The Freedom of Knowledge, The Power of Thought ©

Tokyo's Daily Radiation Readings Underscore the Fallacy of the Fukushima Radiation Hysteria

From Ken Adachi, Editor
December 3, 2012

Tokyo's Daily Radiation Readings Underscore the Fallacy of the Fukushima Radiation Hysteria (Dec. 4, 2012)

Update Sept. 20, 2013
Tokyo's Daily Radiation Readings NOW Equivalent to Background Radiation Levels BEFORE March 11, 2011, Underscorinmg the Big Lie of Fukushima Radiation Hysteria (Sept. 21, 2013)

There are eight radiation detection stations evenly spread around Tokyo prefecture. Each monitoring station reports the hourly minimum, maximum, and average reading in micro Grays per hour (or micro Sieverts. uSv). This chart shows you the summary daily readings for Toyko from March 1, 2011 through December 2, 2012. The Japan attack occured on March 11, 2011. You will notice from the chart that the radiation levels in Tokyo didn't show an uptick in readings until March 15, 2011 when the average reading went from 0.0341 uGy/h to 0.109 uGy/h. They then dropped somewhat for a week and rose again above 0.100 uGy/h for a period of exactly ONE week from March 23 through March 31, 2011. This ONE week period represents the HIGHEST radiation readings that have been recorded in Tokyo since the sabotage events orchestrated at the Daiichi Nuclear power station took place on March 11 and 12 of 2011. You will notice from March 31, 2011 until December 2, 2012 that the radiation readings have steadily and consistently fallen back towards the pre-attack radiation background levels.

There is nothing even remotely dangerous or worrying about these radiation readings. They are well below the average daily radiation background readings at many populated areas of this planet. The Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Public Health added all of the daily readings from the date of the attack until roughly one year later and concluded that Tokyo residents would have experienced no more than 24 micro Sieverts of radiation. Compare that to the normal 400 micro Sieverts per year that people experience in Japan from radon gas exposure.

It's important to note that Tokyo is 124 miles from the Daiichi Nuclear Power station in Fukushima prefecture, while Los Angeles is 5,541 miles from Tokyo. If "tons" of plutonium had been spewed into the air from the Daiichi power station, as some Japan radiation hysteria promoters (Steven Jones, have wildly claimed, then you would have seen a HUGE and unprecedented uptick in Tokyo readings BEFORE such radition could ever traverse the entire Pacific Ocean and show up on the west coast of America.

Anyone can look at the radiation monitoring data in all of Japan, and in Fukushima prefecture especially, and see that the hysteria and angst generated by Japan radiation promoters on or, or any of the dozens of blogs who mirror the Japan radiation psyops, is all out of proportion to the actual radiation exposure experienced by Japanese residents in northern Japan. I can't tell you how infuriating it is to hear repeatedly from Japan radiation propagandists like Leuren Moret or commenters on internet blogs how northern Japan will forever be "unhabitable" due to the "deadly radiation" (that never was).

The Fukushima radiation psyops is one of the greatest frauds to be perpetrated in modern times. It astounds me how many people simply acquiese and accept the dire pronouncements of radiation promoters as fact, when just a little bit of checking and verification will show you the extreme level of exaggeration and confabulation being employed.

Ken Adachi

Related (Tokyo daily radiation chart posted below these links)

Fukushima Hoax: Reader Wears Radiation Badge During Vacation Trip from Florida-Seattle-Juneau, Alaska With No Indication of Abnormal Background Radiation Levels (July 8, 2012)

Letter: Fukushima Psyops Crystalizes NWO Goal to Eliminate Nuclear Energy (May 31, 2012)

Fukushima Radiation Fear Mongering: An Orchestrated Scare Campaign Exceeding the Fraud of 9/11 (May 22, 2012)

The Coming Extinction of the Japanese People and the End of Life on This Earth as We Know It (and Not Necessarily In That Order!) May 22, 2012

Overcoming the Japan Radiation Propaganda 'Tsunami' Is An Uphill Battle (May 2, 2012)

Question & Commentary From Steve Campbell on the Japan Radiation Psyops (April 30, 2012)

Dutchsinse Now Recognizes Japan Radiation Psyops (Announced at E-Y on March 14, 2011) June 14, 2011

Death by Radiation Psyops, Part 2 (May 29, 2011)

Death by Radiation: Coming Soon to a Neighborhood Near You, Part 1(May 28, 2011)

ZS Livingstone & Don Nicoloff Dismantle the Japan "Radiation" Apprehension Psyops April 14, 2011 on BBS Radio

Ben Fulford Debunks the 'Deadly Radiation" Psychological Media Campaign Currently Underway (Apr, 14, 2011)

Fukushima Meets Pollyanna (Why I Believe In Santa Claus ... And You Should, Too) by Dick Eastman (April 13 2011)

There Is No Meltdown at Daiichi! by ZS Livingstone (April 10, 2011)

"Did You Think?" (Japan Radiation Alarmism) April 7, 2011

Radio Transcript, Mar. 31, 2011: Don Nicoloff, Ken Adachi, & ZS Livingstone~Japan's Engineered Disasters, Part 3 (April 7, 2011)

Japan Radiation Hype: Those Who Pump It & Those Who Believe It (April 6, 2011)

Radiation Monitors Concerns NWO Sellout Barbara Boxer. Wonder Why? (March 26, 2011)

Fear of Radiation is a Psi-Op by ZS Livingstone (March 23, 2011)

Japan Radiation Scare Hugely Overblown by Western Media (Mar. 19, 2011)

Japan's Nuclear Reactor Hydrogen Explosions by ZS Livingstone (March 14, 2011)


TOP > 都内の環境放射線測定結果 > 1日単位の測定結果

◆ 都内の環境放射線量調査
(Environmental radiation levels in Tokyo / day)

(The chart seen below is available from the above link.
This chart is updated EVERY day since March 1 of 2011. This chart is a summary of the radiation readings from EIGHT different radiation monitoring stations evenly distributed around Tokyo. As can be seen from the chart, the background radiation levels in Tokyo have been CONSISTENTLY and STEADILY dropping back towards Pre-3/11 levels from the ONE week elevated period of March 23 through March 31, 2011. Judging from the RATE of decline, the background radiation readings in Tokyo should match the pre-3/11 background readings by mid to late Summer of 2013. ..Ken Adachi)

  線量率(dose rate)
(マイクログレイ/時間)(microgray per hour)
(Measurement date)
2012-12-02 0.0545 0.0410 0.0463
2012-12-01 0.0555 0.0424 0.0473
2012-11-30 0.0524 0.0426 0.0472
2012-11-29 0.0583 0.0430 0.0480
2012-11-28 0.0526 0.0412 0.0465
2012-11-27 0.0518 0.0413 0.0464
2012-11-26 0.0608 0.0420 0.0490
2012-11-25 0.0501 0.0418 0.0462
2012-11-24 0.0531 0.0412 0.0465
2012-11-23 0.0592 0.0425 0.0482
2012-11-22 0.0533 0.0416 0.0471
2012-11-21 0.0516 0.0418 0.0464
2012-11-20 0.0537 0.0418 0.0470
2012-11-19 0.0531 0.0415 0.0464
2012-11-18 0.0517 0.0411 0.0464
2012-11-17 0.0678 0.0427 0.0501
2012-11-16 0.0504 0.0408 0.0460
2012-11-15 0.0527 0.0421 0.0471
2012-11-14 0.0510 0.0416 0.0466
2012-11-13 0.0541 0.0415 0.0469
2012-11-12 0.0532 0.0414 0.0466
2012-11-11 0.0553 0.0418 0.0476
2012-11-10 0.0507 0.0418 0.0461
2012-11-09 0.0514 0.0405 0.0466
2012-11-08 0.0520 0.0414 0.0472
2012-11-07 0.0524 0.0421 0.0470
2012-11-06 0.0595 0.0415 0.0492
2012-11-05 0.0524 0.0426 0.0475
2012-11-04 0.0513 0.0416 0.0464
2012-11-03 0.0515 0.0420 0.0465
2012-11-02 0.0524 0.0421 0.0468
2012-11-01 0.0523 0.0426 0.0475
2012-10-31 0.0537 0.0430 0.0474
2012-10-30 0.0538 0.0419 0.0473
2012-10-29 0.0638 0.0423 0.0484
2012-10-28 0.0604 0.0414 0.0489
2012-10-27 0.0527 0.0422 0.0469
2012-10-26 0.0526 0.0421 0.0470
2012-10-25 0.0523 0.0422 0.0468
2012-10-24 0.0516 0.0411 0.0464
2012-10-23 0.0691 0.0420 0.0487
2012-10-22 0.0530 0.0421 0.0472
2012-10-21 0.0541 0.0424 0.0472
2012-10-20 0.0529 0.0410 0.0468
2012-10-19 0.0609 0.0424 0.0484
2012-10-18 0.0579 0.0425 0.0488
2012-10-17 0.0554 0.0427 0.0481
2012-10-16 0.0522 0.0413 0.0469
2012-10-15 0.0534 0.0430 0.0473
2012-10-14 0.0524 0.0422 0.0476
2012-10-13 0.0521 0.0420 0.0469
2012-10-12 0.0517 0.0413 0.0468
2012-10-11 0.0509 0.0412 0.0464
2012-10-10 0.0521 0.0424 0.0465
2012-10-09 0.0523 0.0419 0.0467
2012-10-08 0.0529 0.0424 0.0467
2012-10-07 0.0563 0.0426 0.0482
2012-10-06 0.0541 0.0424 0.0470
2012-10-05 0.0515 0.0415 0.0466
2012-10-04 0.0684 0.0411 0.0479
2012-10-03 0.0567 0.0411 0.0482
2012-10-02 0.0520 0.0426 0.0469
2012-10-01 0.0517 0.0414 0.0470
2012-09-30 0.0535 0.0423 0.0475
2012-09-29 0.0530 0.0432 0.0474
2012-09-28 0.0525 0.0422 0.0467
2012-09-27 0.0534 0.0417 0.0466
2012-09-26 0.0519 0.0423 0.0468
2012-09-25 0.0585 0.0408 0.0475
2012-09-24 0.0559 0.0419 0.0474
2012-09-23 0.0605 0.0457 0.0530
2012-09-22 0.0559 0.0422 0.0474
2012-09-21 0.0534 0.0425 0.0476
2012-09-20 0.0522 0.0424 0.0472
2012-09-19 0.0515 0.0416 0.0463
2012-09-18 0.0515 0.0424 0.0464
2012-09-17 0.0509 0.0409 0.0463
2012-09-16 0.0517 0.0413 0.0467
2012-09-15 0.0522 0.0413 0.0467
2012-09-14 0.0529 0.0424 0.0471
2012-09-13 0.0524 0.0428 0.0473
2012-09-12 0.0529 0.0425 0.0471
2012-09-11 0.0517 0.0417 0.0466
2012-09-10 0.0519 0.0419 0.0465
2012-09-09 0.0521 0.0415 0.0465
2012-09-08 0.0608 0.0416 0.0475
2012-09-07 0.0533 0.0430 0.0480
2012-09-06 0.0583 0.0438 0.0492
2012-09-05 0.0534 0.0434 0.0484
2012-09-04 0.0528 0.0428 0.0480
2012-09-03 0.0531 0.0426 0.0480
2012-09-02 0.0529 0.0427 0.0480
2012-09-01 0.0523 0.0431 0.0479
2012-08-31 0.0533 0.0429 0.0479
2012-08-30 0.0545 0.0428 0.0484
2012-08-29 0.0539 0.0432 0.0481
2012-08-28 0.0526 0.0432 0.0480
2012-08-27 0.0537 0.0426 0.0481
2012-08-26 0.0529 0.0427 0.0479
2012-08-25 0.0533 0.0429 0.0479
2012-08-24 0.0540 0.0428 0.0480
2012-08-23 0.0525 0.0434 0.0479
2012-08-22 0.0529 0.0434 0.0478
2012-08-21 0.0533 0.0436 0.0480
2012-08-20 0.0543 0.0431 0.0479
2012-08-19 0.0532 0.0431 0.0479
2012-08-18 0.0546 0.0428 0.0484
2012-08-17 0.0526 0.0432 0.0484
2012-08-16 0.0528 0.0429 0.0480
2012-08-15 0.0526 0.0426 0.0482
2012-08-14 0.0562 0.0430 0.0488
2012-08-13 0.0540 0.0435 0.0483
2012-08-12 0.0540 0.0433 0.0484
2012-08-11 0.0537 0.0423 0.0483
2012-08-10 0.0537 0.0435 0.0483
2012-08-09 0.0561 0.0423 0.0484
2012-08-08 0.0532 0.0431 0.0483
2012-08-07 0.0568 0.0435 0.0488
2012-08-06 0.0526 0.0414 0.0481
2012-08-05 0.0529 0.0429 0.0479
2012-08-04 0.0531 0.0433 0.0478
2012-08-03 0.0534 0.0433 0.0480
2012-08-02 0.0536 0.0431 0.0480
2012-08-01 0.0541 0.0419 0.0482
2012-07-31 0.0536 0.0430 0.0479
2012-07-30 0.0526 0.0433 0.0480
2012-07-29 0.0538 0.0433 0.0483
2012-07-28 0.0537 0.0437 0.0484
2012-07-27 0.0557 0.0440 0.0490
2012-07-26 0.0556 0.0444 0.0495
2012-07-25 0.0545 0.0440 0.0491
2012-07-24 0.0532 0.0432 0.0483
2012-07-23 0.0527 0.0417 0.0480
2012-07-22 0.0525 0.0431 0.0477
2012-07-21 0.0567 0.0423 0.0484
2012-07-20 0.0539 0.0432 0.0480
2012-07-19 0.0552 0.0441 0.0485
2012-07-18 0.0559 0.0421 0.0485
2012-07-17 0.0526 0.0430 0.0480
2012-07-16 0.0529 0.0436 0.0478
2012-07-15 0.0534 0.0428 0.0479
2012-07-14 0.0626 0.0435 0.0502
2012-07-13 0.0616 0.0435 0.0495
2012-07-12 0.0633 0.0435 0.0490
2012-07-11 0.0535 0.0431 0.0483
2012-07-10 0.0535 0.0435 0.0483
2012-07-09 0.0532 0.0436 0.0481
2012-07-08 0.0594 0.0432 0.0497
2012-07-07 0.0653 0.0452 0.0514
2012-07-06 0.0658 0.0447 0.0506
2012-07-05 0.0546 0.0442 0.0491
2012-07-04 0.0546 0.0432 0.0490
2012-07-03 0.0575 0.0435 0.0493
2012-07-02 0.0542 0.0441 0.0485
2012-07-01 0.0564 0.0427 0.0491
2012-06-30 0.0526 0.0428 0.0482
2012-06-29 0.0535 0.0434 0.0482
2012-06-28 0.0532 0.0431 0.0482
2012-06-27 0.0529 0.0433 0.0480
2012-06-26 0.0531 0.0431 0.0480
2012-06-25 0.0534 0.0417 0.0478
2012-06-24 0.0536 0.0433 0.0484
2012-06-23 0.0544 0.0438 0.0485
2012-06-22 0.0587 0.0438 0.0497
2012-06-21 0.0542 0.0442 0.0485
2012-06-20 0.0543 0.0434 0.0488
2012-06-19 0.0562 0.0445 0.0491
2012-06-18 0.0548 0.0440 0.0489
2012-06-17 0.0550 0.0439 0.0490
2012-06-16 0.0540 0.0421 0.0487
2012-06-15 0.0531 0.0437 0.0482
2012-06-14 0.0540 0.0435 0.0482
2012-06-13 0.0542 0.0432 0.0484
2012-06-12 0.0581 0.0439 0.0499
2012-06-11 0.0534 0.0435 0.0486
2012-06-10 0.0539 0.0440 0.0486
2012-06-09 0.0591 0.0433 0.0505
2012-06-08 0.0549 0.0436 0.0489
2012-06-07 0.0543 0.0442 0.0484
2012-06-06 0.0563 0.0437 0.0492
2012-06-05 0.0540 0.0425 0.0483
2012-06-04 0.0539 0.0442 0.0487
2012-06-03 0.0534 0.0431 0.0486
2012-06-02 0.0546 0.0442 0.0492
2012-06-01 0.0577 0.0438 0.0493
2012-05-31 0.0536 0.0440 0.0487
2012-05-30 0.0551 0.0443 0.0490
2012-05-29 0.0537 0.0437 0.0487
2012-05-28 0.0609 0.0445 0.0495
2012-05-27 0.0534 0.0440 0.0491
2012-05-26 0.0545 0.0455 0.0492
2012-05-25 0.0594 0.0451 0.0499
2012-05-24 0.0547 0.0438 0.0489
2012-05-23 0.0539 0.0444 0.0485
2012-05-22 0.0612 0.0446 0.0511
2012-05-21 0.0556 0.0433 0.0490
2012-05-20 0.0552 0.0438 0.0490
2012-05-19 0.0541 0.0445 0.0490
2012-05-18 0.0597 0.0437 0.0501
2012-05-17 0.0548 0.0434 0.0495
2012-05-16 0.0541 0.0440 0.0492
2012-05-15 0.0572 0.0438 0.0501
2012-05-14 0.0535 0.0436 0.0491
2012-05-13 0.0549 0.0443 0.0487
2012-05-12 0.0537 0.0439 0.0487
2012-05-11 0.0539 0.0443 0.0488
2012-05-10 0.0609 0.0447 0.0501
2012-05-09 0.0647 0.0447 0.0505
2012-05-08 0.0546 0.0444 0.0493
2012-05-07 0.0536 0.0446 0.0492
2012-05-06 0.0569 0.0452 0.0497
2012-05-05 0.0546 0.0444 0.0492
2012-05-04 0.0654 0.0453 0.0513
2012-05-03 0.0749 0.0454 0.0562
2012-05-02 0.0569 0.0443 0.0501
2012-05-01 0.0533 0.0441 0.0488
2012-04-30 0.0536 0.0439 0.0490
2012-04-29 0.0559 0.0450 0.0496
2012-04-28 0.0551 0.0441 0.0496
2012-04-27 0.0588 0.0466 0.0523
2012-04-26 0.0554 0.0450 0.0500
2012-04-25 0.0548 0.0450 0.0494
2012-04-24 0.0547 0.0446 0.0496
2012-04-23 0.0580 0.0441 0.0502
2012-04-22 0.0570 0.0451 0.0494
2012-04-21 0.0552 0.0443 0.0486
2012-04-20 0.0535 0.0442 0.0487
2012-04-19 0.0542 0.0438 0.0488
2012-04-18 0.0542 0.0446 0.0492
2012-04-17 0.0585 0.0448 0.0499
2012-04-16 0.0551 0.0440 0.0491
2012-04-15 0.0541 0.0446 0.0493
2012-04-14 0.0648 0.0462 0.0550
2012-04-13 0.0600 0.0456 0.0504
2012-04-12 0.0545 0.0450 0.0497
2012-04-11 0.0571 0.0450 0.0503
2012-04-10 0.0553 0.0444 0.0497
2012-04-09 0.0544 0.0445 0.0498
2012-04-08 0.0545 0.0444 0.0496
2012-04-07 0.0545 0.0445 0.0496
2012-04-06 0.0601 0.0443 0.0505
2012-04-05 0.0557 0.0450 0.0499
2012-04-04 0.0557 0.0440 0.0497
2012-04-03 0.0654 0.0448 0.0514
2012-04-02 0.0544 0.0447 0.0497
2012-04-01 0.0551 0.0450 0.0496
2012-03-31 0.0625 0.0447 0.0510
2012-03-30 0.0549 0.0446 0.0498
2012-03-29 0.0548 0.0449 0.0498
2012-03-28 0.0609 0.0462 0.0506
2012-03-27 0.0608 0.0456 0.0501
2012-03-26 0.0564 0.0452 0.0501
2012-03-25 0.0561 0.0456 0.0502
2012-03-24 0.0620 0.0448 0.0516
2012-03-23 0.0635 0.0443 0.0525
2012-03-22 0.0554 0.0455 0.0504
2012-03-21 0.0546 0.0446 0.0496
2012-03-20 0.0555 0.0444 0.0498
2012-03-19 0.0551 0.0440 0.0495
2012-03-18 0.0565 0.0440 0.0505
2012-03-17 0.0610 0.0456 0.0523
2012-03-16 0.0555 0.0451 0.0500
2012-03-15 0.0565 0.0450 0.0502
2012-03-14 0.0547 0.0451 0.0500
2012-03-13 0.0557 0.0454 0.0500
2012-03-12 0.0560 0.0450 0.0503
2012-03-11 0.0549 0.0447 0.0497
2012-03-10 0.0654 0.0450 0.0535
2012-03-09 0.0637 0.0470 0.0560
2012-03-08 0.0560 0.0454 0.0503
2012-03-07 0.0571 0.0453 0.0504
2012-03-06 0.0583 0.0457 0.0509
2012-03-05 0.0666 0.0463 0.0552
2012-03-04 0.0555 0.0458 0.0503
2012-03-03 0.0567 0.0456 0.0506
2012-03-02 0.0598 0.0463 0.0522
2012-03-01 0.0557 0.0435 0.0497
2012-02-29 0.0594 0.0421 0.0503
2012-02-28 0.0561 0.0444 0.0500
2012-02-27 0.0576 0.0459 0.0505
2012-02-26 0.0545 0.0455 0.0502
2012-02-25 0.0649 0.0458 0.0533
2012-02-24 0.0563 0.0453 0.0504
2012-02-23 0.0621 0.0457 0.0530
2012-02-22 0.0555 0.0456 0.0503
2012-02-21 0.0555 0.0456 0.0509
2012-02-20 0.0576 0.0460 0.0508
2012-02-19 0.0563 0.0459 0.0503
2012-02-18 0.0597 0.0450 0.0507
2012-02-17 0.0654 0.0460 0.0523
2012-02-16 0.0570 0.0452 0.0507
2012-02-15 0.0569 0.0465 0.0512
2012-02-14 0.0628 0.0461 0.0529
2012-02-13 0.0555 0.0442 0.0504
2012-02-12 0.0557 0.0459 0.0506
2012-02-11 0.0551 0.0460 0.0506
2012-02-10 0.0570 0.0456 0.0508
2012-02-09 0.0555 0.0456 0.0505
2012-02-08 0.0592 0.0452 0.0515
2012-02-07 0.0647 0.0473 0.0543
2012-02-06 0.0606 0.0468 0.0522
2012-02-05 0.0560 0.0466 0.0507
2012-02-04 0.0591 0.0451 0.0515
2012-02-03 0.0575 0.0457 0.0513
2012-02-02 0.0571 0.0464 0.0512
2012-02-01 0.0561 0.0463 0.0510
2012-01-31 0.0574 0.0452 0.0512
2012-01-30 0.0561 0.0463 0.0508
2012-01-29 0.0565 0.0457 0.0507
2012-01-28 0.0570 0.0464 0.0510
2012-01-27 0.0563 0.0464 0.0513
2012-01-26 0.0565 0.0454 0.0510
2012-01-25 0.0573 0.0465 0.0510
2012-01-24 0.0843 0.0450 0.0506
2012-01-23 0.0926 0.0474 0.0599
2012-01-22 0.0581 0.0464 0.0511
2012-01-21 0.0589 0.0461 0.0520
2012-01-20 0.0583 0.0462 0.0528
2012-01-19 0.0576 0.0467 0.0519
2012-01-18 0.0548 0.0480 0.0515
2012-01-17 0.0550 0.0475 0.0510
2012-01-16 0.0548 0.0481 0.0514
2012-01-15 0.0558 0.0483 0.0519
2012-01-14 0.0555 0.0485 0.0517
2012-01-13 0.0566 0.0486 0.0524
2012-01-12 0.0550 0.0478 0.0516
2012-01-11 0.0572 0.0488 0.0529
2012-01-10 0.0574 0.0489 0.0525
2012-01-09 0.0560 0.0484 0.0523
2012-01-08 0.0557 0.0482 0.0519
2012-01-07 0.0564 0.0486 0.0521
2012-01-06 0.0558 0.0489 0.0522
2012-01-05 0.0572 0.0478 0.0523
2012-01-04 0.0576 0.0483 0.0529
2012-01-03 0.0559 0.0482 0.0523
2012-01-02 0.0578 0.0493 0.0532
2012-01-01 0.0565 0.0490 0.0528
2011-12-31 0.0558 0.0482 0.0522
2011-12-30 0.0569 0.0486 0.0525
2011-12-29 0.0559 0.0491 0.0527
2011-12-28 0.0552 0.0484 0.0519
2011-12-27 0.0559 0.0478 0.0522
2011-12-26 0.0565 0.0491 0.0526
2011-12-25 0.0564 0.0486 0.0529
2011-12-24 0.0570 0.0487 0.0527
2011-12-23 0.0571 0.0493 0.0528
2011-12-22 0.0581 0.0500 0.0538
2011-12-21 0.0569 0.0494 0.0532
2011-12-20 0.0558 0.0489 0.0527
2011-12-19 0.0635 0.0493 0.0529
2011-12-18 0.0567 0.0492 0.0529
2011-12-17 0.0567 0.0489 0.0526
2011-12-16 0.0570 0.0492 0.0529
2011-12-15 0.0578 0.0496 0.0532
2011-12-14 0.0605 0.0494 0.0535
2011-12-13 0.0567 0.0496 0.0528
2011-12-12 0.0568 0.0492 0.0530
2011-12-11 0.0573 0.0492 0.0530
2011-12-10 0.0567 0.0492 0.0527
2011-12-09 0.0690 0.0492 0.0555
2011-12-08 0.0649 0.0500 0.0550
2011-12-07 0.0566 0.0485 0.0527
2011-12-06 0.0631 0.0485 0.0536
2011-12-05 0.0566 0.0491 0.0528
2011-12-04 0.0565 0.0488 0.0524
2011-12-03 0.0660 0.0486 0.0562
2011-12-02 0.0603 0.0490 0.0538
2011-12-01 0.0635 0.0499 0.0559
2011-11-30 0.0585 0.0496 0.0539
2011-11-29 0.0584 0.0508 0.0546
2011-11-28 0.0583 0.0507 0.0544
2011-11-27 0.0578 0.0502 0.0536
2011-11-26 0.0568 0.0489 0.0526
2011-11-25 0.0565 0.0493 0.0528
2011-11-24 0.0576 0.0491 0.0534
2011-11-23 0.0576 0.0500 0.0534
2011-11-22 0.0586 0.0489 0.0533
2011-11-21 0.0592 0.0508 0.0546
2011-11-20 0.0590 0.0513 0.0552
2011-11-19 0.0646 0.0514 0.0577
2011-11-18 0.0589 0.0507 0.0548
2011-11-17 0.0589 0.0501 0.0544
2011-11-16 0.0577 0.0506 0.0543
2011-11-15 0.0648 0.0496 0.0551
2011-11-14 0.0663 0.0514 0.0560
2011-11-13 0.0590 0.0515 0.0547
2011-11-12 0.0584 0.0509 0.0546
2011-11-11 0.0646 0.0509 0.0576
2011-11-10 0.0599 0.0516 0.0550
2011-11-09 0.0584 0.0500 0.0546
2011-11-08 0.0609 0.0509 0.0549
2011-11-07 0.0600 0.0512 0.0550
2011-11-06 0.0617 0.0524 0.0565
2011-11-05 0.0593 0.0517 0.0556
2011-11-04 0.0605 0.0513 0.0556
2011-11-03 0.0596 0.0525 0.0559
2011-11-02 0.0593 0.0512 0.0549
2011-11-01 0.0584 0.0509 0.0547
2011-10-31 0.0598 0.0513 0.0554
2011-10-30 0.0592 0.0510 0.0552
2011-10-29 0.0593 0.0509 0.0551
2011-10-28 0.0602 0.0508 0.0549
2011-10-27 0.0586 0.0507 0.0547
2011-10-26 0.0583 0.0503 0.0548
2011-10-25 0.0591 0.0505 0.0549
2011-10-24 0.0583 0.0486 0.0546
2011-10-23 0.0589 0.0512 0.0545
2011-10-22 0.0613 0.0510 0.0558
2011-10-21 0.0597 0.0520 0.0554
2011-10-20 0.0590 0.0513 0.0552
2011-10-19 0.0586 0.0486 0.0550
2011-10-18 0.0593 0.0479 0.0553
2011-10-17 0.0596 0.0515 0.0557
2011-10-16 0.0588 0.0512 0.0550
2011-10-15 0.0583 0.0503 0.0548
2011-10-14 0.0608 0.0506 0.0558
2011-10-13 0.0603 0.0526 0.0560
2011-10-12 0.0595 0.0516 0.0556
2011-10-11 0.0600 0.0518 0.0558
2011-10-10 0.0607 0.0516 0.0556
2011-10-09 0.0614 0.0516 0.0559
2011-10-08 0.0592 0.0516 0.0554
2011-10-07 0.0607 0.0518 0.0555
2011-10-06 0.0646 0.0505 0.0558
2011-10-05 0.0715 0.0520 0.0603
2011-10-04 0.0594 0.0513 0.0553
2011-10-03 0.0592 0.0514 0.0552
2011-10-02 0.0593 0.0509 0.0553
2011-10-01 0.0599 0.0525 0.0560
2011-09-30 0.0600 0.0513 0.0558
2011-09-29 0.0603 0.0516 0.0556
2011-09-28 0.0599 0.0510 0.0554
2011-09-27 0.0600 0.0520 0.0555
2011-09-26 0.0600 0.0518 0.0558
2011-09-25 0.0593 0.0518 0.0552
2011-09-24 0.0599 0.0513 0.0553
2011-09-23 0.0593 0.0512 0.0551
2011-09-22 0.0651 0.0521 0.0561
2011-09-21 0.0868 0.0524 0.0610
2011-09-20 0.0649 0.0527 0.0574
2011-09-19 0.0610 0.0508 0.0559
2011-09-18 0.0596 0.0510 0.0552
2011-09-17 0.0593 0.0515 0.0549
2011-09-16 0.0589 0.0513 0.0552
2011-09-15 0.0595 0.0515 0.0553
2011-09-14 0.0604 0.0517 0.0555
2011-09-13 0.0595 0.0514 0.0554
2011-09-12 0.0603 0.0516 0.0553
2011-09-11 0.0600 0.0506 0.0554
2011-09-10 0.0614 0.0520 0.0558
2011-09-09 0.0600 0.0515 0.0559
2011-09-08 0.0610 0.0522 0.0565
2011-09-07 0.0602 0.0520 0.0561
2011-09-06 0.0621 0.0522 0.0565
2011-09-05 0.0608 0.0515 0.0556
2011-09-04 0.0585 0.0513 0.0553
2011-09-03 0.0596 0.0511 0.0554
2011-09-02 0.0591 0.0516 0.0554
2011-09-01 0.0596 0.0518 0.0554
2011-08-31 0.0602 0.0520 0.0558
2011-08-30 0.0598 0.0516 0.0559
2011-08-29 0.0597 0.0513 0.0558
2011-08-28 0.0603 0.0516 0.0558
2011-08-27 0.0602 0.0522 0.0557
2011-08-26 0.0646 0.0525 0.0575
2011-08-25 0.0592 0.0520 0.0557
2011-08-24 0.0602 0.0516 0.0559
2011-08-23 0.0607 0.0525 0.0565
2011-08-22 0.0693 0.0528 0.0590
2011-08-21 0.0696 0.0518 0.0589
2011-08-20 0.0605 0.0518 0.0565
2011-08-19 0.0865 0.0533 0.0630
2011-08-18 0.0621 0.0540 0.0574
2011-08-17 0.0614 0.0534 0.0576
2011-08-16 0.0618 0.0540 0.0576
2011-08-15 0.0614 0.0532 0.0570
2011-08-14 0.0617 0.0533 0.0572
2011-08-13 0.0616 0.0535 0.0572
2011-08-12 0.0612 0.0537 0.0575
2011-08-11 0.0617 0.0537 0.0574
2011-08-10 0.0614 0.0527 0.0571
2011-08-09 0.0608 0.0527 0.0570
2011-08-08 0.0616 0.0523 0.0568
2011-08-07 0.0661 0.0534 0.0582
2011-08-06 0.0612 0.0528 0.0569
2011-08-05 0.0601 0.0528 0.0564
2011-08-04 0.0605 0.0524 0.0565
2011-08-03 0.0642 0.0528 0.0573
2011-08-02 0.0609 0.0506 0.0567
2011-08-01 0.0606 0.0527 0.0568
2011-07-31 0.0610 0.0534 0.0570
2011-07-30 0.0735 0.0535 0.0594
2011-07-29 0.0697 0.0551 0.0599
2011-07-28 0.0645 0.0551 0.0589
2011-07-27 0.0621 0.0536 0.0579
2011-07-26 0.0617 0.0533 0.0574
2011-07-25 0.0613 0.0518 0.0574
2011-07-24 0.0612 0.0528 0.0575
2011-07-23 0.0619 0.0536 0.0573
2011-07-22 0.0611 0.0529 0.0571
2011-07-21 0.0621 0.0534 0.0574
2011-07-20 0.0617 0.0540 0.0574
2011-07-19 0.0614 0.0536 0.0572
2011-07-18 0.0614 0.0542 0.0574
2011-07-17 0.0611 0.0529 0.0574
2011-07-16 0.0614 0.0540 0.0575
2011-07-15 0.0615 0.0537 0.0576
2011-07-14 0.0615 0.0531 0.0575
2011-07-13 0.0614 0.0523 0.0574
2011-07-12 0.0614 0.0530 0.0573
2011-07-11 0.0619 0.0530 0.0576
2011-07-10 0.0624 0.0534 0.0579
2011-07-09 0.0627 0.0535 0.0581
2011-07-08 0.0649 0.0547 0.0586
2011-07-07 0.0640 0.0544 0.0587
2011-07-06 0.0639 0.0551 0.0589
2011-07-05 0.0680 0.0548 0.0598
2011-07-04 0.0626 0.0548 0.0585
2011-07-03 0.0628 0.0548 0.0585
2011-07-02 0.0618 0.0541 0.0581
2011-07-01 0.0635 0.0550 0.0590
2011-06-30 0.0653 0.0544 0.0591
2011-06-29 0.0624 0.0544 0.0587
2011-06-28 0.0628 0.0543 0.0586
2011-06-27 0.0620 0.0548 0.0584
2011-06-26 0.103 0.0549 0.0588
2011-06-25 0.0633 0.0548 0.0586
2011-06-24 0.0631 0.0546 0.0583
2011-06-23 0.0632 0.0548 0.0589
2011-06-22 0.0638 0.0548 0.0592
2011-06-21 0.0624 0.0539 0.0586
2011-06-20 0.0628 0.0544 0.0585
2011-06-19 0.0621 0.0544 0.0585
2011-06-18 0.0661 0.0542 0.0591
2011-06-17 0.0680 0.0547 0.0608
2011-06-16 0.0653 0.0546 0.0596
2011-06-15 0.0628 0.0542 0.0589
2011-06-14 0.0631 0.0546 0.0591
2011-06-13 0.0664 0.0561 0.0601
2011-06-12 0.0635 0.0554 0.0595
2011-06-11 0.0731 0.0558 0.0615
2011-06-10 0.0644 0.0514 0.0595
2011-06-09 0.0632 0.0556 0.0592
2011-06-08 0.0645 0.0541 0.0597
2011-06-07 0.0642 0.0520 0.0595
2011-06-06 0.0672 0.0560 0.0600
2011-06-05 0.0753 0.0566 0.0614
2011-06-04 0.0638 0.0565 0.0600
2011-06-03 0.0644 0.0562 0.0597
2011-06-02 0.0666 0.0566 0.0604
2011-06-01 0.0632 0.0530 0.0594
2011-05-31 0.0635 0.0558 0.0596
2011-05-30 0.0659 0.0565 0.0609
2011-05-29 0.0660 0.0578 0.0616
2011-05-28 0.0689 0.0572 0.0629
2011-05-27 0.0671 0.0551 0.0612
2011-05-26 0.0656 0.0569 0.0610
2011-05-25 0.0659 0.0573 0.0612
2011-05-24 0.0679 0.0569 0.0623
2011-05-23 0.0666 0.0569 0.0620
2011-05-22 0.0742 0.0583 0.0632
2011-05-21 0.0673 0.0589 0.0625
2011-05-20 0.0668 0.0577 0.0624
2011-05-19 0.0663 0.0587 0.0628
2011-05-18 0.0669 0.0579 0.0627
2011-05-17 0.0722 0.0598 0.0637
2011-05-16 0.0671 0.0595 0.0630
2011-05-15 0.0677 0.0598 0.0633
2011-05-14 0.0676 0.0590 0.0636
2011-05-13 0.0676 0.0586 0.0635
2011-05-12 0.0698 0.0590 0.0647
2011-05-11 0.0729 0.0624 0.0678
2011-05-10 0.0709 0.0614 0.0660
2011-05-09 0.0695 0.0614 0.0654
2011-05-08 0.0694 0.0614 0.0653
2011-05-07 0.0704 0.0613 0.0655
2011-05-06 0.0700 0.0614 0.0652
2011-05-05 0.0696 0.0616 0.0654
2011-05-04 0.0695 0.0620 0.0656
2011-05-03 0.0762 0.0638 0.0683
2011-05-02 0.0715 0.0633 0.0674
2011-05-01 0.0742 0.0631 0.0678
2011-04-30 0.0725 0.0638 0.0677
2011-04-29 0.0731 0.0637 0.0677
2011-04-28 0.0742 0.0645 0.0688
2011-04-27 0.0739 0.0645 0.0693
2011-04-26 0.0732 0.0653 0.0694
2011-04-25 0.0742 0.0628 0.0697
2011-04-24 0.0750 0.0652 0.0701
2011-04-23 0.0769 0.0671 0.0714
2011-04-22 0.0764 0.0683 0.0722
2011-04-21 0.0772 0.0681 0.0723
2011-04-20 0.0781 0.0676 0.0728
2011-04-19 0.0874 0.0693 0.0754
2011-04-18 0.0795 0.0712 0.0752
2011-04-17 0.0800 0.0704 0.0753
2011-04-16 0.0808 0.0722 0.0761
2011-04-15 0.0816 0.0720 0.0767
2011-04-14 0.0829 0.0736 0.0776
2011-04-13 0.0820 0.0732 0.0777
2011-04-12 0.0844 0.0732 0.0777
2011-04-11 0.0961 0.0776 0.0837
2011-04-10 0.0878 0.0783 0.0827
2011-04-09 0.0882 0.0799 0.0839
2011-04-08 0.0894 0.0788 0.0848
2011-04-07 0.0912 0.0807 0.0861
2011-04-06 0.0920 0.0823 0.0873
2011-04-05 0.0940 0.0820 0.0884
2011-04-04 0.0935 0.0846 0.0895
2011-04-03 0.0957 0.0853 0.0908
2011-04-02 0.0994 0.0884 0.0947
2011-04-01 0.103 0.0912 0.0971
2011-03-31 0.109 0.0949 0.100
2011-03-30 0.113 0.0974 0.104
2011-03-29 0.114 0.101 0.107
2011-03-28 0.117 0.104 0.111
2011-03-27 0.122 0.108 0.116
2011-03-26 0.130 0.114 0.122
2011-03-25 0.138 0.122 0.130
2011-03-24 0.144 0.129 0.137
2011-03-23 0.158 0.137 0.146
2011-03-22 0.166 0.123 0.137
2011-03-21 0.147 0.0470 0.0969
2011-03-20 0.0524 0.0405 0.0457
2011-03-19 0.0503 0.0426 0.0467
2011-03-18 0.0530 0.0443 0.0484
2011-03-17 0.0562 0.0460 0.0511
2011-03-16 0.161 0.0499 0.0719
2011-03-15 0.809 0.0318 0.109
2011-03-14 0.0377 0.0304 0.0341
2011-03-13 0.0383 0.0314 0.0343
2011-03-12 0.0384 0.0305 0.0342
2011-03-11 0.0376 0.0308 0.0341
2011-03-10 0.0372 0.0307 0.0338
2011-03-09 0.0379 0.0311 0.0343
2011-03-08 0.0388 0.0312 0.0343
2011-03-07 0.0440 0.0308 0.0366
2011-03-06 0.0377 0.0308 0.0343
2011-03-05 0.0374 0.0304 0.0339
2011-03-04 0.0375 0.0310 0.0339
2011-03-03 0.0377 0.0304 0.0340
2011-03-02 0.0419 0.0311 0.0344
2011-03-01 0.0461 0.0313 0.0368


Japanese links re. Tokyo radiation monitoring

(Use Google translator to translate into English )




Survey of radioactive material in airborne dust according to the TEPCO Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant accident

[This part was translated from Japanese using Google Translator]

Corrections January 25, Heisei 24
26 December 2011
Bureau of Industrial and Labor Affairs

Tokyo Metropolitan Industrial Technology Research Center at the local independent administrative institution, has made a measurement and inspection of nuclear reaction products in the airborne dust in Tokyo from March 13 after the accident at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant TEPCO.
We will publish this time, in the center, a survey report aggregates the measurements of radioactive material from the start of the measurement until September will be created, because it was reported to the city.

Was found to errors in the entries of the report on January 25, Heisei 24 years, we have corrected. The contents below are amended. Errata report, please refer to the press release of January 25, 2012.
Point of the search report

Detailed analysis of measurement data daily, plus (131 iodine, 132 iodine, cesium-134, cesium-137), the identified nuclides other new tellurium, the amount of radioactivity of radionuclides all 12 nuclides four that have been announced so far I have compiled the data.
Was calculated based on the coefficient of effective dose ICRP's (International Commission on Radiological Protection) the effective dose due to the basis of these data, until the end of September, the inhalation of dust airborne on March 15 this year. In adults is estimated to 24μSv (micro Sv) and (※ 1), internal exposure by inhalation of dust airborne, the small (micro Sv) compared to (※ 2) 400μSv year due to inhalation of radon that exist in nature it has become a thing.
In 35% of the total, 30% is iodine-131, cesium-134 and 19%, the contribution rate of different nuclides, cesium-137 has accounted for about 85% of the total, followed by these three nuclides big number 1.
At a dose of month are mostly concentrated in March, during the measurement period in particular, dose estimates due to inhalation for one hour at 11 from 10 am on 15 March were many most amount of radioactive material in the atmosphere 6.3μSv (micro sievert), accounting for approximately 26% ((micro Sv) 24μSv) whole.

※ (micro Sv) is obtained by integrating the total dose of internal exposure dose due to radioactive material taken into the body during this period, the future adults 50 years received 1 24μSv.
※ 2 Source: "Radiation living environment" Nuclear Safety Research Association, 1992
※ Because it is found an error in the description of the report on January 25, 1991 24 years, we have corrected.

※ Attachment

Full investigation report in the dust airborne radioactive material according to the TEPCO Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant accident (format PDF: 239KB)
Radioactive materials in airborne dust (Table 1 format PDF: 609KB)
Effective dose by inhalation inhalation of 1 - September 30, March 15, 2011 Table 2 (adult), (Figure - September 30, March 15, 2011) a different nuclide contribution rate effective dose format (PDF : 195KB)
Monthly effective dose due to inhalation of April to September 3 to September inhalation intake of March Monthly Table 3 (Bq (becquerel)), the table - adult (μSv (micro Sv)), by inhalation Figure 2 Monthly effective dose of each nuclide, the proportion of each nuclide to the effective dose due to inhalation Monthly Figure 3 (format PDF: 299KB)
Effective dose due to inhalation by inhalation of 4 am to 11:10 March 15, 2011 Table 5 (adults), figure (at ~ 11:10 March 15, 2011) a different nuclide contribution rate effective dose format (PDF : 196KB)

※ For measurements of radioactive material in airborne dust in Attachment Metropolitan Industrial Technology Research Institute (format PDF: 163KB)
(For this press release)
Department of Labor and Industry Commerce and Industry Department Support Division founded
Phone 03-5320-4764
(For details of the search report)
Corporate Planning Division, Public Relations Office, Tokyo Metropolitan Industrial Technology Research Center for Local Incorporated Administrative Agency
Phone 03-5530-2521


E-mail Japan re. Fukushima Alarmism & Dumping Nuclear Waste (Dec. 6, 2012)


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