Some Thoughts on the Bailout
By Ken Adachi </editor>
September 25, 2008Some Thoughts on the Bailout (Sep. 25, 2008)
If I had more time, I would write a great deal about this brazen act of high handed piracy by our resident cabal of Illuminated, Zion-infested NWO servants, but you'll find a cornucopia of well written essays posted at by very capable writers that will keep you reading late into the night, so I'll just pen a few thoughts and not launch into a tiresome rant. .
I've been listening to the National Propaganda Radio coverage of the events in Washington throughout the day for the past 3 days while working with my little radio in my pocket and ear buds in my ears. It's remarkable how nearly every person that NPR will interview throughout the day is a mainstream spin artist and supporter of the bailout, while pretending to offer a "balanced" and fair assessment of The Robbery underway on Capitol Hill. What gives me the most delight is the callers who get through and will simply blast their well-woven, hour by hour web of propaganda into smithereens with a rapid fire rejection of every red herring and straw dog that they have worked so steadily to build up throughout the day to justify this Rip off as "necessary" to prevent a "greater calamity" blah, blah, blah.
What gave me even greater delight was the 7 O'Clock TV news tonight which said that the "done deal" is, this evening, falling apart mainly due to the younger corps of REPUBLICANS in the House who are saying "no" to every piece of compromised rip off that NWO sell-outs Frank, Shays, Dodd, or Schumer (who get all the press coverage) have thrown up and expected would be hammered down tight. The viewers poll being shown on TV said that 23% of the viewers were in favor of the Rip off, while 77% opposed. TV news also said that congress was receiving more phone calls opposed to the Rip off than they had received against illegal aliens, which apparently held the record until now. Don NIcoloff told me today that he spent an hour on the phone talking to someone in Dennis Kucinich's office about the bailout and he agreed with Don that it was the most vile attempt to date to pick our pockets clean. .
Now, if everyone called, this fast track, ram-though Robbery, so reminiscent of the bums-rush tactic used for the Traitor's Act of October 2001, might die on the vine and even set the stage for the Illuminated Robber Barons of Lehmans, AIG, etc., to actually pay some sort of price for their thievery. We'll see, but calling your congressional representative or sending a fax can have a direct effect on this outcome. So don't sit on the fence observing, get involved and CALL.
Ken Adachi
----- Original Message -----
From: Brian Hughes
To: Editor
Sent: Thursday, September 25, 2008
Subject: bail-out
Hi Ken,
This is a sad day for this country and for the world with this disgraceful Wall St. bailout and its getting very late in the game. We need to slay the beast that is the Federal Reserve System before it rears its ugly head one last time and then is discarded into the dustbin of history, having fulfilled its mission of economic coercion. After that, any semblance of its existence that it has left will be irrelevant because all of the economic dictates will come from 'on high' in the form of whatever whim strikes the fancy of a dictator as a pathetic politburo, er, I mean congress looks passively on. Ron Paul has written a bill titled H.R. 2755. I strongly urge that we inundate our so-called represenatives in Congress and for what it's worth clamor for its passage. There's little time left to try and save what's left of the Republic. Sic semper tyrannis!
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