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Breakthrough Photo Enlargement: Did Lt. Nick Vogt Play Role of Blast 'Victim' Jeff Bauman on April 15th at Boston Marathon While Jeff Bauman Has Collected Over $724K in Donations for Nick's Debut Performance?

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From Ken Adachi, Editor
April 27, 2013

Breakthrough Photo Enlargement: Did Lt. Nick Vogt Play Role of Blast 'Victim' Jeff Bauman on April 15th at Boston Marathon While Jeff Bauman Has Collected Over $724K in Donations for Nick's Debut Performance? (April 27, 2013)

I mentioned in my April 21 posting titled "Indisputable Photo Evidence That the Boston Marathon Bombing Was Staged: " that a push ups video of Lt Nick Vogt revealed that his left hand pinky finger is missing, while the guy identified as Jeff Bauman in the hospital photo released and on his donation page, is seen with an intact left pinky finger. I had spent a lot of time looking at photos of the Boston Marathon "Jeff" to see if I could spot his left hand opened up, showing the missing pinky finger. I didn't find one...until tonight.

Earlier in the evening, I added a series of enlarged photos of "Jeff Bauman" in the hospital, Jeff Bauman from photos on his donation page, and "Jeff Bauman" in the wheelchair at the Boston Marathon on April 15th. My contention was that the Jeff Bauman seen the the hospital photo and on the Bauman donation page is not the same guy who was first laying on the ground and then seated in a wheelchair at the Boston Marathon on April 15, 2013. After posting the additional photos for comparison, I spent time going through Youtube videos to see what else I could add to the premise that the Jeff Bauman seen in the hospital photo is not the same guy who was photographed being hustled down the street in a wheelchair at the Boston Marathon by the guy (actor) with the cowboy hat.

Lo & Behold, I came across a video posted by the same guy whose videos I had embedded on my April 21 posting. His Youtube name is " havf8" (I don't know his real name). Anyway, he mentioned a link that had all of the frames in sequence showing the Boston Marathon version of "Jeff Bauman" (and friends).

Here's the link:

After I carefully screened each photo, I found one that shows "Jeff Bauman's" opened left hand and Voila! , the left pinky finger is missing! The incriminating photo is saved as " V7px8wa".

The photo is shown below enlarged to 1200 pixels wide. I circled the area with "Jeff" in white. The enlarged crop of his left hand is shown below. I applied "Auto Tone" in PhotoShop to increase the constrast.

Raised left hand of "Jeff Bauman" shows missing pinky finger

"Jeff Bauman" is shown positioned on the ground in front of a black woman who is wearing a white T-shirt under her red coat. You can see "Jeff's" left hand is clearly missing his pinky finger (seen against the white background of the woman's T-shirt). Coincidentially, Army Lt. Nick Vogt, who bears a remarkable and uncannmy resemblence to the "Jeff Bauman" seen here, also has a missing pinky finger from his left hand.

Since the "Jeff Bauman" photographed in the hospital and shown in many photographs on the Jeff Bauman Donation web site, is seen to possess all of the fingers on his left hand, I think we can safely conclude that the guy seen in these photos of the April 15, 2013 Boston Marathon bombing scene, is not the same guy who has already collected over $724 thousand dollars in donations and postures himself as being the person seen in these photos.

Left hand of "Jeff" enlarged Left hand arrows and text

Ken Adachi


Articles Related to the April 15, 2013 Boston Marathon Staged Bombing Hoax (May 2013)

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