Promoting Satanism Under the Rubric of Paganism or Wicca
From Ken Adachi
May 5, 2008Promoting Satanism Under the Rubric of Paganism or Wicca (May 5, 2008)
Hi Kanya,
I just read the article you sent out with the subject line:
Re: Easter gets its name from the Teutonic goddess of spring and the dawn, whose name is spelled Oestre or Eastre web site is interested in promoting Satanism, without calling it that. They prefer to use words like "Pagan view".
Here's is what you see at only one of the many links provided on the left margin of that web site:
Go to this link and see the symbol posted at the top, upper left margin. It's the satanic pentagram.
"Samhain", "Imbole" or "Beltane" are SATANIC HOLIDAYS.
Ask a former Satanist and Illuminati inside by the name of Joseph "Doc" Marquis about these words and the promotion of pagan 'holidays". He will tell you flat out that they are ALL SATANISTS.
Interview w/ Doc Marquis, "ex-illuminist"
10/26/2006 | Download File (51.25 MB)
Al interviews Doc Marquis who was born and raised as a high level member of the "Illuminati". We talk about the centralization of power in the financial, political, and religious realms, the promotion of war, the distractions that the "left/right" dialectic serves, and deconstruct Illuminati holidays like Halloween, Christmas, and Easter Music by Slothy and Bongwater The phone connection gets better in the second half of the show! 2 hours radioactive sandiego read more
Interview w/ Doc Marquis, "ex-illuminist"
10/26/2006 | Download File (51.25 MB)
Al interviews Doc Marquis who was born and raised as a high level member of the "Illuminati". We talk about the centralization of power in the financial, political, and religious realms, the promotion of war, the distractions that the "left/right" dialectic serves, and deconstruct Illuminati holidays like Halloween, Christmas, and Easter Music by Slothy and Bongwater The phone connection gets better in the second half of the show! 2 hours radioactive sandiego
Regards, Ken
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