Manipulations in Time of War and Hunger
[Editor's Note: This is an excellent summary of the manipulations which the Illuminati has wrought to bring about the manufactured financial crisis which we now face, but nothing is mentioned here of how to extricate ourselves. We need to bear in mind that individuals need to think about living and surviving independent of the elitist's control mechanisms. Either individually or as collective groups, we must move towards self reliance by growing/storing our own food, create work at home or in groups to manufacture a product or service needed to survive, and work out some system of barter exchange or substitute for money. Water can be drilled for in just about any location if you know how to find it (dowsing). Water can be extracted from moisture in the air by a system called an "air well". Water can be obtained from ocean water by desalination. Food can be grown using intensive growing techniques in a 4' x 4' square foot wooden frame in your backyard of even on your patio. Plastic covered cold frames can support plant growth during the cold months. Hydroponics food can be grown in your basement with artificial lighting or using sunlight from a attic location with sun roofs. You can produce heat, electricity, and locomotion for your car using water and a simple electrolysis process that produces something called "Brown's gas". The universe provides for those who look for answers from within. Remember that. There is a simple, homegrown solution for every problem with which we are being saddled. It's universal law and can be no other way, but only those who look, will find these answers. You must participate in your survival. Don't wait for someone else to save you..Do it yourself...Ken Adachi].
by Bob Chapman
April 23, 2008Manipulations in Time of War and Hunger (May 2, 2008)
The Fed pumps out reserve notes, elitist politics position to control, no new petro refineries since the 70s? GM food and bio fuel scams, food price rise is an orchestrated scam based on currency manipulation, news from the Plunge Protection Team, disinformation in WSJ, no victory in Iraq, so blame Iran Uncle Ben Bernanke is currently pumping out federal reserve notes, or electrons with binary encoding as the case may be, like they were going out of style in order to save the miscreants on Wall Street and in order to postpone economic catastrophe for the benefit of our incumbent sociopaths in Congress, who are the best politicians that money can buy.
Based on the elitist Malthusian Agenda, may we suggest that you start converting some of those notes and electrons into storable food, such as rice and freeze-dried food. We suppose this would be the latest incarnation of Uncle Ben's Converted Rice, and without it, you will be at the mercy of the elitists. The Illuminati want to kill off most of the "useless eaters" on this planet. Their cohorts express shock and dismay over all the food shortages and riots that are breaking out globally when they are in front of the cameras, but when the reporters leave you can hear their maniacal laughter as these cretins contemplate how much easier it will be to control a population of 1 billion or so instead of the current 6 billion which occupy this planet, a number that is rapidly growing at a pace that far outstrips the growth in our fuel and food supplies which have been malevolently curtailed over decades to bring about the current results you see before you.
There have been no new petrochemical refineries constructed since the 1970's. Oil exploration has been stymied by the oil companies themselves who, with the help of the Illuminati and their operatives in industry, in government and in private trusts and foundations, have funded environmentalist movements, sabotaged and disparaged nuclear plants, shelved patents for greener energy by buying out or killing off inventors and pushed oil prices to ludicrously low levels to stop independent oil wildcatters from extracting oil out of the ground because they could not do so profitably. Big Illuminist automakers contributed to the problem by producing gas-guzzling SUV's and trucks which most people own more for show than
for practical use. Rest assured that there is plenty of oil within our own borders [Lindsey Willaims has reported in his book, The Energy Non-Crisis, and on videos that there is enough oil under Gull Island alone, in Prudhoe Bay Alaska to fill all of the energy needs of the United States for the next two hundred years without using any other source of oil. The oil barons have simply capped the oil and gas under Gull Island and will not acknowledge this huge oil reserve to the public], with enough to supply the needs of the entire US economy for many decades in Alaska, North Dakota and Montana alone, much of it extractable at $16 per barrel using newly developed directional drilling systems, and never mind the hundreds of billions of barrels extractable from oil sands and oil shale in various states and the offshore oil in the Gulf of Mexico. But in order to induce smaller producers to go after this oil (the larger producers will leave it in the ground for obvious reasons), there has to be a floor of about $25 per barrel in order to protect profit margins for smaller operators. Otherwise, as has been done in the past, the larger companies will temporarily drive prices below the cost of production for the smaller companies, thereby driving them out of business.A floor of $25 per barrel is a very reasonable floor considering we are now at $119 per barrel, but our Congress is bought-and-paid-for by the Illuminati and their big oil interests, so you hear nothing about this from them or our useless fane-stream media which are also controlled by the Illuminati. The elitists do not want plentiful oil --- they want to control you! The same has happened in agriculture. At the beginning of the 20th century, most Americans were still farmers. Virtually everyone had a farm or at least knew how to farm if they had to. No longer. The smaller farmers were squeezed out by subsidies given to big Illuminist-sponsored farming concerns in order to keep crop lands vacant, supposedly to keep food supplies down to support higher prices, but this just served to kill off smaller farmers who could not compete with the much larger farmers who got something for nothing.
The smaller farmers were forced in this manner to take jobs in our growing industrial society, culling out the small fry just as was done with oil companies, banks and corporate America generally. The latest methods of controlling agricultural development are genetically modified [GM] food, the bio-fuel scam [ethnol] and radio frequency ID [RFID] tags for livestock. The hook for genetically modified food is greater output and greater efficiency, but you have to buy seed from the big agricultural companies who are now genetically designing their seeds to self-destruct after one harvest [Monsanto's terminator seeds]. That way, they control the price and availability of the seeds. Farmers who do not use GM seeds cannot compete with those who do, so fewer and fewer are going with natural seeds that cannot be patented and controlled. And if you are unlucky enough to have your natural crops contaminated by nearby GM crops, you get sued for using patented GM seed by the big agricultural company that owns the patent.
The bio-fuel scam is one of the stupidest, biggest and most dangerous scams ever, as it diverts vital food crops to use in producing bio-fuel, which we in America do not even need as described above due to our huge oil reserves that are located within our own borders. Ethanol is 30% less efficient than gasoline and is very damaging to internal combustion engines, yet we seek this out to shore up oil production shortages. This is pure madness. And when you couple these malevolently manufactured shortages and mega-foolish reallocations of resources with the Fed's destruction of the dollar, you get food riots globally that are going to spread rapidly and get much worse if something is not done immediately to put an end to this evil scam.
Remember, many currencies in the developing world are pegged to the dollar to support exports, so when the dollar gets destroyed, such pegged currencies get destroyed along with it. This leads to higher food prices in such devalued currencies, and is making food unaffordable for the poor in such countries even when it is available for sale. This situation has been described recently as a "silent tsunami," but that silence is now turning into the screams and cries of the hungry. This is what the Illuminati want, to kill off the useless eaters, but they have broken their own rules and are bringing these problems to bear far too quickly, a mega-stupid move which they will pay for dearly. Five billion people will not go out quietly.
And then, apparently because Henrietta the hen might wander off out of the barnyard, all farmers are now required to affix RFID tags to their livestock. What other reason could there be for old Henrietta to need a tag. They claim they want to track animals in case of disease, but come on, we got along fine without this Mark-of-the-Beast-technology-for-animals for thousands of years. And yes, you're next on the tag agenda. These tags are being used first to bump out the smaller livestock producers due to the extra costs and labor associated with the RFID tags. But these tags will also enable the government to locate and control food sources when Caligula declares martial law, or when the next Emperor/Empress who is shoved
down our throats in November decides to declare martial law. We can assure you that this is where we are headed in the not too distant future so that the Constitution can be completely suspended and all the dissidents can be herded off to Halliburton-built detention camps. If you have weapons and ammunition but no storable food, you are screwed. Hunger and starvation are the ultimate in gun control.All these fuel and food scams take place as our general populace worries about their carbon footprints. Their total disconnect from reality is nothing less than surreal. But look at the bright side, it will be like the good old days when all the Administration, Congressional and Military rats go into their bunkers and safe -houses, as set forth in a secret written plan presented to Congress, while the rest of us are starved, diseased, shot, poisoned and/or nuked to death. You'll get to play "hide and go seek" with your former government officials, as well as "war games" and "cops and robbers." And think about how much fun it will be when we get to use the drill rigs we formerly used to tap oil reserves to drill down to bunker level so we can place a multi- megaton thermonuclear device down the hole. It will be like when you used to put a cherry bomb or M-80 under a coffee can, and then listen for the loud bang and watch the "cool" explosion. As they say, the only difference between men and boys is the price of their toys! And if the moles try to come out of their bunkers, then we get to play "whack-a-mole." Heck, we're starting to warm up to all this potential fun already!
The "Big Cull" is now underway as all the speculation, fraud, excess and profligacy of Wall Street and millions of unscrupulous borrowers get shoved up our derrieres in the form of hyperinflation and higher taxes. When the various GSE's, where all the old (and now new) toxic waste is being buried, finally go under, it will be like the China Syndrome, a meltdown to hell. The Fed's general collateral will be used up by then, which will lead to direct monetization of treasuries and rampant inflation. As well, the defaulted debts that are absorbed by the FHA, FHLB, Fannie and Freddie will result in much higher IRS bills as the hapless taxpayers are forced to bail out the cataclysmically decimated system. When, we ask, are the citizens of this country going to have their fill of this bailout tripe?
Make sure that every single incumbent other than Ron Paul is voted out of office or we will all be pauperized. We characterized this situation as the "Big Cull" because that is exactly what is in store for the smaller companies in America, Canada, Mexico, Western Europe and Japan. They will be culled out. Note how only the large insider-banks are being bailed by the Fed, a private central bank which is owned by some of the very companies they are bailing out. Talk about a conflict of interest! Note also how mostly the various transnational conglomerates have any real earnings to speak of due to free trade, globalization, off-shoring, outsourcing, slave labor and a weaker dollar, and even some of these gargantuan concerns are in trouble. The Fed is only giving money to big elitist insider companies, who are hoarding the cash out of fear, yes, but also they will be selectively withholding their largess from any who do not belong to the "Big Game."
When hyperinflation from an out-of-control money supply finally hits home fully, consumer spending drops off a cliff and corporate earnings go negative, the Fed will be forced to turn to higher rates to save what is left of the dollar or face being run out of the country which by then will start to resemble Zimbabwe, and the whole system will crash and be purged in the upcoming "Very Large Depression" or, if you prefer, the "Much Greater Depression." Select insiders will be bailed out at taxpayer expense, while those insiders and non-insiders that fail will be merged with, or auctioned off at pennies on the dollar to, the surviving insiders. The elitists have already made plans on which companies will survive and which will fail so they can place their bets accordingly. The final number of businesses and financial corporations which fail in the upcoming economic devastation could well number in the tens of thousands worldwide. Few companies will be able to survive the coming catastrophe without help from their governments and/or from the Fed or the other main central banks like the BOE, ECB and BOJ. Even the Fed itself may be discarded and replaced with a far more malevolent cartel vehicle which is put in charge of everything financial as has been suggested by our "beloved" Treasury Secretary, Hanky Panky Paulson, on loan from Goldman Sachs. It is all about driving out the competition so the Illuminati can reign supreme.
The President's Working Group on Financial Markets was created by Executive Order 12631, signed on March 18, 1988 by President Ronald Reagan in the aftermath of the Stock Market Crash of 1987. Eleven years later, in 1999, the Glass-Steagall Act (GSA), which for many decades had prohibited a bank holding company from owning any non-banking financial companies, such as investment banks and brokerage houses, was repealed by the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLBA) that was signed into law by President Slick Willie Clinton. The GSA had been in effect since 1933 and was passed due to abuses, which were found to be a substantial contributing factor to the Great Depression. This wise piece of legislation had kept us out of trouble for over six decades. Both Executive Order 12631 and the GLBA will go down in history as the most ill-advised and most abused financial orders, laws and regulations ever devised, perhaps in the history of our country. The Executive Order currently gives the PPT the right to enter any markets to create stability in the face of a crisis, but instead they use this power on a 24/7 basis to hide from the public all the damage that has been intentionally or unintentionally done to our economy by various Illuminist schemes, including the abuse of the GLBA which allowed banks to pawn off fraudulently rated toxic waste, which quite often the banks themselves or their subsidiaries had created, on their clients and to hold it for those clients in offshore accounts called SIV's.
There are many other versions of toxic waste out there that are waiting to implode, all of which were enabled by the unwise authorization of these incestuous relationships in the GLBA. Asset-backed securities are going to be the next shoe to drop as the cash flows from car loans, credit card accounts, mortgages and such esoteric things as aircraft lease payments, which secure these derivative instruments, are interrupted by rampaging, ever-accelerating defaults on the underlying debt as the economy drops off into a hyperinflationary recession. The PPT hides while the GLBA destroys. That's how it works.
These moronic acts by former Presidents and Congresses are what allowed the psychopathic creation of hundreds of trillions in derivatives by way of "financial engineering" in order to absorb the rampant money being supplied by the Fed to fuel financial sector profits in order to cover up the damage being done to the economy by free trade, globalization, off-shoring, outsourcing and illegal immigration. The money was pumped in through the primary dealers via the repo pool and was loaned out to other foreign and domestic banks and to client dupes like hedge funds, insurance companies, pension funds and other institutional investors in order to purchase the toxic waste, often with maniacal degrees of leverage. The sales proceeds were then re-loaned to the mortgage companies so they could fund more fraudulent mortgages which could then be securitized into more toxic waste for resale, thus rolling the money over and over, with the Fed's periodic money injections allowing them to expand the amount of loan money available overall to keep the bubble going. All caution was thrown to the wind to bring in even the unqualified so that the fees and commissions would keep rolling in.
Note that as of 2006, the financial sector contributed about 8% to our GDP, when in 1947, it was 2.5%. That is because the financial sector no longer greases the skids for a healthy economy that produces real goods and services, but has become an industry unto itself, peddling toxic waste instead of funding the production of real goods and services. It has become a self-perpetuating, gargantuan producer of poppycock and phony bologna, and has become the portal through which the Fed pumps in titanic amounts of money and credit to produce profits in the financial sector that help to offset the damage to US GDP which has been done by the latest incarnation of the British mercantilist system that has beggared our middle class. This continual pumping of money and credit to cover the damage to our GDP has inexorably moved us toward a weaker dollar and hyperinflation.
The profits generated by this "puff the fluff" smoke and mirrors operation accounts for much of our so-called GDP growth, and also explains the wild growth in derivatives worldwide from about 80 trillion in notional principal in 1999 to today's 600 trillion plus, with the credit default swaps portion of that total, now about 62 trillion, doubling every three years or so over the past decade. We feel that Real GDP has been negative on average for almost two decades if you make adjustments for actual, as opposed to official, inflation and especially when you factor in the bogus contribution to GDP that has been made by our quickly deteriorating financial system, some 8% instead of what used to be about 4% before we started down this path toward insanity. A good portion of the fees and commissions that comprise the financial sector's contribution to GDP over the past decade have been generated by the fraudulent sale of worthless stocks and toxic waste OTC derivatives.
We ask what value has been added to our economy and what production has occurred when you sell worthless stocks or repackage existing loans that have been made to unqualified buyers, that are supported by inflated appraisals and that have been given fraudulent ratings? Where is the value added to the economy when substantial portions of what is produced is either worthless or worth far less than what is paid for it from the very outset. It's almost akin to the sale of new automobiles where a car's value loses multiple thousands of dollars as they are driven off the dealer's lot by their new owners. At least with a new car the price is determined by the actual cost of the inputs and an established market value, instead of being valued by reference to artificially low rates of interest along with fraudulent, dreamed-up qualifications and appraisals and arbitrary, often imaginary, market values set by theoretical mathematical models. We feel that much of the filthy lucre that has been produced by the financial sector over the past decade is nothing more than profits earned on Ponzi-scheme money that is rolled over repeatedly. How can such profits possibly be attributed to our GDP with any intellectual honesty?
Note how gold and silver are being held down by sales and leasing as they consolidate for the next move up, while oil is allowed to fly. As soon as gold and silver start to rally, watch how quickly oil drops. Large specs should be ready for this move which means nothing because it will be totally contrived. The fundamentals will be just as strong as ever no matter what they do to oil because inflation and balance sheet destruction are both baked into the cake as our real estate markets and economy drop into the tank. All those high oil prices are going to take their toll down the line in lower profits or higher inflation, just wait and see. Also note that any new war adventures will most likely occur after both gold and oil have finished their spring rallies and are at much lower levels for purposes of consolidating what will be their most recent gains.
A hard but pointless pounding from the cartel can be expected for precious metals and commodities ahead of any new war adventure that is planned. Kosovo, Iran, Lebanon and the Gaza Strip are all possibilities, and these possibilities will keep oil, precious metals and their related shares well bid while the various general stock markets get hammered by the imploding recessionary economy. If a war does start, get ready for some wild action! Note that Ron Paul took 16% of the vote in Pennsylvania's Republican Primary, beating Huckabee's 11%. Yet we hear nothing about this in the media. In fact, we don't even hear it mentioned that Ron Paul is still a candidate. Our media and our entire elective process are a disgrace. We are governed by a two party dictatorship. If any of the miscreants offered by the Illuminati are elected, we're leaving the country. Oh, that's right, we already left! And you might want to consider doing so also.
Another piece of disinformation appeared in the WSJ this past week. Harvard Professor and former Chairman of the President’s Council of Economic Advisors, Martin Feldstein tells us the Fed shouldn’t lower interest rates any further because the likely benefit is small compared to the potential damage due to inflation. This is true and it is part of the theme chanted at the G-7 meeting. Lower interest rates mean higher energy and food inflation. That means riots in the third world and millions starving. We wish they were concerned but they are not. This is just a variation on a theme-propaganda. In Mr. Feldstein’s dissertation nowhere does it refer to the massive increase in money and credit that goes on relentlessly. If interest rates were raised the US economy would collapse even though they should be raising them not lowering them. It is more important to save the economy, Wall Street and the banks. Inflation and hyperinflation can always be lied about.
The other result is the collapsing dollar. Yes, lower interest rates stimulate economic activity, but they also force wages and prices higher as well. As we move forward this year and into next year unemployment and a receding economy will not impede monetary inflation. Lower interest rates will exacerbate the situation, but the inflation is already in the pipeline. What else can one expect with an 18% increase in money and credit and lower interest rates that is in the pipeline for the next 18 months and there is no changing that. The elitists know the solution to the food problem because they created it. Just stop using food for ethanol.
Mr. Feldstein’s comments are generally true but he refuses to cover the whole subject when he certainly knows the answers we know. Lower interest rates do tend to induce investors to add commodities to their portfolios, but that in part is offset by higher margin requirements, which exchanges put in place to protect their commercial dealers. Investors are in commodities and precious metals because they want real assets not paper assets. Feldstein cites lower interest rates as a cause for higher oil prices and food prices because farmers devote more production toward growing corn for ethanol.
He fails to mention the government’s $0.51 per gallon subsidy, which along with higher sales prices is an inducement. In his dissertation nowhere does the word dollar appear. The main reason for higher commodity and precious metals prices is a plunging dollar. It’s a flight to quality and something real. He also leaves out totally our current account deficits. What we have is a totally one-sided story. Not an informational commentary, but a clever piece of propaganda. He is a mouthpiece for the elitists who planned this whole capper in the first place. Yes, it is a crime to deliberately starve poor people to death. Commodities are rising due to American debt, massive monetary increases and now lower interest rates.
It is now not only the US due to the credit crisis, the Fed, Wall Street and the money central banks created, but it is also other nations for the past four years that have also increased monetary aggregates by 14%. Again, it is just not interest rates. Isn’t it an inevitable consequence of massive monetary aggregate expansion worldwide that we’d get inflation and speculation? And, lower interest rates are a part of it. Global reserves have increased $2.5 trillion, or 85%, in just the past two years. The dollar is now dysfunctional and the entire world monetary and financial system is out of balance. Again inflation and speculation have to be an obvious conclusion to profligacy.We can expect nothing less in a world of fiat currencies. Once the gold backing was removed from the dollar on 8/15/71 it was all-downhill from there and until we return to gold backed currencies the results will be the same – ultimately disastrous. There is no gold reserve system to restrain monetary expansions. There is no control and no discipline. The result has been an historic inflation in dollar financial claims, which has destroyed the global monetary system and now it’s dismantling financial and economic stability. The destabilizing price movements and myriad inflationary effects are poised to worsen. Once the foreign buyers of dollar enominated assets have had enough the huge dollar reserves will hit our shores and inundate the system.
The Fed and all central banks are on the run and the credit crisis worsens. Trillions of dollars and euros, etc. are being fed into the system in order to just keep it afloat. The world financial system is being nationalized country by country. There is certainly no end in sight of this monetary expansion. The mortgage market is being nationalized via Freddie Mae, Fannie Mac and the FHA. The same has been happening in banking as major investment banking firms too big to fail have been expanding assets by 14% to 27% over the past 38 weeks, almost all of that increase coming from the Fed as bank credit expanded 12.6%. During that period there was a $184 billion, 29%, increase in foreign custody holdings for foreign central banks at the Fed. All of these capital injections have for the moment stymied the systemic de-leveraging, but that is for now. The inflationary implications are enormous and the solution to the problem is not at hand and we do not think there is one. The outlook for our economy and financial situation looks dreadful. There has been no solution in nine months and it looks worse than it did in August. The Fed and ECB have stopped the bleeding for now but there is no solution in sight.
There is nothing ordinary regarding the credit breakdown. Usually such corrections track economic developments, but not this time. This time it is different. The US government has assumed all the risk, which is a precedent in cost and scope for the American taxpayer. The tide has been stemmed for now but not for long. As Feldstein says you cannot cut interest rates forever nor can government guarantees continue. Market manipulation by our government cannot continue forever. It will eventually lose its effectiveness. Besides there is nothing government or the Fed can do. This collapse has to run its course. The unbalance and maladjustment is simply too great. Risk is being moved from one place to another. From the markets to government, which is no solution, unless they want the dollar at 20 on the USDX. While all this proceeds so will inflation in an over- liquefied global system that is no longer able to handle such a flood of aggregates. We are in uncharted waters especially if you throw in derivatives. All we can say is the world has lots of problems.
As we have said for so many years, the motto for the Illuminati should be “perpetual war for perpetual peace.” The recent testimony by General Petraeus and Ambassador Crocker was devious at best. That is understandable in as much as they are front men for the Illuminists. All we got was ring around the rosy. Our troops conveniently fail in their objectives, which is an excuse to continue the occupation. Congress, which is paid by these Illuminists to keep their heads in the sand, delivered the usual softball questions. Talk about abdication of responsibility to the citizens who elected them. They surely dance to a different fiddler. This is the group that pays the enemy not to appear for battle so they can if only temporarily gain victory. When they cannot gain victory they blame Iran, al Qaeda or the Baghdad government. They always have a scapegoat. What the US administration is playing for is perpetual war and occupation to keep control of the oil for the internationalist oil giants. This is accomplished by continued occupation, a never ending state of war and a weak disorganized Iraqi government. The upshot of the Senate hearing was that our Senate is a disgrace.
Bob Chapman
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