIV that you developed a new treatment for ridding the body of Ascaris (roundworm) and tapeworm. Could you elaborate on that for us, please?
Dr. Clark: Yes. It's an updated, more thorough parasite-killing program than I had in the original books. I found that a little bit of parasite could easily escape because you are not aware that it is present. But in searching with the Syncrometer for remnants of Ascaris (you can get different slides - the eggs and the different molding stages and so on) you'll find very often that there is a remnant that did not get killed. In order to kill that remnant of both tapeworm eggs and stages (cyst stages, black cyst stages, cysticercus stages) and remaining Ascaris eggs you need to do a more intense program. I call it a "Mop-Up" Program - a combination of ozonated oil and L-Cysteine. We searched many, many an item trying to find a way to kill the last remaining bits of these two parasites. You might ask why they weren't killed just with zapping and with the regular amounts of tincture and herbs. There's a good reason. We found that although you kill the adult worm you have not killed the eggs within the eggs - the eggs were sheltered from both the electricity and the herbs - and they come out after you kill the adult worm and there you are, still left with them. That can go on for three to four weeks, and by then you have new cycles established. So you do have to mop that up right after you kill the adults and do the general parasite-killing program so there is an amount of L-Cysteine and ozonated oil that you need to take that I have in the recipe. Do you want me to elaborate on the recipe?
Jan Matthews: Yes, please.
Dr. Clark: We have figured out that it takes approximately two capsules of 500 mg of L-Cysteine taken three times a day along with two or three tablespoons of ozonated oil to "Mop Up." These items penetrate the stages and even dead carcasses enough to kill the eggs within. But whether you have done it completely depends on monitoring it with your Syncrometer to be sure. This amount gets most of it, but I would like not to miss even one in a hundred so I don't want to say that this is absolutely the amount to be taken for everyone in every case. I am saying this is quite effective. And I would like the individual to do some monitoring. But, if they don't have a way to monitor themselves with a Syncrometer they should go on the program in the book where it tells you what to do for three weeks or so (and how to make your own ozonated oil to cut the cost and to be in control of the whole procedure). You can order L-Cysteine from Self Health Resource Center, (800) 873-1663, and I have given other sources in the book.
Jan Matthews: When you say 'ozonated oil' - is this something you can buy or something you make?
Dr. Clark: You buy an ozonator and some olive oil and a ceramic aerator (or stone) from an animal shop (Aquarium store) and bubble medium sized bubbles of ozone into the olive oil for twenty minutes, and that produces a product that is singularly effective in penetrating the parasites.
Jan Matthews: Is this more effective than the black walnut tincture and wormwood and clove capsules?
Dr. Clark: You cannot do without the original recipe - yet. So far, I have not found that you could. I am very keen on reducing costs and streamlining a method and making it more convenient. But not at the expense of anybody's health or life, so we have to do the parasite program with its tincture and herbs carefully, just the way the recipe says, and also add this "Mop Up" Program, but it is fairly simple.
Jan Matthews: In your book The Cure for All Diseases there is a one-line mention of Lou Gehrig's disease. Lou Gehrig's disease is extremely debilitating and almost always leads to death in two to five years. What have you found as the cause and what is an effective treatment?
Dr. Clark: I've only had three cases of Lou Gehrig's (where there were symptoms already) and I've had a number of cases of ALS and there is some relationship between the two. I'm not sure just what or whether they are identical, but for the Lou Gehrig's cases there were large parasites, namely adult Fasciolopsis buskii in the brain.
Jan Matthews: Was that zylenes and toluene at work again?
Dr. Clark: It was
Jan Matthews: Incredible.
Dr. Clark: It is very similar to Alzheimer's disease in that respect. It probably is a matter of which part of the brain is being attacked that decides which disease it will become.
Jan Matthews: What about Parkinson's disease? Many very famous people like Muhammad Ali and Billy Graham have Parkinson's disease and it appears that while they can live with it they certainly have their bad days. Is it another parasite disease?
Dr. Clark: Yes it is. I've seen lots of Parkinson's disease and we can clear it up completely (astonishing as that is) - to where a person can be totally rehabilitated in spite of being on maximum drugs - and can walk normally without drugs. The problem is the same still -parasites in the brain - but there is an exceptionally large accumulation of mercury and thallium as well, and malonic acid and probably bacteria and virus from other parasites in addition, so that the enzymes that make dopamine are inhibited. We can easily see when the enzymes are present, and when they are not. You simply do that with Syncrometer biochemistry, which I call electronic biochemistry. It's easy to see what is present that is causing the enzymes to become inhibited and remove it, restoring the activity of the enzymes, and the person walks . . . or skips.
Jan Matthews: In order to remove concentrations of mercury and so forth, do you use chelation?
Dr. Clark: Nothing is as quick as stopping the use of the source of the mercury. We have tried several different chelating methods and they help somewhat, but they are not nearly as powerful as stopping the use of a product that has the offending substance in it. In the case of Parkinson's disease you must stop using toilet paper, paper hand-towels, and anything else you use from the paper industry that has mercury in it.
Jan Matthews: You're talking about basically a change in lifestyle, aren't you?
Dr. Clark: Yes, back to a more primitive style, which was not so heavily polluted with mercury.
Jan Matthews: Another disease I've recently heard about is Paget's disease of the bone, the result of which is somewhat like that of osteoporosis, are you familiar with this disease?
Dr. Clark: Yes, but I have not paid attention to a specific classification such as Paget's disease. Although I've had a number of cases involving bone disease I don't recall them automatically as Paget's disease cases. I would not approach it in that manner. I would approach it as, what are the parasites for this person, what are the main toxins and solvents for this person, and eradicate those and then see what results we have.
Jan Matthews: Are parasites involved in osteoporosis? I mean, is this a nutritional problem? I notice that some people absorb calcium more than others do. I think you mentioned, for instance, when you drink milk if you don't excrete liver bile it's very difficult to absorb calcium.
Dr. Clark: Yes, but I think it is largely a dental problem through its toxic effects on the thyroid and parathyroid glands. I have found that the dietary intake of calcium or even vitamin D is not nearly as large a force on your calcium level as how your thyroid and parathyroid glands are doing. So, if you get those two tissues on slides as well as parathyroid hormone and calcitonin and thyroxin as representatives of these organs you'll find that if there is Clostridium bacteria in your parathyroids, your calcium level drops very, very seriously. And that is probably the basis of the low calcium levels that we see in people's blood test results. We do blood tests for everyone we see and we've probably seen two thousand patients in the last couple of years. Even when patients have no calcium disorder and consider themselves okay in that area (they may be a cancer patient but not concerned with a calcium problem), very often we do see a low level of calcium (something like 8.6 or 8.7 instead of 9.2 or 9.3 - where it should be), and it is always a toxin or bacterium in the parathyroids. It may be malonic acid, Clostridium bacteria, copper, cobalt and vanadium or other metals such as thallium or mercury in the parathyroids.
Jan Matthews: Does this also effect the activity of the thyroid and the parathyroid? I have heard of people having a hyperactive parathyroid and a hyperactive thyroid. My father has a hyperactive thyroid and the normal procedure for dealing with that is to kill the thyroid gland and then go on medicine the rest of your life. Is this another disease?
Dr. Clark: It's another ordinary disease. You'll find that a thyroid that is hyperactive has metal in it, parasites in it, bacteria in it and probably also virus, though I haven't pursued that. So, it's the same kind of situation, and you can often clear it up in a week
Jan Matthews: It's sad that people have these organs removed in order to control it and then for the rest of their lives they have to take some kind of drug to compensate for it.
Dr. Clark: Well, the future will be better as we begin to understand the real nature of our diseases and begin to do something about it.
Jan Matthews: When we consider diabetes, there are different types of diabetes: Type 1 and Type 2. I know a case where there is a one-year-old child who is on insulin everyday with severe diabetes. Is it safe to use a Zapper on a one-year-old child?
Dr. Clark: That is a question that an attorney needs to answer because my experience is not sufficient to safeguard the public. So, I would rather not answer that question because I would have to answer it from my experience.
Jan Matthews: I understand.
Dr. Clark: The parent needs to weigh for himself or herself which risks they want to take. They have the circuit in the book. They can build it if they choose.
Jan Matthews: Yes. In older people, when we look at diabetes, I mean we've got parasites and we've got toxins involved. Is there any new research in that area that you've done? Are there any new insights?
Dr. Clark: You know, I didn't need to come up with anything new because the old works perfectly well. The problem is still wood alcohol everywhere in our food and in our body products. We are weighted in wood alcohol. How should we not get pancreatic damage, especially in the young? I have pictures of baby food in the book - it's laced with wood alcohol - why wouldn't babies get diabetes?
Jan Matthews: If we could just clean that out of our environment.
Dr. Clark: That's it. And I think that in youngsters the body could kill the parasites by itself if you would only remove the impediment, which is the wood alcohol.
Jan Matthews: Again the Syncrometer. If the food industry used the Syncrometer on all processes they could actually take care of that problem, couldn't they?
Dr. Clark: They certainly could. I hope there will be some responsible manufacturers who take note of that.
Jan Matthews: Well, maybe someday we will see companies that say: 'This product is certified free of solvents using the Syncrometer method.
Dr. Clark:Yes, and even more precisely, 'This product has been found free of mercury, thallium, isopropyl alcohol, benzene and so on, up to a certain limit of concentration, using the Syncrometer method.' That's the product I would like to buy.
Jan Matthews: Me too. Hepatitis C is a particularly nasty disease, do you have any experience with that disease?
Dr. Clark: Oh, yes. I've seen quite a few cases of Hepatitis C. It clears up very quickly - in less than three weeks.
Jan Matthews: Again, is it a parasite disease?
Dr. Clark: It's largely dental. The bacteria and toxins from dental restorations have gone to the liver. The liver eventually is unable to cope with it and allows growth of the parasites and other bacteria in the liver and you see all kinds of viruses and bacteria loose in the liver.
Jan Matthews: Our teeth are such a source of problems!
Dr. Clark: Yes, I'm afraid that that has become quite a realization.
Jan Matthews: Dr. Clark, recently a friend of mine told me of a friend who was just diagnosed with pancreatic and liver cancer. It was last week and they've given him less than four weeks to live and the doctor said there is nothing they can do to help him. They've agreed to give him pain medicine as required toward the end, but they basically advised him to pick out an undertaker.
Dr. Clark: That is not a particularly difficult kind of cancer to cure with our method. We have had quite a few of these cases and I consider liver cancer, in particular, one of the easier ones to cure. Also pancreatic cancer - provided you have not become debilitated yet, because of the cancer. If you can no longer eat, can no longer pass any food and have become very ill, that adds a complication to the illness that reduces the chances of success, of a cure. If the patient is still able to function, the chances of success for a cure are at least 95%. You just have to jump to it - don't waste a single day. We would not waste a single hour if we had that patient because we know that things happen that cannot be foreseen. Suddenly digestion is totally cut off or suddenly the valves completely close and then you can no longer correct it. So, as long as the patient is still functioning, jump to it. Kill all the parasites to completion, which means you must include the "Mop Up" Program. Get those infected teeth and teeth with fillings in them out faster than you can count them. Do the dental aftercare program to be very, very careful about getting rid of the infection in the mouth and follow all the other precautions that I give you. It is not that difficult. It'll be 50% dental, 50% parasites.
Jan Matthews: In our schools today, there’s a scourge of a disease called Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) or Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD). These children are treated with amphetamines like Ritalin and I understand that zapping can help that disorder. Do you have any experience with ADD and ADHD?
Dr. Clark: Yes, it’s a very common problem for children. It’s due to weak liver function. Children have weak livers, meaning that they cannot detoxify the food that we are giving them.
Jan Matthews: Especially sugar. I think they have a problem with sugar, don’t they?
Dr. Clark: They can have a reaction to the isopropyl alcohol and the mold that is in the sugar. Sugars are laced with those things; it is not the sugar molecule itself that is the problem.
Jan Matthews: It’s the pollutants within it?
Dr. Clark: Yes, so the first thing I do is switch them to confectioners sugar, which is dextrose not sucrose. We don’t find the confectioners sugar polluted. That’s what we give our patients.
Jan Matthews: Does the liver cleanse help?
Dr. Clark: No. That is not appropriate. The appropriate measure is to remove the toxins that the liver is challenged by. It is not right to challenge children’s livers with the toxic food and non-food products we are giving them. We are giving the children dye, D-Y-E, in the foods they are eating. The milk is laced with dye. Butter and cheese are laced with dye. The candy is all laced with dye and the beverages that they are drinking are colored with dye. The liver must detoxify the dye. The foods they are eating are also contaminated by the gasoline industry, namely benzene and other solvents — why shouldn’t they suffer? Generations ago children were not challenged by these terribly destructive toxins. It’s sad. It’s a sad commentary on our so-called civilized lifestyle that our children cannot digest the food they are eating.
Jan Matthews: I agree. Leukemia is a particularly debilitating disease. My mother in law has leukemia. She is eighty years old and she’s been given chemotherapy and she has to take some kind of toxic drug every day, which keeps her very weak, and has ruined her quality of life. What advice do you have for people who have leukemia?
Dr. Clark: The parasite program is very easy to take, even for the very elderly. In fact, they enjoy it. They feel so much better afterward that they’ll often ask for another dose. So, the correct solution is to kill the parasites, in particular the remnant of Ascaris that is there, which produces the bone-marrow toxin hydroxy urea (the exact medicine that is often given for leukemia). Follow the diet, especially the dairy rule: Stop eating un-sterile dairy products. By removing the parasites and doing some of the environmental clean up that I mention in the book, I think she should recover in just three weeks.
Jan Matthews: That fast. That’s amazing. When you talk of bone-marrow, there’s bone-marrow cancer, is that similar?
Dr. Clark: Very similar.
Jan Matthews: The Ascaris?
Dr. Clark: Yes, and tapeworm stages.
Jan Matthews: Dr. Clark, I have people come up to me in restaurants when they see I’m reading The Cure For All Cancers or looking something up in The Cure For All Diseases. They will strike up a conversation by asking me about the book and then go on to tell me about a parent or other family member who has cancer or another disease. But, when I’m reading The Cure For HIV and AIDS never has anyone struck up a conversation with me — I mean people literally walk ten feet around me when they see that book and nobody ever wants to talk about it. AIDS has such a stigma to it that even when I ask people if they know anyone who has AIDS they say they absolutely don’t know anyone. Would you please share with us some of your experiences with AIDS?
Dr. Clark: AIDS (acquired immune deficiency syndrome) or having HIV is still embarrassing to quite a few people. That’s unfortunate because we are all headed in that direction. I am not saying we are all headed in the direction of having the HIV virus but we are headed in the direction of having AIDS, which is just low immunity. We already see low immunity. The white blood cell count of the average person walking on the street is lower now than it was twenty years ago. I have hundreds of white blood cell count blood test results showing low immunity. I have a set of about three hundred of these done over a ten year time period from 1980-1990, and many more recent ones.
That the white blood cell count is lower is the single clearest index of low immunity that you can have and the white blood cell count is going down for the average person. They are getting acquired immune deficiency — acquired from what? It is acquired from petroleum pollution of our food and body products. The gasoline industry has inserted itself into the food industry. Now, it may be entirely unintentional. The chemists who think they are cleaning up the Vaseline and mineral oil so carefully that there will be no trace of benzene in it cannot do so because even the best clinical chemistry that you can do, searching for benzene, is not good enough for the body. The body cannot have traces, not even ultra traces, of benzene, but I find it in food after food, product after product all day long and that is toxic to the body. A build up results. And because benzene has the property of going to your thymus and bone-marrow you see what will be affected first — your production of T-cells and your production of white blood cells — they are produced in the bone-marrow and in the thymus.
So while we may think that we are protected from getting AIDS and HIV because our lifestyle is not consistent with it so it doesn’t put us at risk, that is quite untrue. We are not secure at all. We are developing an immune deficiency. It’s acquired through the use of petroleum-polluted foods and body products. So one of the purposes I hope to achieve with the book The Cure for HIV and AIDS is giving people a method of determining for themselves whether their food and their products have benzene pollution in them. It’s quite easy to do. That’s the first thing that any person with HIV disease should do because that by itself, getting rid of all of the benzene in your life; your food and your products, is what makes you well and you do get well when you get rid of the immune problem.
However, you don’t automatically get rid of the parasite that brings you the virus. These are two diseases. That’s why I call them HIV and AIDS. The HIV is the virus, which is brought to us by a stage of a parasite. The AIDS is a condition of your immune system. The two go together for reasons that are very complicated and that I am working on. Eventually that will be in an update. But we need to know that getting rid of benzene will make you well; you will no longer have your immune problem, your white cell count will come up. We do it all the time.
To get rid of the HIV virus you need to kill the parasite — do the parasite program given in the book. So the news is all good for HIV and AIDS patients. They can clear themselves up, they can cure themselves, but it is with difficulty because you have to avoid those foods and products that have benzene pollution and there are so many out there. So many that our young people are used to; all the colored matter that’s out there in cookies, candies, cakes, and all kinds of other foods that are processed, have benzene in them. But not natural products — there is no plant that produces it. You do not come by it naturally. It comes from the petroleum industry, which gets involved in the food industry because mineral oil is added to the food. You can use "food lube," which is a kind of Vaseline on the baking sheets that is legal — which is what you buy in the grocery store. Yes, you are greasing your baking pans with petroleum oil. Essentially of course, you are refining it and refining it and refining it, but fundamentally its Vaseline. Would you do that? No, no cook, no mother, nobody who takes care of a family would ever do that, but a manufacturer might. So that is the flaw in our processing and manufacturing that we need to correct and that’s what will bring about an end to our HIV and AIDS problem.
Jan Matthews: So safe sex isn’t necessarily the answer to the AIDS, HIV problem is it?
Dr. Clark: No, it isn’t. Safe sex is important in its own way, but that is not what will prevent the whole problem from progressing to a worse and worse state. We have to get the benzene out and we have to kill the parasite, but of course, that is of lesser importance then getting the benzene out of our foods and products.
Jan Matthews: Dr. Clark, since I’ve come into contact with your book and have had the privilege of trying some of the recommended treatments in it, it appears that the hundreds of thousands of these books that you’ve sold have started a grass roots movement that’s growing rapidly. I no longer completely trust my medical professional to tell me what’s wrong with me and unfortunately they don’t normally tell you what’s wrong, they just give you a drug and send you away. But this grass roots method is growing.
Dr. Clark: Thank you for telling me that it’s growing. It’s people like you that make it grow. I’m very grateful for people like you and for others who have taken the lead now in researching their own illnesses. This is the first time, I think, in history certainly, where a person has been given the technology to enable them to inquire into the nature of their own illnesses and that of course leads to cures. So, I’m especially grateful to people who have gone to the trouble and expense of learning to use this new technology (Syncrometer). Fortunately many of them are successful because we hear that on the telephone everyday; about the cases somewhat like yours that are success cases and of course that is the basis of a good ground movement, ground breaking movement, that is bound to grow. Wherever there is truth it is bound to grow
Jan Matthews: The beauty of it is that the results that you’ve obtained are reproducible and you don’t have to be a medical professional, a Ph.D. or a scientist in order to implement these techniques. They’re simple, they’re straightforward and they’re honest. I challenge the public to get the book, help yourself, your relatives and your friends. Tell them not to accept that they’re going to die in six months and that there’s nothing to do but go home and pick out an undertaker. We don’t need that. What we need is to give hope and to put these tools into their hands.
Dr. Clark: I have great confidence in the person, the ordinary person, like you and I that walks the street. They have the wisdom to understand the need for finding the causes of illnesses and to do it for themselves. If we can give them a technology, which will eventually be automated, so that they can be more quick and more precise with it, I think we will help society the most. That’s the whole idea — to help society which gave me my chance at an education, and to do the best we can to leave a good legacy for our children and grandchildren — to give them hope for the future.
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