Barbara Hartwell's Web Site Is Gone
By Ken Adachi <>
August 11, 2004Tim White sent me an e mail that Barbara Hartwell, the most vicious and slandering CIA mind controlled disinfo agent on the Internet, has apparently pulled her web site and all of its mendacious, venom filled odorous content. But fear not, Hartwell fans, we've downloaded her web site in its entirety and will recount her catalog of outrageous fabrications flung at real American patriots like Ted Gunderson and Fritz Springmeier in great detail when I attend to her story-which is long overdue. It's hard to say whether the Crimson Viper has decided to get out of Dodge permanently or maybe she just couldn't pay the server. Another possibility is the UK server which hosted her may have been paid for by a duped fan (or the CIA) and that person decided to stop supporting her. I don't know, but I do know that she's an expert at crying poor, hitting on innocent readers to support her and will then turn around to savagely attack them if they dare express a word of concern about Hartwell's unconscionable attacks on people like Don Stacey. Hartwell is a piece of work whose lies have served to damage the reputations of many innocent American patriots over the Internet . Her boat load of lies, however, are not going to be forgotten by this writer. Her web site may have disappeared from the Internet, but her name and her LIES will be scrutinized and exposed for a long time to come at this web site. You can take that to the bank.
Send flowers and Sympathy cards to CIA headquarters at Langley, Virginia. They will understand.
----- Original Message -----
From: Todd Fahey
Sent: Friday, August 13, 2004 8:28 PM
Subject: Wither ?
Wither ?
Blabs Hartwell's Web site is no more. Dunno the details, but am happy about this, as she resorted to sending YOUR [persons' names deleted] PERSONAL MAIL to her on her site. Which was an unscrupulous thing to do.
She's broke, desperate, given to the alcohol jones, and living in a house that is not owned by her, but by a "friend," who is a Bircher. She paid out $800 during my stay at her house to have one of her (5) five cats examined (it had drank anti-freeze, somewhere in the town, and the summer-renters of the house where B. Hartwell lives tracked her down, to tell her that they'd found her cat deeply sick, under their trailer). So, Blabs is broke, and maybe she can't afford to manage her own Web site.I DOUBT this is the case, though, as the hosting service which held her stuff online is also, now, defunct (OFFLINE).
----- Original Message -----
From: Editor
To: Todd Fahey
Sent: Tuesday, August 17, 2004 3:52 PM
Subject: Re: Wither ?
Thanks, Ken
----- Original Message -----
From: Todd Fahey
To: Editor
Sent: Wednesday, August 18, 2004 3:45 AM
Subject: Re: Wither ?Ken,
I'll "share notes" with you (regarding Barbara Hartwell), if you'll reciprocate.
I lived with the lady and know a LOT about her.
---- Original Message -----
From: Editor
To: Todd Fahey
Sent: Thursday, August 19, 2004 11:18 PM
Subject: Re: Wither ?Hi Todd,
Sure. I haven't lived with her (Praise the Lord), but I have lots of her stuff gathered over the years from the internet.
What did you want to cover about her?
Regards, Ken
----- Original Message -----
From: Todd Fahey
To: Editor
Sent: Friday, August 20, 2004 12:22 AM
Subject: Re: Wither ?Howdy, Ken,
Well, she sure as hell brought up your name a lot, during my 18-day stay at the house that's been loaned to her by a member of the John Birch Society (she doesn't own the house in Maine). Sez you're CIA (but, then, she says almost everyone is CIA, doesn't she?).
She didn't really describe you, physically, but, to the best of my memory, I think she said that you and she met once or possibly several times.
She was filled with venom about you, for some reason. (Not that that would be any surprise to you).
Am swamped at-present (will be free tomorrow), with teaching duties in South Korea (yes, I made it out of that mad-hatter's house and out of Amerika). Will correspond very soon, regarding my ideas about Blabs.
P.S.: Any new news about the state of her Web site? I just know it's kaput; haven't inquired as to its status, or of the Webmaster of ISP.
Hello Todd,
Hartwell's slam pieces about me usually referred to me as an insignificant nobody who, essentially, didn't have the 'RIGHT' to comment about her or her outrageous slanders towards Ted Guderson and Brice Taylor, etc. According to her, I wasn't worthy of such comment because I wasn't within the circle of "professionals", such as herself, which she oddly considered to be the appropriate category in characterizing the 'work' of a CIA mind controlled slave.
Setting aside for the moment her pathological slanderings against Ted and other effective NWO opponents that she was programmed to attack, she routinely revealed the depth of her psychosis by ballyhooing her 'professional' accreditation in practically every diatribe she ever wrote. She wanted the whole world to know -ad nausea- how highly 'educated' she was, in order to claim a position of authority for the crap she was writing.
She had the temerity to boast that she has a "doctorate" when in fact she obtained a worthless piece of paper from a diploma mill for what amounted to a few weeks of 'lessons' via correspondence. I seriously doubt that the woman ever spent a day of her life in a college classroom. If she HAD earned an advanced degree in the conventional manner, I'm quite sure we would heard about it until the cows came home. Anyone, by the way, can obtain a 'doctorate' of divinity for roughly $100 and a stamp. I have the catalog here in my files for the Universal Church of Love & Light (or something close to that) of which I suspect she is an 'alumni'.
Nothing is more boring to me than the subject of Barbara Hartwell, but her contemptible behavior in repeatedly slandering Ted Gunderson over the internet, like that of her CIA cohorts, Stew Webb and Linda Newkirk, is going to be exposed and countered by this 'nobody' until Barbara Hartwell is widely recognized by the internet world for the utter fraud and CIA disinfo puppet that she is.
Regards, Ken
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