The Freedom of Knowledge, The Power of Thought ©

Brice Taylor Comments on Michael Jackson's Mind Control Victimization

From Brice Taylor
September 7, 2009

Brice Taylor Comments on Michael Jackson's Mind Control Victimization (Sep. 7, 2009)

This video(utube)could be understood as being created from Michael Jackson the mind control slave (victim) who never had a chance to discover his
unconsciously driven response(s), his rage at abuse, slavery, and injustice of all kinds as he created his music, especially this video.... After his
death, Lisa Marie Presley reported that Michael's biggest fear was that he would end up dying like Elvis, which is exactly what happened. I believe
both were under mind control. I reported my experiences gleaned under mind control with both of them in my 1998 book Thanks For The Memories, The Truth Will Set You Free. I never saw Elvis Presley or Michael Jackson the way the public or their fans did. Instead, I witnessed their victimization and downfall under mind control and mass amounts of pharmaceuticals. Watch the utube below and see (know, understand, believe) what you think.

~Brice Taylor

Michael was right: They Don't Really Care About Us

When on Earth do we collectively Wake Up? Please forward this to websites and individuals who may be able to understand and help.

Brice Taylor

Brice Taylor is the author of Thanks for the Memories, one of the most explosive and revailing books to look behind the well-concealed curtain of government sponsored mind control, sex slavery, child abuse, and murder.

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