The Freedom of Knowledge, The Power of Thought ©

Sorcha Faal: Light Bringer or Faallen Angel?

By Arthur Topham <>
Pub/Ed. The Radical Press
September 17, 2006

[Editor’s Note: This is necessarily a very long article as it deals with an important issue - the possible deception of many Western readers by the Russian author and internet publisher, Sorcha Faal. Feedback is invited. Ed.]

Original Title
Light Bringer or Faallen Angel? Sorcha Faal, the Jews, the Nazis, the West and the Zionist Challenge

And as reported to her Eastern and Western Subscribers

A critique of Sorcha Faal’s September 9, 2006 article, “For Western Jews: The Time Has Come To Start Thinking About The Unthinkable”

“A sense of evil things stirring in dark places, like the sounds which a prisoner in a dungeon awaits at night, disquietened men and nations.” from The Controversy of Zion, Douglas Reed

“The Judaic Communist epoch of mass murder has disappeared into history in one of the great vanishing acts of all time. Only practiced deceivers, with all the sleight of hand of the most accomplished stage magicians, could pull off such a coup against the rest of humanity. To trick mankind into focusing nearly all expiatory sentiment, monuments and commemoration on Judaic victims and brand the Mark of Cain–the very words war crime and holocaust itself–on Germany and upon Germans alone as their proprietary trademark, must be regarded as one of the most masterful achievements of psychological warfare in the annals of illusion.” - from The Documentary Record, Michael A. Hoffman II

“Oh, East is East, and West is West, and never the twain shall meet,
Till Earth and Sky stand presently at God’s great Judgment seat;”
–from The Ballad of East and West,
Rudyard Kipling

Ever since Sorcha Faal’s star began rising in the Cyberian firmament my intuition has consistently cautioned me that something was amiss in her writings; something not easily grasped nor easily delineated, yet still…something that continually gnawed upon my sense of logical proportion and something that refused to fit smoothly into my overall gestalt, like a persistent itch that, for all one’s apparent outward comfort, constantly reminds one that the universe is not in total synch.

I kept asking myself: Is it just something that got lost in translation or possibly an error in my judgment based on a perceived sense of bombast or hyperbole or possibly even hubris in Faal’s writing? Or were all those doubts but intimations of something deeper, more subtle; something, possibly, concealing a hidden, agenda? If so, I thought, whatever that agenda might be, it appears to surface fully and consistently throughout this latest and most startling installment of Faal’s work.

Having had a strong intent to fathom the deeper mysteries of Political Zionism for some time now, Sorcha’s article became a catalyst for me to set out on a mental mission of reconnaissance to hopefully ascertain the meaning hidden within her cryptic phraseology and morbid forebodings. And so with my trusty 6th sense slung over my shoulder I set out to dissect the article in detail and scout its subterranean contours in order to shine some light into what appeared to me to be dark bunkers of surreptitious, half-truths designed not only to confuse and instill fear into Western Jews but to actually destabilize the minds of her “western readers”.

Throughout this gleaning process I discovered the whole article to be permeated with convoluted confessions of double-think that I’m certain would have made even George Orwell’s mind do a double-back flip!

Blithely quoting, in her opening remarks, some rather esoteric statement of Tolstoy’s regarding the origins of the Judaic religion Faal immediately breaks into a familiar refrain about the historic woes of the Jews and their never-ending plight wherein they consistently end up enraging every other nation in the world to the point where they become “besieged” and harassed over and over again.

Then, following directly on the iron heels of this alleged eternal assault upon these innocent, downtrodden people, comes the immediate, and inevitable connection with good old scapegoat standby, “dark and evil” Nazi Germany and its supposed ‘final solution’ to this recurring Jewish ‘coincidence’ which both East and West has been conditioned for well over a century now to call the “anti-Semitic”, “racist”, reactionary response to whatever these people are doing that tends to always culminate in an irksome crescendo of violence and hatred directed toward them.

Preliminary research

From the research I’ve done over the past few years on the subject, the ploy of first creating and then blaming others for this phenomenon has always been the hallmark of Political Zionism, a philosophy that first congealed into a semblance of form toward the end of the 19th Century. (Germany, for those who have delved into the subject in great depth, symbolizes the epitome of this idea.) Gauging, then using, whatever anger these seemingly innocuous Jews engender in the Gentile populations as a pretext for crying “anti-Semite Wolf! anti-Semite Wolf!” has become, for over a century now, the Zionist’s trump card. It’s a Talisman which they hang about their collective necks in order to ward off any bad spirits (critics) who might question or call them to task for their political or amoral actions in the sphere of national and international politics and economics. As well, it’s also used for gaining sympathy from, subservience to and support of the Western world, for the ultimate of manifest destinies, the Zionist/Jewish agenda; one which is now recognized by most aware students of contemporary history as a covert plot to gain full-spectrum, spiritual, psychological, political, economic and military dominance over all the world’s sovereign nations via the incremental creation of an International, super state under the direct auspices of the United Nations Organization.

As I write I am looking at the Front Page headlines of the March 24th, 1933 edition of the British newspaper the Daily Express. The bold headline reads: “JUDEA DECLARES WAR ON GERMANY”. The ink on the Enabling Act of March 23rd, which had given Hitler the legal, constitutional right to rule Germany, had barely had the chance to dry before World Jewry openly declared war on the German nation via its global boycott of German products. That declaration of war, as far as I can tell, is still in effect today making Jewry’s attack on that nation one of the longest, if not the longest, sustained assaults in recorded history.

It is my conviction that Germany, upon its defeat in 1945, was set up by the Zionists to become the whipping boy and the International scapegoat to justify whatever actions the Jewish Financial cabal (Zionism) happened to decide upon. The test of time has proven this thesis and I now firmly believe that it is incumbent upon professional journalists, historians and writers in general to get their acts together and realize they’ve been scammed for close to 75 years and start looking for new or different metaphors to symbolize the emerging truths that are finally being exposed via the internet and printed publications.

A query for Sorcha

On Sept 6, 2006 I wrote to Sorcha Faal to complain about this very thing after reading in her article “Nuclear Storm Gathers As United States Heartland Plunges Into ‘Dust Bowl’ Condition” the following:

“As more of their resistance leaders are imprisoned in their vast Gulag, it is shocking to hear reports from America that echo those of the German peoples caught under the brutal Nazi Regime, and who likewise, and until the devastating end of their Nation during World War II, lived in total denial of what they had become and the true character of the evil monsters who ruled them.”

In my email I wrote, “I would have thought that you would use the analogy of your own Soviet Gulag rather than continually flogging that dead horse Nazi Germany. It seems that Germany is always the whipping boy when it comes to brutality. Maybe you ought to revisit Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn and the Solovesky Islands and Kolyma and the canals, et cetera and employ that analogy and those monsters. Or is it because of your own shame and pretense that you refuse to do so?”

In response I received a reply from Sorcha Faal’s webmaster “Brian” in Paris who wrote:

“The comparison of the current state of the United States with the past regime of the Nazi Germany’s is indeed a valid one due to the nature of the fascist elements employed by each of these governments.

“The definition of a fascist is one who is dictatorial or has extreme right-wing views, as opposed to a communist who espouses left-wing views.

“Fascism is likewise defined as a governmental system led by a dictator having complete power, forcibly suppressing opposition and criticism, regimenting all industry, commerce, etc., and emphasizing an aggressive nationalism and often racism.”

As I read through these lines from Brian my mind flashed back and beyond and between the words to the other 9-11 that occurred on 11-7, 1917 when the Bolsheviks gained control of the Russian nation-state and proclaimed their revolution and their dictatorship over the proletariat.

I began reflecting on Lenin and how within only months of gaining political control of the vast Russian empire his Bolshevik regime was already forging the chains of slavery and planning the killing of millions of Russians and Ukrainians and a host of other ethnic groupings throughout the former empire.

These were the unwilling sections of the “proletariat” who, likely for the same reasons that people like myself distrust the Zionist-controlled governments of the West and East today, didn’t buy into the Bolshevik baloney about collectives and land reform and people’s soviets because what they were seeing then, just as what we’re seeing now, is not anything related to the founding principles of socialist democracy as formulated by originators like Proudon and Godwin and Michael Bakunin. What the Bolsheviks had in store for the gullible goyim of greater Russia was nothing less than complete despotic domination and dictatorship combined with the seething and relentless wrath of their Judaic god of revenge and destruction.

What these “counter-revolutionaries”, as the Bolsheviks called them, quickly realized was that they were at the mercy not of a new democratically-oriented Russian governing body but of a political regime formulated, financed and run with deadly, sinister, premeditated purpose by mostly Western Zionist/Jewish International Financiers who had a layaway plan for the Gentile Christians that stretched far beyond the pale of their initial Marxist rhetoric.

The Who’s Who of Russian Communism

For all their efforts to conceal this grand design behind the Zionist revolutionary coup history was kind enough to leave future investigators some rare but documented proof of who the instigators were. Fortunate for us all, in today’s trying times, was the fact that an Englishman by the name of Mr. Robert Wilton, who was living in Russia during the actual Revolution and working as a correspondent for the London Times, had the foresight to record in a book the following information regarding the official make up of the leading members of the Bolshevik party.

According to these documented records, “the Central Committee of the Bolshevik party, which wielded the supreme power, contained 3 Russians (including Lenin [There is now evidence that he too was of Jewish descent A.T.]) and 9 Jews. The next body in importance, the Central Committee of the Executive Commission (or secret police) comprised 42 Jews and 19 Russians, Letts, Georgians and others. The Council of People’s Commissars consisted of 17 Jews and five others. The Moscow Cheka (secret police) was formed of 23 Jews and 13 others. Among the names of 556 high officials of the Bolshevik state officially published in 1918-1919, were 458 Jews and 108 others. Among the central committees of small, supposedly “Socialist” or other non-Communist parties (during that early period the semblance of “opposition” was permitted, to beguile the masses, accustomed under the Czar to opposition parties) were 55 Jews and 6 others. All the names are given in the original documents reproduced by Mr. Wilton…. [1]

These startling ratios of Jews to Russians also brought to mind the Gulag Archipelago that Solzhenitsyn wrote about in such brutal grandeur and sensitivity to detail. Names began to drift upward before my mind’s eye like ghostly spectres – “Genrikh Yagoda: chief of Soviet Secret Police, mass murderer extraordinaire who also oversaw the destructive slave labour concentration camps. Leon Bronstein (Trotsky): supreme commander of the Soviet Red Army [who double-crossed and murdered his Anarchist allies in the army of Nestor Mahkno A.T.]. Grigory Apfelbaum (Zinoviev): executive, Soviet Secret Police. Solomon Lozovsky: deputy Soviet foreign minister. Maxim Wallach (Litvinov): Soviet foreign minister. Yuri Andropov: director, Soviet KGB, later supreme dictator of the Soviet Union.

“Jacob Sverdlov: first president of the Soviet Union. Sverdlov ordered the massacre of the Czar’s family–women and children–in the town named after Catherine the Great, Yekaterinburg, (renamed Sverdlovsk in 1924 in honor of the murderer).

“Jacob Yurovsky: commander, Soviet Secret Police. Yurovsky led the death squad which carried out Sverdlov’s order for the murder of the Czar’s family, including the bayoneting to death of the Czar’s daughters.

“Lazar Moiseyevich Kaganovich: chief mass murderer for Stalin, ordered the deaths of millions and the wholesale destruction of Christian monuments and churches, including the great Cathedral of Christ the Savior.

“Mikhail Kaganovich: deputy commissar of heavy industry, supervisor of slave labor, brother of Lazar. Rosa Kaganovich: Stalin’s mistress; sister of Lazar. Paulina Zhemchuzina: member of the Central Committee and wife of Soviet Foreign Minister Molotov. Olga Bronstein: officer, Soviet Cheka Secret Police, sister of Trotsky, wife of Kamenev.

“Matvei Berman and Naftaly Frenkel: founders, the Gulag death camp system.

“Lev Inzhir, commissar for Soviet death camp transit and administration. Boris Berman: executive officer of the Soviet Secret Police and brother of Matvei. K.V. Pauker: chief of operations, Soviet NKVD Secret Police [forerunner of the KGB. A.T.].

“Firin, Rappoport, Kogan, Zhuk: commissars of death camps and slave labor, supervised the mass deaths of labourers during the construction of the White Sea–Baltic Canal.

“M.I. Gay: commander, Soviet Secret Police. Slutsky and Shpiegelglas: commanders, Soviet Secret Police. Isaac Babel: officer, Soviet Secret Police.

“Leiba Lazarevich Feldbin (Aleksandr Orlov): commander, Soviet Red Army; officer, Soviet Secret Police. Feldbin was chief of Soviet Security in the Spanish Civil War. He supervised the massacre of Catholic priests and peasants in Spain.

“Yona Yakir: general, Soviet Red Army, member of the Central Committee. Dimitri Shmidt: general, Soviet Red Army. Yakov (”Yankel”) Kreiser: general, Soviet Red Army. Miron Vovsi: general, Soviet Red Army.

“David Dragonsky: general, Soviet Red Army, Hero of the Soviet Union. Grigori Shtern: general, Soviet Red Army. Mikhail Chazkelevich: general, Soviet Red Army. Shimon Kirvoshein: general, Soviet Red Army. Arseni Raskin: deputy-commander, Soviet Red Army. Haim Fomin, commander of Brest-Litovsk, Soviet Red Army.

“Sergei Eisenstein: director of communist propaganda films which depicted Christian peasants (kulaks) as hideous, money-grabbing parasites. The kulaks were subsequently massacred. (Cf. for example Eisenstein’s Bezhin Meadow).

“Ilya Ehrenburg, Minister of Soviet Propaganda and disseminator of anti-German hate material dating from the 1930s. Ehrenburg instigated the Soviet Red Army rape and murder of German civilians. Referring to German women, Ehrenburg gloated to the advancing Red Army troops, “that blonde hag is in for a bad time.””[2]

The one common denominator linking together all this spectral list of Bolshevik characters (and please remember, dear reader of East and West, that this is but a short list) who dealt death and destruction and human misery to what may conservatively be stated as somewhere in the vicinity of 66,000,000 (yes, that’s million folks) human beings, mostly Christian, is that all these power-crazed, psychopathic, mass-murderers were Bolshevik Jews originally from Eastern European origins and having their roots buried deep in the Ashkenazi past.

And this is a reality that Sorchal Faal appears to conveniently overlook or forget when she goes on and on about how terrible and brutal those Nazi “evil monsters” were. One need only pause for a moment and consider the magnitude of misery that these Bolshevik Jews inflicted upon a nation of unwary Christian peasants and ill-informed bourgeoisie to realize that the so-called Communists (in truth Bolshevik/Zionist Jews) represented a much greater threat to world peace and security than what Nazi Germany ever did.

So in the spirit of cooperative exchange I might humbly suggest to writers such as Sorcha that they start employing some of the novel names listed above rather than always resorting to those worn-out appellations: Hitler, Goebbels, Goering, Himmler, and Ribbentrop, et al whenever they’re searching out succulent similes to knit together their sweaters of self-righteous similitude.

A moment’s pause

(Lest readers begin assuming too much in my protestations regarding this issue allow me to pause a moment and state clearly that I am not of Germanic descent and thus hold no particular grudges based upon that fact. Like most Canadian boys born just after the war I grew up with my fair share of Cointelpro propaganda regarding the nasty Nazis and the slant-eyed “Japs” contained in the Jewish-owned publications that flooded the market with their “Sergeant Rock” and “GI Joe”, etc. war comics from the 1940s onward.)

Before Hitler had even assumed leadership of the German government (via free, democratic election) the Bolsheviks under Lenin and Stalin, for over 15 years by that point, had been perpetrating upon countless millions of Russian and Ukrainian peasants and bourgeoisie the most massive “Christian Holocaust” ever known to humankind.

The order, signed by Stalin’s bloodstained hand, that condemned somewhere between 7 to 15 million Ukrainians to premeditated murder by starvation and bullets, not to mention the millions more who had already died from starvation, freezing and exhaustive labour in the concentration/labour camps of the Communist gulag, therefore flies in the face of these accusations by Sorchal Faal of Nazi brutality and monstrous deeds beyond compare.

I have no doubts about whether cruel atrocities took place during the Nazi occupation of foreign nations during the war and that individuals performed despicable acts on par with those committed by the Bolsheviks but to hang the yoke of International guilt around the necks of only the Germans is the height of hypocrisy for every nation at war commits such acts at one time or another and in the case of the Soviets the magnitude and severity of these crimes against humanity far outweigh any similar acts by Germany. The fact too that it has been the consistent, relentless hammering of this theme into the minds of Westerners and Easterners by the Zionist-owned media ought to ring a bell within every open and inquisitive mind that understands this process of mind manipulation.

Back to the life of Brian

When Brian, in his reply, stated that a fascist is “one who is dictatorial or has extreme right-wing views, as opposed to a communist who espouses left-wing views” can this possibly be meant to exclude the likes of Lenin and Stalin and their Jewish taskmasters merely because they were “left-wing”?

Is the “left-wing” of an American F-16 fighter plane carrying cluster bombs and missiles any less responsible for the carnage than the right? Are we to believe that these dictators over the proletariat, who signed death warrants for millions of innocent individuals, didn’t hold “extreme right-wing views” because they were “left-wing” Communists and not the dreaded Western Capitalists? If that is the intent of Sorcha’s statements then this can only be construed as sophistry, written for some, as yet, unknown reason.

Furthermore, if, as Brian went on to state, “Fascism is likewise defined as a governmental system led by a dictator having complete power, forcibly suppressing opposition and criticism, regimenting all industry, commerce, etc., and emphasizing an aggressive nationalism and often racism” and this definition doesn’t also fit the Stalinist/Zionist-controlled dictatorship of the former U.S.S.R. then I’m a monkey’s uncle and the Solovesky Islands were always just a quiet, northern hermitage for contemplative Christian monks and never the nascent beginnings of a concatenation of slaughter that make even the devastations of the Judaic Deuteronomy appear faint-hearted by comparison.

Had Brian somewhere introduced the corporate factor into his equation it might possibly have held some water but the description he applies to the Nazis, surely and more aptly, fits Stalin’s Zionist Jewish-run, totalitarian regime to a tee.

And so it seems that Sorcha Faal is trying to ignore the Jewish/Zionist factor that would have her come to terms with her own country’s dark past, choosing instead to deflect the events of today’s Zionists onto Nazi Germany and the unwary West.

Enter the bicephalous monster

Another link that appears to be missing in Sorcha’s chain of reasoning is the fact that when the Judaic-led Bolsheviks were storming the winter palace of Nicholas II in November of 1917 the self-same clique of Jewish Zionists in the West, then led by the formidable Dr. Chaim Weizmann, head of the World Zionist Organization, was working overtime to ensure that Mr. Arthur Belfour, in conjunction with US President Wilson, would agree to the British declaration of “a national home” for the Jews in then-occupied British Palestine.

This was the same Arthur Belfour who, as Prime Minister of England, had already met with Dr. Weizmann in a London hotel back in 1904 to discuss the Palestine issue. That agreement, known to future generations as the Balfour Declaration, was signed and sealed by Balfour and ostensibly sent in a letter to Lord Rothschild in November of 1917 (although it was actually handed directly to Dr. Weizmann) during the same week that the Bolshevik takeover occurred in the East.

Now was that coincidence or conspiracy Sorcha?

Douglas Reed, the former British war correspondent for the London Times, in his remarkable study of Political Zionism, The Controversy of Zion, had the following precocious observations to make regarding these two apparently coincidental and momentous historic events and the hidden influences that had precipitated their simultaneous occurrence. Writing in 1955 Reed states, “The conclusion cannot be escaped: …From this period in 1916-1917 the decay of parliamentary and representative government can be traced, both in England and America. If secret men [Dr. Weizmann and his Zionist cohorts in the USA and Britain and elsewhere A.T.] could dictate major acts of American state policy and major operations of British armies, then clearly “election” and “responsible office” were terms devoid of meaning. Party distinctions began to fade in both countries, once this hidden, supreme authority was accepted by leading Western politicians, and the American and British electors began to be deprived of all true choice. Today this condition is general, and now is public. Leaders of all parties, before elections, make obeisance to Zionism, and the voter’s selection of president, prime minister or party makes no true difference.

“In November 1917 the American Republic thus became equally involved with Great Britain in Zionism, which has proved to be a destructive force…. In the very week of the Balfour Declaration the other group of Jews in Russia achieved their aim, the destruction of the Russian nation-state. The Western politicians thus bred a bicephalous monster, one head being the power of Zionism in the Western capitals, and the other the power of Communism advancing from captive Russia. Submission to Zionism weakened the power of the West to preserve itself against the world-revolution, for Zionism worked to keep Western governments submissive and to deflect their policies from national interests; indeed, at that instant the cry was first raised that opposition to the world-revolution, too, was “anti-semitism”. Governments hampered by secret capitulations in any one direction cannot act firmly in any other, and the timidity of London and Washington in their dealings with the world-revolution, during the four decades to follow, evidently derived from their initial submission to “the web of intrigue” spun across the Atlantic between 1914 and 1917 [by the Zionists A.T.]

“After 1917, therefore, the question which the remainder of the 20th Century had to answer was whether the West could yet find in itself the strength to break free, or pry its political leaders loose, from this double thrall.”[3]

Back to the present

From the onset of Sorcha’s article there is a very threatening and ominous message being given out to Western Jews. When she states that “the Jewish peoples of the Western World fail to see the rising hatred, like a giant destructive wave, ready to engulf them” she conveys a message couched in a foreboding tone of language. Is it merely that she fears for the blowback when increasing numbers of Westerners finally realize that they’ve been had by the Zionist forces? Or is it something more than just a passing pretense of concern?

Why, for example, state that the “ancestors and prophets” of the Jews of today have condemned them to remain isolated and disconnected forever from the world family and that they are never to experience peace on Earth but only to be “the stone upon which the entire power of this World will be crushed”?

What is such a Sphinx-like forecast supposed to mean? Are we expected, because of it, to assume that the “power of this World” is not therefore Jewish in origin but something else? And if so, then who, pray tell, is wielding all this economic and political influence over nation-states and controlling and disseminating all the destructive, hate-filled propaganda directed at the Nazis and the Arabs that’s carried into our homes and minds every day and night of the week?

Are we to suddenly shift our thinking elsewhere and give credence instead to the Icke reptiles or Makow’s Illuminati or the Freemasons or some of the other shady groups of secondary criminals like the Council on Foreign Relations or the Bilderbergers or the Committee of 300, or just a bad U.S. Administration, et al instead? We’re left to figure that one out on our own it seems.

Consideration given to all that’s been said about who were the initial progenitors of the concentration camps that acted as “slaughter pens” for the millions of Russians and Ukrainians, it makes Faal’s following statement, “…but for the want of true eyes to see they [the Jews A.T.] would begin their exodus from the Western Nations before their fate is taken out of their hands, to be put once more into those who control the concentration camps and slaughter pens being built for them even as these very words are being written” appear all the more incredulous. Just where is Sorcha suggesting that these millions of Jews, now mainly living in the West, flee to? Israel? Russia? England? Tibet? Timbuktu? Again she is silent in that regard as well as in identifying precisely who it is that is supposedly constructing these camps.

Down to the nitty gritty

After reading and rereading Faal’s article and closely examining paragraph after paragraph, nowhere could I find mention of exactly why these poor, maligned souls are forever ending up with the fecal-fouled end of the stick in their hands when it comes to public outcries by Gentiles against the treachery and underlying power of this mendacious, Zionist influence throughout Western civilization. Allow me to cite and comment upon the most blatant examples of what I mean.

Faal writes, “Listen to the cries of these Jewish peoples in the Western World today though: “We are bankers!” “We are diplomats!” “We are owners of industry!” “We are powerful!” “We are artists!” “We are politicians!” “We own newspapers!”

Now what sort of nonsense is this? The opposite is more the reality. Jews in the West have invariably used their vise-like control of the media and their financial clout and associated lobbying influence to hide these supposed “cries” of Sorcha’s from the eyes and ears of the general public. I, for one, have been trying for decades to bring the subject of Jewish power and control of the media to the public’s attention and consistently face vituperation and slander whenever I do so. Is Sorcha actually suggesting that the Zionist Jews react this way because they want people to know of their hidden power? As David Icke would say, “Not bloody likely mate!”

The Jews within the Zionist circle do their utmost to conceal their power from the people. That is the purpose of their organizations like the B’nai B’rith, the Anti-Defamation League, the Simon Wiesenthal Centre and the raison d’etre for their ubiquitous financial control over judiciaries within Western governments, so as to ensure that their “anti-Semitism” and “racism” and “hatred” and alleged “Jewish Holocaust” weapons remain sharp as razors and their purpose as impervious to the light of day as the proverbial Dark Holes of outer space. Just ask Canadian publisher and pacifist Ernst Zundel or British Historian David Irving or Germar Rudolf the Revisionist and others, all of whom are stagnating in Zionist-controlled German prison cells for even thinking contrary to the Zionist Jewish Doctrine, if this isn’t so.

Faal then goes on to bemoan the Western Jews’ apparently perilous predicament and projects puzzlement that somehow they don’t, as she says, “heed our warnings while the time remained for them to escape to freedom from total destruction.” Again, this begs the question, escape to where? To “freedom”? And where on God’s green acre is that place to be found in this day and age?!! Where, outside the ken of Zionist influence, would all these imperiled Jews flee to? Again, only silence.

Next comes a paragraph wherein Sorcha emphatically states, “It would be too simplistic to say that their thoughts are borne of arrogance, but much truer to say that their fate has been manipulated, and in such a way as to be able to show to the World that the only obstacle to World Peace that remains today, and as it has always been said, are the Jewish people.”

Here we enter a labyrinthine world of innuendo and double meaning. First Faal suggests that the Jews’ open “cries” to the world, telling of their power and influence and importance (something false to begin with) must not be misconstrued as simply “arrogance” and that their “fate” is somehow being manipulated by an alien force or power in order to portray them as the one obstacle to world peace so that they ultimately become the prophesied scapegoat when the proverbial shyte hits the fan in the West.

Now what are we to make of that? Are we to again backtrack to square one and begin doubting whether or not the Jews have actually played any role at all in this massive deception? Are we to cast aside centuries of evidence to the contrary and begin anew with the novel idea that this cartel of International Financiers, composed initially of the Jewish Rothschild family and their inner cabal of conniving cohorts, are not to be associated in any way with the lives, the religion, the motivations and the tacit support given by many throughout the Jewish Diaspora globally to the actions of Israel and the present-day Zionist-controlled Western governments? Presumably that is what Sorcha is suggesting.

Then comes more confusion in the following, “What will never be allowed for the Western people to know, however, is that the Jewish people are not now, nor have never been, a single people, but like every race and religion in the World is one driven with internal strife, political alliances and sectarian violence. Such division in fact is there that tens of thousands of Jewish people do not even acknowledge the State of Israel, thousands more in Israel itself continually denounce those less devout then they believe themselves to be – but to these truths the Western World does not want to know, indeed does not care to know.”

In one breath Sorcha tells us that people in the West will “never be allowed” to know that there are Ashkenazi Jews of Eastern European origins who are genetically non-Semitic and make up the vast majority of Jews in the USA, Canada and Great Britain and Europe and that many of them don’t support the Zionist policies of the Israeli State and in a second breath, without explaining who it is that won’t grant us this knowledge, she suddenly exclaims that the Western world doesn’t want or even care to know! Now that is a bit of knavish nonsense if I do say so. First you aren’t allowed to know something and then, because you aren’t privy to it, the assumption is made that you really didn’t want to know in the first place. As my Jewish Mother-in-law would likely have said, “Oy veh, such logic!”

Now we’re dazzled with another presumption contained in her judgment, “There must be no mistake in understanding that the actions of the United States, its Western Allies, and its traitors in Israel, have at their central core of action, and belief, the complete destruction of not only Israel, but also that of the Jewish people as a whole.”

This assertion requires further mental contortions in order to maneuver to some kind of an understanding. Who are the “traitors in Israel”? Are they the leaders of the democratically elected parties who run the Jewish state? Are these very same people who have worked for over a hundred years now to establish this “homeland” for the Jews and who have been slaughtering the Arab population and stealing their lands for just as long, if not longer, now to be seen in a new light? One in which their primary purpose is to destroy not only themselves but all the Jewish people? Again, all this slight of keyboard begs the question: What is Sorcha trying to say?

To complete this ponderous paragraph Faal says that the Western Power’s efforts to support and protect the Jewish peoples are combined somehow (again, never explained) with “constant reporting” of the Jew’s “economic power” and this phenomenon will very soon lead to their destruction. Again, wrapped in enigmatic language and based upon a false assumption Sorcha leaves her Western reader in a further state of puzzlement.

Now I can’t vouch for what the folks in Russia are smoking these days but my own experience in Canada and from all that I can glean from the many US and British websites and blogs where I get much input, the only place that people in the West can access this information concerning the Jew’s influence and economic power is on the net and in the miniscule number of texts still available in a small number of independent bookshops. Try asking in a mainstream media outlet about Jewish spheres of influence and you will be slammed hard with accusations of “anti-Semitic” and “racist” behaviour.

Sorcha seems to be saying that all this disingenuous behaviour on the part of these “fascist” Western governments is destined to end up in destruction of the Jews everywhere and that such policies will never lead to peace, yet for all that it appears to me that this is just more subterfuge on her part designed to introduce complexities of diametrically opposed factors into an equation fraught with irreconcilable faults from the beginning. Surely she should know that the truth about who is pulling the strings of governments around the world is the first requisite for dealing with the effects that these tyrants have had upon the planetary body politic. Had she said that revealing the agenda of the Zionists will ultimately lead to the destruction of their one world government plan then that would hold some meaning but it doesn’t appear to be in keeping with whatever the purpose of this article really is.

Next, in a burst of Ruskie rhetoric, Faal entangles the minds of her Western readers in another knot of confusing opposites by suggesting that our “satanic masters” (again, never named) have brainwashed us so much over the past couple of generations that this instilled hatred for the Jews has now even “carried over into Israel itself” and that we’re seeing these results in the treatment of the present-day Lebanese people.

It boggles my mind upon reading such an inane statement as this that a person of Sorcha’s apparent stature could somehow overlook the degree of violence and racism that has been the very lifeblood of the Zionist State of Israel for the past 58 years and instead of seeing the recent Lebanese War as but a further incremental, planned attack upon the Arab population by the Jewish Zionists, ascribe all that death, suffering, and destruction to the average American’s or Canadian’s brainwashed perspective on the Jews.

Another Sorcha revelation comes with her statement that thousands of U.N. soldiers are pouring into Lebanon, not as she says, “for the protection of Israel against Hezbollah, but rather to begin the protection of the Arab World against Israel”. In other words we are expected to believe that these forces, acting under the auspices of the United Nations, an organization created by the Zionists in the first place in order to disarm and replace the national armies of sovereign states and become the new army of the Zionist’s one world government, are now being sent to the Middle East to act “against” Israel! Now that, dear readers, is unabashed chutzpah of the first degree.

Further conundrums

Carrying the conundrum further she states that, “… in this final chapter of the Great Game, being played out upon the stage of the World, there remains only two options of peace; Either Israel is exterminated or over 1 Billion Muslims have to die - which do YOU think is going to be allowed? Which do you believe will further the interests of those intent upon creating a One World Government?”

Well Sorcha, (now that you’ve asked) first off you present the options in such a confining context that they don’t allow for any reasonable conclusion other than the one you are suggesting; one which is based upon an initial set of erroneous assumptions. Granted the State of Israel has shown by example over the past 60 years that it has no legitimate or moral right to expect the rest of the world to acknowledge and accept it as a bone fide member of the world’s nations but this doesn’t necessarily imply that it must be “exterminated”. Such phraseology reeks of Zionese mind control and “Nazi death camp” propaganda and only adds further doubt as to what your essay’s ultimate intention is. Should it become necessary to remove the Zionist Jews from Palestinian lands the Israel state could be peacefully dismantled just like the Berlin Wall was. Those Israelis who wished to remain in Palestine and live in real peace and harmony with the Arab people would likely be able to continue doing so and those with fervent, Zionist ambitions, imperialist in nature as any exhibited by the US government, could move unimpeded to the United States and Great Britain where they would surely be welcomed with open arms by the millions of Jewish and Christian Zionist brothers and sisters who have supported and encouraged them all along with US/British taxpayer money, monopoly media back up and endless military hardware. Now that is a third option which would avoid your sordid second choice and eliminate the need to murder an additional billion Arab people and in all likelihood save the American taxpayer billions of dollars.

I might also add that from all the signals in the heavens, (Cyberia, in this case) plus those upon solid ground, it appears to me that it is the Zionist Jews who are the actual one world government clique and their intention would obviously be to destroy the Arab goyim for that has always been their traditional modus operandi throughout history and one that also dovetails fully with the religious teachings of their Babylonian Talmud. If you’re unsure of this please reread Deuteronomy and Leviticus and Numbers for a refresher course in Judaic jurisprudence chauvinism and then juxtapose it with the teachings of Jesus Christ’s New Testament. Maybe then you’ll begin to see the reasons for Christ’s murder, its connection to the abominable slaughter of the Tsar and his whole family (including the family pet dog!) and the subsequent Soviet gulag and the ongoing slaughter in the Middle East and eventually even the supreme hoax of the 20th Century – the alleged “Jewish Holocaust” of 6 million. I say maybe Sorcha because I have a lingering and growing suspicion that you might already know this only too well.

Continuing along this confusing maze of dead-end pathways we now come to an assertion of Sorcha’s that one might compare to a Rubic’s Cube of mental imaginings when trying to discover its logic and purpose. Having established that those who are out to control the world (obviously not the Zionist Jews from all that Sorcha is saying) intend to “exterminate” all the stupid, unaware Jews (a contradiction in terms right there from all accounts) Faal then makes a quantum leap of logic and lands with both feet squarely upon the absolutely amazing realization that the “Western Powers”(?) have always had it as their agenda to set up the Arabs as the main component of their New World Order; one stretching from the Atlantic to the Pacific oceans!

Having thus attained the pinnacle in her exasperating efforts to drag her Western readers up the winding goat trail of her confusing logic to the mountain top of reasoned deduction (!) Faal is still not content, even then, to finally sit cross-legged in holy communion with her followers upon the solid rock of her sublime assessment of the world’s (and the Jew’s) existential dilemma. No, that would not be enough for this avatar of cryptography. It therefore is necessary, in order for her esoteric teachings be fully divulged to her sangha of sanguine acolytes, that she rise up even further, transcending the peak into mystical realms of fantasy and myth. She accomplishes this feat of further marvel by introducing the Western reader to those ancient, anti-diluvian “dragons of old who have almost regained their former strength, have rediscovered their old technologies, and are once again prepared to stand astride our Earth with all humanity once again their slaves as in the days of old.”

Aye, now there is the final rub; the grand finale to a thesis that begins with Tolstoy and ends with the tacit affirmation that it is the Tarot and the dragons of old who are to blame for our current global crisis and not the undeniable presence of the Zionist Jewish Financial elite and their Talmudic teachings which we witness being expressed through their omnipresent political machinations in both the East and the West.

And if that’s not enough for her Western readers to grog in one reading let us further console ourselves in the knowledge, based upon Faal’s primal certainty that these reptilian regents of old are lost souls divorced by rebellion from any spiritual connection with God, that “we” (who presumably recognize and understand all that we’ve been told by Sorcha) will be the ones eventually saved from eternal damnation and endless suffering. By whom she doesn’t say.

Sorcha’s concluding two paragraphs complete her efforts to convince her Western readers that it is not the Zionist Jewish Financial elite who are responsible for our sorrows but good old Lucifer himself (just like it wasn’t the Zionist Jews but the Nazis who wreaked the most havoc upon humanity) and that it will be Satan who will make “the Jewish peoples of the Western World” to “suffer first” although they may take some consolation in the fact that they won’t be the last (again a subtle reminder of Dr. Niemoeller’s famous quote referring to the Nazis). Following upon their attack will come a similar one on the rest of the Western goyim who have brought it all upon themselves by falsely accusing the Jews of complicity in all the tribulations that the world is presently experiencing.

What is so absurd about this grim prediction of an impending universal pogrom destined to overtake the Jews and the Gentiles of the West is the unabashed assertion that the Jews will “suffer first”. The assumption of course being that no one else has or is currently suffering in this Western world of sorrows except the downtrodden Jews who forever bear the burden of racist affliction imposed upon them by the ignorant, willful and envious Gentile races of goyim who are controlled by Satanic forces.

Faal’s fatalism, as expressed in her prophetic words, “as the Western peoples acceptance of the annihilation of Jewish peoples begin, they also will surely not be far behind in their own suffering and death” reveals a mind obsessed with some deep, subliminal fear of perishing at the hands of “Satanic forces” in the not too distant future. And for those of her Western readers who have taken to heart her Earth-shattering prognosis for both Jews and Gentiles (those, that is, who presumable survive the impending pogroms ahead) there will grow a “greater understanding” and a “hope” of a “greater triumph to come” once they have broken free of old Lucifer’s mighty minions who are about to take over the world.

Now what is interesting in this final fit of franticness is the simultaneous notion of Satan as portrayed in the New Testament teachings of Jesus Christ. In Matthew, Jesus refers to the Pharisees (the precursors of the present-day Talmudic Zionist Jews) as a bunch of deceitful, hypocritical, self-righteous and iniquitous vipers and in Revelations asserts they are of the “synagogue of Satan”. This is therefore most curious given all what Faal has stated.

Conclusion and challenge

Having scouted the tangled terrain of Sorcha Faal’s article and made copious field notes I returned to camp to analyze my findings and observations.

Most perplexing of all was the fact that throughout the whole reconnaissance mission I had been unable to discover any direct references to the enemy at hand. Nowhere throughout Faal’s 1300 word forecast did I find a single instance where she equates the problems of today’s political and social upheavals to the Zionist Jewish Financial cartel and its innumerable, subordinate offspring appearing as the various children “of hell” that the Christian New Testament speaks of. That, of course, I found rather disconcerting. And it prompted the further question: Why?

In summary there are a number of points which require stating and address:

1. The Zionists have created over the past century a fortress of lies; a tower of deception that literally reaches to the skies in some of its more overt enterprises and one on par with the Biblical Tower of Babylon which, by today’s standards is all-encompassed in what I often refer to as the M3 or the Mainstream Mind-control Media.

2. The Zionist control of global politics, evident since the Rothschild era and the beginnings of the Central Banking system and the usurious practice brought on by Fractional Reserve banking has ensured that all the major players upon the world’s stage are in one way or another indentured to and influenced by their financial power.

For people to rant on about Capitalism versus Communism or Socialism or visa versa is therefore simplistic and fruitless and a diversionary tactic designed purposely by the cartel. Zionist control of trans-national corporations has produced a worldwide crisis wherein the Earth is under constant siege by these predatory entities disguised as “legal” “persons” to the point where all biological life forms are now in imminent danger of extinction. That factor, combined with the new initiatives of the imperialist nations and the military industrial complex which threaten to further pollute the planet with increasing levels of deadly toxic depleted uranium have placed the world in a clear and present danger of a real holocaust of global proportions and a genocide affecting humanity that is all-inclusive and ever-present.

3. Thus considered, had the Western democracies at the turn of the 20th Century not already been taken over by Zionist Jewish financial interests and had they realized the danger that Political Zionism posed to the world after the Revolution of 1917, they, and the world at large, would have been better off in the long-run to have collectively joined forces with Germany in the 1930s to defeat the Bolshevik Zionist Jewish empire before it had the opportunity to spread its negative influence throughout Europe, Asia and China.

4. Here in the West, those who have overcome, through willed determination and self-education, the fear and guilt instilled in them from years of mind-controlling propaganda fully realize that their nations are presently under the iron heel of the Zionist Jewish Financiers. They recognize that their major political parties, their corporations, their public and private media, their institutions, their culture itself including even some of their churches, are all in the hands of the Zionists. For those in the know therefore Zionist control is a fait accompli. It’s not something to fear as a possibility any longer for it is beyond that stage of growth. It is here now and it is working upon the “free” nations of the world to ensnare and destroy all that we cherish as our individual right as free and sovereign human beings and to control all of our daily lives through subterfuge, mind-control and relentless economic pressure.


But what about the East Sorcha? What of Russia since the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics crumbled into chaotic disarray? Are we to believe what you intimate throughout your article? Shall we blindly accept that that just because the Soviet Communist system collapsed the Zionist Jewish cartel who originally created it suddenly disappeared along with it? Poof! and they are gone?

I have a strong, abiding belief that the new Russia, like every other nation in the West, is still firmly controlled by the Zionist Jews. They have only shape-shifted into yet another external form; a new façade of the same regime but I’m convinced, based upon all the variants that we see globally, that they are still there lurking behind the new faces and the new puppets and the new champions of whatever ideological perspective they choose to project unto the West. And if this is not so Sorcha then you owe it to all your readers in both the West and the East to prove it and to explain exactly how you were able to rid your nation of this parasitic entity that has caused the world untold grief and misery for centuries.

This is my challenge to you, as one of your Western readers. If you in fact possess the Holy Grail of political and economic freedom and hold the keys to peace and political and economic security for the world’s haggard and oppressed billions, then I think it is incumbent upon you to share that wisdom and knowledge with the rest of the world.

In a more recent article still of yours I note that you refer to Westerners as “idiots” and Western Nations as “perverse”.

It is for these reasons and from all your comments I am forced to challenge you to prove to your Western and Eastern readership that Russia is not as firmly in the grip of the Zionist Jews as the rest of the West. Explain to us how your money is created and whether or not there are major Jewish banking institutions working throughout your nation. Tell us who owns or controls your famous Pravda (Truth) newspaper. Is it now out of the hands of the Zionist Jews who created it and used it to convince the West that Communism was the answer to the world’s economic and social problems? Yes, we know that your own people never believed the lies. I could say the same for the lies that the Western Zionist media tells us. Can you convince your Western readers that the Kremlin is no longer filled with the usual assortment of Dymshits who, like their Western counterparts, inevitably fall prey to the Zionist Jewish lobbyists? And what about your major television stations Sorcha? Who owns them and collects the advertising dollars? True-blue Slavic Russians? And your radio stations and your book and magazine publishers? Are they Russian to the core or are they too held in trust by the Zionist Jewish Financiers? We’re all ears over here in the West and we wait with baited breath for you to publish clear and concise answers to all the questions which I have posed to you.

Based upon all that I have read, both on and between the lines of your article, I find that your work reveals a very narrow choice of options and conclusions. Either you are ignorant of the ways of the world and the workings of the Zionist Jewish criminal syndicate that now runs it or else you are, in some capacity, working for them to dissuade, confuse and assist, like an agent provocateur, in the breakdown of our Western culture and institutions to the benefit of the Zionist agenda.

I truly hope that is not the case and leave it up to you to respond and persuade your Western readers otherwise.


© Arthur Topham & The Radical Press. In the interests of global peace, justice and security this article is given freely to all to copy and post as they see fit. Please credit the author.

Arthur Topham can be contacted at:


[1] Page 274, Controversy of Zion, Douglas Reed.

[2] All the list of Jewish Bolshevik Communists listed below come from the Michael A. Hoffman II’s article, The Documentary Record, P.O. Box 849, Coeur d’Alene, Idaho 83816 U.S.A.

[3] Page 270-71, Controversy of Zion, Douglas Reed.

This entry was posted on Sunday, September 17th, 2006 at 10:42 pm and is filed under Editor's Zone, Political Zionism. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
One Response to “Light Bringer or Faallen Angel? Sorcha Faal, the Jews, the Nazis, the West and the Zionist Challenge”

1. » Blog Archive » Light Bringer or Faallen Angel? Sorcha Faal, the Jews, the Nazis, the West and the Zionist Challenge Says:
September 17th, 2006 at 11:02 pm


Sorcha Faal: Promoting Fear & Anxiety, A True Servant of the Illuminati (Jan. 7, 2006)

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