The Freedom of Knowledge, The Power of Thought ©

Dowser Warns of Possible San Fancisco Earthquake on Jan. 22, 2009

[Editor's Note: Tim Hicks has been coordinating dowsing sessions with Phil Ledoux at this web site for a few years now. He called me today to tell me of the strong possibility of a NATURAL earthquake in the San Francisco Bay area tomorrow evening, January 22, 2009. I told him it was better to post this info rather than worry about getting egg on your face if nothing happens. The future is not set in stone. Variables can arise which can alter the turn of future events. We create our reality with our thoughts. Conscious awareness of a possible catastrophic event itself can affect the course of that event. We post this warning in the hope that those who read it will hold the focused intent that if an earthquake must occur, that the event should be dissipated in a series of smaller and less violent quakes, rather than a single large release of energy.

Like the planned false flag events that might have occurred in the previous six days leading up to the presidential inauguration, we post these warnings in the interest of preventing or least ameliorating the event. ...Ken Adachi]
January 21, 2009

Dowser Warns of Possible San Fancisco Earthquake on Jan. 22, 2009 (Jan. 21, 2009)

----- Original Message -----
From: Tim Hicks
To: Ken Adachi
Sent: Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Subject: possible bay area quake

I had mentioned to Philip N Ledoux a week ago that I thought there was a good chance of abnormal EQ activity before the end of the month of January. And that I had not been able to pinpoint where but I thought it was in the continental U.S. This evening(1/21) I was checking the Women Warriors site and read the post by Lilly telling of a prophetic type dream.

Doing a dowse on this dream I came up with this info....

A strong possibility of a Eq in the bay between San Francisco and Oakland, California in the evening hours (local time) of January 22, 2009 with the strength of richter 6.5 to 7.0 and approx 6 miles deep.

This is a natural event, but could be enhanced or followed with man made technology.

My concern is with the area around Yellowstone National Park. A series of man made aftershocks or domino triggered (false) stress relief earthquake events could be made to look like a natural sequence of pressure relief. In reality, they would be a lead-up to a man made disaster at Yellowstone.

All of the "maybes" and "could happens" that I put out are of no real value. The real value lies in the hope that this information reminds many folks to actively and passionately desire to create a different reality in which to live our lives.

The number of people that are coming to the realization that we both individually and universally are creating the reality that we live is growing and our collective success is expanding beyond the control of the would be controllers. This is a call to collectively create a reality that does not include a disaster at Yellowstone, or an invasion of Iran or a war escalation in Afganistan.

We, together, have created a wall to slow the escalation in Gaza. They will try again and again to reignite Middle East multinational war, but for now, we have created a reality that has not permitted it on a full blow scale. Congratulations! So let's get better at it and more dedicated to it.

Prayer, focused intent, passionate desire coupled with the confidence and belief in our own creative power will bring in the unseen/nonphysical help that is needed, as it is needed to stop this thieving of ours, and our childrens' lives.


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----- Original Message -----
From: Constantin & Lilly
To: Ken Adachi
Sent: Thursday, January 22, 2009 7:58 AM
Subject: Re: Dowser Warns of Possible San Fancisco Earthquake on Jan. 22, 2009 (Jan. 21, 2009)

thank you for letting me know. I had a warning dream from dolphins two nights ago and woke up with bad empathic pain in my heart area (chakra) which stayed with me the next day.
Yasmine, Donna and I boosted last night that dream and I also got possible "earthquake".

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Dolphin dream and empathic pain

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Woman Warrior

Joined: 19 Jan 2005
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Location: God's land
PostPosted: Thu Jan 22, 2009 12:19 am    Post subject: Dolphin dream and empathic pain  

Dolphin dream and empathic pain

In my dream last night, Constantin, myself and other people were scuba diving . Dolphins showed up but swimming very fast. Have never seen them swimming so fast. They really wanted to warn us that something maybe some sort of calamity ? was going to happen. At first I thought they were playing with us, that was not the case. One of dolphins touched me with his flipper, to get my attention, and then I knew that I needed to “open my eyes” to what was to come. The sensation of touch was so strong and real that I knew I was dreaming and realized the dream was in fact real.

I woke up in the middle of the night with a pain in my heart chakra. I couldn’t sleep maybe for a few hours because of the pain. In the morning I meditated see if the pain would go away. Well, I still have it and it is a weird pain, an empathic pain, others pain, not mine. From my experience when I have this sort of “prophetic dream” or vision (Gosh I wish I had only beautiful dreams… ) something goes wrong after one or two days. Please take few minutes to boost, meditate and add a prayer that the pain of others I am feeling will go away and everything will be okay.

Don’t really like to post negative dreams or insight, but whenever I do that, nothing bad happens, when I don’t, dreams or visions become “reality”. We can always change the “future” . Thank you.


----- Original Message -----
From: Constantin & Lilly
To: Ken Adachi
Sent: Thursday, January 22, 2009 8:08 AM
Subject: Re: Dowser Warns of Possible San Fancisco Earthquake on Jan. 22, 2009 (Jan. 21, 2009)

oops sorry, I saw you already posted that dream. Anyway I did get "earthquake" in the boosting session last night, so there is definitely something. thank you for posting that, hopefully nothing will happen. When I had a similar dream before the Indonesian tsunami, no one would listen to my dream and it happened after two days. I couldn't stop crying for about a week, blaming myself for not doing anything to prevent that.

"Within your heart on sacred ground
Upon surrender all is found
Let your light come shining
Fly on"


Thanks Lilly, your notes are important for others to read.

I was reading an article yeterday by Chris Bollyn and he mentioned that his wife had a dream of the World Trade Center attack one day before the event and that they had driven through New York City in the early morning hours of Sept 11, 2001, about 7 hours before the planes hit.

Warm Regards, Ken


----- Original Message -----
From: Constantin & Lilly
To: Ken Adachi
Sent: Thursday, January 22, 2009 12:05 PM
Subject: Re: Dowser Warns of Possible San Fancisco Earthquake on Jan. 22, 2009 (Jan. 21, 2009)

Hi Ken,

I heard many people had premonitory dreams before 911.

I also had a dream about 911, one day before the planes hit the towers. I was actually in the plane flying from Vegas to England when I had that dream.

I woke up very disturbed and sweaty, really frightned, and prayed hard that we would get to destination safe. I remember being VERY VERY AFRAID. In my dream the plane crashed into a building and I was trying to help people getting out. The funny thing was the pilot was an Arab with mustache. These little details are still so vivid.

Also a VERY WEIRD thing I saw, (I was flying during night) was a huge planet or satellite at the altitude we were flying. That was not the moon for sure, I kept looking and looking trying to understand what that was, until I fell asleep and had that dream.

When I arrived to England my sister called me worried to death, as she knew I was flying that time and told me to watch the news. I cried and cried. I could have been into one of those planes. I guess God has a better mission for me. Sometimes I just don't want to have any dreams. They can be very disturbing.

Well at least we can change "reality" if we focus on a positive outcome.
Thank you for all your great work.

"Within your heart on sacred ground
Upon surrender all is found
Let your light come shining
Fly on"

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