The Sewer Ur-ine
(pronounced "you're in")
[Editor's Note: I received this essay via regular mail. The author did not want to identify himself for fear of further retribution by the state and used the pseudonym of "Anonymous Avenger". He said that the legal system had already caused the untimely death of his oldest son. This essay is probably the most cogent, realistic, and accurate assessment that I've read to date of the current legal system in America. The author advises to avoid the legal system if at all possible. Quoting from his letter to me: " It does just what it was created to do. The average American (patriots included) is clueless as to the sewer he is swimming in from cradle to grave. I know I was." This essay also shines a bright spotlight on the feel-good, but no-action effect of listening to patriot talk-radio. ...Ken Adachi]By Anonymous Avenger
September 23, 2008The Sewer Ur-ine (pronounced "you're in") September 23, 2008
"Once we are into Law...we are into everything"-- The "devil" as played by AI Pacino
" Knowing the true problem is 90% of the solution"-- Pianist Bill Evans
It's been a nice little ride--this patriot-movement-on-the-radio- phenomenon. We've all learned a lot and many people's minds have been awakened and expanded beyond their public school indoctrination. Unfortunately, the thousand dollar question that has to be nagging the veterans in this movement is, of course, if so many million people--even some government agent types-- know about all of the myriad conspiracies and black bag operations of our leaders, why does absolutely nothing change? Our lot in life has not only not improved under regimes like the "Reagan revolution" and Newt Gingrich's "Contract (on) America", but has exponentially worsened since the radio shows of Mark Koernke and the videos of Alex Jones. The enemies of freedom have never been so brazen.
Could it be that the talk radio phenomenon has been a big fat distraction away from any meaningful and fruitful political solutions? Sure, the freedom people have been "busy", but have they been busy at the right thing? The theory of the "infowar" and that "getting the truth out" to as many people as possible will "tum this thing around" just has not been borne out.
The gatekeeper concept is mentioned a lot in talk radio discourse, but curiously, the magnifying glass is rarely focused too long on the chief gatekeeper of the planet-- the amorphous beast known as the legal system. This is the sewer we are all swimming in from the cradle to even beyond the grave. It is the least understood system of the matrix specifically because it is so huge, so varied in its tactics and applications, and at the same time, so furtive. It is the glue of your enslavement. It is the change agent. It enforces the status quo by force, day in and day out, but mostly under the radar. Change happens in this society when a lawyer, and usually not a very good one, in a black dress---known as a judge--- says it will, and not a minute before.
A wise, "jail house" lawyer once impressed on me that, its not so much what you don't know that hurts you, as much as what you assume to be true, but that isn't. People in the "patriot movement" refuse to get wise to the fact that the courts currently operating in the United States are not our courts any more than the current war is our war or that the Federal reserve notes we use are our money. Our courts have been hijacked by the King and they operate solely in his interest and by his bidding. Paraphrasing defense lawyer Gerry Spence from one of his early books, "there is no justice for anyone in any Court in this land."
I can just hear the psychic chatter wanting to challenge this assertion with examples of court cases "working out" and yes to some degree, once in a while, a verdict seems to be just ...but is it really? Let's digress and take a closer look at the famous case of the United States versus Randy Weaver. Mr. Weaver was thankfully, found not guilty of murder in the mountains of Idaho in the early 90's. I don't know who hired Gerry Spence to represent him at trial but sufficeth to say, Randy didn't have the exorbitant amount of money it no doubt required, nor would have 80% of Americans. This part of the case remains a mystery but what isn't a mystery is that Weaver spent sixteen months in jail separated from his absolutely traumatized family. He later settled a civil suit against the Feds for a million dollars for each of his 3 surviving children and a hundred thousand for himself. But, as is the case in most "settled" cases under this Roman-styled civil law that the King operates under, the Feds admitted to no wrong-doing for the shot in the back to Weaver's young son, and the shot to the head to Randy's wife, Vicki. Mr. Weaver "settled" for this amount on the advice of his civil lawyer who told him that a full blown civil trial would take years and he might end up with very little after all the attorney fees were paid and all appeals were exhausted. On its face, this probably was true, but... nobody stood trial for the murder of his family members and never will.
Now....ask yourself if justice was done? Ask yourself if it hurt the government to pay out all of this money to avoid a potentially truth-exposing trial? This government creates "money" out of thin air as a book keeping entry and to quote from Spence again, "little people get little justice." Spence is basically a good guy, but through it all, still believes that our present legal system is de Jure and can work-- if only lawyers could get the proper sensitivity training at his Wyoming ranch. My late friend David who was not even remotely a part ofthe patriot movement commented once on Spence that, "he is put out there to give the public false hope." Ouch!
There remains this cruelly naive notion in the freedom movement that you can have liberty within this legal system if we just tweak it a little and get it back to "where it used to be" (whenever that was). Sadly, I can show you case histories of men framed for train robbery that they didn't do, from the early 1900's.
Now listen up...., In a constitutional legal system, an innocent man cannot be framed. All the checks and balances that are supposed to exist are on his side. The founding fathers abhorred the conviction of an innocent man.
This same insanity continues along with talk about "good CIA agents" as opposed to "bad CIA agents ." The plain truth is that as long as you have any CIA agents you are inexorably under tyranny. I don't care how many "911 tapes" you hand out. The Patriot Act did nothing to you that hadn't been done for decades under other names and/or jurisdictions. You ceased having your "Bill of Rights" the minute you had to pay a day's wages for an hour of a lawyer's time. This fact explains the reason that prisons are full of the poor, meanwhile the rich can sometimes literally get away with murder. It's long past time to wake up from the illusion that radio and print pundits, much less Hollywood "stars" like "Charlie" or "Rosie", are
going to lead you to freedomland. How do you know that many of them weren't put in place by your wonderful CIA? Can you really be
so sure? I say, guilty until proven innocent. You are at war right now, and it was declared (literally) on you under FDR. Try reading "Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars" found within Bill Cooper's book, "Behold a Pale Horse ." Yes, and take an antacid before reading.This talk show culture keeps you tuning in and reacting to the 24 hour news cycle that comes down from on high from your enemies, albeit with a "patriot" point ofview, but couldn't we almost call it "Oprah Winfrey for patriots?"
Get a hold of yourself. Would Patrick Henry be talking about "good CIA agents" as opposed to "bad CIA agents"? How freaking far we have slipped and mostly in the last 20 years! There is an old saying that the Alcoholics Anonymous people use in their self-discovery process : "Half measures have availed us nothing." People... half measures....have availed us... nothing.
My perception, judging it by its fruit, is that patriot talk radio, (2nd edition, after the OKC bombing) morphed into patriotainment and has simply bought the establishment time to completely surround us and pass all the laws needed to exterminate us legally. Sure, we are now knowledgeable about 10,000 different issues but we still have no political power, money, property, or standing, if you will. This is the basic problem when you go into a modem american courtroom. It only recognizes you as a corporation--which is a creation ofthe State, rather than a living soul with Creator-endowed natural rights that you were, in fact, born with. Unfortunately you are a small corporation, - and very much in the way ofthe big ones.
The remedy for every problem that we face (and in fact there is no redress of grievance without this) is one, people- sanctioned constitutional judge, in one, people- sanctioned constitutional courtroom, who simply measures the complaint at hand with the help of a jury of the defendants peers,* against the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. No case should ever take more than a week at most and I don't see why any money should even change hands. Law should never be a business, and the minute it became one, you were toast.
Law is too important to subject it to the whims and fancies of shameless commerce, but that's exactly how it is run now. So... should we come out with another expose' video or team up across the land to establish a Court where we can get relief on all the issues that plague us? Solve this issue and you solve every issue.
Note to all talk show hosts: We don't need any more information on any subject. We knew all we needed to know in the 70's. It's now time to start getting redress of grievance of even the smallest kind.
Talk radio has us pacified, waiting for some magical moment to regain our freedom. Alex Jones says he's going to "defend his family." Sure... at 4 in the morning with a SWAT team outside, he's really going to defend his family. It's meaningless pablum. Saying you are "Sick of it!!!" a thousand times at the top of your voice changes nothing. So in the words of Jon Stewert....just....stop.
There was a classic moment in TV land a few years back when Mike Wallace of 60 Minutes was interviewing Miami Dolphins running back Ricky Williams, who had somewhat gone on the lamb and was basically living off the grid and out of the system. Halfway through the interview, an exasperated Wallace screeched, "Ricky, you want to be free, but thats gonna take money." Mr. Wallace, devil that he is, just couldn't understand any type of freedom that money doesn't buy. The present-day King's courts think in exactly the same way. Every human is a human resource and every life and/or situation has a dollar value. Constitutional principles have been superceded by what is sometimes referred to as the Law-merchant. You don't have natural-born rights from your Creator, only privileges and immunities that are essentially purchased (if you are lucky) through the efforts of your lawyer, who is representing a corporation, (namely, you).
Oh sure, the window dressings are all still in place. It seems like there is due process, and judges, and case law, and precedent, as well as the appellate processes and everyones favorite trump card, the Supreme Court. It seems like we have a legal system that is the "best in the world", just a little bit out of line with those "liberal activist judges." [oh puleese]. People...until you have been a civil or a criminal defendant, you are completely in the dark about the underground sewer you were born and will die in.
Think you have the right to be silent? Think again. If you are sued civilly, questions, in the form of interrogatories are served on you. Failure to answer in the way desired by either the opposing side or the judge can land you in jail for contempt of Court, or at the very least, cost you in fines or dismissal ofyour case. If you are really fighting with the big sharks, the questions posed will be purposefully unanswerable.
On the flip side, if you are a criminal defendant, you are usually forced by a judge to undergo a psychological evaluation during which the therapist will sneak in a, "you did do it... didn't you?"; and wait for you to say, yes. Once you do, all parties know that they can do whatever they want to you in good conscience...('cause did it !)
During my psych. evaluation, I refused to say yes, and by God... the psych. evaluation ended right then and there. The therapist couldn't proceed with the evaluation without this admission. The legal profession will justify all of this and say that none of this can be admissible in court, but even if true, (and it's not), this admission is crucial to their whole psychological/legal handling of you. The real kicker is that if you don't cooperate with their program, it could be"Contempt of Court" and your bond could be revoked and you are back in jail with no way to prepare for a decent defense. All calls from jail are collect so the whole network can just let you sit and stew until you go crazy and give in. How do I know? .. I've lived it.
Devvy Kidd thinks that we had a recent victory for the second amendment in some distant court of appeals. What Devvy the Kid hasn't a clue about is that the State actually wants to lose some trials and appeals so that at the next level they can get a reversal and in fact create the higher level case law that is harder and harder to overturn especially if the victory is achieved in the Supreme Court.
And just how do appeals work? Do wise men in suspenders sit around smoky rooms and debate the merits of cases brought before them? God, I'm trying not to split a gut here but this is what your average American is led to believe. In fact, what more than likely happens is investigations take place of the parties, the counsel and the judge involved. Meaning, we find out who's who, whose got political power, who's got money or connections, who do we like, who do we hate, what issues do we want to promote .... you know, .... like high school. Armed with this info, the appellate judge basically decides how best to enforce the status quo, and then assigns a court clerk to write an opinion that justifies it, facts and law be damned in most cases. Meaning, the legal brief written by your attorney is not necessarily even read by the judge and after spending a good year and probably at least ten grand, the litigant may well receive a letter from said court saying two words....., "petition denied" and business as usual keeps going on. In the eyes of the "BAR" justice was done. The status quo was protected, we all made money, and that fat appellate judge will someday sit on an even higher court. This is Just -Us. Ya dig?
People bemoan the absence of absolutes in our American society but fail to see how moral relativism has its source in the modem American equivalent of Roman civil law. To quickly reiterate: These are not our original courts. A grotesque substitute, has been superimposed over the top of them and changed their whole purpose .and modus operandi. Truth, per se, is defmitely not the issue in these money- soaked tribunals.
Law schools teach future lawyers that any point can be debated and all positions have some merit. The lawyer, whether in college "moot" court, or out in private practice, simply takes a position, (remember that word) based on a myriad of factors, the least of which is moral altruism . I can find you respected case law for, or against any position under the sun in the law library. For a judge, the truth of a matter is only one of a hundred things that he considers in rendering a decision. His main objective is to clear his docket and have an early and long lunch. It's all about a life of ease springing from running a court, like a person runs a McDonalds.[And, by God its HIS COURT and "Don't you forget it"]
An honest, (and very penniless) lawyer once told me, "its like a groove they go down" and, "anybody that gums up the works is in for big trouble." As for the typicallawyer,they only read and study when they are absolutely forced to, (or, they hire a paralegal to do it for them). They really don't know that much. (In fact, learning to practice law on the level ofthe typical lawyer only takes a couple of months). The preparation for the dreaded trial typically takes place....the night before.
Why does a lawyer want parties in a case to settle out of court? Number he won't have to prepare and run a trial, and number
two, he knows that this is what the judge in the case wants him to do. Said judge wants to avoid a trial also. He'll have to read and at least study a little. Mistakes during a trial can occasionally make you look bad and/or hurt your career track, and baby, career track is a big part of this whole operation. But, finishing up on lawyers, remember a lawyer is an Officer of the Court and his first obligation is to the Court, way...and I mean way ahead of the client. Remember the old patriot adage, "Your lawyer... is the enemy spy"These are not our Courts. The average family cannot financially afford even one major brush with the current legal system. No justice can be found here. No constitution can be found here. Give it up, people. This is about commerce. These courts exist to make money on the hour, every hour, and the psychologists, probation officers, jail construction contractors, halfway house operators, real estate appraiser, etc., etc. are all in bed together milking an enormously fat cash cow that grows fatter and meaner by the day. Every minute loophole discovered by the citizens is quickly shut and the screws tighten. All these people know each other and talk on the phone daily and the joke is on you. There is nothing solemn about a courtroom. Nothing wise about a typical judge. I've met nine or ten of 'em. I've sat in their offices. I've laughed at their stupid jokes. Most could double as used car salesmen. If you believe in God, don't go near this legal system, because after four or five months you no longer will.
The lies it tells and the misery it causes day in and day out are simply incalculable, but it is never mentioned anywhere because of the fear of legal retribution. I could literally write for days about it and yeah it came at me harder than it probably will come at you. Of course, I am a "paranoid schizoid" and "wear a tin-foil hat" and I'm simply "angry" that I lost my case. This is the crap that the media always rolls out.
I have seen the enemy and the enemy is definitely not us. We do not deserve this wicked, mafia-type treatment. A stick-up, from a man in a nice looking suit. We must have our sovereign, constitutional, common law, Peoples Courts to have any redress of grievance, where any citizen can put a stop to any and all abuse of his God-given rights quickly-- for free. This is why "spreading the word" is half baked. This is why the patriot movement has no teeth. This is why nothing changes. This is why our enemies are brazen. They know no indictment is coming their way, and even if it did, they have the money to win by attrition. It's not about facts or law, it' about who will run out of money first and be forced to give in. ( A decent lawyer is 200-300 dollars an hour and a decent law firm can make sure the opposing party never even gets up to bat ).
Justice delayed is always justice denied and justice is delayed as long as possible and usually that is forever. It's not cute or funny, or something we should make a TV show about, it's really life and death. These people know what they are doing and do it very well and the average person is completely oblivious to the workings of the big law firm (which of course is a corporation) on the seventh floor of the bank building downtown, not to mention the conversation about what an ***hole you are, as they talk to the judge in your case over the phone, or chat with the opposing lawyer at a cocktail party. It cuts you to the bone when you discover all of this first-hand as I have.
For you to re-secure your lost Liberty ("in your lifetime", as the freestaters blissfully pledge), every bit of this present legal system has to go and I mean every bit. It cannot be "tweaked" or filled with"Godly men". The whole premise of law as a money-making business has to be dismantled which usually means brick by brick. Only a Soviet government can run a "Justice Department" (can you believe how mindlessly such an oxymoronic thing rolls off of our tongue?). Not one thing will change until such a dismantling happens because the lawyer is now the sovereign and you are not. The Court has complete jurisdiction over your life and property. You do not. All of this has to change.
This is a tall order but I am right and I know it. And now you know it and as pianist Bill Evans told you at the top of this essay, "knowing the true problem is 90% ofthe solution". So what are you going to do? More of the same fake patriot nonsense that feels so good, or something of real, tangible lasting value that is going to be the ugliest, grossest, and loneliest fight of your life?
1. Technically, according to the law books, the word "Court" is always capitalized. This is part of the "command and control" mentality that we've been kowtowed with for a century. I choose to leave it lowercase from time to time as suitable to the context.
2. "Bar" is not the wood railing in front of a judges bench but an abbreviation for "British Accredited Registry", or "British Accredited Regency" depending on whom you ask. Pretty slick eh? (So-called"constitutional attorney" Larry Becraft swears up and down that this is an urban myth because he has "researched the issue and found no address in London for such a registry"). I say there is something to it if for no other reason than that lawyers... also called Esquires, strut around after law school behaving like British royalty, with a"common folk be damned" attitude . They are the "ruling class" if you will, and this is the chief concept that they are inculcated with in law school.** Why do they lie so much? They don't lie...they just take a position. Get it? You are just a client. [see the movie "The Client"] It's just business.
The lawyer has $75,000.00 in school loans to pay off. The aforementioned "jail house" lawyer also quips that "a lawyer wins his case when he gets your retainer" After that he couldn't care less what happens. The retainer was all he needed to make off of you. Remember when Law became a business, this constitutional republic ended. It's just that simple. This is really all you need to know. My favorite bumpersticker says: "If Law is a business, then I guess your rights are for sale." Ouch!
3. An even larger issue is the fact that these current Courts are now acquiesing, completely out in the open, to World Court dictates and principles. A big law firm I was fighting with, actually has a Latin reference to "World Law" on its letterhead. World Government and therefore World Law is already here, not something that is coming more and more as you'll hear on "talk radio." Don't you see the subtle seduction? If something is only coming, then it's not really here and not really yet a threat. Ron Paul is a great example of a "more and more" kind of guy. The fact of the matter is that you are surrounded right now for a great big quick and easy turkey shoot. All completely legal. I suggest you re-read Patrick Henry and his famous "Give me Liberty" speech, - the whole thing.
4. In a nutshell, in these Uniform Commercial Code Courts, so called "Constitutional Rights" always take a back seat to money issues. So if a city government can show that an anti-abortion demonstration is costing it too much money, then the abortion protesters suddenly don't have first amendment rights. Sure... they can hire Jay Seculow, a very suspect creature, (you know, "the enemy spy"), spend 10-20 grand and three years on an appeal, and maybe even win some parts oftheir argument. In the meantime, their abortion protest is shut down, cities get back to "normal", more anti-abortion-protesters-laws get passed, people go home, lose interest and all the fire is doused,.... all by your wonderful legal system... you know.. the one that is "the greatest in the world". Yes, I can almost hear a carnival barker on the midway.
5. Law schools no longer teach much Constitutional Law because the simple principles within it are an anathema to the business of the BAR. You have the Constitutional right of counsel (of choice). It says nothing about lawyers. Oops... But don't be confused anymore You have these constitutional protections, just no Court that you can go to that cares. These courts protect money interests only. Period.6. Still think that the info war concept is the ticket? Wasn't there a huge info war waged against the Clintons with videos and books hawked on talk radio coast to coast? Not much of a dent was made as this power couple will be in some kind of authoritarian position one way or another, until you and I are all dead and gone. Also, remember the tragedy at Waco? A huge Hollywood expose' was made called "Waco, Rules ofEngagement" which used FUR infrared photography to prove that FBI agents were firing on the Branch Davidians while they were trying to escape out of the back ofthe church during the flaming holocaust. I don't think anybody has been indicted, but on the contrary, I'm sure many agents were actually promoted. Knowledge is not power. Power is the ability to make somebody do something.
7. The confusing final double-whammy caveat to this whole essay is that law geeks in every town whether "legit" attorneys or "underground lawyer types" know most ofthe things I am telling you, but can also, at the same time, find exceptions to them. This is the parasitical nature of this bestial system. It loves nothing more than to shape shift and defy any and all detection, meanwhile, trumpeting all the wonderful things it has done. The lawyer is taught, more than any other thing, to always have an answer to any question presented to him, especially in regards to the efficacy of his methods or the defense of absolute godlikeness of the Court system he derives his existence from. Not to say that his "answer" is the right one, or even the truth.. but it's true, "to the best of his knowledge" , which means.....uh... well ..., ya got me ?????
8. Lastly, (before I write all day) let's dispel this "frivolous lawsuit" crap that the fake conservatives roll out from time to time, to limit your access and protect their monopolies. In this present system, there is no such animal. Oh sure, it can be filed, but your mealy-mouthed lawyer is risking sanctions or disciplinary actions by the Court not to mention the opposing sides very common remedy of a Motion to Dismiss which usually does the trick, even in many cases that have very legitimate causes of action. This motion is also usually accompanied by a request for you to pay your opponents attorney fees and if you have sufficiently ticked off the Judge you can count on it.Why have you not heard any of these things before? The rare lawyer who really fights for his client and exposes these corrupt courts finds himself under disciplinary investigation and on his way to rapid disbarrment. This actually happened to a Lawyer that I had retained. Other Lawyers shrank from representing me the way I requested admitting that "I'd never get to practice Law here again." ("If I did that")
9. Think this essay was any good? Well you are wrong. I've only scratched the surface based on my five plus years of experience as a non-lawyer practicing Law. Check out something written in 1939 called "Woe unto you Lawyers" by a Harvard Law professor by the name of Fred Rodell and have your mind blown.* This Jury is, constitutionally speaking, the highest Court in the Land (according to the seventh amendment). But "Constitutional Attorney" (LOL) Larry Becraft will laugh offyour inquiry into the matter. Read it for yourself, it's only 50 words or so.
** ditto with the President's "constitution is just a ***- damned piece of paper" remark. Did he, or didn't he say it? ... Who cares? Just look at how he and his administration act. Like it's a ***-damned piece of paper! But Devvy Kidd has to fret about something after she's "proved" how many angels were really dancing on the head of a pin.
"To be continued" (with deference to Sherman Skolnick)
Written by the anonymous avenger. Distribute to the wind
----- Original Message -----
From: Rodney Claus
To: Ken Adachi
Sent: Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Subject: Comments on "The sewer ur-ine"Hi Ken,
This is a very well written article.
I personally have "served" in the jury pool in King County here in Washington State for a total of about 10 weeks in four different time periods.What an education!!I have actually been kicked out of the courtroom by the seated judge during the Voir Dire process for telling the whole place
that I could use my jury nullification right if I had to. I thought the judge was going to screw himself up through the ceiling.What a hoot!!
I will no longer do this as you become a victim also.What this person says is, as far as I'm concerned, TRUE........
At this point in time I'm really searching for answers. My metaphysical journey seems to keep me on track.
Thanks for all your efforts.
Rod Claus
----- Original Message -----
From: Barney Rubble
To: ken Adachi
Sent: Friday, September 26, 2008
Subject: Comment
Hello Ken,
It's good to find somebody spelling out the real truth for once. It’s true that “the awakening” is happening slowly, but it’s equally true that it will take more than simple awareness to produce any kind of change. We’ve got to be prepared to do something with that knowledge. The main problem is deciding what. To use violence against heavily-armed criminals would be nothing short of suicide, and would only bring us down to their level. We can’t eject them by force, but what are the alternatives?
Some people say we should vote the traitors out, but the only way (at least here in the UK) to register a vote against any one crook is to vote for another, and there aren’t any honest politicians. Even if there were, we’d need to elect about 400 honest people for them to have any power.
As for the legal system, I can confirm that we have the same corrupt system here, though there is at least a greater understanding of the masonic involvement in all things.
I’ve heard lawyers loudly and contemptuously discussing their clients in embarrassing detail during train journeys, and I saw the corruption for myself when a good friend made an industrial injury claim a few years ago. The barristers “played the game” for a few months, having their client travel all over the country to consult various “expert witnesses” before finally admitting that they’d “done a deal” right at the start, that the two “sides” in the case had long-since agreed what the final outcome was going to be.
It’s the same in criminal cases. Nobody cares what the truth might be. It’s just a game to them, a performance to justify their inflated fees. They don’t care what happens to their client, or about such trivial matters as innocence or guilt. They’re just playing with words and people’s lives, knowing they’ll be the winners whatever happens.
I don’t personally know how much of the “BAR” story (note 2 in the original) is true, but I believe I’m right in saying all barristers, anywhere in the world, are licensed in an area of London known as “Potters Bar” (hence “the bar”), so presumably this would be where any such register is held.
The key to regaining control of our nations and our world is to regain control of money creation, with all banks and other money-lenders taken over and their assets seized by a people’s government. There’d be no need to “repay” the “national debt” for the simple reason that it was created by an act of treason and never really existed, as with all fraudulent loans such as mortgages and credit cards.
Before we can do that though, we need to depose the crooks, and that’s the difficult part. Any kind of uprising would leave a lot of people dead, and we'd end up with different faces running the same corrupt system for their own corrupt ends. Some believe God or benevolent aliens are going to save us, and perhaps they will, but we need to find a way of solving the problems ourselves, just in case the cavalry doesn’t arrive.
Keep up the good work.
All the best,
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