Ken Adachi's Two Part Radio Interview on the Dr Jeffrey MacDonald Case
From Ken Adachi, Editor
July 11, 2009 , Updated April 11, 2019Ken Adachi's Two Part Radio Interview on the Dr Jeffrey MacDonald Case (Updated April 11, 2019)
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To post this article on Facebook, link to the TinyUrl seen below. Facebook will remove any article identified as coming from[Update, April 11, 2019: The latest news items I found that related to a new appeals court bid by Dr. Jeff MacDonald's legal team and discussed on a People Magazine Investigate TV video on January 9, 2017. The MacDonald team had submitted a new appeals brief to a 3 Judge appellate court in Virginia. The news announcer said that it may take up to a year before a decision is rendered. I assume the decision was rendered by now, and apparently did not go in his favor. When I checked on Dr. Jeff MacDonald's website, (, maintained by his wife, Kathryn, I see that it went offline in January 2018, the last page captured by the Wayback Machine was in December of 2017. I saved his home page to this Archive site for future posterity. I've posted below two internet radio shows I did with Don Nicoloff in June of 2009 in which I and Don discuss the main elements on the night of the murders on Feb. 17, 1970, and the subsequent railroading of Dr. Jeff MacDonald as the government-chosen patsy for the murder of his wife and kids. Dr. MacDonald remains as innocent today as he was 40 years ago when he was railroaded into prison for a crime that he did not - and could not commit. He is innocent. l'll add more updated information as I find it.. Ken Adachi]
[July 11, 2009]
I did two Internet radio interviews in June 2009 with Don Nicoloff on the Dr. Jeffrey MacDonald "Green Beret" murder case. The first interview on June 18, 2009, overviews the events surrounding the murders of Jeffrey MacDonald's wife and two small children at their home at Fort Bragg, North Carolina on February 17, 1970, and the subsequent 1979 frame-up and conviction of MacDonald for the murders. MacDonald was given three consecutive life term sentences. He has already spent the past 30 years of his life in prison supposedly for the viscious and barbaric slaughter of his wife and kids - of which he is completely innocent.Interview 1:
June 18, 2009 overviews the murders, those most responsible for the frame-up, and the 1979 conviction of Jeffrey MacDonald
or 2:
June 23, 2009 covers more recent developments in the case including the 11th hour confession of US Marshal Jimmy Britt who possessed first hand knowledge of prosecutorial misconduct to railroad MacDoanld, along with an eleventh hour affidavit from the mother of Helena Stoeckley to Kathryn MacDonald when Helena's mother told Kathryn that Helena had admitted to her on two separate occasions that she, and other members of her satanic coven, were in the MacDonald home on the night of Feb. 17, 1970 and that it was members of her group who were responsible for the murders.
I've edited out the other topics which Don and I had discussed on our original June 23 Evident Footprints radio show in order to keep the information focused on the MacDonald case exclusively.
The latest developments and all the relevant documentation concerning the MacDonald case are meticulously maintained by Jeff's wife, Kathryn MacDonald at: (Now archived here: sure to read Jeff & Kathryn MacDonald's latest update letter posted to their web site on June 30, 2009
Interested readers should also obtain the 1995 book, Fatal Justice, Reinvestigating the MacDonald Murders, to understand what really happened in the MacDonald home at Fort Bragg, North Carolina on the night of February 17, 1970 and who were the players most involved in framing MacDonald (I found a NEW paperback version of the book available at Amazon for only $10.17, a bargain, considering the importance of the information in the book).
Background on the MacDonald case is found here:
[Update, April 2019: The website maintained by Dr MacDoanld's wife is no longer online. The last archive page posted was in Dec. 2017 and can be found at this link: ]
Ken Adachi
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Lawyers for Dr. Jeffrey MacDonald, Fighting in Court Filing to Overturn 1979 Conviction for Murdering Family, Say Prosecutors Hid Evidence Jeffrey MacDonald was innocent after all I Changed My Mind About the Jeffrey MacDonald Murder Case
written by Lynn Stuart Parramore / AlterNet November 27, 2012
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