September 9, 2009: An Occult Date That May Live in Infamy
By Ken Adachi, Editor
September 3, 2009September 9, 2009: An Occult Date That May Live in Infamy (Sep. 3, 2009)
September 9, 2009 is a date of tremendous occult importance. I was just reading a transcript of Tim Rifat's April 28, 2009 radio interview with Jeff Rense (see excerpts below) and Tim mentioned the significance of September 9, 2009 as a possible date for Rothchild-directed Zionists to stage an Obama 'assassination' (or at least the assassination of an individual who the media will tell us is Obama --human cloning technology is much more advanced than most people realize) to trigger 'race wars' around the country and thus create a pretext for declaring martial law. Once we have martial law, the round-ups of NWO critics, intellectuals, etc will commence and we're off to the Stalinist Gulag state (and goodbye America the Beautiful).
The date of September 11, 2001 was chosen by the Rothchild/Rockefeller planners to take down the World Trade Center buildings precisely because of its occult significance. Satanists are absolutely hard wired to pull off their murder rituals following strict rules of occult numerology, dates, time, location, etc.
Information was directed to Ted Gunderson in the past week (late August 2009) by someone who I will only describe as a person with "inside knowledge" of possible plans to stage an Obama assassination between September 18-20, 2009. The date of September 9, 2009 was also mentioned by this individual as a "drop dead" date for his own contracted murder, as well as the ritual murder of a younger family member of a well known entertainment family (the informing individual said that he had already went to the FBI, the Secret Service, and the US Marshals, telling them of these plans, but they chose to discount his information). Other information directed to Ted will be made available in the very near future, likely through a national publication.
Our resident dowser Tim Hicks posted a dowse in early July (2009) reflecting a possible assassination attempt on Obama during his July visit with NWO cohorts in Europe. Thankfully, that month came and went without incident. I'm greatly concerned, however, that September will not pass as uneventful, and thus the reason for posting this warning.
More and more people are coming to realize that human thought can influence and change the course of planned events If enough people were to focus their thoughts and INTENTIONS on foiling evil plans, such as a possible Obama assassination in September, the planned event can be altered, mitigated, or prevented all together. This is not mere conjecture on my part, it's a Universal Law that many in the Occult world are fully aware of.
Ken Adachi
Excerpts from Tim Rifat's April 28, 2009 Interview with Jeff Rense stressing the occult significance of September 9, 2009: Rense: By the way, on my website, on Eye on Obama, there’s a massive canvas in New Yorks Union Square, where an artist has depicted Obama with his arms outstretched with a crown of thorns upon his head in crucifixion mode.
Tim Rifat: Exactly. Now, Obama as the Antichrist who is going to bring in the Ashkenazy, Rothschilds, Stalinist state, and if it’s going to be done, because we’re just journalists talking about what is being planned and might or might not happen, but if it is, then the perfect day for it is the 9th of the 9th of the 9th. This is because the Rothschilds are Kabbalists and, in the Kabbala 9 is chokma the sephiroth from which all of creation is derived, also there is the Shatelia stone, the stone that Jacob put his head upon, and in all the Zohar Kabbalistic teachings we know that the Messiah Jacob was assassinated so that the Messiah David could bring in the One World Government. So if he [Obama] is the Antichrist, the Messiah Jacob who could get killed then he would have to be killed on the first stone day which is the 9.9.09 and his blood would actually be the Jacob stone and therefore we link in with the stone and 9/11 via Airforce One. We can see that they are linking him into the grid.
The whole of the Rothschilds thought weapons [manipulating black rage against whites via Messiah/Pharaoh Obama's assassintion by a white] are run from this grid which is a strategic expansion of Enochian magic where there is a chequer board which uses the earth’s geo-energies which influence the minds of humans, especially the reptilian part of the brain, and the Rothschilds, NATO, Pentagon, elite have found that manipulation of these energy geo lines of the planet when put into a grid formation when building all cities e.g. Washington and all the other Rothschilds illuminati freemasonic cities are in a grid formation; and then power them with human energy – just as the New Age energy was used and umped into the grid to turn the USSR into a Drone state so it would do what the Rothschilds wanted and give the whole of the USSR to the Rothschilds, and if all the energy of Westerners can be redirected who are crying because the Messiah Pharaoh Obama was crucified, if you know how to pump all that emotional energy into the grid, you can then direct that energy if you know how, and change the reptilian brain normally in tune with earth energies into a Drone type state instead. There have been simple experiments where a random counter goes off random when there’s a world event e.g. 9/11.
So one can see that extraordinary things happen when a massive number of people give off huge amounts of energy. The New Age movement was used by the Rothschilds to destroy the USSR and we know that the death of Obama will be directed into the grid using this strategic Enochian magic. I won’t go into the details because Enochian magic is very complex and only known to high level people like myself. If you can direct the energy into the grid structure where freemasons have built all Western cities in this form, you can drive human consciousness into the Drone mob state and, once there, what the New World Order will do is keep it in that state. So, for a New World Order to be achieved, you need the population to be driven into a Drone state and the few that can’t be driven into it, can be taken away to be put in gulag holiday camps where they can be dealt with. Some of the white boys in the industrial military complex of the West who don’t like the direction in which we’re going to a total neo-Stalinist Rothschild state and, of course, they will have to be purged.
Tim Rifat: We also have NATO expelling Russian diplomats today from Brussels in order to inflame the situation. Kabbalisticly, the 8.5.09 is the perfect day to try and restore the victory of Amalek over the Rothschild god which happened on 8.8.08. It also shows that 9.9.9 is the vital time for the Rothschilds and if the Messiah Jacob which, of course, is Obama, is to be assassinated by the Rothschilds, it should happen on that day because, if we look at the three Kabbalistic Trees going down, the 9th Sephiroth is the Qlippothic, the evil version of Chocma the Shethlia stone which manifests and locks in the New World Order. Since this Obama is the Messiah Jacob, the one that builds the Jacob’s ladder – not up – but down to hell, in order to bring in the one world hell government, of the Rothschild/Satanists, that will be the date of either Obama’s assassination or a massive attack on Russia or on Iran. That is a very major date.
If something happens on 9.9.09, which the Rothschilds have to do by their own Kabbalistic law, one can see that geopolitics is not defined in the world by what the Goyim would normally call history and balances of power and aggressive shifts - but actually by the occult and the Kabbalah.
Why is it that the Satanists of Israel adhere to these numbers? Because the Drones, as I’ve said on past shows, humans are animals and the majority of humans are like “Stepford Wives” just obey their masters and, using Kabbalistic magic, turns the majority of people into Drones which means that your side willingly goes to get slaughtered and die as in WW1 and WW2; and the other side willingly screws up and allows you to win.
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