The Freedom of Knowledge, The Power of Thought ©

Coming Pole Shift in May?

By Ken Adachi <>
May 15, 2003

When I read the ZetaTalk web site in 1995 and wrote Coming Attractions in 1996, I was much more anxious about this period then, than I am today, May 15, 2003. I no longer believe that we will have a pole shift with massive earth changes at the end of this month. I could be wrong, of course, but the preponderance of opinion I'm hearing from trusted sources says that it’s not going to happen. If it doesn't happen as predicted, then the question is why was ZetaTalk placed online in the first place and who's really behind that effort? It's certainly not Nancy Lieder.

If we sail into June without a rumble or Tidal bath, then we should all be grateful and not look for scapegoats. If ZetaTalk turns out to be a psyops to generate fear and anxiety, then the last person I would blame is Nancy Lieder. She would surely be a victim of manipulation and not the architect of this 8 year agenda. Intellectually, most of the information presented at ZetaTalk is very compelling and plausible. I did come across some areas that gave me pause and other areas that appeared to be deceptive, but the massive volume of info presented there largely struck me as credible. As a result, I had built up a strong reliability factor regarding their predictions.

It’s important to recognize that the dominant negative aliens who are really the driving force behind the Illuminati exist in a sort of ‘No Man’s Land’ dimensionally speaking. According to David Icke, they are so bent on evil conduct, that they’ve cut themselves off from the God Source of life energy and they literally “feed” on negative human emotions such as fear, anxiety, and rage to sustain themselves. If that’s true, then the desire to generate mass hysteria in millions of people makes sense from their perspective. Many have reported that we are moving into an area of the galaxy known as the Photon Belt which causes the frequency of earth itself and all of its inhabitants to rise. As your frequency goes up, your consciousness expands and the veils start to lift. The last thing that the Illuminated Ones and their alien overlords want is for human beings to have an expanded consciousness. After all, you might figure out that you are a powerful Light Being with the ability to create at will (just like your Creator/Father) and, like Don & Carol Croft, defeat these high tech brutes at their own game. Can’t have that, now.

Beyond that, I've read that the negative aliens are not comfortable with these rising frequencies and wish this palnet to remain in the lower frequency band where they normally care to operate. The article I posted on April 27, 2003 titled Suber Bugs Meet Cosmic Car Wash says that the negative aliens can't handle the higher frequecy band that earth is rising to and will no longer be able to inhabit this planet ( too bad huh?).

It's wise to always remember that we are immortal beings. Whenever death may come to us, it’s important to know that you will find yourself as much ‘alive’ on the Other Side as you were on this one. There is no death, there is no hell (except the one you make for yourself), and there is no such thing as eternal damnation. Life goes on forever, and ever, and ever. There is nothing to fear and no reason to be fearful, even in the face of death. God is always with you to guide, comfort, and show you the way. Of that, I'm sure.

Ken Adachi

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