The New Paradigm
[Editor's Note: We are extremely lucky to have an intellectual of Henry Makow's stature to guide us on the Road to Reality. Here we have yet another brilliant torch to illuminate the far corners of that darkened stage behind the curtain from which the Iluminati manipulates our lives. We owe Henry a debt of gratitude. He articulates tremendous insight and grasp of the delimas we face..Ken Adachi]
By Henry Makow Ph.D.
June 2, 2009The New Paradigm by Henry Makow (June 4, 2009)
(This is the substance of a talk I gave at the launch of my book "Illuminati" at Conspiracy Culture Bookstore in Toronto on May 21 & 22.)
Our paradigm or worldview provides a framework to organize new information. This is how we "make sense of the world." We filter out what doesn't fit. We can't seem to learn what doesn't conform to our paradigm, i.e. prejudices or "education." Paradigms can be liberating or prisons, depending on how true to reality they are.
About ten years ago, my paradigm began to change when I realized that the government, media & education were actively sabotaging society. I had imbibed feminist and Illuminist propaganda (i.e. "sexual liberation") and was confused and dysfunctional. When I discovered that I couldn't question feminist shibboleths in a university setting, I knew something was very wrong.
Until this recognition, I had seen government, education & media as relatively open, benign and democratic. I attributed evil to random conflicts between classes, nations, races and religions. Evil was unorganized, a default mode due to human fallibility. History was determined by "great" men. I actively participated in the political process.
The atrocities of 9-11 and the bogus "war on terror" made me realize that evil is highly organized and centralized. It is not accidental but the product of a planned long-term conspiracy to degrade, demoralize and enslave humanity using wars, depressions and depravity. History is determined by straw men, i.e. banker puppets.
Of course they want us to believe wars are caused by nations, races and religions in order to dissolve these collective identities and create one homogeneous mass, easier to control.
Cabalist central bankers need a neo-feudal world government to protect their monopoly on government credit. They hate God, humanity and freedom and wish to domesticate mankind to serve their interests.
We are supposed to be like children who leave important things to them. Hollywood movies were based on novels; now they're based on comic books. We are being infantilized.
My writing is dedicated to the "new paradigm," unearthing information about the conspiracy and showing how it is unfolding and manifesting itself in our daily lives.
With others, I believe that an heretical Jewish sect, the Sabbatean-Frankists are responsible. The Jewish bankers belonged to this sect and established a secret society, the Illuminati, which took over Freemasonry in the 1780's. They were chameleons, intermarrying and infiltrating every other group. Wearing different hats, they were responsible for initiating the wars and revolutions that have plagued the human race. They could mouth any ideology or religious belief. They were concerned only with power.
They soon dominated the economies, religions and politics of Europe and America. They inherited the mantle of earlier cabalist bankers who funded Cromwell and were responsible for the English, French, American and Russian Revolutions, all designed to overthrow the Old Order (church and aristocracy) and to empower themselves.
The real meaning of revolution and the "Enlightenment" is Luciferian and satanic. Its purpose is to defy and supplant God, i.e. the natural and spiritual order -- what is conducive to health and happiness for humanity. Modern western "culture" is a psy-op designed not to glorify man in the image of God but to degrade him. This is the true meaning of "progress" and "progressive" -- i.e. leading to the Luciferian New World Order.
This is why the heavy propaganda against the word "God." Even the conspirators are sophisticated enough to know that God is synonymous with GOOD, and TRUE, but they'd rather you believe He is an outmoded superstition.
This is the Judeo Masonic conspiracy. The plan is outlined in "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion" which is genuine. "Anti-Semitism" is a red herring, a ruse to divert attention from the dire seriousness of this conspiracy. The vast majority of Jews are not aware of the machinations of the conspirators, and are manipulated like everyone else. The Protocols say they use anti-Semitism to manipulate their "lesser brethren."
Most people who are successful (in the public realm) are witting or unwitting collaborators. Evil (or stupid) rises to the top. This has ceased to be strictly a "Jewish conspiracy." But like everyone else, Jews need to know about it, or be manipulated and used forever. They need to know that anti-Semitism is caused by the out-sized role other Jews, half-Jews and crypto Jews have played. Zionism is an instrument of world government.
We have a faux society. The central bankers (Rockefellers, Rothschilds, Warburgs and the rich) control the media, politicians, professors, journalists. Those who deviate from the script are quickly marginalized. Our social, political and cultural life is a charade. The latest example: "Family of Secrets [by Russ Baker-interviewed]," a new book exposing the Bush's role in this conspiracy can't get reviewed in the mainstream media. In a healthy society, this book would be in the headlines.
There are hundreds of universities offering thousands of courses but the conspiracy paradigm is not in them. The true consciousness of humanity is kept alive by a few score private scholars who are like monks in the Dark Age.
This invasion was carried out by money and propaganda, not soldiers and planes. They control us through our minds.
Confucius wrote:
When things are investigated, knowledge is extended.
When knowledge is extended, the will becomes sincere.
When the will is sincere, the mind is correct.
When the mind is correct, the self is cultivated.
To which I add, the correct mind requires the correct paradigm. Until we understand that the world has been colonized by satanists (cabalists), we will not function in a healthy way.
We need to make sense of the world. When we have the right paradigm, we stand on solid ground.
Related- Rockefeller Official Revealed NWO Plot in 1969
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