The Freedom of Knowledge, The Power of Thought ©

Dublin Sylphs Reveal Multiple Etheric Faces

From Ken Adachi
August 22, 2009

Dublin Sylphs Reveal Multiple Etheric Faces (Aug. 22, 2009)

This photo was sent to me by Ivar who lives in Dublin, Ireland. Here's part of his note:

" I do remember your warning not attach any files to mail and I apologise I braking your restriction. I just wanted to ask you who'd be a person who would explain a bit about Sylphs. I have a lot of pics of them as I love them. I just want to understand more about them. And I'd be happy to share with my pics as well. Cheers! "

He sent a large 2.5MB file which allowed me to obtain much sharper detail from each etheric image isolated into individual crops using PhotoShop. Here's the original 2.5MB file of this photo in case you want to play with this yourself. There are many more etheric images embedded within this photo beyond those shown here.

Here's Ivar's full photo shown at 900 pixels wide:

Dublin Sylph August 2009

Some of the faces are really huge and easy to recognize. Notice the nearly rectangular blue-sky "box" in the middle of the lower cloud bank. How many times to you see that? When you open up the orginal 2.5MB file in PhotoShop and set the View image to 'actual pixels', you can scrutinize the photo more carefully at full magnification and see a lot of things that you can't notice from the 'fit to screen' size seen above. One of those enexpected things is the magnified cylinder-shaped object shown below marked Crop K . It's found in the lower left of the photo, while the white object marked Crop L is found in the lower right of the photo. I have no idea what these objects are.

Crop K                                                                    Crop L

Cylinder-shaped object, magnified White object, magnified

Below are a smattering of face crops taken from Ivar's photo. After cropping an image, I simply play with the contrast, brightness, hue saturation, etc to try and draw out more detail. You can spend a lot of time tweaking these images and play with different filters in PhotoShop to get an even sharper contrast, but I didn't have that kind of time, so I just contrast-enhanced them sufficiently to see the face. Crop B is a large face that is barely visible in the upper left of the photo in a mostly blue sky region, while Crop H shows a cluster of 7 or 8 faces.

Crop B                                                                                               Crop H

Crop BCrop H

Crop C is shown in its original form on the left and contrast-enhanced with Auto Level on the right.

Crop C

Crop C, original Crop C, contrast enhanced

Crop J is almost a perfect image of a pussy cat, while Crop M looks like a human face in full profile, with a wolf-like image seen behind his head.

Crop J                                                                         Crop M

Crop J             Crop M

Crop L was rotated about 40 degrees clockwise so you could see the image upright. I then cropped the rotated image a second time, so it didn't take up too much room vertically. This guy looks like something from Phantom of the Opera (Lon Chaney, eat your heart out). Step back and view it from a distance if you can't see the lips and the teeth. Crop E shows another cluster of heads

                       Crop L                                                                                                  Crop E

Crop L             Crop E

Crop N below is found along the top edge of the photo, just about in the middle of the blue sky area. The photo on the left is only enlarged somewhat from the original crop, but no contrast enhancements. The same photo on the right is first contrast enhanced using "Auto Level" and then the color is removed with "Desat" to reveal what looks like a pen and ink drawing of a young woman with pronounced eyelashes.

Crop N, enlarged only                                                                                  Crop N with Auto Level and Desaturated applied

Crop N, original Crop N contrast enhanced and desaturated

Anyone with PhotoShop can play with this and undoubtedly find many more images. Have fun.

Ken Adachi

* All photos seen here are copyrighted to and Ken Adachi. Use without permission is prohibited.

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