The Freedom of Knowledge, The Power of Thought ©

Neurological Warfare & United States Experiments

By Nicholas Kirkland <>
September 10, 2008

Neurological Warfare & United States Experiments by Nicholas Kirkland (Sep. 10, 2008)

I am a targeted individual (TI) whose surveillance goes back three decades and whose covert electronic stalking and mind control (ESMC) experiences began in the 1990’s. However, I did not fully realize that I had been targeted until December, 2005. Since the latter date, I have kept a detailed journal of the effects of the electronic and psychological torture and my empirical thoughts about them. Those notes now comprise five volumes of journals, totaling over eight hundred pages of single-spaced typescript. 

I recently wrote an article called Mind Control and Law Enforcement Complicity, in which I state that the U. S. intelligence community and law enforcement in general must either conduct the electronic stalking and mind control (ESMC) activities or knowingly aid and protect the organizations that do so. ESMC activities simply cannot be conducted without the knowledge and acquiescence of U. S. intelligence. Period. That article was the “who.” The present article deals with the “why.” In this article I give my opinion about the reasons behind the ESMC activities and explain why targets get no cooperation from the government, the medical community, and law enforcement in investigating their complaints.

Several very intelligent targeted individuals (TIs) with whom I have corresponded believe that ESMC represents a vast international neurological experiment. After examining my journal entries, conducting research on the internet, corresponding with other targets, and thinking about ESMC daily, I, too, believe that it is experimental in nature; however, I do not believe that the experiments are conducted by one single organization or country but by dozens of them. This article focuses on those experiments conducted by the United States -- on its own citizens.

Rationale for Neurological Experiments

ESMC is not simply random torture conducted against selected targets. That would be utterly senseless, as ESMC cuts across every stratum of our society. Rather, it represents mind control experiments conducted by several countries, including the United States of America, to gain a military advantage over enemies or potential enemies. The electronic portion (ES) is both a cover-up for and also an aid to the mind control (MC) techniques. What are the experiments all about? Why the interest in mind control? The answer is not difficult to perceive.

The United States has only 300 million plus inhabitants. Thus, it clearly has a military disadvantage against China with its more than a billion people, India with almost a billion, and Russia and its satellites with their total population. In the twenty-first century, the United States no longer monopolizes atomic weaponry, or weapons of mass destruction (WMDs). Russia, China, Israel, France, the United Kingdom, and other countries now possess nuclear capability. An increasing number of Third World countries either already have the weapons or are on the verge of making them. The United States and nuclear powers can no longer count on their atomic arsenals for protection. That being the case, the U. S. and other nuclear powers seek alternatives to nuclear power. One of the alternatives embraces neurological warfare. Although that idea has been around for decades, with the proliferation of WMDs, it has taken on new meaning and a new urgency.

Even if computers are used, WMDs must be triggered at some point by humans. What if nations that possess WMDs are unable to use them because those humans were either unable or unwilling to do so due to mind control? Rendering enemies incapable of attacking, toppling their governments, and strewing discord and creating confusion in general are all aims of neurological warfare.
Today the U. S. intelligence community works feverishly on developing neurological assault equipment and methods. Just as vaccines and medicines require years of testing before they are marketed, psychological weaponry must undergo extensive testing and proving. This article deals with that neurological testing, or experimentation.

Probably most of the experiments contain both physical and psychological elements. The experiments are mainly conducted with whispers, jolts, vibrations, and holographic images (psychological, but seen a though they are physical). Although these experiments are largely designed for covert attacks of troops, they are also applicable in many cases to psychologically neutralizing political leaders, scientists, industrialists, etc., especially those who might exercise roles in combat support.

Neurological warfare is offensive, not defensive. The objective is the conquest of the enemy using non-conventional covert methods that can disable large numbers of troops, be carried out with little loss of life of attackers, accomplish the objective at minimal cost, and will not result in massive radiation and destruction. The successful results of neurological experiments are weapons in every sense of the word, all aimed at reducing the enemy without firing a shot or, at any rate, with minimal physical force. It is part of the non-lethal arms development strategy. Other countries, particularly those with small populations such as Israel and the United Kingdom, are tirelessly working on those weapons. Israel and the United States may be in the forefront of those nations in developing that capability. Israel has experimented for decades with neurological warfare.

Remember that the mind control techniques being tested on TIs are expected to be used on foreign military, heads of countries, their cabinet members, and other government authorities, heads of large companies and their employees, particularly businesses that manufacture strategic military materiel, religious leaders, influential members of society, elements that oppose the governments, scientists, particularly those who work on defense projects, and journalists and reporters. Regardless of the type of person who is finally targeted in foreign countries, reduction and conquest of those countries short of military intervention is the end objective.

Neurological testing is based on deception and secrecy. Not only does deception figure into the mind control experiments but it also keeps the victims from determining who is conducting the mind control, how it is carried out, and where the perpetrators might be located. Both deception and secrecy will be very important if mind control techniques proven successful in the neurological experiments are replicated abroad.

The Testers and the Guinea Pigs

Large companies that receive defense contracts, research institutes and scientists funded them, and the U. S. military establishment, i.e., the executive branch and its power brokers, are inextricably linked in the mind control experiments. They are one single entity, which I shall call the Military-Industrial Complex (MIC). The Department of Defense contracts with high-tech mega companies such as Boeing and Lockheed and with universities like M.I.T. and Stanford and other research facilities to provide the equipment, procure and train the personnel required for monitoring the TIs, select the targets, carry out the experiments, and collect and analyze data.

The United States very probably carries out the mind control experiments in tandem with similar experiments by “allies” such as Israel, which the U. S. has supplied with cluster bombs, stealth aircraft, and other super high-tech surveillance and other war materiel for many years. U. S. intelligence and the Israeli Mossad and Shin Bet cooperate almost as if they belong to the same country; thus, they probably confer on target selections, the training of handlers, and the perfection of mind control techniques. The Mossad provided Bush the pretext for war against Iraq by contriving misinformation about Iraq’s purchase of uranium from Niger.

To be meaningful, testing must be conducted using control groups, with the victims in each control group having similar characteristics. That is, persons in a particular control group must share the same age category, the same race, the same gender, the same general physical condition, the same or a similar profession, trade, or business, roughly the same educational level, embrace a particular idea or philosophy, and other characteristics. There will be dozens, perhaps hundreds of control groups.

To be valid, most of the experiments must be carried out in sequence using the same control groups, or targets, as guinea pigs. That is probably the reason that once targets are “hooked,” they are kept hooked. I do not know of a single target who became a victim of mind control activities who suddenly became free of those effects. The experiments are ongoing, using the same targets.

The least objectionable neurological experiments are conducted openly using paid volunteers The September 8, 2008 issue of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences featured one of those experiments. In that study, volunteers were shown images and then tested to see how much they remembered. It was found that they not only remembered much about the photos but also remembered minute details. Interestingly, that study was funded by the National Science Foundation, National Institute of Health, a National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship, and a National Research Service Award. Notice the participation of the National Defense Agency and the graduate fellowship, an award that is granted to scientific brains.  

The above neurological experiment using volunteers appears harmless. However, most of the neurological experiments are conducted covertly using involuntary American citizens and residents. Subjects of neurological experiments must necessarily be unaware that they are targets, as otherwise many of the items tested would have no validity and, in fact, could not even be tested on voluntary targets. That the United States of America, the so-called bastion of freedom, conducts neurological experiments on its own citizens is an idea abhorrent to most Americans. Yet, the evidence that it happens is too overwhelming to ignore.

Why would the United States government experiment on its own people instead of those in foreign countries? Think about it. Here are several reasons.
(1) Human resources to serve as testers, or handlers of targets, are readily available in the United States to carry out the experiments.

(2) Security is much better in the U. S. than abroad. With the protection and non-interference of law enforcement and the cooperation of psychiatrists who label TIs schizophrenic, secrecy can be ensured in the United States much easier than it could abroad. Moreover, handlers in the United States will not be subject to capture as spies and forced to reveal the operations. Detection of United States experiments in other countries and the exposure of those secrets could seriously damage the development of U. S. neurological warfare projects and set the research back for years, as most of the American people would probably oppose those activities once they were known.  
(3) The United States population provides targets in almost every ethnic group in the world. Why go to China to target Chinese when they can be targeted in the United States? Just how targets are selected is not precisely known; however, we can use logic in exploring that method. Emphasis is probably given to what many people consider “expendable” elements of the population, i.e., prisoners and ex-cons; old people in rest homes; homosexuals and lesbians; gang members; anti-government activists and suspected subversives; drug dealers and addicts; and others. Those people, however, do not possess all the qualifications required for valid experiments. Thus, “non-expendable” citizens such as schoolteachers, businessmen, scientists (including social scientists), students, and others may also be targeted if they possess the characteristics that the experimenters seek.

(4) The data base on the experiments is kept in the English language. Thus, English is the preferred language for the handlers. Nevertheless, Spanish and other languages are also used by handlers and translated simultaneously by computers for the data bank.

(5) Logistics for managing teams, training personnel as handlers, and maintaining and securing the data obtained are far easier within the United States than they would be abroad; thus, the M.I.C. exercises greater control over the experiments in the United States.

(6) Managers of the teams and data collected have to operate in only four time zones, as opposed to operating many hours away in foreign countries.

(7) The experiments can be carried out much more cheaply in the United States. Although logistical and security factors override economic ones, imagine having to recruit handlers covertly in a foreign country, ensure their loyalty and secrecy, provide them the necessary equipment and training, and pay them (probably in hundreds of off-shore foreign accounts in a country such as Switzerland).

(8) Many secret sites are available in abundance at military bases, the Pentagon, and other well-guarded installations.

(9) Many self-righteous United States leaders undoubtedly espouse a sick philosophy that embraces “social cleansing.” In other words, “expendable” elements of the population are deemed suitable for a Final Solution. Does that ring familiar?

Readers can probably supply other reasons why the United States experiments on its own people. Whether the testing is done in a religious, political, business, or social context makes no difference. They all have military applications. Its end purpose is conquest and that revolves around the military machine.

A recent online TI survey revealed that most of the targets live in industrialized countries with high-tech capabilities. The United States had by far the largest number of TIs. No surprise there. Granted, the survey was limited to those targets who visit that web site; yet, it was probably fairly representative of the worldwide distribution of the TIs.

The power brokers have little regard for human life. Why else would they sacrifice thousands of soldiers and kill thousands of innocent civilians in meaningless wars that accomplish nothing? Why else would they subject workers to harmful environments and elements without advising them of the dangers? And why else would they experiment on the human body and the human mind in barbaric tests that in some cases even sociopaths might find objectionable?

The Handlers

Experiments are carried out by personnel hired and trained in mind control methods by government agencies, defense contractors, and scientists working with the Department of Defense. I shall call the personnel that actually conduct the experiments, or testing, “handlers.” One of the purposes of the government is to train a large cadre of qualified handlers, with each team eventually capable of handling up to several dozens of targets.

Based on my own experiences, the handlers who carry out the mind control activities operate in teams, with two person posted at each shift. The make-up of those teams conforms to the characteristics of the targeted person or the targeted group that they handle. If a target is highly educated, the team’s handlers will probably also be above average in education. Every team must necessarily include a computer specialist, as manipulation of the target’s computer and email is crucial to mind control. In addition, there may be a psychologist and several others with technical capabilities that allow them to tap phones, communicate using radios and other devices, and track movements.

Obviously, handlers are not chosen for their scruples and morals. Nevertheless, some people with higher ideals may be coerced into serving as handlers. As a writer recently expressed, hundreds of engineers, scientists, and highly-trained technicians are unemployed with house mortgages and car notes to pay, families to maintain, and kids to educate. Thus, recruitment of handlers poses no problem. As what they are doing is clearly illegal and violates dozens of laws, they will not very likely reveal any operational and organizational secrets. TIs can hope that the conscience of one of those basically good people who reluctantly accepted a handler’s job will someday compel him to expose those evil practices.

Monitoring the target 24/7 and letting him know that he is being monitored is a basic facet of mind control. To do that requires at least four persons on a team, working in shifts of two persons for twelve hours. Some teams will have six to eight members, working from six to eight hours per shift.

From what location(s) do the handlers work? I still do not have a firm opinion about the location. Where they work from depends on the range of the equipment that they use on the targets. We do not yet know that range; it may very well vary greatly in distance. There is some evidence that handlers may work via satellite and computers in large groups comprising many teams in secret government facilities. Others may work out of residences, rented out-buildings, little-used business buildings, and perhaps even in law enforcement facilities. The handlers may even be able to work from two or more locations.

If local law enforcement is indeed involved in ESMC, the sheriffs’ offices and police headquarters certainly offer a possibility for a location for handlers. Those offices have areas with limited access and they operate day and night seven days a week. Moreover, they have the manpower for such an operation, incidentally paid for by taxpayers.

It is also very likely that the M.I.C. does the actual “hooking” of the targets’ brains and then “farms out” the mind control responsibilities to local groups. The advantages of that system are obvious, as local handlers: (1) will be able to find out information about targets not included in the targets’ FBI files; (2) can more easily carry out a rumor campaign and actual gang stalking of the targets; (3) will know the local culture and the colloquialisms; (4) can draw on ex-law enforcement officers, ex-military, and others who might be enlisted as handlers or might aid the process in some manner. The local handlers may represent religious groups, “cause” groups, perhaps PACs, especially pro-Israeli PACs such as the Jewish Defense League, retired law enforcement associations, and perhaps various groups of veterans. Members of those groups are probably trained on-site by previously trained and seasoned handlers. The government in many cases deludes the handlers into thinking that they are performing ESMC on victims for purposes other than military psychological experimentation.     

Recruiters of handlers look for particular types of people. Although I do not profess to be a psychological profiler, I would probably expect a handler to have the following characteristics: (1) male, and to a lesser extent female; (2) in an age group from the mid-twenties to mid-fifties; (3) introverted; (4) unmarried or unhappily married; (5) narrow mind set; (6) Fundamentalist Christian or Jewish with connections in various geographical areas or not religious at all, (7) frustrated at not achieving in life what he felt he was entitled to, (8) from a dysfunctional family or from a family whose parents were overbearing or took little interest in them; (9) perhaps physically, sexually, or emotionally abused as a child or young person, (10) bigoted toward races, alternative life styles, and different ethnic groups, (11) politically conservative, holding perhaps radical pro-government views; (12) well-traveled with broad exposure to other cultural groups; (13) former soldiers, especially Marines, and ex-law enforcement officers (some of the latter may be retirees well into their 60’s and even 70’s); (14) unemployed, with a spotty employment record, or discontented with job(s); (15) socially unsure of himself; (16) with sexual hang-ups and repressed sexual urges; (17) overlooked for leadership positions, (18) college or university level study and/or technical training, (19) feelings of social inferiority, (20) resentment of others’ financial success and problem-free family life; (21) problems with money management; (22) disabled or physically unable to work for some reason, and (23) unclear career objectives and vague ambitions. There would naturally be caveats in practically all of those characteristics, depending on the target groups they monitor. Recruiters would probably NOT look for handlers who abuse drugs and/or alcohol, are single parents with small children, are not flexible in their availability, follow an alternative life style, are very social with many friends of all races, color, and ethnicity, are members of “reform”-type political groups, and appear to be very financially successful.  

The Targets

From my research and correspondence with other TIs, I know that targets are representative of the make-up of the U. S. population. How are targets chosen? In the United States, the intelligence community (which includes the military) has its ears to the ground to cover all facets of American life, and thus they have access to information concerning whistleblowers who threaten to expose certain practices and secrets, prisoners and ex-prisoners through the prison system, rest homes and hospitals through “cooperating” nurses and doctors, patients of psychiatrists, persons in the gay community, political activists, etc. They probably also solicit and accept “nominations” for targets from leaders in the scientific, intelligence, and business communities, certain religious institutions, and from “allies” such as Israel. The American intelligence community and the Israeli MOSSAD have cooperated for many years. Such is their cooperation that now the two organizations are in many cases practically one single operating unit. Keep in mind that most, if not all, of the major decision-makers in the U. S. military- industrial complex are decidedly pro-Israel.

Mind control is carried out by communicating with the target’s brain. It is not yet known how experimenters “hook” the target’s brain, or mind. There may be several ways. Yet, we know that once his brain is “hooked,” it can and will be accessed by the handlers continually 24/7. The target will not know immediately that his mind is being manipulated. Indeed, he may not find out for years. The handlers first have to explore the target’s thoughts to get to know him and especially his fears, foibles, and shortcomings. Once that is done, the handlers begin their whispering routine to the target’s sub-conscious, often using loop play tapes that use repetition to affect the target’s thinking. (Please refer to my previous article called Mind Control and Law Enforcement Complicity for a fuller discussion of that capability.)    

Most of the experiments that are the focus of this narrative are promulgated using the sub-conscious whispering communication approach. Much later, the handlers may also begin to talk to the target “aloud” in voices that only the target can hear. The ESMC activities may in some cases be reinforced by gang stalking and other forms of group harassment.

Neurological Testing Objectives

Physical Effects

The physical effects of electronic and neurological assault are well known, at least to the victims who endure them. What is not known, however, is how they might affect combat and support troops during a military conflict. The following are only a few of the physical effects of ESMC and their military applications. In many cases the physical and psychological effects must work together.

--    Frequent defecation, rendering troops unfit for battle.

--    Fear, frustration, doubt, hopelessness, extreme lethargy, anxiety, etc that
      cause panic and massive desertions among combat troops.

--    Sleep deprivation, which weakens resolve and strength of soldiers. The  electrical-like jolts, restless legs, pinpricks, sensation of crawling insects, mental sodomy, throbbing in the head, twitching fingers, cramps, gastric disturbances, etc. deprive the soldier of sleep. The physical effects are reinforced by the psychological elements seen in (1) and (2) above.

--    Ringing in the ears, or tinnitus. This not only affects the soldier’s hearing
      but also causes physical imbalance, much like an inner ear problem.

Psychological Effects

The neurological results of the experiments/testing are far more important than the physical effects. I list below some mind control experiments that the U. S. (and probably other countries) are very likely working on. Every one of these experiments has military implications. In most cases, they are very obvious.

-- To see what type victim responds best to the mind control methods used and conversely what type victims can best resist those methods.

-- To see what groups, based on factors such as intelligence, age, gender, sexual orientation, physical condition, the physique, education, color, language groups, ethnicity, and other qualities, are most vulnerable to mind control.

-- To see how long it takes for a tested victim to capitulate to a particular method.

-- To see whether victims can contrive methods for nullifying or lessening the effects of the neurological assault.

-- To see what effect the various neurological methods have on the victims and whether they affect victims in the same manner and to the same degree.

-- To see what width of area and over what length of distance the neurological methods achieve the best results.

-- To determine what elements of mind control work best on various types of persons.  

-- To test the ability of the handlers in tracking targets from place to place and from country to country.

-- To see whether a person’s religious beliefs can be destroyed (and perhaps replaced with other beliefs).

-- To see whether persons can be induced to turn against their own country, their own family, their own church group, their own friends, their own values, etc.

-- To see whether a person can be covertly psychologically trained to think certain things about certain types of people based on ethnicity, color of skin, nationality, religion, social level, education, political affiliation, personal philosophy, etc.

-- To see to what extent neurological suggestions can influence physical actions (or inactions) without the targets being aware of the cause(s).

-- To see to what extent targets can be made to perform certain acts (perhaps unknowingly) or think certain ideas.

-- To see whether targets can be made to develop schizophrenic, paranoid, or obsessive compulsive behavior.

-- To see to what extent targets will act out their frustrations, hatreds, fears, etc.

-- To see to what extent the targets’ induced conditions affect their ability to operate as “normal” human beings and determine which conditions are most effective in rendering them incapable of operating as “normal” human beings.

-- To see whether targets can overcome their revulsion to various ideas and conversely see repulsive actions in a favorable light. For example, can a Jew or Arab be made to eat pork or can a perfectly normal person be made to commit incest.

-- To see if certain drugs, particularly “mood swing” drugs and anti-depressant drugs, as well as certain vitamins and minerals, influence the outcome of particular mind control methods on targets.

-- To see whether handlers can permanently blank out or eliminate certain words and thoughts in targets.

-- To determine the surroundings (location, house construction materials, implements, electrical devices, etc), weather conditions, time of year (moon, seasons, etc.), proximity to particular installations (oil refineries, relay towers, etc.) that best allow the neurological weapons to focus on and be used against targets.

-- To determine what foibles and vulnerabilities in targets can best be exploited for psychological purposes and control of those individuals.

-- To determine how the torture methods affect the targets and which ones affect him the worst.

-- To study the duration of particular physical effects on the targets and whether those effects are permanent or temporary.            

-- To see whether they can cause impotency or dramatically increase the libido.  

-- To see if it is possible to change the sexual orientation of certain factions of the population, heterosexual to homosexual and homosexual to heterosexual, using mind control methods.

-- To see whether handlers can make targets say words out of context in speaking with others.

-- To determine whether it is possible to make targets always see the negative aspects in everyday matters.

-- To determine what stimulus and/or method gets the best results from the mind “mining” process. 

-- To train handlers who represent the main language groups in their various regional accents so that they can be deployed to other countries for covert operations.

-- To cause targets to believe absurd things that do not happen or do not exist. For example, the U. S. intelligence community convinced a young Moslem detainee at Guantanamo to believe that he had lost his hands and legs.

-- To determine the most effective interrogation technique in the mind “mining” process, i.e., asking questions, showing photos to the target, etc.

-- To analyze the target’s visual thoughts for clues to information not revealed in the target’s narrative or his answers to questions. (Examining those thoughts visually may reveal clues concerning a particular strategic site or a particular weapon or an impending action or a particular militarily- or politically-important person whom the target knows whom the handlers may not have been aware of.)

-- To determine whether handlers can gain the confidence of the target in their telepathic conversations with him. They do this in providing helpful information to the target, warning him of various dangers, and telling him to “trust” them.
-- To determine whether third parties can be made to communicate telepathically with the target without the previous knowledge of either one of them.

-- To determine what physical effects can be effected by psychological suggestion and to what extent.

-- To determine what type target can best analyze what is happening to them vis-a-vis mind control, based on their profession or occupation, their educational level, their gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity, etc.

-- To analyze the handlers’ backgrounds, qualifications, and the results of their ESMC methods to establish criteria for selecting future handlers.

-- To test the efficacy of interchanging or replacing handlers for targets, especially when those targets move from country to country.

-- To determine what type(s) of targets can most easily be persuaded (either neurologically through whispers, etc. or by bribes and other forms of compensation, etc.) to commit treason and perhaps assassinate important figures.

-- To improve their propagandistic capability to deceive the public re the mind control experiments (disseminating misinformation through the internet, psychiatrists, the media, law enforcement, etc.) as targets become more open and their numbers become more threatening.

-- To test the ability of mind control personnel to work effectively with their “allies” in mind control operations.

-- To determine what emotions and mind control techniques are most likely to cause combat troops to surrender.

-- To test the ability of targets to see holographic images and record their reactions to those images.

-- To test targets reactions to and acceptance of induced “dreams,” in which handlers fish for information by introducing certain people, places, and things.
-- To record the levels of frustration, anxiety, irritation, and other emotions of targets under particular kinds and stages of stress.

-- To test the targets’ reactions to certain smells, sounds, and tastes and see whether they can change those senses.

-- To test the damage or alteration of the eyesight of targets to make them see double, to remove their “side vision,” cause them to see in various colors or not to see certain colors or images.

-- To test such physical effects as the pin pricks to determine the most sensitive areas of the targets’ bodies.

-- To test repetitive focused “lasering” of skin with radioactive force to see whether it can cause cancer or other skin diseases.

-- To test the ability of the handlers’ computer software to make the targets hear particular suggested words substituted for regular words on TV and on the radio.

-- To determine the type of target most likely to “trust” the advice of the handlers.

-- To see whether handlers can cause aberrant sexual thoughts and behavior in the targets.

-- To see if targets can be made to think about dishonest actions, when the targets are perfectly honest.

-- The see whether targets can be made to perform actions outside of their regular routine.
-- To see whether handlers can confuse the target in his geographical orientation and movements.

-- To see whether a target can be made to perform an action that he will no longer remember afterward.

-- To see whether a target can be estranged from close family members by suggestions about those loved ones.

-- To see whether a target can be conditioned to respond to certain code words to act out a response desired by the handlers.

-- To see if a target can be hypnotized through music, particular sounds, or even at the sight of particular objects or pictures.

-- To see whether domestic pets of targets can be made to react to certain sounds or frequencies.

-- To determine whether handlers can cause certain diseases in targets through their actions or the power of suggestion, i.e., Alzheimer’s, asthma, prostate problems.   

-- To see if there is a particular hour of the day or night during which the target will be more vulnerable to brain “mining” by the handlers.

-- To see whether physical effects such as electrical-like jolts and vibrations can condition a target to release or reveal thoughts and to what extent.

The list of possible experiments is endless. Perhaps that is why the number of targets does not diminish but instead grows ever larger, for as neurological research broadens, the need for guinea pigs increases. We are only seeing the beginning of these evil and inhuman neurological experiments. There will be many more in the future.

This article makes two main points: (1) That the United States government and its military-industrial complex lies behind much or perhaps most of the ESMC. If that were not true, the government would investigate targets’ complaints. (2) That the ESMC conducted on targets represents experiments aimed at developing and/or strengthening the United States’ neurological warfare capability. I believe that this article and the former one make my case.

As mentioned earlier, other countries are also deeply involved in mind control experimentation. One of the objectives of those experiments is to stir up racial, religious, and ethnic animosity. I suspect that the recent ethnic conflicts in Rwanda, Serbia, Sudan, and, more recently, Georgia stem directly from those experiments.

Nicholas Kirkland

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