Laura Takes Control:
Rebuffing the Oncologists
"Right away, the oncologist said that I should have radiation and chemotherapy to take the cancer out of me. I told him, that I wasn't going to take either of these. I didn't tell him that I was going to take care of this matter myself using natural means/herbs to rid myself of this monster within me."... Laura
From Laura
July 27, 2003Dear Ken,
Hello. I am writing to you in regards to several articles in current news at the web site. The one is about the cancer thing from I believe Jim in the forum. The second one is about Hydrogen Peroxide, and my personal experiences with them both. First of all though, I have heart disease but that is pretty much under control. In February of this year, after shoulder X-Ray's done on my right shoulder, they said that there was a spot on my right lung. An appointment was made for me to see an oncologist at St. Mary's Hospital in Duluth, MN
The oncologist said that the spot had moved out of my lung, and that now, there were two tumors by my right lung. Right away, the oncologist said that I should have radiation and chemotherapy to take the cancer out of me. I told him, that I wasn't going to take either of these. I didn't tell him that I was going to take care of this matter myself using natural means/herbs to rid myself of this monster within me. A Percutaneous Needle Biopsy was set up for me at the same hospital (I should have never allowed that to happen), but perhaps it was a good thing in a way as I will explain in fuller depth.
After the needle biopsy was done on me on March 4th, they told me that they wanted to do what is called a PET scan (Positron Emmissions Test), they would go through the breast bone, and ifthe instrument lit up, the tumors were cancerous. If the instrument didn't light up, the tumors weren't cancerous and could be taken out with surgery. The first doctor told me that the tumors were cancerous, the second doctor wasn't so sure. I have to go back a bit here, when I first heard that I might have cancer, I started researching everything I could on cancer via the Internet. I even printed out the online book by Dr. Kelly in the links on the web site, it is 162 pages long, and it took 1 hour 17 minutes and 10 seconds to print out
His online book "One Answer To Cancer" should be in everyone's hands. Anyway, back to cancer, when I met with a radiologist from Duluth at our local hospital, he was expecting an unknowing and uninformed person coming in to see him. I had printed all sorts of stuff about cancer from off the Internet to bring with me for that meeting. That doctor didn't know what hit him when I presented him with that information. I took control of the situation, and kept it there. Since then, I still have the tumors in my chest, but my doctor told me recently, that they haven't increased in size since first being discovered in February. I started building up my immune system, and detoxifying my body. I am feeling quite healthy, and other people have told me the same thing, even my doctor. Put trust in God, trust yourself, follow your instincts
It bothers me greatly, that poor people are being misled, the blind being led by the blind. These monsters should be exposed completely for how they mislead people into doing the wrong thing. I have two quotes that I took from the Internet, that I like to share with people, I print them out on the back of this page in closing for you to share them with others also.
The quotes are as follows:"Once people realize they can control their own lives, that their own power exists within them rather than outside of themselves...then the controlling game is over."
"Strange times are these in which we live, when old and young are taught in falsehoods school. And the one man that dares to tell the truth is called at once, a lunatic and fool."
That last quote was written by Plato for anyone interested in knowing
W arm regards Ken,
PS: I used food grade Hydrogen Peroxide for therapy on myself also.
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