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Colloidal Silver & Swine Flu: Dr. Mercola's Tacit Retreat (& A Short Tutorial)

By Ken Adachi, Editor
September 7, 2009

Colloidal Silver & Swine Flu: Dr. Mercola's Tacit Retreat (& A Short Tutorial) by Ken Adachi (Sep. 7, 2009)

On Sep. 4, I posted a Letter to the Editor from Ed responding to his inquiry about an unusual and alarming statement made by Dr Joseph Mercola concerning colloidal silver in an article Dr. Mercola posted to his web site dated Sep. 1, 2009 1 titled "Warning: Swine Flu Shot Linked to Killer Nerve Disease." In that article, Dr Mercola said that:

"there may be significant problems in using it [colloidla silver] for swine flu" and that "in many healthy individuals it is likely to elicit a severe cytokine storm reaction. This is basically a severe allergic inflammatory reaction that can occur in your lungs, and could be fatal. "

That's a very serious statement to make if it were true, but if it were not true, then it would be a highly erroneous and reckless thing to say, as it plays directly into the hands of the current crop of colloidal silver debunkers (aka pharmaceutical shills) who are flooding the internet with wholesale hokum about the many "dangers" and "toxicities" associated with colloidal silver. One such pharmaceutical shill is someone who calls herself Jennifer Lake of Her August 17, 2009 blog posting is a virtual tour de force of condemnatory statements that would scare off even the most commited supporters of Nature-based medicine--if her statements were true--but since her highly deceptive rant is riddled with FALSEHOODS and contrived "scientific studies" paid for by the hidden hand of Big Pharma, it stands to reason that a physician, like Dr Joseph Mercola, who postures himself as a champion of natural medicne, needs to exercise far greater caution in making such alarmist statements about a subject of which he is obviously uninformed.

And since I came upon Jennifer Lake's blog as a result of a Google search linking to Dr Mercola's site, somehow I'm wondering if maybe Jennifer herself wasn't the advisory source of the "new" information which caused Dr Mercola to "change his mind" about colloidal silver in his first posted version of that article? Oh, yes, I forget to mention that the Sep. 7, 2009 version of the "Warning: Swine Flu Shot Linked to Killer Nerve Disease." article was changed from the Sep. 4 version that Ed referred to in his letter to me. The Sep. 7 version had now deleted all references to the "severe cytokine storm reaction" that colloidal silver was "likely" to elicit (see below).

I wonder if my two unanswered e-mails directed to Dr Mercola and my Sep. 4 posting of Ed's letter had anything to do with that?

Another "change" that I noticed on Sep. 7 when I went to the link of that article was that I was now able to access the article this time, instead of having my view blocked by a pop up window that wanted me to register my name and e-mail address with Dr. Mercola's markeitng department before I could see the article--as was the case on Sep. 4 Why was the pop up window no longer there to block my view? Maybe Dr Mercola wanted the article more readily accessible, now that he removed his absurd statements about colloidal silver and "cytokine storms" to which I had strongly objected to in my e-mails to him~ and he avoided replying to me?

Just to set the record straight, I've reposted below the Sep. 4 portion of Dr. Mercola's article that included his dire warings about colloidal silver (which I've indicated in bold type) and below that, the same section of the article taken from the Sep. 7 version, which has now removed the colloidal silver warning statements. Both versions start with the subheading of "How Vaccines Can Cause so Much Harm."

Excerpt from "Warning: Swine Flu Shot Linked to Killer Nerve Disease." by Dr. Mercola downloaded on Sep. 4, 2009:

"How Vaccines Can Cause so Much Harm

The intended effect of a vaccination is to help you build immunity to a potentially harmful organism. However, your body’s immune system is already designed to do this in response to organisms that invade your body naturally.

Most disease-causing organisms enter your body through the mucous membranes of your nose, mouth, pulmonary system or your digestive tract. These mucous membranes have their own immune system, called the IgA immune system, which fights off invading organisms at the point of entry, reducing or even eliminating the need for activation of your body’s immune system.

A vaccination, however, delivers either live or attenuated (dead) viruses directly into your tissues and blood stream through injection, completely bypassing your body’s first line of defense. And when combined with an immune adjuvant, your body’s immune system kicks into high gear in response to the vaccination. If your immune system is too weak to deal with the assault, severe side effects can occur.

Injecting organisms into your body to provoke immunity is contrary to nature, and vaccination carries enormous potential to do serious damage to your health.

To emphasize this point further, when ingested, the vaccine adjuvant squalene is actually recognized by your immune system as an oil molecule native to your body. It has antioxidant properties and is found throughout your nervous system and brain.

The difference between “good” and “bad” squalene is the route by which it enters your body. Injection is an abnormal route of entry which incites your immune system to attack all the squalene in your body, not just the vaccine adjuvant.

As a result, your immune system will attempt to destroy the molecule wherever it finds it, including in places where it occurs naturally, and where it is vital to the health of your nervous system.

For more information about squalene, and the hazards it poses when included in flu shots, please review my recent special report on the topic, if you have not already done so.

Is Silver a Good Choice for the Swine Flu?

While I believe colloidal silver does have some merit, there may be significant problems in using it for swine flu. We were initially going to carry one of the finest silver products in our store, but I recently learned of new information that changed my mind.

While silver will likely work to kill the swine flu virus, in many healthy individuals it is likely to elicit a severe cytokine storm reaction. This is basically a severe allergic inflammatory reaction that can occur in your lungs, and could be fatal.

Additionally, silver is a heavy metal and there is no need for it in your body. So when used acutely it may have benefit, but in the long run you will need to eliminate the silver ions in your body with some type of detoxification process.

I am currently consulting with some of the leading experts on a swine flu product that I hope to have by the end of the year that will use completely natural ingredients that build your immune system, and will not result in a potentially fatal cytokine storm.

In the Meantime Consider Vitamin D as it Prevents Seasonal Flu"

** *

The Sep. 7, 2009 version of the same article from the same url reads:

"How Vaccines Can Cause so Much Harm

The intended effect of a vaccination is to help you build immunity to a potentially harmful organism. However, your body’s immune system is already designed to do this in response to organisms that invade your body naturally.

Most disease-causing organisms enter your body through the mucous membranes of your nose, mouth, pulmonary system or your digestive tract. These mucous membranes have their own immune system, called the IgA immune system, which fights off invading organisms at the point of entry, reducing or even eliminating the need for activation of your body’s immune system.

A vaccination, however, delivers either live or attenuated (dead) viruses directly into your tissues and blood stream through injection, completely bypassing your body’s first line of defense. And when combined with an immune adjuvant, your body’s immune system kicks into high gear in response to the vaccination. If your immune system is too weak to deal with the assault, severe side effects can occur.

Injecting organisms into your body to provoke immunity is contrary to nature, and vaccination carries enormous potential to do serious damage to your health.

To emphasize this point further, when ingested, the vaccine adjuvant squalene is actually recognized by your immune system as an oil molecule native to your body. It has antioxidant properties and is found throughout your nervous system and brain.

The difference between “good” and “bad” squalene is the route by which it enters your body. Injection is an abnormal route of entry which incites your immune system to attack all the squalene in your body, not just the vaccine adjuvant.

As a result, your immune system will attempt to destroy the molecule wherever it finds it, including in places where it occurs naturally, and where it is vital to the health of your nervous system.

For more information about squalene, and the hazards it poses when included in flu shots, please review my recent special report on the topic, if you have not already done so.

In the Meantime Consider Vitamin D as it Prevents Seasonal Flu"

(me thinketh he back-peddleth mightily, but lacketh the courage to acknowledge same to me)

Now that I've reviewed Dr. Mercola's sheepish retreat, let's examine some genuine FACTS about colloidal silver, versus the absolute clap trap that's posted at Jennifer Lake's 'illuminating' blog

For starters, colloidal silver is more benign than plain water. That's right. An Italian study in the 1980s gave only water to one group of mice and only colloidal silver to another matched group of mice and found that the mice given only colloidal silver lived substantially longer than the group only given plain water.

Second, most 'colloidal silver' refers to a suspension of silver atoms in water, which in most instances is actually ions of silver atoms, or another way to put it, in "ionic form'. Silver is an element of Nature, found on the Periodic Chart of Elements with an atomic number 47, an atomic weight of 107.868, and is identified with the symbol of "Ag". Colloidal silver is not a molecule, it is not a compound, and it's certainly not a drug, although the clap trap posted at Jennifer Lake's blog would have you believe that it was all three.

Third, silver possesses germicidal attributes that other metals found on the Periodic Chart do not possess, including gold.

Fourth, the use of the expression " heavy metal" is a nearly constant refrain repeated over and over by colloidal silver debunkers and pharmaceutical shills. The idea is to subliminally telegraph the message of "toxicity" or poisoning. But who decides what a 'heavy' metal is? Whoever is writing the article!. There is no standardized, internationally agreed category called "heavy metals" into which a known group of metals from the Periodic Chart are listed. While we can reasonably describe aluminum, with an atomic number of 13, as a "light" metal, we are equally obliged to view gold, with an atomic number of 79, or lead (82), or thallium (81), or any of the radioactive elements (everything above atomic number 82) as "heavy" metals, but should that category include silver, with an atomic number of 47, as "heavy"? Or would a classification of "medium" metal weight be closer to the mark? However, describing colloidal silver as a "medium" metal wouldn't have nearly the intimidating impact that "heavy metal" has upon the reader, and thus the reason for repeating the refrain over and over.

Fifth, besides germicidal attributes, colloidal silver also exhibits restorative and regenerative effects upon human and animal tissue. Applied as a colloid size particle, silver can speed up the healing of damaged tissue, including first, second, and third degree burns, as well as radiation damage. That's why hospitals and burn clinics use surgical dressings and bandages impregnated with tiny particles of silver. Because it works.

Much ado is now being made by colloidal silver disinformation peddlers about the "dangers' and "threat" of nano sized colloidal silver, sometimes called 'nano silver' I found one 'environmental' web site based in Australia that purports to warn of the dangers posed by nano-technology in general, which is a legitimate enough issue, but then goes further by lumping in 'nano silver' as part of the overall nano-technology "threat", which is total bull crap from top to bottom. It is so typical of disinformation propagandists to lump together legitimate concerns about recent scientific developments (nano technology) which are being exploited by governments and the military and intelligence agencies for dark and destructive purposes, with that of a non-concern (colloidal silver) and lump them together as part of the same "threat" when the only connection between the two is their small, nano-range particle size-and nothing more! Yet, this is precisely what these hysteria promoters are trying to do at many of the web sites now attempting to characterize colloidal silver as a "dangerous" and "toxic" substance that requires government regulation and control in order to 'protect' the public.

There is no mystery in understanding what 'nano-silver' is. Colloidal silver produced with a relatively low voltage DC current, will produce a solution that has clusters of silver atoms joined together and will appear yellow in color (if made with distilled water). Colloidal silver made with a high voltage AC current will produce much smaller clusters of silver atoms or even single atoms of silver and will look perfect clear, like water, but can still contain a high concentration of 'nano' sized silver atoms. It was formerly called "mono-atomic silver' some years ago. Mono-atomic silver and 'nano-silver' refer to the same thing. Nothing has changed -- except the spin being generated by colloidal silver debunkers concerning its "threat" as a subset of "nano-technology".

Colloidal silver is one of the most powerful, NATURAL germ fighters found in Nature. The FDA wants to regulate and control it's sale and availability because it presents a HUGE threat to the financial interests of drug companies. The current efforts of pharmaceutical shills, like Jennifer Lake, have grown by leaps and bounds, compared with the earlier attempts by shills like Rosemary Jacobs, who played the "argyria" card to the hilt, only to see the whole disinfo campaign fall flat on its face. The "new" colloidal silver debunkers are now all pointing to scientific, FDA-approved "studies" which prove this dark allegation or that about colloidal silver, but the only thing that they are "proving" is that money can buy ANYTHING -including a "scientific study".

Ken Adachi


Subject: Dr Mercola's Tacit Retreat
From: Ed D
Date: Tue, September 8, 2009
To: Ken Adachi


What a great write -up; I too have written to Dr. Mercloa seeking additional info;to no avail. The proof is in the pudding;the article was no doubt
reissued as a direct result of your persistence.More important the truth has prevailed.

Thanks; well done.

Regards Ed. D

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