Improve Your Vision
By Martin Brofman
Posted Oct. 14, 2006
From Improve Your Vision, copyright 2004 by Martin Brofman, published by Findhorn Press
Vision is a metaphor for the way we see the world and is related to personality. Once the elements of a person's experience that relate to their impaired vision are identified and released, then clear vision can be restored.
By releasing the excessive tensions in our consciousness we can release tensions from the eye muscles and our eyeballs can return to their natural shape, resulting in clear vision.
Since each type of vision impairment corresponds to a particular personality type, a change in personality can be expected alongside a change in outer vision. The ‘new’ will have the same essence of Being as the ‘old', but will enjoy a different way of interacting with the environment – a different dance.
Such a change is like having a perceptual filter removed – a filter through which values had previously been determined. Rather than being at the effect of perceptions we know to be distortions, we can decide to be at the cause. We can decide to consciously align with and choose those perceptions we know to be really true for us, and which will be more successful for us in our interactions, more in keeping with who we really are. Without the old filter, new values become evident and the consequences can be far reaching. Changes can be as simple as new and different tastes in food, clothing and music – a consequence of being true to yourself for a change. Or they can be as major as career and relationship changes. Such changes may sound radical, but they will always be for the best, ultimately leading to greater happiness and fulfilment.
Approaches to vision improvement which have not considered the aspect of personality change have had only limited success. In cases where vision has been restored, the person involved has been through a transformative process and has, in fact, dropped a role. They have become another Being, with another personality, more real, and with another way of seeing the world. The degree of improvement and the rapidity of improvement have been connected with the willingness on the part of the individual to accept the changes, to accept the new personality, to become the new Being, or rather, to become and live who they really are.
If we imagine that each of us is surrounded by a bubble of energy, our individual perceptual filters, we can see some metaphors.
People who are nearsighted see what is close to them easier than they see what is far away. They are more focused on what is inside their bubble, and less on what is outside. Energy – the direction of attention – is toward the inside, and away from the outside, moving inward and contracting, and things must be close in order to be seen clearly and comfortably. Nearsighted people often have an exceptional need for privacy and can be withdrawn from the world around them. They may feel intimidated by their environment, and have a sense of hiding inside.Farsightedness
People who are farsighted see what is further away more easily than what is close to them. Farsighted people are more focused on what is outside their bubble and less on what is inside. Energy - the direction of attention - is expanding and moving outward. Things must be held at a distance to be seen clearly and comfortably. While a nearsighted person retreats within readily and easily, a farsighted person has difficulty doing this, since their attention continues to be directed outward. A farsighted person is interested in other people's lives and avoids looking at their own.Astigmatism
People with astigmatism experience uncertainty of wants or feelings, depending on whether the right, the left, or both eyes is affected. Their ‘bubble' is distorted. Metaphysically, the right eye (the Will eye) represents clearly seeing what one wants, and the left eye (the Spirit eye) represents clearly seeing what one feels (in left-handed people, the traits are reversed). A person with astigmatism wants or feels what is true for them, considers it inappropriate and then changes it. They then believe in the pretended change, no longer seeing clearly what they really wanted or felt in the first instance.Making changes
We are Beings of energy, and energy is directed by our consciousness. Ultimately, we have the capability of choosing the direction of the flow of energy in any situation. We can choose not to be directed by past patterns. We can change those perceptions we know to be less than accurate or optimal, and be willing to see things as they really are, rather than through a distorting filter.From near to clear
Nearsighted people can direct the energy outward by being more and more willing to be visible and trust they will be safe doing so, letting people see who they really are. Nearsighted people also benefit from working on their self-confidence, and choosing to no longer make decisions based on fear. The idea is to not feel threatened or intimidated by the environment, but rather to focus more and more on letting themselves be themselves, letting themselves be real. It's about trusting that when they do what they really want to do, then something wonderful always happens. And since this process is so important for our-selves, nearsighted people must also learn to recognize how the same process is important for other people, too, and that everyone is just getting better and better at being themselves.From far to clear
Farsighted people can redirect the energy inward by giving themselves the same consideration they give others. The idea is not to stop considering others, but to also consider their own self in the same way. It is also important for them to express wants and feelings - to let themselves have.Making changes – astigmatism
Astigmatics can ask themselves from time to time, ‘What do I really want now? What do I really feel now? What's true for me? What's real for me? If I stop wanting to be what I'm not, who would I be? If I stop living up to other people's standards, who would I be? If I stop pretending to be the person I've been playing, what would I be doing differently?It's safe to be who we are
There's a place in society for all of us. If we let ourselves be real, there's a place where we all fit in, where we are accepted and appreciated for who we are. We do not have to pretend not to see what's real for us. We can allow ourselves to be who we really are, to be more and more real.With determination and a willingness to change perceptions and their accompanying realities, anyone can transform their view of the world - both literally and figuratively – and return to a natural state of clarity of vision.
From Improve Your Vision, copyright 2004 by Martin Brofman, published by Findhorn Press.
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