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Autism is 'Truly Curable' Using MMS: Kerri Rivera at 2012 Autism One Conference

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[Editor;s Note: If you have children with autism, you need to pay close attention to the information being presented in this video. A complete recovery from autism can occur very quickly using MMS. It appears that Chlorine Dioxide (CD) gas, produced by MMS, can break down or otherwise neutralize the debilitating effects from molecules that include heavy metals, such as mercury, and allow neurons and other affected bodily tissue to once again function normally. Therefore, you can avoid the year or two that it would normally take to chelate (remove) the mercury from the body with a Nature-based chelator such as Alpha Lipoic Acid. Simultaneously, Chlorine Dioxide can destroy a wide range of parasites, bacteria, viruses, fungi, and molds that set up shop in the body whenever a disease condition is present. MMS is inexpensive and easy to obtain over the Internet. Producing CDS water from MMS is equally easy to do and very easy on the stomach. See related articles at the bottom of this page. Despite the unremitting torrent of denials and lies from Establishment Medicine and Clear Channel AM radio talk show hosts, the astounding rise in autism is CLEARLY due to vaccines given to very young children. If you care about your kids, do NOT vaccinate them, no matter what you are told, or threatened with. They are YOUR kids and it is your job to protect them from harm. ..Ken Adachi]
August 21. 2013

Autism is 'Truly Curable' Using MMS: Kerri Riverra Explains at the 2012 Autism One Conference (Video) August 21, 2013

A) 2012 Autism One Conference with Kerri Rivera: 40 Children Recovered in 21 months with MMS

This presentation will outline the approach Kerri has used successfully to help recover 40 children from a diagnosis of Autism. She will explain how MMS ["Master Mineral Solution," a mixture of 28% Sodium Chlorite and 50% Citric Acid which releases Chlorine Dioxide (CD) gas] has become the “missing piece” to the autism puzzle for so many of the families that she works with. MMS is available worldwide, and is extremely cost effective, bringing recovery in reach of all families, despite economic or geographic limitations. This presentation seeks to prove that Autism truly is curable.

B) Healing Autism by Kerri Rivera, Sofia, Bulgaria, Feb. 2, 2013 ( 1 hr, 37 minutes)

C) MMS Autism Conference in Sofia, Bulgaria, Feb 2, 2013, Jim Humble & Andreas Kalcker (56 minutes)

Published on Dec 12, 2012

Straight Talk on MMS - Autism: Kerri Rivera

( Forward by Roland Rigg )


Straight Talk on MMS is a "TV style" interview show that focuses on the MMS (chlorine dioxide) phenomena by interviewing experts in the field. The goal of the show is to enlighten the public about this revolutionary discovery by Jim Humble.

On this second show, Daniel Bender talks with Kerri Rivera, a mother whose son was diagnosed with Autism back in 2004. She didn't accept the official viewpoint that autism is incurable and didn't give up until she found something that made a significant difference--MMS and the pathogen protocol--which she and others have refined over the years. Although her son hasn't fully recovered, he is substantially better than he was. However, she has gone to great efforts to share what she has learned, and as of December 2012, 70 children have now recovered from their autism diagnosis. Rivera frequently lectures around the world and is very articulate on the subject. Her website is at

Note: You are hereby encouraged and given permission to copy, embed and distribute this video, unaltered. A high quality MP4 file is available at:


Jim Humble 8/16/13: Red Cuoss Trying to Cover Up 100% Cure of 154 Milaria Cases Using MMS in Documented Uganda Trial Conducted in December 2012 (August 16, 2013) Germany Spain Netherlands France...etc.

Jim Humble (MMS) Newsletter: "Milaria Finally Defeated" (May 6, 2013) Germany Spain Netherlands France...etc.

How to Make CDS Water, the World's Most Powerful Germ Killer & Disease Eradicator, at Home ~ For Next to Nothing (March 15, 2013) Germany Spain Netherlands France...etc.

The Basic Science of MMS (Chlorine Dioxide) Sep. 4, 2012 Germany Spain Netherlands France...etc.

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