What Can I Do?
By Chuck Augustin
August 2, 2008What Can I Do? (August 2, 2008)
Forward courtesy of Gare Clement
Four years ago I thought I had retired and intended to play golf and dabble in gold investing. I quickly found sites and newsletters like the JSMineset, Goldseek.com, the International Forecaster and Le Metropole Café. I couldn’t believe my eyes or ears so I began intensive research, read several books, and quickly became very aware of how and why globalization, economic data and market movements were totally counterintuitive to common sense. Then I learned about chemtrails, HAARP, Bee Colony Collapse Disorder, the "health" industry, detention camps, depopulation plans, etc. Everything fit into the big picture of the elites plan for a New World Order. That big picture was and is a horror show.
I retained hope in God and people like Ron Paul, and decided to contribute to "the cause" of trying to wake up others. I began writing articles in 2005, many of which were published in the International Forecaster and Le Metropole Cafe. I began submitting information and input to those sites. I sold my home near the peak because of my newly acquired knowledge of the economy and I totally got out of debt. I live in a manufactured home that cost me $1000 ten years ago. It is perfect for me and I would never move.
On March 3rd of this year, I used my life savings to buy a small book and variety store here in Pahrump [Nevada] which dealt with the "conspiracies" which I knew were absolutely true. I soon began having meetings at the store once a week so like-minded people could get together, share information and, together, prepare for a dark future.
A couple of weeks ago, my store manager and I were asked to do a TV show on a local station about "conspiracies". We have done two shows without sponsors – the station management is sure we will be a hit based on the response to the show. Yesterday I was asked to read a statement for a candidate running for the US Congress at a political forum this Saturday. I have been asked to submit articles for a local publication.
The attendance at our weekly meetings is quickly growing – we have been offered several larger locations from concerned people. I now rarely play golf or think about my "golden years". My future life, however long or short, will be dedicated to trying to save our country and the futures of my daughter and grandchildren.
None of this is about "me". It is about someone who wrongfully spent a life ignorant of what was going on with my government, geopolitics and economics. It is about someone who accidentally woke up four years ago and finally spent time learning what I should have been aware of my entire life. I am ashamed of 54 years of thinking only about myself. My apologies to those who have spent a life not so selfish - those who spent the time required to know and understanding what was going on and have dedicated their lives trying to wake people like me up. I am a nobody - who is now finally trying to do everything I can to make up for a life of apathy and ignorance. What are you doing?
Chuck Augustin
Chuck Augustin is a retired master chief petty officer (E-9) and naval cryptologist who, for 22 years, was operationally subordinate to the National Security Agency. In 1988 he was awarded the On-The-Roof Gang Award which is annually given to the Navy’s top cryptologist. He spent over 16 years stationed overseas, and served on aircraft, surface ships and submarines.
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