Breaking the U.N.'s Code X
(Codex Alimentarius)
By Robert Singer <>
February 4, 2009
Breaking the U.N.'s Code X (Codex Alimentarius) By Robert Singer (Feb. 4, 2009)
The Codex Alimentarius Commission (CAC), based in Rome, Italy, is an international organization jointly created in 1962 by the Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) and the World Health Organization (WHO) of the United Nations "allegedly" to protect the health of consumers with guidelines for food standards.
Codex Alimentarius may present the greatest disaster for our food supply—and thus for our health—this country has ever seen, and if not stopped is likely to be implemented starting in 2011.
Let me repeat that, the greatest disaster to our health if not stopped, starting in 2011.
The Codex and regulations affecting our food sovereignty go back to 1962. Fortunately, in 1994 Congress passed the Dietary Supplements Health and Education Act (DSHEA), which for the moment preserved the definition of vitamins, minerals and herbs as foods.
Without congressional oversight the U.S. will move towards Canada and Mexico where supplements are considered drugs, not foods. Codex if implemented will reverse DSHEA and the U.S. will no longer treat dietary supplements as foods, but as toxins.
Let me repeat that, Codex treats foods as toxins!
And of course Codex, Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) and the "World According to Monsanto", required viewing, are all related. The U.S. and the Codex commission do not require labeling of GMOs. For 18 years Norway, Switzerland, Russia, Japan, the European Union and virtually all African countries have fought the U.S. unsuccessfully to require labeling of GMOs. The U.S. erroneously considers GMOs equal to non-GMOs based solely on a 1992 Executive Order from then Skull and Bones-president George H. W. Bush.
If Codex is finalized, the FDA will use their automatic weapons to outlaw more than raw almonds and tryptophan.
In Ohio, a food coop was raided Gestapo style by the USDA because they "didn't have a business license".
Is the FDA looking out for consumers? Half of the 198 new drugs the FDA approved from 1976 to 1985 had to be withdrawn or relabeled because they caused unexpected side effects. Predictably no one at the FDA withdrew Donald's Aspartame (Equal, NutraSweet), a deadly carcinogen we can't avoid because it's an additive in just about every food we eat.Looking out for consumers, the FDA?...... Unlikely.
The story gets even more interesting when you find out Nazi Germany's notorious I.G. Farben cartel is behind Codex and the proposals that would drastically curtail our healthcare freedoms.
The UN has put out dozens of public documents calling for an 80% world population reduction. Catherine Bertini, the head of the UN food programs in 1995, paraphrased the famous Kissinger statement, "Food is power. We use it to change behavior."
And although the effects of Codex are devastating and will result in humans dying from starvation and preventable diseases from under nutrition any claims that WHO or FAO have released epidemiological projections are untrue.New World Order, depopulation?
Stan Monteith, MD and others think so.
"None Dare it Genocide" is a video lecture by Dr. Monteith who believes Codex is part of a New World Order (NWO) agenda to reduce the population by 80%. Why else would there be a worldwide push to re-classify our food as a toxin?
Conspiracy theorists, in particular F.W. Engdahl, the leading analyst of the New World Order, expect a depopulation event to rid the planet of 5 billion "useless eaters". The Illuminati and the One World governors need only 500 million of us for slaves when they take over the world.
Never heard of "Codex Alimentarius"? Now that's unusual because Codex is an "open secret". You would expect the leading opponents of Global Government and the New World Order to be shouting Codex at the top of their websites that reach millions.. every day.F.W. Engdahl writes for Professor Michel Chossudovsky's Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG), an independent research and media group of writers, scholars and activists committed to curbing the tide of "globalization". You can find hundreds of articles by both Chossudovsky and Engdhal on Globalization, New World Order, and the Economic Crisis, but as of February 1, 2009 a Google Search of CODEX of Global Research Articles (2001- 2008) resulted in... No matches found.
Let me repeat that, a search for articles about the greatest disaster to our food supply—and thus for our health—this country has ever seen, scheduled to take effect on December 31, 2011, produced No matches found on a website that reaches 30,000 unique visitors per day. Now, more than ever, readers should demand more coverage on Codex from these popular websites.Similarly, Jeff Rense has the popular UFO talk and political intrigue conspiracy site, But out of the thousands of articles about every conspiracy known to man, alien and reptilian alike you can find only two: and they don't even begin to address the seriousness of the situation.
[Note from Ken Adachi: I went to Jeff Rense's web site and entered "Codex alimentarius" in his search engine and came up with 26 articles that relate to Codex, including a few that I had posted there on Codex]
What about the Vitamin and Supplement Trade associations? Monsanto, Big Pharma, Chema and Agra have convinced them "Codex is a non-issue", and that they will actually gain market share when Codex is implemented.
Or the muckraking leftist newsletter edited by Alexander Cockburn and Jeffrey St. Clair You guessed it…
Your search - Codex Alimentarius on Counterpunch- did not match any documents.So who is raising awareness about this issue?
John C. Hammell of International Advocates for Health Freedom and Ian Crane, an ex oil field executive. Ian lectures and writes on U.S. Hegemony and the NWO agenda for control of Global Resources.
Since 2007 Ian has focused his efforts on the excesses of Codex Alimentarius. Ian is an independent researcher and of course self-funded. No banner ads torment you on his website. He observes:
"After spending the past twelve months investigating Codex Alimentarius, I am deeply disturbed by the almost total lack of awareness (or even interest) with regard to the implications of this pernicious global Commission, particularly amongst those most affected by the excesses of this restrictive legislation."
That's no surprise because his website is traffic ranked: 2,381,595 (very few visitors per day, Yahoo is ranked #1 and Google is #2).
Ian has warned that the effects of the "pernicious" legislation, starting in 2011, would be devastating, and he believes that, "without a shadow of a doubt", there is a plot by major food and pharmaceutical companies to see that the Codex proposals become international law… and so should you.Codex is laying siege to our freedom of choice, let's try and stop it.
Normally I don't recommend those "take action" campaigns: the ones that tell us, it's not too late, click-here to importune our "elected" representatives with emails and faxes.
But Codex is different.
The inconvenient truth for our elected representatives, their families and staff is, they Have to Eat and take vitamins and supplements… just like us. So go ahead and email, fax and phone, this is one email campaign that might just work.It's going to come down to a massive rebellion.
The DSHEA law that kept the FDA off our backs was passed because millions and millions of letters were sent to people in Congress demanding health freedom.
International Advocates for Health Freedom website has a "take action" page. buying organic will help you? Well, not as much as you think, because the U.S. currently allows for up to 10% of GMO contamination of organic foods (the highest of any country in the world, most permit 0.1%).
If you really want to make a difference: support local organic Farmers, Grow your own Food, and of course...Watch:
"How Cuba Survived Peak Oil"
Because guess what? .....They can't stop us from growing our own food. It's that simple.
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