The Mysterious Spinach/E-Coli Outbreak
From Ken Adachi <Editor>
September 19, 2006The media has been running the California spinach/E-coli "outbreak" story for about five days now ("E" stands for Eschericia). It's another over-puffed scare story that the media propagandists love to pump for all its worth. I'm sure that it frightens and alarms younger people who take the media at face value, but if you've been around for a while, you know that this an an old game with our corporate media friends who've been masquerading sensationalism (or propaganda) as "news" for a long time now.
I remember how frustrated I was about 10 or 11 years ago (can't remember for sure) when there was a similar over-puffed, hysteria buzz in the media concerning strawberries (from Mexico or perhaps California?) that were also contaminated with E-coli. The TV and radio reporters, then as now, were all saying the same thing, that "authorities have no idea why the plants are contaminated, etc.."
I kept asking myself at the time: : "How can E-coli, a bacteria normally found in the colon, toilet water, or excrement, get inside a plant?" It didn't make any sense!
Naturally, if people have no idea why the plants are infected, it's only sensible to pull everything off the shelves and throw out whatever you had already bought. It's remarkable how quickly the entire country, it seems, becomes panicked over a little story like this and it will cause people to rush home to toss out that bag of baby spinach and wait for the "authorities" to tell us that it's "OK" again.
On September 17 or 18, I happened to catch an interview on NPR radio with Dr. Sydney Spiesel, pediatrician and professor at Yale Medical School. By the time I thought to record it, the interview was almost over, so I only was able to record the very end, however, I do recall what he said when the interviewer asked him what he thought had caused the contamination? Dr. Speisel said 'we don't know for sure, but it may be the cow dung in the field might be seeping down and infecting the plants', or something very close to that (This is an extremely unlikely source in my opinion. Nature breaks down fecal matter quickly. How many centruies have gone by with man using cow dung or human excrement to fertilize crop fields?)
[Update-Sep. 23, 2006: Thanks to Kenny R., we now have the NPR interview link,'s the tail end of the interview transcribed when Dr. Speisel was asked about a solution:
NPR: What's the best way to treat it?
Dr. Speisel: Well, the best way to treat it is to treat the patient, to make sure that they're getting adequate fluid replacement and that means not just water, but the electrolytes that they lose in stool. And just good nursing, just take care of them, because we have no medicine that can reverse this process. It's caused by a toxin which is released by the germ. And we just have to support the patient as best we can until the body's natural defenses help it go away.
NPR: So antibiotics won't work?
Dr. Sydney Speisel: No, there's no value for antibiotics here.
NPR: Thank you Sid.
Dr. Sydney Speisel: You're welcome.
NPR: Dr. Sydney Speisel is a practicing pediatrician. He's also a professor at the Yale Medical Schood. *
OK, let's start with the cause. It's pretty simple really. Here in water-starved California, they process sewer water into something they call "reclaimed water" or "recycled water". They use reclaimed water for spraying lawns and outdoor shrubbery, trees, etc. Since fresh, clean water is surely more expensive than "reclaimed water", I have an overwhelming suspicion that some growers, in some locations here in California, are using the far less expensive "reclaimed water" for irrigating their crops. As long as the water was properly treated and the bacteria sufficiently cleaned or disinfected, then I assume that everything would be OK, but if the reclaimed water was not properly treated, then you might have a problem. Highly E-coli contaminated water rushing into warm southern California spinach fields would be quickly absorbed by young plants and given adequate ambient warmth, could survive very nicely inside the plant, right up to the day they are picked and sent off to the folks who do the washing and bagging operation. Then they wind up being eaten raw by someone with a weakened or compromised immune sytem and they get rather sick or perhaps, in extremely rare cases, die.
Can you do anything about it? Yes you can.
If you are worried that your spinach (or any other plant) may be infected with E-coli, you can utilize a number of simple methods to sterilize or kill the E-coli before it gets inside you and causes harm. Unlike the Yale Medical School professor being interviewed by NPR for his authoritative insights, we can offer you a bit more than "keep the patient comfortable and wait until his body gets over it" approach.
When we turn to non-pharmaceutical, Nature-based solutions, we have a number of different methods to handle this problem and "reverse this process."
1. Heat: If you steam or boil your spinach, the E-coli can't survive and the spinach will be safe to eat.
2. NSF Bleach: If you want to eat your spinach raw, then you can do something that the late Dr Hazel Parcells had recommened doing with ALL of her fruits and vegetables: you take one ounce of 12% National Standards Foundation (NSF) rated bleach (the type sold by swimming pool supply dealers) and you add that to a basin of water in which you soak and wash your spinach for about 8-10 mintues and then rinse thoroughly three times with clean running, fresh water. The bleach will oxidize the E-coli very quickly and render them harmless (in a book about her work, Dr Parcells recommends using Clorox for the bleach, but I learned from reading Dr. Hulda Clark, that modern day Clorox is itself contaminated with axle bearing grease, and other contaminates, so go with the NSF bleach to be safer).
3. Ozone: Get yourself an ozone generator that puts out at least 200mg of ozone per liter, per hour. They are available as "water sterilizers" and are perfectly legal to buy. You put your raw spinach in a bowl, fill it with water and run the tube from the ozone machine with an air stone attached, to the bottom of the bowl and turn on the ozone machine for 20 minutes or so. The ozone wlll penetrate the spinach very quickly, oxidize the bacteria, and destroy it.
4. Colloidal Silver: The late Dr. Bob Beck used to say that colloidal silver can kill just about every species of bacteria or virus within 6 minutes of contact. A test was performed in Canada about 7 years ago that specifically targeted E-coli taken from toilet bowls. The control sample was teeming with E-coli , but even the tiniest amount of colloidal silver added to the toilet water caused ALL of the bacteria to die. It was amazing to see how little colloidal silver it took to sterilize the multible test samples. Even the dreaded 0157 H-7 strain of E-coli will succumb with colloidal silver right along with the ordinary strains of E-coli. You can buy colloidal silver at a health food store, but it's expensive. It's much cheaper to make your own with a colloidal silver generator .
5. Frequency generator: E-coli has a specific Mortal Oscillatory Resonance (MOR) frequency, a term coined by Dr. Royal Rife, just like every other microbe in Nature. If I tuned my frequency generator to 356 KHz first and after zapping for 3 minutes, switched over to a second MOR frequency for E-coli of 393 KHz, I would have applied the two MOR's that Hulda Clark's list in her books for knocking out E-coli. I could put my spinach in a plastic or glass bowl, fill it with water, stick in a couple of stainless steel or pure silver electrodes on either side of the bowl, attach them to the generator, and turn on the frequency generator. There are many variations possible when applying a frequency generator. I could use somehting called "sweep", for example, if my generator had that capability or I could use a "plasma tube output" and radiate a scalar electromagnetic field, placing the spinach within that field. I could also use large coils and an amplifier to radiate an inductively coupled magnetic field which would also work.
6. Natural Extracts from herbs, etc: There are many antibacterail compounds made from plant sources. One that I happen to learn about from my good buddy Luke Gatto, is called "Advantage Liquid Concentrate" (ALC) made by a company called The Wisdom of Ages located in Westcliffe, Colorado. You place 30 drops of ALC inside a large basin filled with water and your spinach and soak for 15-20 minutes and rinse two or three times. The insert says it will knock down E-coli, Strep, Salmonella, Staph, Candida, Herpes, Influenza, Cholera, parasites, fungi, and traveller's diarrhea. It propbably could address other bugs as well, if you took the time to investigate.
7. Other techniques: There are yet other methods for knocking down microbes not mentioned here, and they could work as well as the above mentioned methods, but it's not necessary to turn over every leaf in the forest. Any of the above methods will do the job. The idea is to look to Nature and get out from under the limiting mindset that our established "authority" voices, which the media propagandists will throw at you as the Be All- End All in knowledge concerning these things, are NOT the best source for REAL informaiton and should always be viewed with a skeptical eye, for there is ALWAYS a hidden agenda behind ANYTHING that the mainstream media puts out as "news."
Ken Adachi <Editor>
Addendum, Sep. 24, 2006 (Thanks to Hong for the reminder)
Hydrogen Peroxide
From Ken Adachi: I forgot to mention an article we posted in February 2005 from 82 year old Bill Munro about combining colloidal silver and hydrogen peroxide ( ).
If you want to be a purist, the safest grade of hydrogen peroxide is 35% food grade. You can find it on the internet and order it in half quart, quart, gallon or 5 gallon sizes. When you get it, you dilute it down with 9 parts distilled water to one part of the 35% hydrogen peroxide. That will leave you with 3.5% hydrogen peroxide that is much less contaminated than the grade you buy in drug stores (contains stabilizers), although in a pinch, you can still use the drug store grade. Too many people who write about the benefits of hydrogen peroxide will say to NEVER use the drug store variety for internal use, however, the RELATIVE risk from the stabilizers is far less a problem than the risk posed by the infection or cancer you are trying to fight. In my opinion, it's wiser to use common sense and get the food grade as soon as practical, but don't put off using hydrogen peroxide altogether just because you don't have food grade on hand.
The Many Benefits of Hydrogen Peroxide by Dr. David G. Williams in Cancer Therapy - Hydrogen Peroxide Peroxide v. Prostate Cancer by Bill Munro (Oct. 14, 2005) Peroxide Nasal Sprayer & Garden Applications by Bill Munro (Feb. 7, 2005) Peroxide by Walter Grotz
Reader Comments
[Sep. 23 Note from Ken Adachi, : I had originally guessed at the spelling as Dr. Sidney Speigel or Spiegel in my story, only to find out from Kenny R. that the correct spelling is Dr. Syndey Speisel. I corrected the spelling in my article above]
Subject: The Mysterious Spinach/E-Coli Outbreak article
Date: Sat, September 23, 2006
To: EditorKen says he can't find Dr. Sidney Speigel...hmmm. Speigel was referred to as on radio interview...
This is a mystery. At the end of article he spelled the name as Siegel... Which is it? Looks like Ken made some mistake with the name perhaps....Judy Burkhard
Hi Judy,
Looks like you have a lot of time on your hands.
Every thought of using your time in some productive endeavor?
Sincerely, Ken
Subject: NPR article/scientist
Date: Fri, September 22, 2006 11:29 pm
To: Editor
Hey Ken! Here's the NPR link regarding their spinach article. The doctor's name is Sydney Spiesel.
Looks like he writes for Slate magazine. A couple of his articles are here:
The brief one on acupunture was regarding wear and tear in joints and didn't mention at all energy flow through the body - just needles stuck in the skin...Hope all is well,
Kenny R.
Subject: spinach is good
Date: Sat, September 23, 2006 2:34 pm
To: EdotprHey Ken,
My name is Keith Spindel. This crap about the spinach in the news is preposterous. Just scare everyone away everyone from one the most healthiest, wholesome, and nutrient-dense food there is. A raw spinach salad--I love it!
By the way, have you heard or read anything about THE CHINA STUDY? It is a health book written by colin campbell (name may be spelled differently) I think it was released in march of 06. This book seemed incredibly credible. I figured you or one of your friends could take a glance at it.
Subject: Re: The Mysterious Spinach/E-Coli Outbreak article
From: "Judy Burkhard" <>
Date: Sat, September 23, 2006 8:45 pm
To: EditorHi Ken,
Time is well spent when mystery is solved!Follow this link and listen... to Dr. Syd Spiesel. Your Health: Slate's Explainer: The Health Perils of E. Coli Scientists suspect bagged spinach may have caused an outbreak of E. coli that has resulted in one death and dozens of serious illnesses around the country. Doctor Syd Spiesel of Yale Medical School and the online magazine
Slate discusses the dangers and treatment of E. coli infection.Sincerely, JudyB
Subject: E-coli
Date: Sat, September 23, 2006 8:27 pm
To: EditorHi Ken,
I saw a video on genetic modification of plants and seeds and recall that the only way scientists were able to successfully introduce the modifying genes into a plant or seed was by coupling or piggybacking the gene on e-coli bacteria.
Makes me wonder if there is a secondary cause not addressed by water based issues. It would be interesting if someone from the affected areas could confirm if the producers are using Monsanto's use-once-only-and-buy-some-more seeds.
Best regards
Subject: spinach and ticks
Date: Sun, September 24, 2006
To: Editor: I enjoyed your article on the spinach. I learned quite a bit. I use grapefruitseed extract (35 drops to a sink plus 1/4 teaspoon baking soda). I use
colloidal silver for other things, never thought of using it for that. I loved all the alternatives you gave. I wanted to share this I just got from a friend.EASY TICK REMOVAL:
A School Nurse has written the info below - good enough to share...and it really works!!
I had a pediatrician tell me what she believes is the best way to remove a tick. This is great, because it works in those places where it's sometimes difficult to get to with tweezers: between toes, in the middle of a head full of dark hair, etc.
Apply a glob of liquid soap to a cotton ball. Cover the tick with the soap-soaked cotton ball and swab it for a few seconds (15-20), the tick will come out on it's own and be stuck to the cotton ball when you lift it away. This technique has worked every time I've used it (and that was frequently), and it's much less traumatic for the patient and easier for me.
Unless someone is allergic to soap, I can't see that this would be damaging in any way. I even had my doctor's wife call me for advice because she had one stuck to her back and she couldn't reach it with tweezers. She used this method and immediately called me back to say, "It worked!"
Subject: E. Coli contamination
From: "hongma" <>
Date: Sun, September 24, 2006
To: EditorHello Ken,
There is another cheap and effective means to decontaminate your raw spinach and other vegetables: hrodrogen peroxide. this additional info will help your readers.
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