The Freedom of Knowledge, The Power of Thought ©

Unplugging the New World Order

by Henry Makow Ph.D.
January 5, 2009

Unplugging the New World Order by Henry Makow (Jan. 10, 2009)

Mindless InsanityIf there were a webcam in the Monkey House at the local zoo, would you watch it?

Then, why watch TV or go to the movies? Why cruise the Internet or listen to most music? It's the same thing: the chest pounding, screeching, defecating and copulating of monkeys. Of course humans outdo monkeys with mindless killing and mayhem.

If not a Monkey House, then the world increasingly resembles a hive which, thanks to the mass media, vibrates at the same frequency. For example, when the stock market is plummeting, everyone is panicking. (When Money is God, an economic downturn becomes a spiritual crisis.)

But there are other causes for the widespread gloom: the spreading knowledge that our institutions (government, media, education, religion etc.) have been subverted and society now has no way of self-correcting.

The world feels like a roller coaster and we are holding on for dear life. Perhaps we need to let go. Perhaps we need to vibrate at our own unique frequency.

Perhaps I would be more effective if I devoted more energy to my private life. The external world is negating my private world even though it hasn't physically impinged on it yet. I have impoverished myself by my constant focus on the Monkey House. I don't think I am alone in this.

Our minds are like blotters, hoping to find a reflection of our ideals in the world. We need to turn the mirror around so the back faces the world. We need to use our personal lives (not the world) to reflect our ideals.

I envy people who can make God, Jesus or Mohamed the focus of their thoughts. I often resolve to read the lives and saying of mystics. Clearly I need another focus. Family. Sports. A hobby. I'd like to hear from readers about how they have changed their focus.


Feeling fatigued recently, I resolved to unplug the world for 24 hours. I would be a Robinson Crusoe of the soul. I put on a Gregorian chant and tried to meditate. It's all about where we direct our attention minute-by-minute. I would focus on God. Order. Peace. Truth. Sanity. A calm came over me.

At the same time, I had to resist temptations which made me realize how addicted I am to my computer terminal. From that monitor l try to satisfy all my desires. Down that chute come the corn niblets of encouraging news, email, book sales, stock quotes etc. I have to agree with the yogis who say suffering is due to seeking happiness outside ourselves.

Yet that's all we do: manipulate the world to make us feel good. When will we realize we cannot feel good unless we ARE good?

How we hate to be alone. That's why we are constantly talking on cell phones or watching TV. Why do we self-evade? As Paul Elmer More said, "we exhaust a great effort and expense to be poorly entertained." Let us enjoy our selves.

After about four hours of meditating, I felt quite detached and refreshed, and started getting bored. So I broke down and checked my e-mail and the latest headlines on Rense. (I want to be in the world but not of it. I don't want to be stranded in a limbo between two worlds.)


If we are engaged in a spiritual war, perhaps detaching from the world for set periods of time is the way to fight it. They seem to want to keep us in a state of high anxiety. They have been promising to invade Iran for six years. Is this the real agenda -- to keep us on the edge of our seats?

I'm going to continue to fight the good fight. But maybe we can partially win if we don't let the enemy into our home and heart.

Henry Makow

Related- my "Surviving the New World Order"

Henry Makow Ph.D. is the author of "Illuminati-The Cult that Hijacked the World." ( His articles can be found at his web site He enjoys receiving your comments, some of which he posts on his site using first names only.


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