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Contact Your Senator and Congressman TODAY to Stop Bill Allowing "5G" Transmitters on Every Street Pole in America WITHOUT Oversight or Restrictions by Local Government
Deadline For FCC Comment is March 8, 2017

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[Editor's Note: The Senate and House bills described here to authorize the installation of 5G transmitters on every utility pole in America (which bypasses the ability of local government to regulate or deny their installation) is being rammed through congress at lightning speed with a total media blackout to ensure that the bills are signed into law before the American public is even aware of its existence. This is how they passed the Telecommunication Act and the Patriot Act. No publicity. No news coverage. No debate. No nothing. Just a quick, unheralded, quiet vote, ram it through, and it's DONE - usually within a matter of 2 or 3 weeks of introducing the legislation. One of the most powerful moguls of the telecommunication industry, billionaire Tom Wheeler, forked out over 17 million dollars to buy the chairmanship of the FCC from comrade Obama (allowing Tom Wheeler to become head of the FCC is like putting John D. Rockefeller in charge of the Oversight Committee to regulate the Sherman Anti-Trust Act).

On June 20, 2016, Dr Strangelove announced the rollout of 5 G at a Washington press conference. By July 14, 2016, about 3 weeks later, the FCC commissioners voted in favor of approving 5G after allowing the public all of 10 days to file comments before its rubber stamping. As usual, there was zero media coverage of the pedning approval of 5G by the FCC until AFTER it was approved on July 14, 2016. They are following the same - tried and true - gambit to ram 5G through. The deadline is March 8, 2017 to comment. I can only hope that a few hunderd Americans reading this notice will take the time to send a strong rejection of these bills to their Senators and congressman...Ken Adachi]

Forward from Josh del Sol
March 7, 2017

Contact Your Senator and Congressman TODAY to Stop Bill Allowing "5G" Transmitters on Every Street Pole in America WITHOUT Oversight or Restrictions by Local Government: Deadline For FCC Coimment is March 8, 2017

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March 6, 2017 Email from: Josh del Sol:

This is a crucial action to take (by this Wed. March 8th), if you have not done so already.

While we have zero expectation that the revolving-door Federal Communications Commission or corrupt government agencies will respect the science and halt 5G wireless development, it is important to get our opposition on the record, to warn regulatory agencies and elected officials that if they try to force 5G antennas on nearly every power pole, they will face determined and organized opposition in many communities.

If the telecom industry and their puppet government insist on forcing 5G on us, despite the serious warnings by medical professionals, then quite frankly they should expect civil resistance. Street-based resistance, especially when documented on video and spread around, will spark further resistance and highlight the growing momentum of our movement and awareness that wireless radiation is a serious health and environmental hazard (not to mention a huge waste of electricity and climate hazard).

This is a fight that we can - and must - win.


File a comment with the FCC in response to their docket to preempt local control and accelerate roll out of 5G in your community. Several municipalities were able to obtain an extension so the Deadline for Comments is now March 8, 2017. If you are short on time and want to cut and paste a message for the FCC on 5G, we suggest the language below:

A. The FCC does NOT have our permission to install 5G Microwave Towers in our cities, neighborhoods, and rural communities.

B. The FCC does NOT have our permission to microwave our communities, resulting in environmental and health damage that has been widely documented in peer-reviewed scientific studies.

C. Forcing 5G technology on unsuspecting communities is a violent act, being carried out under the color of officialdom. Resisting these installations is a non-violent act, protective of safety, and the US Constitution.

D. I commit to taking personal action to prevent “5G” antennas being installed in my neighborhood, and to demand safer, wired telecommunications services to our communities.

Follow These Instructions to Make Comments:

1. Click on this link http://fjallfoss.fcc.gov/ecfs2/.
2. Click on "Submit a Filing" Tab at the top of the page.
3. Click on "Express a Comment" (on top of the page) to just make a comment or "Standard Filing" to attach documents (one of which can be your comment).
4. Simply type in 16-421 into the "Proceedings" Field and make sure it is accurately displayed in the window, a drop down menu will appear choose Docket No: 16-421
Note: Make sure you click ENTER after you type in the Docket number and after you type in your name otherwise you won't be able to submit your filing.
5. Fill out all required fields and click "Enter" or "Return" before you go to the next field.
6. Once all fields are filled out - click continue screen.
7. Review and submit.
8. Make sure you write down your confirmation number so that you can check on your submission.

Also, it is not too late to call your senators:

and tell them: Vote NO on Mobile Now Act S.19 and Vote NO on Digit Act S.88. You can track the progress of the Senate bills at:

S.88 - DIGIT Act (https://www.congress.gov/bill/115th-congress/senate-bill/88/all-info?r=1)


S.19 - MOBILE NOW Act (https://www.congress.gov/bill/115th-congress/senate-bill/19/all-info).

More information, background, and studies on 5G are available on our website.


Thanks to you all for standing up for the safety of our communities!


Another Reminder That Using Smartphones and Wifi Devices Is Damaging to Your Body, Endocrine, and Nervous Systems (Jan. 12, 2017)

The Insanity of Using Smart Phones: Undeniable Evidence of Cancer Induction, DNA Damage, and Nervous System Debility Go Unheeded and Ignored by Millions (May 25, 2016)

Why Do Millions of People Continue to Use Smart Phones & WiFi Devices When the Health Damaging Effects Are So Well Known? (March 27, 2015)

Microwave Radiation from Wifi, Smart Meters, Smart Phones, etc. Is Damaging to Your Health - Index of Articles (Oct. 14. 2014)


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