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The Video Documentary, "JFK to 911, Everything Is A Rich Man's Trick" is Itself a Trick
(Part 2)

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From Ken Adachi, Editor
November 19, 2016

The Video Documentary, "JFK to 911, Everything Is A Rich Man's Trick" is Itself a Trick, Part 2 (Nov. 19, 2016)

Part 1
New 3.5 Hour Documentary, JFK to 911 Everything Is A Rich Man's Trick, While Flawed, Presents Valuable Historic Insights into NWO Elite Machinations (Jan. 14, 2015)

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On 11/18/2016, Leslie wrote:
Re: JFK to 911 Everything Is A Rich Man's Trick

re. New 3.5 Hour Documentary, JFK to 911 Everything Is A Rich Man's Trick, While Flawed, Presents Valuable Historic Insights into NWO Elite Machinations (Jan. 14, 2015)

Hi Ken,

Your commentary on the documentary about Stew Webb... I BOW to you on that one. He is FBI out of Denver, I was told. But I did find the documentary riveting especially because of my misunderstanding about WWII and the role of American businessmen. I heard of their complicitness... but did not comprehend the details of how they systematically went about funding Germany.

OK... so how is this film disinformation? Did you post the info? If so... please just send the URL.

Thanks Leslie


Hi Leslie,

That video is one of the most clever and crafty disinformation vehicles, masquerading as a "documentary," that I've seen to date. Most people are enthralled by it and thinks it's the best video ever produced because they've being psychologically manipulated to buy into it.

It's going to take a long write up to properly address its dishonesty in order to appreciate why I'm labeling it government-produced counter intelligence. It was probably put together by the CIA. Whether they paid someone or did it themselves, I don't know, but it IS a Snow Job.

The guy narrating it and supposedly the author, Francis Conolly, is just a front man. Americans never saw him or heard of him before this video because they wanted to use someone who had no prior track record and would appear completely neutral and "objective." His main claim to fame is the convincing tone of his voice and his skillfulness in 'telling a story', literally.

The info about World War II and "Trading with the Enemy" etc. is true, but that's included to suck you into believing EVERYTHING this guy has to say. While the video jumps all over the map, the main theme is the JFK assassination and that's the intended target of the misinformation. During the 1960s and 70s, there were many TV talk shows, like The David Susskind Show, that talked about he JFK assassination and they largely promoted the CIA-created meme that the MAFIA was responsible for the JFK shooing. And, of course, that's exactly what this video would have you believe as well.

HOWEVER, two men put together an important book in 1974 that no one was willing to publish (they had to print it themselves at the local copying center) called "Murder From Within" that established beyond all doubt that the US Secret Service were the key players involved in the operation to kill JFK and that the Secret Service driver of JFK's limo, William Greer, was the SOLE shooter (inside the limo) who shot JFK twice and Gov. Connally once on November 22, 1963 at Dealey Plaza in Dallas Texas.

I originally posted an article from Larry Jamison in 2007 identifying the limo driver as the person who shot JFK. Larry mentions the Murder from Within book in his article. After I found out that the book had been published in 2011, I put together a much longer article in 2013 emphasizing the photographic evidence presented in the book that proves that William Greer, Roy Kellerman, and supervisory members of the Secret Service team assigned to protecting the President were the key players responsible for the assassination and the cover up that followed at Parkland Hospital.

If you read my articles and then look at the 'Rich Man's Trick' video again, you will see where they are layering in the Mafia theme to steer you away from the Secret Service and away from Greer in particular:

Zapruder Film Shows JFK's Driver Firing Fatal Head Shot (August 8, 2007)


Murder From Within: U.S. Secret Service Limo Driver, Bill Greer, Shot Both JFK & Connally on Nov. 22, 1963 (Feb. 5, 2013)

Regards, Ken


I) On Sunday, November 20, 2016, Leslie wrote:

Hi Ken,

I must say I am no expert on the JFK assassination so I unfortunately cannot refute directly what you write.

I am pretty good however in sniffing out an agent believe it or not ... mostly because I have had so much experience dealing with them on forums. I have watched this documentary now 3 times and I waited to the end to comment.

However, I still didn't hear the disinfo. Nowhere in the film did I feel he protected anyone. He was also very detailed about why so many strange anomalies that didn't seem to make sense were done. Jack Ruby, the surgeon's wife who worked on making JFK look like the police officer speaking out... all lies?

He clearly pointed the finger and accused law enforcement agencies of being nothing more than political tools protecting their masters.... This is a big deal because they always mitigate the criminal role of the FBI and CIA to leave their reputations relatively unscathed.

They're doing it now pretending that Comey and another "ex" FBI assistant director [who orchestrated 9/11] are coming out with the "truth about Hilary". This is all an act.

And too, the so-called "mutiny" within is another fairy tale to support what they are pretending is a "soft, counter coup". This is simply more subterfuge by the FBI and Military ala "Dr" Steve Pyechzenic...a snake in the grass.

Too many terror events staged by these agents for me to believe that this was just another "rogue group" in WACO, Oklahoma Murrin Building, 9/11, Sandy Hook, Boston Marathon, Batman.... list is too long. There is no mutiny at the FBI.

I have come to realize that EVERY event has been staged. The point being at the end... he made no bones about squarely accusing these agencies -- including Oliver Stone who I have suspected all along.

What about the mistress of LBJ? fake?
The girlfriend of that hitman also fake?
The wealthy men protecting their assets + Hoover, they were not involved?

But mostly... wouldn't someone else have seen the SS Greer killing JFK? [I couldn't tell from the video you have posted] The car was right out there in the open. No one else saw this?

Jackie saw it but said nothing?
And again we are to believe this was a "lone assassin"??

What was divulged by "Kate... " at the end about the military is not true?

I have sent your links to a friend who is also very apprised of the assassination.

Bill Cooper was good but he was a bit ornery -- which means sometimes I felt his conclusions were not always spot on. Anyway... these are my thoughts.

Thank you for taking the time.



II) On 11/20/2016. Leslie wrote:
    additional info just came ....

Hi Ken,

He wrote more....

Kennedy's response to the head shot is proof that no bullet came from inside his Lincoln.
Penn Jones proved that the head shot came from the curb sewer not the Grassy Knoll. The shot to his neck came from the Knoll.

I sent your links to a Canadian friend who knows much more about the JFK assassination. He brought the original Zabruder film on a plane from Garrison to Canada. Even gave it to Mort Saul. He has always maintained that almost every Zabruder film shown has been doctored. His reply was below is.... the one you show has also been doctored. Read below.


Z film does not show that. It's been doctored.

I won't mention your name ... but you brought the original zabruder film from where to where? I can't remember that detail

Got it from Garrison in 1972 took to Canada and aired on CBC border stations When its possession was illegal


Hi Leslie,

You need to understand something I said up front. It's going to take some time to properly address the misinformation presented in a 3.5 hour video. I don't have the time now to spend on critiquing this video.

Let me spell out what the disinfo is:
I said the video is CLEVER misdirection and ultimately leads to FALSE CONCLUSIONS that the Mafia carried out the hit, when in fact it was certain key members of the US Secret Service who carried out the assassination of JFK and the cover up at Parkland Hospital.

I don't disagree with the conspiratorial details which you outline above. In fact, I agree with your conclusions. However, I'm limiting my focus here ONLY to the actual assassination of JFK itself by US Secret Service limo driver Willaim Greer. It is GREER who shot Kennedy twice and John Connally once in the back -- NOT mafia assassins 1) on the Grassy Knoll or 2) inside a sewer drain or 3) from a bush near the area where Zapruder was filming, or 4) from the Texas School Book Depository or 5) from the DalTex building or 6) from the highway overpass. I am NOT saying that there were not other shooters present on the Grassy Knoll or on the highway overpass at the time, because other shots were fired (the shot through the limo windshield and the shot that hit the curb and nicked the cement being two of the best known) beyond the two bullets that entered JFK and the single bullet shot into Connally's back.

The ultimate goal of this video is to convince you that the MAFIA pulled the trigger and killed JFK and to steer you away from any suspicion that Isreal had anything to do with the Kennedy assassination. So do you think you can figure out who is really behind the making, funding, publicity, extensive distribution, and EASY access of this video without any interference or censoring by Jewish-controlled Youtube/Google etc.?

I told you that the video makers depend on the truthful information presented in this video to convince you that everything the narrator is saying is true; and that's not the case.

Who's "He"? The Canadian guy? Are you quoting him?

For instance, this quote is not "proof" of anything:

"Kennedy's response to the head shot is proof that no bullet came from inside his Lincoln.
Penn Jones proved that the head shot came from the curb sewer not the Grassy Knoll. The shot to his neck came from the Knoll."

1. JFK's head moved backwards in response to the head shot from Greer's gun. Look at the drawing in the Jamison article I sent you. The bullet entered the right forehead causing JFK's head to go BACK and to his Left, towards Jackie. Think of how billiard balls react to a pool shot. It's the same thing.

2. "Penn Jones" didn't prove crap. That sewer shot idea is more STUPID than stupid can be. I can't get over how STUPID people can be to even entertain the notion that the head shot could come from a sewer opening at the curb. The shot itself is an IMPOSSIBLE feat. Any one who actually shoots and uses a rifle would know that. The timing is also IMPOSSIBLE to achieve. The ANGLE makes it impossible. A shooter confined to the sewer opening would have only had a ONE MILLISECOND window frame of time to get off a perfectly deadly accurate shot -- IT'S NOT POSSIBLE. IF such a miraculous shot COLULD have been achieved, the bullet would have entered his right forehead and would have exited out the TOP of his head towards the left side if he was shot from below, at curb level. The actual bullet exited out the right rear of JFK's head, matching the trajectory from Greer's location in the limo. You need to THINK when people make IDIOTIC claims.

3. The shot to the THROAT came from Greer's gun because it exited out of JFK's back in a trajectory that MATCHED Greer's location in the limo.

Trajectory path of throat shot by limo driver William Greer

Of course the Zapruder film we see is doctored, and with many different doctored versions, not just one. I repeat that many times in my articles. Bill Cooper said that the Z film he used in his video presentation had been doctored. The copy given to Garrison was ALSO doctored, in case you didn't know. The only people who saw the original, undoctored Zapruder film were a group of people - including Dan Rather - who were invited by Zapruder to a private viewing in his office on the night of Nov 22, 1963. Garrison made many copies of his doctored version of the Zapruder film available to many people in the press, not just this one guy.

The photographic proof that Greer did the shooting is found in the two articles I sent you. You need to read carefully and study the info being presented. LOOK at the enlargements of the photos I posted. You can see the gun plain as day in Greer's Left hand, resting it on his right shoulder when he shoots JFK in the head. You can also see it very plainly in the slowed down video clips. Look.

Jean Hill (red coat) - standing in the street just a couple of feet from the limo- and other eye witnesses said they saw Greer with the gun in his hand. They thought he was shooting back at the supposed shooter, not realtzing that it was Greer himself who was shooting Kennedy. Read the articles more carefully.

Sincerely, Ken

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