Identification of British Israel and Its Goals
Undermining America with Anti-Communism and "Patriotism"
"How has this Spiritual Communism covered our land with the help of the American people without their knowledge? The answer is religion. A doctrine of World Government Socialism has insidiously been introduced to them and they have swallowed it under the name Fundamentalist Christianity. " ...The Union Jack, page 174
[Editor's Note: Jan. 10, 2013. In 2005, I was able to download all chapters of The Union Jack from the Wayback Machine web archives, except the one seen here. It was missing. I now understand why. This one chapter (published in 1970) summarizes the British Israel takeover deception with greater clarity and succinctness than any other chapter in a book filled with stunning analytical pedagogy and brilliant insights. If you are a believer in the concepts of Christianity, and care about the future of this planet for the welfare of children to come, you must read this chapter and understand the great peril we now all face. There are millions of well-intentioned and earnest people who call themselves Christians who do not realize just how clever and diabolical is the 'Kingdom of God on Earth/Millennium' deception and the great price that all of humankind will face if we allow this strategy to succeed. ...Ken Adachi]
Prologue / Chap. 1 / Chap. 2 / Chap. 3 / Chap. 4 / Chap. 5 / Chap. 6 / Chap. 7 / Epilogue
by Anonymous (mistakenly attributed to Helen Peters)
Published ca. 1970, E-Y Posted Aug. 10, 2007Identification of British Israel and Its Goals: Chapter 3 of The Union Jack (1970)
From: The Union Jack, Chapter 3
British Israel has many facets and complications. It endeavors to work from every angle, slant and direction but always the central purpose of every seemingly unrelated or antagonistic movement or effort is first the destruction of national states in the world while at the same time preparing people for the New Age [known as The Millenium, a one thousand year reign of blissful utopia upon earth]. This dual purpose is seen in every effort from alleged Communist wars to the deluded patriots. All roads lead to this central purpose of establishing a World Theocracy -- a spiritual dictatorship of a spiritually blind people.
British Israel is British Communism and it is spreading its subversion and subterfuge under the cloak of religion and what's more it is using the Christian religion.
While America is exhausting its resources fighting foreign wars against what is popularly understood as Russian Communism, British Communism operates within America and within the law and we quickly add, under the protection of the law, simply by pretending religion. The truth is that Biritsh Israel is a seditious political enemy within, with complete immunity from apprehension. British Israel is a political religion, a religion of materialism, a World Government religion and it deserves no freedom under the Constitution of the United States.
Many of the pseudo conservatives say they cannot engage in a religious battle with the kingdom cults. This is an excuse for not exposing the hidden enemy of the American people.
We may be sure that the Constitution should have been more expository in the section holding Freedom of Religion. There should be no religion or political movement with religious fronts which
advocate [One] World Government. British Israel is such a religio-political movement holding the American people under control more completely than could an occupation army. Not only is this true, it has, through its religious appeal, enlisted literally millions of Americans with its materialistic and political kingdom false Christianity. Never in the history of the world have so many millions of humanity and nations been deceived into surrender in the name of religion. And simultaneously, never has there been such a gigantic effort toward World Evangelism, supposedly Christian. This is the reason for the mass hypnosis of the American people.
Billy Graham is at this writing promoting British Israel in the name of Jesus Christ. By this we mean that he is teaching that a World government under Christ is soon to come on earth. If he should revert to Christianity and the kingdom of Grace, he would be as infamous as Christ was among the Jews who wanted and still want a kingdom of this world.
People who believe in any form of earthly paradise, Heaven on earth, New Age or Millennial Age are supporting British Communism. It is strongly objected that because one believes in Premillennialism or an earthly reign of Christ, that he is not necessarily a British Israelite or promoting British Communism. Many people want to differentiate between Millennialism and British Israelism. They are the same, if the truth hurts. It is true that there are minor differences over how long the earthly kingdom is to last and various points of how the kingdom shall be started and so on. But an earthly kingdom is an earthly kingdom whether it be called the Millennial Age or British Israelism. If one can be brought from Christ's kingdom of Grace to materialism, what does Satan care what route he travels to get there?
The kingdom of God on earth is British propaganda and an argument over word definition will not alter their final purpose of World Government. It matters not how much the MillenniaIists believe that their thousand year kingdom is a Christian doctrine, it is Communism and supports the British scheme of world Communism through religion.
Many object to this charge. Many argue that because they believe in an earthly kingdom this does not promote the British Empire. It makes no difference whether one is aware of the implications of his beliefs or not. It is what he believes that controls him.
British Israel or British Communism can be identified and it can be understood, though it is very important to understand that it has no organizational structure but is promoted within existing institutions. Its essential dogma is the coming of the kingdom of God on earth with Divine law and Divine government.
First, British Communism poses as the Christian religion and as such it operates freely to overthrow the American government.
Secondly, by a system of complicated fronts, it has hidden its identity.
Thirdly, it enlists Americans against their own country without them ever knowing it.
Fourth, it is the originator and greatest pretender of anti-communism, thereby neutralizing any genuine effort of patriotism.Fifth, it is not inhibited by the expense and logistics of a military effort.
Sixth, it can use Marxian Communism to cause conflict between nations and conflict between races within nations and keep complete control over all sides through the kingdom religion and Masonry.
Seventh, it extols the American tradition, American ideals, the Constitution and everything dear to the heart of patriotic Americans.
Eight, it controls all political parties including independent parties and third and fourth parties.
Opposition is simply fabricated on false issues.
We are told that Communism is in Russia, in Vietnam, in China and spreading daily.
Fellow countrymen, British Communism has been in the White House for many years. It controls nearly all churches. It is the colossus of an invisible Empire. It is a spiritual force - a mental monster.
But there is a defense and the best defense is the best and only offense, as follows: Number one, British Communism must be identified as the whole network of pseudo religious cults that teach a kingdom of God on earth. They must be dealt with as would any treason. At the same time we must understand that such teaching is not Christianity. Number two, we must understand that Masonry is the visible agency of the Empire carrying out systematic destruction of liberty and property under the Constitution. (See Masonic section). This simple understanding by enough people will eliminate at once false patriotism, race conflict, foreign wars, the farce of Democracy and the hypocrisy of World Brotherhood.
In understanding the power politic use of religion for mind control and consequent physical control, it is important to understand that religion can be anything real or imagined as long as its adherents have faith or belief in same, enough to give over their allegiance to it above all else. Religion need not refer to the Supernatural or Divine only in name; thus the ruse of substituting the kingdom of God on earth as Christianity to hide British Communism.
Regardless of the foundation upon which Religion is built, whether it be truth or falsehood, it is the motor in man and the motivator of history by whoever uses religion for deceptive control. In the preface of Martin L. Wagner's book Freemasonry An Interpretation, we find these words, and I quote: "Religion has ever been and is even now the most powerful factor in human activities. In some form it has been the motor back of the commanders of the armies, and of statesmen that founded the great world
empires of the past, that animated and upheld the most despotic governments, that fomented the bloodiest revolutions, that precipitated nations into sanguinary conflicts and that united alien peoples into almost indissoluble unions; that established the most arbitrary and despotic priest craft, enforced intellectual thralldom, and the tyranny of rulers. It has instigated, sustained and Justified the most dastardly, atrocious, barbarous, and licentious acts in human annals, as well as the most liberal, just and pure. It has inspired the erection of the most stupendous, most elaborate, and the most costly structures as monuments to its power, and as shrines for its gods. It has produced the finest specimens of art, voiced the sweetest and holiest of song and inspired the loftiest flights of the intellect in all the realms of human knowledge. It has transformed human perverts into saints, and changed moral creatures into demons of lust, fury, and crime. It has enabled timid women and children to defy the threats of tyrants, and smile upon the terrors of dungeon, flames, and death. It has cemented brotherhoods and cults into unions which defeat the sagacity of statesmen, the erudition of jurists, the skill of marshals, the power of kings and the anathema's of popes, to destroy. Religion is without doubt the most powerful motor in man, and religion is the motor in Freemasonry." End quote.
This, we think, is an accurate description of the mental control that religion has over man. Likewise it follows that any movement in the name of religion or under the facade of religion has the same power such as British Israel Communism.
We move then to the certain conclusion that tyrants can control the world through religion when all else would fail. Hence British Israel has done the one thing no army in the world could do - made Americans reject their own freedom with a super allegiance to a false kingdom of God.
It is amazing to behold the many different church denominations (many of them antagonistic toward each other) but all of them preaching and teaching the kingdom message. (See diagram on 123 page 37). They may differ as to details of worship and ritual but again the central theme and driving force is toward the establishment of the kingdom of God on earth. Few church people realize this main consistency which permeates so many apparently different denominations and church groups. The idea is to let people disagree on everything but that they shall all believe that the kingdom of God is earthly, and that it is soon to be established.
Prophecies of famine, war, disease, crime, national and international disasters are foretold every minute by the prostitutes of British Israel. They are preaching the doom of this social order thereby helping it to a speedy end. Few ever understand their complicity in this coming calamity which they justify according to what they term "Bible prophecy." It is not in the understanding of the average American to believe that American churches are being used as a vehicle for political propaganda. They have been taught that they should "go to the church of your choice" and that they should "light the world with their faith." As a result of these campaigns they have developed a certain guilt complex in the people who don't go to the church of their choice. More often than not people who don't go to church have not become infected with this political theology or kingdom message and consequently they actually can see the truth of this British Israel heresy much quicker. This is by no means a blanket condemnation of every church and individual who goes to church. There are many, many true and faithful Christians who have attended church all their lives. Our point is that nearly all churches are organized and directed so as to carry out this propaganda effort. Though it is subtle, it is true.
Let's not kid ourselves. Who can learn about the living Christ from an army of Masonic preachers who are dedicated in spirit to His destruction? They have spread over the land like locusts with their pious faces and Bible in hand to change the Heavenly hope of a once great people to the promise of a worldly paradise if they would but get this old U.S.A. out of existence.124
Yes, they hammer away at the depravity in the land while their fraternal brothers in politics work the other end. That Masons are in almost every position of influence in politics is a fact unknown only to lunatics and dumb animals. Must we ask then who are the hands that hold the dagger that is stabbing America? Who votes for welfare dole? Who votes for foreign no-win wars? Who vote themselves pay raises? Who sits on the benches of the high courts and deals out unconstitutional decisions under the guise of Americanism? Who paroles and turns criminals out on society to repeat their crimes? Who runs Communism and who runs anti-communism? Who runs the political parties? The answer is Masons and their grand lodge is in London and their goal is the New Age -- the Millennium. They will spill every drop of blood of humanity to gain this end and they have deceived and hoodwinked their followers into believing they are Christians.
If our readers think we have turned away from our study of British Israel we would remind him that we are only identifying the work of the New Age cult. The important thing is that this New Age of Masonry is the Millennium of British Israel and we recognize it as such. Further the Red Star of the Shriner's is the same red star of Communism and the Knights Templar Cross of Nazi Germany is the Knights Templar Cross of Masonry and the fountainhead of all these mysteries is the Grand Lodge of London. (See pages 12-14 how Masonic symbols are related to BI).
That the power of British Israel is complete (though invisible because it is thought control) is now obvious to those who understand. Therefore it is no problem to direct the affairs of the world to conform to the scheme of the unbiblical doctrine of British Israel and unregenerate Americans are only a pawn in the game. That British Israel is in control of our government and the world even at this time is seen in the complete freedom of nationwide and worldwide broadcasts which the kingdom message propaganda has in America. A nation in control of its own existence would not allow this poisonous sedition rampant from coast to coast.
The political power of British Israel has prostituted the churches both Catholic and Protestant to seduce the spirit of the people and blind them to the saving grace of Jesus Christ, replacing grace with race and the worship of the"great beast system" revealed here as Pax Brittanica underTHE UNION JACK
Alias kingdom of God on earth
Ironically these church servants of this beast will be maneuvered into a position of destruction after they have prostituted themselves to the powers of British Israel.
We repeat that the whole scheme of World Revolution is that we can have no peace on earth without world government which can only be built upon the ashes of this social order and part of those ashes are those of America. This concept of revolution is termed British Israel because it operates from a basis of SPIRITUAL deception and this evil SPIRITUAL force operates at its optimal in the name of Christianity. It misuses the Bible to prepare its advances by changing the beliefs of the people to conform to its carnal goal of world power through SPIRITUAL deception. So the real meaning of the New Order of the Ages is that it would be a political SPIRITUAL colossus if it could deceive God's elect into believing that the true kingdom is indeed flesh and blood.
There are many devices used to promote this SPIRITUAL deception and at the same time conceal its true nature and identity. Some of these devices are Jew baiting or fighting the Jews, fighting Communism in general, fighting the Negroes, fighting the government in Washington on spurious issues, fight the International Bankers, raising issues for and against our participation in the no-win wars, and many, many other activities which are designed to draw the people into sham fights. Few participants ever recognize the hidden spiritual purpose and deception within these movements. To engage for or against any commotion will entangle one against his best intentions unless he can see how
126such activity is being used to promote a SPIRITUAL plot. And it is from this proper context that he may engage the enemy otherwise his"good works" is in vain.
As stated all confusion and chaos is predetermined to first destroy and tear asunder this social order and second to prepare the people at the same time for "a better world." What cause may we ask, does it serve to point out the evils of our society and the evil doers, unless we at the same time identify the purpose of this total confusion? To build "a better world" is a concept used many times to justify the blasphemy and evil deeds of those who are helping destroy this one.
It is the determination of the British Empire to drive America into no alternative than uniting with the British Empire by holding America in subjection to Russian Communism. This is the broad implication of all British created Communism both from within the United States and from without. From a convergent though hidden push comes the religious ommunism which if carried out without the crisis of Russian Communism, would eventually be entirely successful. Religious deception and religious propaganda however can progress more rapidly from a crisis situation which serves to screen out or otherwise divert attention to spurious or irrelevant matters. The cause of twentieth century strife is concealed under the regalia of religion. It is not a new idea but it is refined and sophisticated to the point of negligible detection. While Americans seek out the "Communist menace" in the swamps and jungles of Vietnam, Communism has been instilled into their minds through religion.
One cannot engage this fight from any angle and hope to expose it unless he relates it to the SPIRITUAL lie that is called the "kingdom of God on earth". One may expose every fraud in the land and present his case with the skill and perfection of a Philadelphia lawyer and if he fails to relate the USE and purpose of these forces in promoting a SPIRITUAL deception then he has not only not revealed the plot he is a part of it. This is the trap well laid and well planned to beguile the people
127into their own destruction. One cannot engage a physical force with impunity unless he can relate its effect upon the mind of man. One can choose his weapons and choose his side in this fight but unless he can see the significance of the SPIRITUAL force he only becomes a victim of crossfire and could do more for his country by deserting it. This is why it matters not who or what one attacks or exposes as long as he does not relate it to British Israel. This is the explanation and justification of the many pseudo Christian fronts and patriotic appeals. They are conceived and expanded from this basis and as they take the tithes and offerings of a bewildered people they steal their freedom and prepare their minds for the Millennial Age.
Remember that we have pointed out that the prophecies which British Israel says are Biblical (but are not) teach that Communism will fall after it has "defeated the enemies of Israel." What this means of course is that Communism and all its manifestations are controlled by Anglo Saxondom and that it is being used to punish the world while preparing the world for the New Order of the Ages. This Novo Ordo Seclorum as seen on our one dollar bill means this New Order of the Ages, or kingdom of God on earth. The pyramid is that of British Israel and that of Masonry and the all seeing eye at the top is that of Jehovah and that of the Grand Architect of Masonry. This further demonstrates the identity of Masonry with British Israel and that they are one is conclusive. Also the selection of the one dollar bill on which to inscribe the above is significant as one is unity and Britain and America is one.
Communism is kept alive by British Israel and their goy Masons work both sides of Communism in order to cover the grand plot of British Israel. Communism is used for two good reasons. One is to keep the real plot of British Empire hidden while the Empire's use of British Israel (the spiritual plot) to indoctrinate the kingdom message unto the people. The second reason is to destroy the United States of America with Communism so that it can be "saved" into the British Empire with British Israel. The idea is to create as much havoc and confusion with
128Communism while at the same time using Communism to advance British Israelism in a hidden and concealed way (spiritual way). This explains how the conservatives and liberals can have constant warfare and both sides serve British Israel and never reveal their purpose. The Sadducees and Pharisees were at war with each other but united against Christ and His truth.
The seeds of social chaos are sown constantly in order to keep the issues hot. The newspapers and magazines magnify and enlarge the chaos while careful never to reveal the real purpose and the real power behind it all. It is entertaining if not so sad for America, to watch two supposedly opposing senators get on nationwide television and debate the issues such as the Vietnam war. In the first place they are not opposed to each other, both being Masons, (the U.S. Congress and Senate is almost 100% Masonic) and in the second place they are not opposed to the Vietnam war where thousands are spilling their blood. They are doing all they can to keep it going and at the same time to conceal its purpose. Not one of them will tell that American boys are policing the world for the British Empire. They are almost unanimous in this British Israel Masonic debauchery. As the illegitimate sons of Satan help bleed America white by spending her substance their preachers are telling the people that America is suffering because of her sins and that America must suffer some more. She must go through the "great tribulation" and be cleansed so that "Divine Intervention" can save her for her world service in the New Age Millennium.
Fellow Americans the only national sin, if there were such a thing Biblically, we have is letting the British Empire use Masonry to ruin our country and deceive us into accepting it as ommunism. If you doubt that Masonry is running this country take a head count. If you doubt they are working for the New Age, both spiritually and physically, then you don't understand Masonry and this is not to say that most of them are aware of what they do, as they are not. The point is that once one is imbued with the spirit of Masonry he is no hireling, he is an idealist, and he conforms to the patterns of his order no matter its effect upon him
and his country. This is how Masonry appears to support Americanism while tearing it to pieces while building and preparing the New Age at the same time. True Americanism and the New Age are mutually exclusive and only the spiritually blind proselytes of the order cannot understand this dual concept. This divides one against himself and he cannot believe in the New Age of Masonry and at the same time true Americanism, as the first excludes the last, and the last excludes the first.
We have said that the political arm of British Israel creates and generates the political wars and confusion and the spiritual arm, which is most of the churches and evangelistic groups in America, explains it and justifies it according to a perverted scheme of Bible interpretation with the main emphasis on Bible prophecy. It is this peculiar prophecy that foretells the New Age or Millennium, or kingdom of God on earth, which will relieve mankind from war, disease, famine, hate, etc., when none of it should exist anyway but for their use by Satan to deceive the nations into believing that the kingdom of God is a political and earthly glory instead of a spiritual and heavenly glory.
Nearly every church leader in the land says he is opposed to Communism while he promotes it under the name of' kingdom of God on earth.' Most are honest but their spiritual blindness keeps them active in promoting this political theology which seeks the goals of Communism under the name of Christianity and the establishment of a World State (spiritually controlled) in the name of Christ. Through this ulterior motive of the powers of British Israel and its Masonry they have instilled the spirit of Masonry in the hearts of the people and have made them accept it under the name of Christianity. It is this new Christianity which is carrying the propaganda load that is deceiving Americans into separation from their true faith in Christ and His heavenly and spiritual kingdom and it is separating them from their country, their property and their freedom while they pay the bills and man the guns of the mightiest military machine in history.
130Man is carnal and opposed to God's truth by nature says Saint Paul and it is easy for them to be deceived about the true Christ. This same spiritual deception causes him to give up his country, his property and his freedom as he thinks it necessary to save them. This is trickery and Satanically clever and few there be that understand it.
It's like buying something one doesn't need to save money and we are paying for Communism that the British may have our country.
According to Prophecy On Parade by William C. Nabors, 1944 page 188 ..."the plan of the Bible requires and demands the reunion of the British Commonwealth and the United States to furnish the leadership of the nations of Israel..." What this means is that as the Empire increases America decreases and a share in the loot is only the bait. We are the loot and most prized of all. Yes we are lend lease Manasseh (of the Bible) and it is our lot to finance our own destruction.
In this same book on page 94 is given us a justification for our afflictions. In speaking of our chastisement for our national sins which will end with the "great tribulation" the author states,"This judgment will destroy the last phase of this Gentile power (we will demonstrate later that this"Gentile power" means the resurrected Roman Empire and the Catholic Church according to British Israel) and elevate to world rule a corrected, purified and restored Israel." This Israel (according to British Israel) is Anglo-Saxondom and the Pharisees called Jews. On page 58 he says "When the smoke of this World War and the effect of the world-wide famine passes, the British Empire and America will emerge as the possessors of the only surviving government and the only surviving economy and will take their places to heal a world that will then be ready for a doctor. The throne of David will be at the head (he is referring to the throne of Britain to be removed to Jerusalem) of world government and the American dollar and the British pound sterling, perfectly and righteously blended together and freed from all marks of Babylon, shall dominate the commerce of the world." This is about as clear
as to the intentions of British Israel as anything could be and maybe this is why they took the book we quote from out of circulation. Further explanation of why peace for a thousand years instead of war for profit is that according to the same author on page 24, "The solution for world peace lies in world commerce." He means the control of it will make war unnecessary.And a word for the masses of people who believe the British Empire is dead. W. C. Nabors, a prophet of British Israel, says, "Let us remind ourselves again that the throne of David which we can now identify as the throne of the British Commonwealth in London was established forever. (II Samuel 7:8-16 is his reference). All talk of the collapse of the British Empire and the removal of its government seat is therefore definitely not of the book. David's throne is as sure as day and night." Remember that the throne is slated to be in Jerusalem but if it happened to end up in New York it would still be God's throne a la British Israel, and it would still be in the British Empire. This is the British Israel kingdom of God on earth. It is not God's kingdom and the propaganda of its preachers and teachers and speakers otwithstanding.
On page 146 Mr. Nabors goes on to reveal the purpose of the great judgment. "But in the final struggle in the time of judgment, all nations will be involved and Israel will be reunited. The reunion first to take place is between Ephraim (Britain) and Manasseh (U.S.A.) to reunite the sons of Joseph who inherit the leadership of the elect." We remind the reader that at this time the"complete desolation" of the United States of America is to take place and the people are ready to accept it as Biblical. Mr. Nabors says on page 159 that "The goal is to establish the kingdom of God on earth; and the road is a series of human experiences planned in the Divine foreknowledge of God dealing with the peoples of the world to produce the goal." Then he goes on to explain how the plan is being worked. "When we understand the plan of the Bible for culminating events, we readily see all world affairs since the beginning of World War I conform to a plan exactly fitting the writings of the prophets." What he is saying is
132that history is being enacted to fit the writings of the prophets and then events are explained and justified to the people in terms of the fulfillment of these prophets. The truth is that Christ has already fulfilled the prophets and established His kingdom, but with this British Israel lie the very elect will be deceived if it were possible. It might be more correct to say that the old prophecies are being applied to the world stage of events in order to justify events Biblically.
That the British Israel movement is an unholy lie and cares not one whit about the gospel Mr. Nabors states on page 175, "Peace for a thousand years to come will follow the history now being written in blood." That British Israel is built upon blood and greed instead of Christ can be seen in this quote of W. C. Nabors , "It is the destiny of the pure Aryan Anglo-Saxon race to dominate the world and kill off or reduce to a servile status all other inferior races." This kind of thinking is not Christian but it is getting its support and life from people who think they are Christians and who go to church regularly. Shame on American churches and their preachers. They shall not be held guiltless as this involves the truth of Christ and it is their duty to know and to teach it and shame on Americans who go to church and allow this deception. The Judgment of God shall not only condemn those who tell a lie, but also those who believe it. It matters not that the preachers and their hearers are deceived and honest about it, as the Gospel is free to all and Christ comes to those who seek Him.
Now if all this seems too fantastic to be true, all we ask is that you objectively observe the prophets of doom in action. It is a monolithic effort well financed and advanced from every angle both political and spiritual to destroy our nation while preparing the minds of the people to accept the new world. The New Age or Millennium which is as they say to relieve us of our misery and Communism and in turn give us a perfect peace, is only bait to steal our country and enslave us spiritually and physically. Once we are beguiled into this trap we cannot easily return to a free America.
This mystery of British Israel may be seen as a wagon wheel (see page 37), and no matter how seemingly unrelated any political or spiritual activity may seem, they are all spokes of a wagon wheel supporting its central hub of British Israel. The general diffusion of wild rumors, the wide advertising of occult seeresses like Jean Dixon and Edgar Casey with their "prophecies," foreign wars such as Korea and Vietnam, mass inflation, civil turmoil, communism and anti-communism, the banking conspiracy, the Jew conspiracy, and all other angles are advertised and magnified to cause a hopelessness in the people without telling them the true causes and solution to their calamity. This is revolution and its purpose is to destroy our America and justify it with Bible prophecy and this same prophecy is preparing the world stage for the British Empire kingdom of God on earth.Now those who are serving the cause of this kingdom scheme always give us a solution for their created crisis. That solution is that the world must be under God's law in order to restore peace and happiness. These same advocates are now destroying this nation in the name of Christianity and patriotism. In the name of freedom of speech and under constitutional guarantees these confusers are ripping the social order to pieces with their emphasis of "what's wrong in America." In so doing their aim is to bring the thinking of the people to a state of anarchy and futility so that the people become enlisted against themselves by perpetuating"what's wrong in America." Then the final result is that the people enmasse are beguiled into destroying their own government without even knowing the effect of their good intentions.
Of course evil is rampant in the land. It is planned that it should be by men who want power and money while they deliver their prey back to Mother England. The reason given for our chaotic dilemma is Communism, and as the people become infected with this deception they commit treason by their nadvertent cover-up of British Israel and/or British Communism. That the only solution (according to British Israel)
134to our disaster is a New World under God's Law which means that we must be saved out of our "tribulation" by British Israel, to those who understand. The idea of the world under God's law is a collective world state which is Communism in everything but name. It is trickery and is in no sense Biblical. The only law extant under New Testament Christianity is moral law which is obeyed from the heart because of our love for Christ. Christian law is not a legal system which can be enforced by a world state. A collective world state religion is the opposite to individual and personal salvation as taught in the Bible.
So therefore the advocates of British Israel would seduce the unknowing with their solution of saving the world with Divine intervention and the establishment of Divine Law to regulate the political affairs of men.
Salvation is grace to those who believe but to those who would dethrone Christ and demote Him to earth, salvation is the race of mankind in a collective world state lured under the guise of the New World under God's Law. These advocates of the New Order under Divine Law are the destroyers of this order under the cloak of Christianity and Americanism.
The question might arise in our discourse as to why is it necessary to destroy the world with revolution and war in order to build it anew? The answer which gives us understanding is that independent national states must be destroyed so that upon their ashes the British World will have no competitors. Therefore the destruction of the United States is justified by the spiritual lie that it is God's chastisement for our national sins.Only those who want to confiscate our faith, our country, our property and our freedom want a New Order. The Millennium cult is only a deception which will destroy America and reduce the people to the common level of slavery while the rich get richer by dividing up the markets and capital that they have stolen under the philanthropy of World Evangelism. The industrial and money barons of the Anglo Saxon world have
destroyed the tariffs which have held Americans to the highest standard of living in the world. These tariffs are no longer needed when the commerce of the world is controlled by this clique. Through removal of our tariffs under the guise of free trade they are preparing the way for an economic collapse through which they expect to
gain control of the property and wealth of the American people.
The men who planned the scheme of British Israel knew that there are more profits to be made from peace once they gained the world commerce in the hands of a few. Therefore they must first dissolve national states with Communism in order to take the wealth of their citizens. Those American industrialists who are going along with
this scheme will deserve what they will surely get once the New Age begins. Many of them will be stripped of their profits and property which they have acquired through their participation in this plot. Satan will rend himself when he can no longer parasite upon truth for his existence.Mrs. Catherine Baldwin says in her great but suppressed book that the multi-billion dollar tax free foundations are financiers of sedition under the guise of philanthropists. This is true as they finance Russian Communism and propaganda on the left and British Communism disguised as Christian anticommunism on the right. The American people are caught in the middle. With unlimited funds and absolute control of all news media the American people can be educated to believe black is white almost overnight. We recommend highly Mrs. Baldwin's book, And Men Wept, if the reader is lucky enough to find one. Mrs. Baldwin knew that ommunism in America originated in the British Empire. She also knew and wrote about the British plan to use religion to put over World Communism. She also knew of false patriotism and how the "anti- Communist" cult is used to promote the earthly kingdom religion under a Christian front.
Speaking of British Israel in America, Mrs. Baldwin says on page 25 that Professor Frazier of Swarthmore College stated "You will have world government whether you like it or not, it will be136
accomplished more through the spiritual than the political." "Through religion Britain is trying to put over her plan of world government, claiming that they are the Israel people and as such are ordained of God to rule the world, and under this system of Kingdom of God on Earth plan, there would be a system of production for use and not for profit. This was the plan as enunciated by Karl Marx." Mrs. Baldwin says two important things here. First, she says it is a spiritual plot called the kingdom of God on earth. Second, she says that the spiritual plot leads to the same Communism of Karl Marx. Another observation is that the spiritual plot operates from the sanctuary of Christianity and patriotism while Marxian Communism operates of course from the left. Many people at this point might say "I believe in the millennial reign of Christ and this has nothing to do with British Communism." They are wrong. Granted Britain is not mentioned in what the premillennialists call prophecy, but British Israel and a Zionist Millennial World Theocracy are one and the same regardless of the name or front that covers the deceit. Millennialism is Judaism (Pharisaism) and it is being used to promote world government under the Throne of Britain.
Therefore the simple conclusion is that hen the people can be cleverly educated through the churches and the "anti-Communist" movement to believe that the earthly reign of Christ is the antidote to Russian Communism, they have Spiritual Communism in their hearts long before Communism becomes a political fact. This is a bitter truth and this is why the spiritual plot must be exposed.
Millennialism (British Israel) is a political religion spawned in the mind of Satan to turn men to an earthly materialism instead of the heavenly kingdom of grace. The Israel of God is not a fleshly people nor an earthly nation. Mrs. Baldwin goes on with a World War I British Secret Service report (pages 25,26) of Sir William Wiseman of the British Secret Service stationed in this country (USA). "In spite of the fact that it has so often been discredited, it is a fact that all it contains has been proven from other sources. In this report was the statement, 'we will use the
movement of the Earl of Dysart, the British Israel World Federation movement.' The status is much the same as that of the Protocols, so vigorously denied, but if you refer to the Jewish Year Book, page 179, 1920-1921, you will find reference to the Protocols. There is no denial of the Protocols or their authenticity but there is this statement 'that the translator omitted a paragraph in which England is accused of being the accomplice of the Jews in this conspiracy.'" The reader has no doubt noticed the promotion of the Protocols by the right wing "anti communist" groups. The reason is given above - namely the British are left out of the scheme. Therefore the Protocols which don't expose British Communism are misleading and fall into the category of Jew bait as we list the Protocols in this book later on.The idea of using religion to establish World Communism is fantastic to many especially after being conditioned to believe that Russian Communism is anti religious. British Communism is a religious cult and it has been quite successful up to now. We must face this religious plot or else.
We must face this religious plot or else. International finance is using Russian Communism to despoil and desolate the world while it is educating the masses with British Israel to an internationalism that will entail great political sacrifices on the part of the nations. Through religion which they call Christianity, Britain is attempting to put over world government and the United States is being sacrificed for the British Commonwealth of the World. This is the intent and purpose of the wide dissemination of the kingdom message propaganda in America and the world. People can be brought to destruction through religion when they cannot be deceived otherwise.
It is the spiritual power of the British Empire through the kingdom message which is the moving strength of world revolution. Once it is identified under its many colors and cloaks it emerges before our eyes as a universal mind control force propagandizing the people to such an extent that they cannot see the development of their ordered and planned destruction through
the chaos that is rampant and world wide. Whether this deception is received in the lodges, the churches or some anti-Communist or communist front or is received in the mass media or radio or television, its effect and force is the same. The kingdom message propaganda develops in the people a mental control which cannot be broken and incapacitates them to any rational analysis of power politics. This spiritual deception shields the people from the reality of their situation and leaves them helpless before this enigma as they chase after every fraud in the land ranging from the international bankers, such as the Rockefellers, and Rothschilds, to the depraved hippies. The kingdom message prepared the people and conditioned them long before the unleashing of the political puppets for them to fight. As the patriots exhaust themselves documenting isolated segments of the political arena so as to pin the blame on individuals, organizations and races, they never realize that they are engaging the object rather than the subject of their misery. They are dealing with the shadow and footprints and not the substance and in fact they themselves are a part of the substance imbued with its power and extending its control. They can never be patriots until they sever themselves from the ideology of the kingdom message and this they cannot do unless they recognize its existence and its power. The very life breath of patriotism as it exists today was spawned by British Israel and British Israel furnished it its literature and books and its straws to fight all controlled and all within the limits of its (British Israel's) power.
Though one may escape the belief in the kingdom of God on earth British Israel traps him within its political ideology causing him to be sidetracked and entrapped in such frauds as Communism, anti-communism, Jew conspiracy, Negro revolution. white supremacy, and hundreds of others. We say they are frauds because of their use as decoys and dead end issues, but seen in the light of their true purpose and goal they are all a part of the revolution which is effecting the destruction of our economic and political system which is only the spadework in preparation for the "world tomorrow." These must be seen as
destroyers and not ends in themselves. To serve the truth rather than the ideology of British Israel they must be viewed as the teeth of the British Empire which are chewing up national states and grinding their institutions to nothing in preparation for the new world superstate. Again we are faced with the particular use of facts to determine their effect and consequent result. We emphasize this truth because British Israel has amazing talent in twisting the truth against the user deceiving him on the one hand and enlisting him in its service on the other. Once we see the proper use of the many issues and relate them to the true goal of the world superstate in the name of Christ (alias the kingdom of God on earth) they can no longer be used against us and we change positions from the USED to the USER. To demonstrate what we mean, a deadly weapon may be compared to British Israel ideology. If this weapon is used against its owner it is it deadly but if used in his defense it means freedom. It is the same weapon and its use determines its effect, the result of which can be good or bad. If we recognize British Israel we are not likely to be beguiled into self destruction. Alas we say to the deceived patriots "hell froze over with good intentions."Communism is the tool by which Britain's international finance is knocking down national governments in the interest of world government, world police and world currency." These are the words of Nicholas Murray Butler at the Lord Cecil luncheon November 19, 1937 at the Hotel Astor. Mr. Butler was president of Columbia University and head of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. In this connection it should be noted how unafraid of communism Britain is and how odd that American boys die on foreign battle fields fighting Britain's communism. The whole world could see that Russia did nothing while Israel, which also belongs to Britain, destroyed the military machine of the Arab states who are supposed to be allies of the Soviet Union. In this same war the Israeli plane that shot up an American ship was in truth a British plane as Israel is a British state. Also Nasser of Egypt is a stooge of the British Empire and his being a Grand Orient Mason puts him squarely under the
140power of the Grand Lodge of England. This makes him a traitor to his people whose soldiers he has slaughtered in his fake wars with Israel, the propaganda effect being to exalt the name of so- called Israelites as God's people. This was only another slaughter in the name of Christianity to fulfill and justify the conspiracy of British Israel. All of this blood letting is an attempt to build the British Commonwealth of the World through spiritual deception. The work of World Evangelism is to educate the people of the world against their national governments in favor of a political- spiritual colossus which to the people will justify world government. This is not to say that there are not many Christians doing a wonderful work for Christ in spreading the Gospel to foreign lands. What we are saying is that most of the missionaries are millennialists of one denomination or another and they are unwittingly preparing the people for world government in the name of Christ. This is not Christian and certainly not Biblical as it serves the cause of British Israel.
It is an intriguing question as to why high finance with its foundations and its partners in giant industry are engaging in sedition and subversion. To a straight thinking American these people would only be undercutting themselves to destroy the system that has given them life and prosperity. The reason is simple in that the financial power sees in British Israel an opportunity to sacrifice the freedoms of the American people in exchange for control and domination of world commerce under the proposed New Age economy which they tell us is supposed to be based on the Mosaic Economy. Americans generally think in terms of competitive business but the giants of finance and industry see in British Israel a scheme for complete monopoly and complete power. They see in British Israel a scheme to monopolize the wealth of the world. They then can have peace because all power and all wealth is in their hands and the freedom of Americans under the Constitution means nothing to the possessors of the world.
What the smaller business men do not realize is that they are through once the dollar goes and the
Unon Jack becomes the World Flag.Again we say the doing away of our tariff walls in the name of free trade is a trick to do away with the principal bulwark of a scale of wages and a standard of living far above those of other countries and reduce the American people to the common level of the rest of the world. They use the sophistry that Americans are too material minded and have strayed from God (which God?) to justify the coming collapse of the economic system under which we have prospered. In this regard it is the task of the "kingdom message" propaganda to put over the idea that we haive sinned with the economic system of "Mystery Babylon" and have become materialistic and that God will relieve us of our property so that we can share it with the rest of the world "each according to his needs" in the New Age kingdom now being prepared.
To the greedy American business men who care not for their country and the American people we give a word of warning that in your delusions of grandeur don't forget your junior status in the organization of the Master Planners of an eventual totally British dominated world.
This game of power politics permits no enduring friendships and anyone who knows the British contempt for America knows that it is an everlasting hate and at best the American business man is participating in his own destruction.
And too are the American people not better off than ever? Americans are temporarily given prosperity while they are drugged with the kingdom message and few of them realize that inflation is calculated to take back what seems like prosperity now. After all we must be lulled while we are abolished for world government in the interest of Universal Peace. Under the British Israel economic system, which they claim is according to Mosaic Law, theirs is a system for production for use and not for profit. This is the plan of Karl Marx and this is the plan of British Israel and they are identical because the kingdom message is Communism and Communism is the
kingdom of God on earth. Under this economy which capital and industry is striving for there is no profit for the workers. All profit is in the hands of a few and this is the crux of the matter. If people cannot have profit they cannot have savings and they are slaves to the state. People are fighting this politically and believing it spiritually, and it is through the spiritual that the scheme is being put over. World Evangelism is building the spiritual foundation for what is called "a better world," and which is a British World in which America is only a plundered colony.
We go back to Mrs. Baldwin for her further explanation of how British propaganda is worked to lead this nation to ruin. Mrs. Baldwin stated that Douglas McArthur said in a private conversation to her after he was removed from Korea that he was aware that the British were behind his defeat and the unleashing of the Red Chinese from Manchuria. The doubting Thomas's of course would not believe that the British control China but indeed they do. The red star of Red China is the red star of the Shrine. Here is a definite tie to those who understand how Freemasonry is being used in world revolution. Communist China and free China are puppets for our consumption and entertainment. McArthur of course was made a 33! Mason and when he tried to win the Korean War he was removed by 33! Harry Turban who took his orders from other 33! Masons. There is no mistaking this net of subversion once the British are recognized as the"nigger in the woodpile." Is there one voice in the U.S. Government raised against the British supplying the Viet Cong? Not one! Is there any protest from the F.B.I. about British Communism and their widespread kingdom message propaganda in America? NONE! Do they know about British Communism via British Israel? You tell them!
Certain carefully laid obstacles have been placed as blinds or fronts so that the American people cannot discover that Communism is more synonymous with Britain than Russia. It reminds one of a soldier trying to get through a mine field to get at the enemy. Of course the greatest decoy
or front is Russia (under the same Red Star) and from there everyone can choose his own kick. We have the left wing revolutionaries, the right wing anti-Russian Communists. We have the Viet Nam War. We have domestic problems and social upheaval. Last and certainly a most important disarmed and deflector is the press of the world playing down the role of a supposedly bankrupt British Empire. Certainly anyone could see the necessity from the British point of view, for the propaganda mills playing down constantly the strength and might of the British Empire. All this smoke can be penetrated by a quick analysis of the spiritual plot and how religion and prophecy are being used to disguise World Communism by the one real villain in all history -- the British Empire. American churches have become social institutions preparing the people for a political Messiah and it so happens that this Lord is to reign from the Throne of Britain. Do the "anti- communists" reveal this plot as a Communist plot? Read EMPIRE OF THE CITY by E. C. Knuth (address at the back of this book) for a study in British power politics and their system of fronts and decoys and subversion.
No one need believe this because we say so. Turn on your radio and listen to the "prophecies" of the world tomorrow and how the millennial kingdom will be an end to Communism and a beginning of a paradise earth. This is the greatest deception of history to get universal cooperation in building a universal Communism through religion.
Let us quote Mrs. Baldwin again to enlarge upon our explanation of British Israel. Keep in mind how political events today are being worked to harmonize with the much publicized prophecies. On page 31 of AND MEN WEPT, I quote: "Based on the statement that Abraham was the starting point of a chosen generation, that this generation was to develop into a ruling race, a dominant race, highly spiritual, interpreting in its life and administration the supreme spirit of righteousness in the earth. That this ruling, righteous and dominant race should be organized into God's Kingdom of Priests in the earth and that by their activities all the families, all the nations of the earth should be blessed, that this
144Kingdom should be a model Kingdom. The Constitution should be the ideal preached throughout the Mosaic and Christian eras."
"The British Israel adherents claim that "'the Babylonian System of Empires came to an end in 1918 and that now the Kingdom of God is to be reestablished on earth and must become universal. They claim it is a step forward in Anglo-Saxon history and world history."
'"Citing the 'fall of the remaining Continental Empires and that the children of Israel should take the Kingdom on Earth and that this Kingdom should become universal in the earth; that a new covenant is to be made with the House of Israel, Britain should take the Kingdom on earth and that it become universal in the Earth, that the Middle East should come into the hands of Britain, including Egypt, Ancient Israel, and Ancient Assyria or as we know them Egypt, Palestine, Transjordania and Iraq. The Turkish Empire should be removed, the British Naval and Military base for Palestine should be established at Haifa and should be called Armageddon, that Abyssinia should be involved under its old name Ethiopia and Tripoli under its old name Libya.'"
"Thereafter Russia and her allies should invade Palestine from the North and Ethiopia and Libya from the South, Egypt will be lost to us for a time and Jerusalem will be taken for a time." They predict all sorts of pestilence, famine, earthquakes and so on, finally:--"
"'Sick of war and utterly bankrupt, perforce of economic circumstances, the WORLD WILL WIPE THE SLATE CLEAN OF DEBTS AND BEGIN ANEW, (emphasis mine). That the world will be unified into one universal nationality, Britain or Anglo--Saxondom will be the center of the Unity. The Common Law purified will be established universally with centralized administration. Thus the world will be reorganized into the universal Kingdom of God, under our Lord's own administration of the Common Law.'"
"'In other words European Empire rule is being transferred to Anglo-Saxon rule, under the New
Covenant made with the House of Israel.'" end of quote within the book AND MEN WEPT, but continuing to quote from the book itself:"This, then, is the basis of the World Government project that is costing the lives of many American boys. The United Nations was but a step along the way to the real objective. But remember Andrew Carnegie said, 'do it by little steps one by one, by peaceful means, if possible, if not by war, -little steps rather than by one big move.'"
"This seems to be a good time to relate the situation in Egypt;--the revolution was on, the British wires were cut, the mericans were approached and asked to send through the British messages. To do this the British code had to be broken. The message that went through:-- 'break the revolution at all costs, use bribery if necessary.' I omit the name of my informant, out of courtesy. I can assure you that it is factual, reliable and witnessed."
"Can you honestly believe that men can foretell the events of the world from the measurements of the Pyramid of Gizeh? . . . . If so then why have the former predictions failed? Is it not rather that the prophecies of the Old Testament have been used to fit the picture and by this hoax brought men's minds to the unthinking state that we are in today?"
" Recent issues of the National Message print the aims of the British Israel Federation; in the February 23, 1932 issue, as follows:--"To spread the knowledge of the origin, mission and destiny of the British race. To demonstrate that the British Commonwealth of Nations represents the national basis of God's Kingdom on Earth. To show that Britain is the lineal continuation of the Israel Nation (as distinct from Jews) and that every mark of identification is possessed by the Anglo-Saxon race as a whole. To reveal the role of the British people as the inheritor of Israel's Charters, the possessor of her immunities from destruction, and the executor of her commission to develop the new order of civilization." This needs no explanation, it plainly states that Britain
is to rule as the Kingdom of God on Earth."" In the 'Youth Message' (issued as the organ for the Youth of the British Israel Federation, May 1938, we find these words --'He would produce a deliverance through a NEW DEAL, a new economic system, one freed from the Babylonian principles'. By this it meant the forgiveness of debts." If you would question that this country is being run on the pattern of the British Israel plan then it will be of interest for you to read this passage from the National Message, October 12, 1935, page 679:--quote:-- 'It was told to me by a heavy weight American financier before the crash came, that the crash was coming, that it would be permitted to run to the danger point, and that when the danger point was passed it would be reversed by measures "Carefully prepared in advance to meet the situation. I carefully noted what he said and left it for events to prove the value of his statement.' Did you lose your money, your all in the stock market crash of 1929, did it occur to you that this was a premeditated crash, a deliberate act against the American people?"
"We are now facing World War III, not because Russia is the bad boy but because it is part of the plot to enable Britain to control the whole world. This coming war will be in the Middle East, it will be for the control of the oil of the world. The plan was put in print, emanating from 6 Buckingham Gate, London as far back as 1935 from the record I have."
"The Middle East, destined they claim, to be once more the center of the Kingdom of God on earth, is, therefore, 'Crown granted by the King of Kings to Israel, Britain, with whom is or shall be united, Israel-America, Israel Judah and the remnants of Israel to be found in other lands.'"
"'As the power appointed of God to be responsible for the Middle East, God has given to Britain- Israel, Ancient Bosra, now Basra on the Persian Gulf. He had given to us Akaba, the taking of which gave us the power to turn the flank of the Central Powers in the Great War. This port is now in our hands and will be of the utmost
importance to us later on.'""'The open roadstead of the Bay of Acre into a defensive harbor for the fleet together with the transformation of the undefended Plain of Megiddo into the defended and occupied plain of Armageddon, these shall become the G. G. Q. forces in the East.'"
"This is the British plan, the plan for the final battle in the Middle East, World War III, this is where American boys will be sent to set up what they call the Kingdom of God on Earth-- ruled over by British-Israel." end of quote from And Men Wept.
Mrs. Baldwin goes on to tell how Britain disguises its New World Order by calling it God's plan and only through His wisdom are the British people the center of that Great Plan. They claim it is not Communism but the antithesis, it is not Socialism nor Capitalism, it is the Kingdom of God. World Rule they claim, now reverts to the Kingdom of God, and Britain must proceed with the establishment of the Kingdom of God. In truth it is British Communism and tyranny. In the political realm Britain is spreading the propaganda of Communism from Russia in the United States and thus conditioning the minds of the American people so that they will be willing to fight Russia. While doing this Britain does not tell the people that the British Israel World Federation had put in print in 1933 and repeated in 1937 the fact that they would use the Soviet System to establish their British Commonwealth of the world; nor does she tell of the statement on page 95 of the book "THE THREE HEADED EAGLE" wherein is written that Communism would be the tool that they would use to overthrow the countries in Europe, that they would do this under the power of Russian Victory prestige. Thus we find one country, Russia, being pitted against the United States while Britain plays with both. Thus does she weaken this country with so-called Russian Communism while she gains the domination of the world through British Israel and their Kingdom Message. Using Russian Communism as the goat and decoy is only used to bully, bluff, bribe,
besmear and bewilder the American people by being able through control or intimidation of public sources of information to accuse each of the successive challenges of "One World" and its (British Israel's) own ideology of world rule and exploitation; and to convict them of its own lies and crimes. We must continue to bear in mind that in recent years all "One World" schemes are creations of the British Empire and they are used by the Empire under different names such as Communism, etc., to further the Master Plan of the British Israel political spiritual super-state which seeks control of the world through the spiritual deception that God has established His kingdom upon earth. This is how we accomplish nothing for America when we fight British Communism in the streets and accept British Israel Communism under the name of God's kingdom on earth in our churches. This is, as has been demonstrated, how we actually promote this false messianic scheme when we are beguiled into a ruckus with Russian Communism as such. Russian Communism is only one of the many created antagonisms our opposition to it serving to foster misunderstanding and a cover up of the source of this power. Communism is not sourced in Russia but the British Empire and more specifically London, which is also the source of the British Israel plot which we recognize in the kingdom message which is so universal today. This dual thrust is designed to seduce the faith of Americans to a worn out Pharisaism and through this deception relieve them of their country, their property and their freedom while telling them that their enemy is Russian Communism. Any time we find the promotion of internationalism, we are face to face with Communism. Rhodes Scholars are internationalists who want a world order and a World Government. Somehow, these traitors who are brainwashed at Oxford, are not recognized as British Communist Agents. We recommend that you read the series of articles which are now in booklet form and which first appeared in the CHICAGO TRIBUNE July 15, 1931-1951, under the title, "RHODES' GOAL: RETURN U.S. TO BRITISH EMPIRE."
International finance based in London with branches and agents in New York did not finance the Russian take over to give it away. The British Empire and the Pharisee Jews who own it conceived in so-called Russian Communism an opportunity to use Russia as a base of operations to destroy any opponent and to put the world under stress and strain and while the world fights Russian Communism they are put in chains with British Communism in the form of the "Kingdom Message" promoted from our churches. The Jew Pharisees killed Christ because He would not serve their lusty desires for control of the world under a political theocracy and now they still seek this wealth and power as they use British Israel to justify it spiritually. British Israel is a spiritual lie called the kingdom of God on earth which the "masters of deceit" are using in the name of Christ to steal the commerce and wealth of the world and then rule over the subjects which they have put in spiritual darkness. With this British Israel propaganda they excuse their crimes against humanity while they build the "better world" on a war torn earth which they have drenched in blood under the guise of righteousness. This is the truth about "what's wrong in America." It is the British Empire riding the old Pharisee dream of rulership of the world and the very elect will be deceived almost. All that is necessary that the plan succeed is that through British Israel the people can be brought to believe that the kingdom of God on earth is Christian. Through this propaganda the people are made to believe in things fleshly instead of things spiritual and they change spiritual Israel back to physical Israel and so once having freedom they turn again to bondage. If a man believes this British Israel lie he cannot be free but he will imagine that he is and so goes America if they believe it.The ultimate goal of the British Empire of course is absolute domination of the world both physical and spiritual and it is through the spiritual that they are gaining this control. With the use of the Kingdom Message they are turning the beliefs of the people into Pharisaism by causing them to center their hopes on a coming New Age Millennium. As Christ warned they neither go in the kingdom or suffer us to go in. With British
150Israel they are deceiving men to believe that God’s Kingdom is yet future and thereby keeping them out of God's true spiritual Kingdom now.
That British Israel is sourced in London and is of the British Empire is conclusive. British Israel heresy begins with the idea that the so-called Jews are God's chosen people according to the flesh and that they are yet to receive the physical blessing that God promised Abraham and that they shall receive these physical blessings in the Millennial Age. Many people believe this much of British Israel and this much is all that is necessary to cause them to place their hope in a future kingdom of God on earth. This segment of Millennialists in most cases violently deny they are British Israel and most of them are honest but spiritually blind as to the true nature of God's Kingdom. In this we see the limited power of Satan in the form of British Israel to deceive the nations. This proves that if men can be made to believe in the fleshly kingdom of the Pharisees then they become enemies of Christ in His name.
The British Israel heresy is also an enlargement of the Jew Race myth, making the twelve tribes of ancient Israel include all of the Adamic Race which has its modern manifestation in Anglo- Saxondom centered in the British Empire with the throne of Britain being the throne of Christ which He shall sit upon after it is removed to Jerusalem and He returns to earth to rule the nations in an earthly paradise. This is only a political scheme derived from the very people who crucified Christ because He did not conform to their expectations of a political theocracy on earth.
According to this "Kingdom Message" America is to participate in this glorified earth as co-ruler after she has been cleansed of her selfish nationalism. The only sin America has according to the British Empire is their independence from their masters in London. American finance [Wall Street] and big business is a partner to this conspiracy and they should know that their lot will be no better under the New British World than that of the American people whom they are now helping subdue thinking they will participate in this world
grab. They are getting fat now financing both sides, but when the Communist angle has served its purpose and the kingdom angle begins to dominate politically, these fat cats will be skinned alive and they should be for their part in this Satanic plot to steal the wealth of the world and destroy the faith of its people in the true Christ.No one should question why American finance would participate in this when they look at the stakes. It is simple that they intend through British Israel to have their profits and ours too, as well as the whole world. Then the Satanic angle of this money power is that they control the beliefs (spirit) of the world at large as well as its wealth. We emphasize that it is with this spiritual darkness that they have confused the world today and that they expect to completely control it in the future. The only defense against this conspiracy is truth and this Americans do not have because they love darkness more than they love light.
In our identification of British Israel we have sought to prove its dual nature of political and spiritual. At the same time we have sought to demonstrate that the British Expire is very much alive both politically and geographically and that the United States is completely subdued already so much so that the United States appeared on the list of Commonwealth Nations of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association Meeting held at London, England, 1961.
While the propaganda mills grind out the theme that the British Empire is gone it is the major trouble maker in the world. It has lowered its flag many times to support the myth that the Empire is dead while it keeps the power in foreign lands through its Rhodes Scholar Agents and power of the press. It reaches its tentacles into every town and hamlet through its Masonry controlled from London.
As they decrease the Empire from the eyes of men they have increased it with the cloak of Christianity in the form of the "Kingdom Message." In this Kingdom Message we see how they justify the apparent chaos of the United
152States and Britain.
The task of the "Kingdom Message" propaganda is to make the people believe that only Divine intervention can save America and Britain. Therefore they are mangling our social order so as to destroy our independence so that after the final cataclysm of World War III it will look as if the British Empire and its American colony were miraculously saved by God. Then Anglo Saxondom can rule the world for a thousand years for the "good of the world." In truth then, the world will be under British Communism. While the British beguiled us into self destruction fighting their Russian Communism, they trick us into British Communism under the cloak of Christianity. This is the meaning of British Israel for America.
Britain and America are now being cleansed of their national sins and being made ready for rulership in the New Age, they say. And how will they again be made so powerful as to control the world for a thousand years? Of course it is with this power that they are saying that they do not now have, and we shall go on to prove that the power IS there and how it is at this time using nations (including our United States) and armies as mere pawns in the game. The Empire with the control of the United States is now strong enough to dominate the world and set the stage of events to fit its scheme of British Israel while at the same time it subdues its own personality and conceals its identity. Only complete power is invisible and only an invisible power is complete. Russian Communism is not invisible. Spiritual Communism is. No small power could do this as the press of the other powers would expose it but the press of the world is now under the British Empire and it therefore supports its propaganda. No power or state or combinations of states has the military and economic power of Great Britain and the United States to force the Kingdom Message propaganda on the rest of the world. In our identification of the work of British Israel we remind our reader not to overlook the use of created fake nationalism to hide British Israel. The cardinal example to demonstrate this truth is Adolph Hitler and his National Socialism. Hitler
was also put into power because of his opposition to so-called Russian Communism and had the right wingers or patriots of Germany stopped to analyze what was happening, they might have seen that there is no difference in Communism and National Socialism; only the name. As Hitler rose to power under the symbolism of Masonry he did that which was planned. He destroyed the German Nation and the German people and today the political situation in Germany is developing in the same manner if the people of Germany, like the people of America, could only see it. And if the radical left creates too big a reaction and tends to backfire then a fake nationalism under the right wing will come to political power in the United States for the same reason Hitler did in Germany-- that is, to preside over the final destruction of the United States of America! Americans should seek a true nationalism but they should beware of the British Israel Masonic candidates who give allegiance to a supreme being who is not Jesus Christ while they lead the country to destruction with pet phrases of Americanism and Patriotism.Another fake nationalism comes to mind--that of Rhodesia [today called Zimbabwe] under the much heralded Ian Smith. Ian Smith is an acknowledged British Israelite and "independent" Rhodesia is saturated with British Israel propaganda just as America is. The people of Rhodesia have no independence under the British stooge Ian Smith. Through British Israel teaching they too hope for a worldly Communist Kingdom under the throne of Britain. They do not expect it to be Communism as is generally understood, but they do not understand the trickery of British Israel. They already have Communism in their hearts.
Here is a small nation who has been led to believe they are now independent. Surely there are some in Rhodesia who understand the cloak and dagger power politics of British Israel. This"independence" maneuver adds up to the big lie that the Empire is gone. How stupid we mortals are and how long shall we be betrayed because of our ignorance? No country can be independent and free with the seditious propaganda of British Israel educating its people for World Government. Somehow people cannot come to the reality that a
154conspiracy through religion is the most invulnerable and subtle scheme that can befall a victim nation. Conversely if the religious plot can be detected it can be shattered. British Israel is the religion of Communism. How simple, but oh how deceptive and how unwilling people are to hear the truth!
After many years and a terrific beating Americans cannot get the meaning of this forked tongue power politics which carries them to new lows after every election. These stalking horses with spurious issues to take over the opposition is a trick well used in Machiavellian politics and they may well raise up such a man in the United States so that he can "kill" some of their Communism thereby raising the prestige of this invisible power and adding to its power in the eyes of the people. Destroying created opposition is a method of solidifying power. The case of little George Wallace of Alabama is an example of created opposition based on spurious or false issues. Now many Americans have reached for this forked tongued little man who has accomplished both York Rite and Scottish Rite Masonry to the 32 [degree of Freemasonry]! George is a little man with big ambition and he has sold his soul and his fellow countrymen. If he ever had any good intentions for the people, he is helpless to carry them out as he well knows the power of British Israel. He would not dare open his mouth against British despotism that controls this land from the court system to the Armed Forces. Yes, George attacks Communism as all so-called Conservatives do but he does not attack British Israel Communism. He is only stooge pposition. With this same idea a crisis is created and is solved with more controls and increased power over the people as they cannot perceive the real meaning of the crisis in the first place. The final destroying of created Russian Communism which has caused the world so much heartache is the event which will inaugurate the new communism under the name of kingdom of God. In the minds of the deceived the kingdom of God, British Communism, will have saved them from total annihilation from Russian Communism. In the vernacular they swap the devil for the witch and they jump from the frying pan into the fire which will only be
realized when the fire of this new kingdom begins to burn their fat.
The Machiavellian nature of the British government permits no written policy and to survive it must dominate commerce, control the seas and acquire the world. Before the world can be made safe for British control of commerce, the British Empire must bring all competitors under its control. To acquire this complete control they are butchering the world order now with their communism while setting the stage for World War III in which the Empire expects a final annihilation of the United States and all other would be national states. The plan is to get them to eliminate each other leaving the British Empire sole owner of the world. This giant steal is called in pious language "the econstruction of the moral order" into the kingdom age. For this great event the British Empire has been preparing the way almost since America won its independence. In the last one hundred years they have multiplied their propaganda through the establishment in this country of a rash (numbering into the hundreds) of religious cults designed to prepare the people for this millennial age. The Plymouth Brethren were organized in the early nineteenth century to expand the propaganda of Millennialism. Then came Rutherford and Russell with the same anti-Christian Millennialism which has now been expanded worldwide through the cult of Jehovah Witnesses. Mormonism under Joseph Smith with its Masonic symbols has grown into a mammoth New Age cult actively preparing for the worldwide kingdom to come. Then in later days since 1900 this peculiar kingdom message has infiltrated the biggest part of Protestantism moving the churches in the service of British Israel away from the faith of the Reformers and the true Apostolic faith. As has been said many different church groups appear different in their ritual ceremony and independent church doctrines and they disagree with each other but the "modus operandi" of the maze of churches, unknown to their members, is the preparing of the people for this New World Order in the name of Christ. There is a church for everybody and they are encouraged to go to the one of their choice because the deception is now
so complete that one is likely to get the kingdom message in almost any of them. Americans do not sin because they go to church. Their sin is their unbelief in the living Christ and the fact that all power has been given Him in heaven and earth. With this powerful, British Israel force the people have become imbued with the spirit of the kingdom so much so that they fight communism with their hands and establish it with their hearts. Man cannot strive against his beliefs. This is the deceit of British Israel and it has made us enemies of the land of our freedom. Americans cannot have the British Israel world kingdom and have an independent and free America at the same time. They must understand this and choose sides.
That the British Empire and its infinite number of agents in the United States control this country and are steering it to collapse is seen in the mass dissemination of the kingdom message propaganda. No sane people aware of their enemy would allow such a campaign to reeducate the people toward world government, which necessitates their own destruction; But this is the fact about the condition of America today. We charge that the United States is being raped and ravished and its Constitution torn to bits and the final tumult is to remove the outward appearance and form of American institutions of government. Out of this chaos America will be resurrected only to be part of the land mass that comprises the new British World. Then those who have worked so hard for the New Age can behold their serfdom to their masters whom they have served so loyally.
Other stages in this process toward world government are seen in the regional world governments such as SEATO, NATO, and the Common Market, etc. These are but steps which will be the components of world government in the British Israel kingdom of God on earth.
If Americans will read the literature and listen to their radios they cannot deny that the whole effort is propaganda, through the spiritual, to build the British Commonwealth of the world over which a British Sovereign would rule. It is British political
communism which is battering the civil order of America while the British Israel spiritual explains it and leads the people into the New World Super State. Communism is British and its design for Americans is the same under any name, whether it be exported Russian Communism via the British Empire or the kingdom of God on earth. It is the same force with the same source, all made in London. It is a British-Jew-Pharisee scheme to control the world and enslave its people. It means the rulership of the elite with the combine of a giant monopoly built upon the ashes of competitive enterprise. These mad men do not want competitive business, they want monopoly and they are perverting the Word of God to get it. They are mixing things sacred with things profane to gain the kingdoms of this world. Is Satan loosed for a little season to deceive the nations?
The British Israel kingdom of God on earth is a commercial enterprise and has nothing to do with the Gospel of Christ and His true spiritual kingdom. British Israel is a British-Jew trick to grab the world by turning God's truth into profanity. Many Christians have understood the evils of Millennialism but they cannot imagine that it is being used as a political scheme to establish world government in the name of Christ.
May we be sure that our reader is not swamped with confusion because of the many names used to designate, describe and reveal the true nature of British Israel? Because of the sinisterness of the monster we encounter, we reemphasize that British Israel comes to us under many names, cloaks and movements. Many of them appear Christian. We have identified the New Age of Masonry, the Millennialism of Protestantism, the kingdom of God on earth, political Messianism, Communism, anti-communism, brotherhood, the New Order, the New Era, as all being but different names for British Israel and all of them like the spokes of a wagon wheel supporting the central purpose of world government under the British Empire. And all of the above serve two purposes - one to destroy this order while they prepare the way for the next. We perceive one thing common to all movements whether political or religious
158and that is to change this order into a new one.
We have not dealt with the many political aspects of British Russian Communism such as the United Nations, the Pilgrim Society, Council of Foreign Relations, National Council of Churches, and so on ad ad infinitum. Also we have not mentioned the many individuals and stalking horses which are fronting for the British Empire. These things are advertised daily as a cover up so we have sought in the main to identify British Israel spiritual, for here is the main line of our deception and destruction. British Israel is Spiritual Communism. It is esoteric (hidden) Communism and the spiritual counter- part of Political Communism, also made in London and exported to Russia. The intent is to drive the people into this spiritual Communism while they exhaust themselves fighting the political frauds. This is the nature of the Jew-British fellowship and they intend to take us physically by deceiving us spiritually.
If we have demonstrated that the British Israel kingdom of God on earth is not according to the Bible (see section on the Hope of Israel), but that it is a cover for a political-commercial conspiracy to dominate the world, then we have accomplished the purpose of this writing. If this kingdom message spiritual deception concept can be understood then we have no trouble tearing away its mask and identifying it as a scheme of world government identical to that of Communism. And in addition we begin to see how stirring up the political friction's adds to the confusion and promotes its dual plot of British Israel by hiding it in Biblical language. British Israel with its kingdom message "attacks" itself under the name of Communism while it educates the world "Biblically" to got ready for world government. What British Israel says is bad politically it promotes spiritually which in effect is saying that God's plan of salvation For the world is Communism. British Israel has a forked tongue and a dual nature when seen in its true form. Communism is British Israel and British Israel is Communism in all but name. One cannot be a part of one without being the other. One cannot be truly an anti-Communist if he is not anti-
British Israel, as he cannot oppose physically what he believes spiritually and this is precisely why any proposed expose of Communism must include at the same time an expose of spiritual (British Israel) Communism; otherwise he promotes it.The British Israel "conservatism" and communist"radicalism" has America in its claws and one can be in either right or left and wind up with World Government under the British Empire. There is no escape from this pincers movement without true knowledge of its identity.
Many good people are ever ready to fight Communism politically, but when shown that the kingdom of God on earth bunk is the same thing they immediately defend it because they have been conditioned in their churches to believe that the kingdom message is Biblical and of course they haven't bothered to see that it isn't. So their good intentions are hopeless and futile and their frustrations over "what's wrong in America" only grow. Lack of faith and interest in the true Gospel has caused Americans to believe in the race of British Israel instead of the grace of Christ.
It is popular and profitable to "fight" Communism but it is unforgivable to know about British Israel and scarcely a radio station in the land would sell time to expose the intrigue of the British Empire with their use of British Israel to reeducate Americans and hoodwink them into World Government. anti-Communist racketeers have used every scheme imaginable to get the wealth and substance of Americans while deluding them about Communism. They prey on their victims by scaring them to death about a takeover by the Communists. These crooks have all kinds of investment schemes, hideout schemes, survival schemes to escape what they call the takeover of Communism, and these very tactics are confusing the people and scaring the money out of them and causing a dismal hopelessness. We have the fright peddlers who charge our emotions with their horror stories of life in Russia and as the patriots bleed they give their money away. Americans are natural bait for this foolishness. These so-called anti-Communists are not only
160playing a con game, they are promoting revolution on one hand and blaspheming Christ with the kingdom message on the other.
If Americans can begin to see through the veil and fabric of British Israel "Christianity" they will come to understand that the ancient earthly figure of the throne of David is a disguise to hide the coming world throne of the Royal House of Britain.
In order for Israel (the meaning of Israel is the unification of Anglo-Saxondom in the Jew's religion under the pretense of Christianity) to dominate the world they must first be united. According to British Israel, all Anglo-Saxondom must awaken to their national identity as the Israel of God. Hence we are bombarded constantly with the national identity doctrine that we are God's people in a national sense. The propaganda seeks to instill the old idea of fleshly Israel's special relationship to God as a Christian doctrine by building the belief that America is a Christian nation, a Christian Republic, and we therefore are a Christian civilization with a Divine purpose to be realized in the coming World Government of God.
T. Robert Ingram says in his book The World Under God's Law on page three, "Since we are a people under God's law, we are a people under God, or God's people." On page five he says "It is that legal system which identifies ours as a Christian civilization and these United States as a Christian nation." May we remind the above author that it was "the law" or legal system of Pharisaism that caused Saul to kill Christians in the name of God. It was when Saul became Saint Paul the Christian, that he was persecuted by the Jew's religion that he once believed. Now it was this legal system of national Israel (Jew's religion) that caused the rejection of Christ and blinded the people to His saving grace.
The grace of Christ is anathema to the race and national identity of British Israel Pharisaism. Americans must discern the spirit that would steal their faith and leave them a promised land in its stead. If Judaism alias British Israel
"Christianity" can merge the concept of racial origin and national identity with the Christian faith, the world state is established already under and in spite of the independence of the stars and stripes of Old Glory.In Prophecy On Parade we find this quote on page 157-8, "Inherently we call this 'God's Country' and, whether we know it or not, we do so on the authority of the Bible for truly God has given it to us as our inheritance as a part of the tribe of Joseph. The Bible is our abstract of title. Time has arrived in the world's history when our title is challenged. We now must establish our claim or abandon the property. Thank God for a title that goes back to the World Supreme Court of last resort, the unconditional contract (covenant) of God. If we hold this land as God's country, then it necessarily follows that we are God's people. Then let's tell the world who we are and return to our Father's house."
Then we must conclude that the slogan "For God and Country" alludes to patriotism, but in essence and in fact promotes the concept of identity with the other "Israelite" nations which in turn leads to their fusion with total loss of national sovereignty. Therefore, the concept betrays us under its pretense of conservatism.
"The object is to re-establish mankind into the kingdom of God on earth, a perfect relationship between God and certain of mankind who are of the Adamic race. This certain group is the whole house of Israel, whom He will cause to accept His son and return to His land and laws. Those who know the identity of Israel know that this will be done through the leadership of Ephraim (the British Commonwealth) and Manasseh (the United States of America)." Quoted from pages 66 and 67 of Prophecy On Parade, by W. C. Nabors, and published by Destiny Publishers, Haverhill, Mass., which is the front headquarters for the British Israel World Federation in America.
Now there are many good people who will immediately deny that their faith includes the divine national origin propaganda of British Israel. But any belief in national or racial
ssalvation such as the "Jew's" being the chosen of God, supports to the maximum British Israelism.
Hitler used the same propaganda with a reverse twist which most Germans never understood. He promoted the spirit of national socialism which said in its propaganda that it was anti-Jew and anti-communism, but he established the same Jew-communism under the name of National Socialism with the Aryan or super race fiction to support it. If Americans can decipher the anti- Communist crusade in America they can understand that behind the fine sounding term "For God and Country" is the merging of "Israel America" with "all Israel" into a world state NOT under Christ, but under the Union Jack.
It is the task of the British Anglo Israel Kingdom Message propaganda to extol Americanism and build at the same time a world government religion under the cover of Christianity. After it builds the spirit of World Government in the name of Christ, it can justify national and international calamity with the simple explanation that God's judgment is upon us.
Of course the real meaning of international"tribulation" is to disguise the British Empire's desolation of the United States, subverting us into a New Order of the Ages under the pretense of Divine Destiny.
World Communism by way of the British kingdom of God is now being built upon a spiritual foundation. Here we coin a phrase which accurately describes what British Israel is striving for with a false Christianity--that is Protestant Judaism. With the Kingdom Religion (Jew's religion) they are working through all the Protestant churches until now most all Protestants teach Judaism under the notion that they are teaching Christianity. They talk about the fulfillment of prophecy and the coming kingdom of God. Any kingdom of God on earth is materialism and it is the Jew's Religion and a false hope. It is easy to see (if one does not believe in an earthly kingdom) how a millennialist is a One Worlder and an alien in his own country.
163Despotism has no equal to British Israel. All of Protestantism has been skillfully changed to a crypto Judaism completely unaware.
Americans clap their hands at every Israeli move in the Middle East as in expectation of the fulfillment of prophecy. Every Arab knows more than "educated" Americans, to wit that Zionism is British Communism with the Jew's Religion, and that Judaism is a tool for establishing a Communist World Order under the name Kingdom of God. An excellent example of Zionism or as we have more accurately termed it, Spiritual Communism, is found in Richard W. De Haan's September 1969 Bible Booklet, ISRAEL AND GOD, and I quote from page 21, "When the nation of Israel accepts Christ as Messiah and Savior, it will be restored to the place of favor with God. Paul speaks of this event as 'life from the dead.' Some Bible teachers believe that in these words he refers to the physical resurrection of all Israel at the beginning of the millennial age. Others take this expression to mean that the nation, which has been dead in the sin of unbelief, will receive spiritual life. Both ideas are possible because the resurrection of Old Testament saints will take place at the beginning of the millennium and also because a vast majority of Israelites living on earth at that time will be saved, spiritually passing from death to life. Furthermore, the entire earth will undergo a transformation which will be like 'life from the dead.' It will be marked by universal peace, prosperity, and justice. Isaiah declared that 'the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord, as the waters cover the seal (Isaiah 11:9). Yes, the small nation called Israel, struggling for survival in the Middle East, is destined for spiritual renewal and restoration to God. When this takes place, the whole earth will experience unimaginable blessing." End of quote.
Not a Christian that ever lived could fail to detect that De Haan is teaching Judaism with their national salvation scheme and a communist millennium. This is sedition that boasts of a world wide ministry of radio, television, and literature. Of course De Haan will not be hindered with his political religion. His pretext is Christianity; his purpose is
treason whether he knows it or not. He holds out a false hope to the "Jew" and leads many from God's grace to an earthly materialism which he calls the millennium. Of course the "Jews" are for this messianic millennial worldly order, and this apostasy is keeping them blinded today as it caused their rejection and crucifixion of Christ. The synagogue Jews are not offended by Christianity as they believe but by their own leaders and proselyte Jews such as Richard De Haan who keep the chosen nation myth as a hope for Jewish exaltation and world peace. Synagogue Jews are like Protestant or Proselyte Jews. They are held in bondage by their own religion of millennial communism. The New World Order will do away with private wealth accumulated under the American system. The Jews will not like this, but they are helping promote it because of their false religion.British Israel is the perfect crime and once an individual comes under its spell, he immediately becomes a spiritual communist. He is seditious just by virtue of his kingdom religion, and is in fact his own worst enemy. This is bondage of the spirit and bondage without chains. It is the plan of British Communism and it is a battle for the mind.
British Israel enlists hundreds of thousands in its religious army and most never suspect that they are a part of British Communism, The Jehovah Witnesses is a case in point. They say they have no country and least of all Britain, but their kingdom religion promotes the British Empire and not their Jehovah as they believe. It is perfect trickery how British Israel can use so many kingdom cults by disguising the Empire with the pseudonym kingdom of God. When one begins to add up all who have the kingdom religion, he can quickly see that Her Majesty has more loyal subjects in America than in Britain, and what's worse it will take an act of God to convince most people that they are citizens of the world by virtue of their millennial religion. Her Majesty has an imperial cult within the nation which is as fatal to America as cancer is to the body. This is the truth about British Communism and Russia means
nothing by comparison.
British Israel builds a nation within a nation and creates a definite immunity against patriotism and nationalism. It actually steals the loyalty of the people under the precepts of their own beliefs. British Israel can acclaim Americanism while destroying it with its kingdom religion. This trickery is hard to comprehend unless one understands British Israelism. There is no other way to truth. There is a direct relationship to treason and one's religion. Ironically, a nationalist religion as De Haan teaches destroys nationalism. Hitler's Germany is our classic example.
We hear so much from the Right Wing that "America is a Christian nation." This of course is promoting a national religion by confusing Christianity. All this propaganda fits the British Israel scheme of "divinely chastising" America for her national sins and "saving" her again in the New Order with glory in the new kingdom. Such catch phrases were originated for mind control. They always sound innocent and Christian. There is no difference in saying America is a Christian nation than in saying Germans are the Master Race. Both ideas came from Internationalists not nationalists. This is psychological warfare and Americans certainly do not understand it.
British Israel simply appropriates multiple meanings to expressions of Americanism and the unthinking quickly pick up hybrid and false patriotism. Thought expressions and clichés are promoted which have inherent contradictions which cannot be readily detected. This neutralizes real patriotism. Likewise British Israel promotes moral degeneracy with Christian concepts and Bible expressions.
Satan will not be outdone and what he corrupts with "evolution" and "God is dead,' he uses as faked persecution to his pagan Christianity in order to build and solidify the spirit of the kingdom of God on earth in the name of Jesus Christ. What he creates with his "left" hand he uses to promote his creation of his 'right" by feigned attacks upon the latter. The victims of deceit are caught up in the planned reaction,
166which moves the conflict into the emerging New Order. What seems like an honest life and death struggle between Communism and Americanism develops into the preplanned "World Under God's Law." The crime is made perfect through the invention and use of a grotesque "Christianity" which merges race with the grace of Christ.
If the substance of our faith is a future world peace under the rulership of God, we are spiritual communists dedicated to self destruction. If we return to spiritual freedom we can return to political freedom. We cannot be spiritual communists and political patriots at the same time. Americans cannot be divided against themselves! To reestablish political sovereignty we must publicly expose the intrigue of the British Empire and its kingdom propaganda to build the World State in the name of Christ. We must expose political communism and spiritual communism and not be tricked into either under any name or pretense.
Any attempt to restore a sick America to good health without correcting or removing the cause of our consternation is pure idiocy. We have shown here a correct identification of Communism so that it can be recognized under any cloak or front. We can now clear the fog and deal squarely with it. If we aren't willing to face it or believe that our "patriotic" leaders have deceived us, there will be a time when it will be too late to question anything. Then what will you say? --Why didn't someone tell us??
Yes, all subversion is traced to British Communism inspired by the billions of Cecil Rhodes and Andrew Carnegie who planned a British World Empire which includes both Russia and America as component parts. The "masters of deceit" hide most their own identity and the source of their power which originates in the British Empire and promotes the Jewish Kingdom Religion as Christianity to cover the Empire grab for world dominion of mind and property.
Right political action in America must be predicated upon an accurate understanding of British Communism which is being promoted as
Christianity. Right political action can never come by way of the hands of Masonry and Rhodes Scholars or any of the Jewish Kingdom Religionists. We propose first to expose the British Anglo Israel Communist spiritual plot to educate the American people for World Government with a false Bible interpretation and a false Christianity. We must recognize that the origin of the United Nations is British, that the origin of the withholding tax (income tax) is British, that the kingdom cults are British, that phony anti- communism is British and that Masonry is British, and so the cause of world unrest is British, and Russia is only the instrument.
Communism is a creation of the British Empire and is its weapon of world revolution. Its Judas Goat for political, military and economic Communism is Russia. Its Judas Goat for spiritual communism is the kingdom of God on earth alias Christianity, which is hidden in American churches; World Evangelism and its "Crusade for Christ."
If Americans divest themselves of the spiritual propaganda which prophesies a coming thousand year political government of Christ on earth, they can identify in one second the spiritual plot to unify the world into absolute despotism. They can understand the meaning of Communism versus Christian Civilization and the dual nature of the conflict.
Americans must decode the spiritual communism of the kingdom of God on earth. If they understand the kingdom of grace of Jesus Christ they can translate the kingdom message propaganda to mean the rulership of the world by the British Empire. If they cannot they are a part of it, promoting anti-Americanism and the religion of Satan. This they will not believe until the monster they help promote shackles them.
The best way to cover conspiracy is to create phony opposition. This principle we must understand so as not to get trapped in a false patriotic movement or a flag-waving anti- communist movement. The people behind these movements know very well how to twist them into
168treason without even one participant being aware. There is great objection to labeling so-called patriotic groups and their books and literature as subversive. When they do not name the enemy they hide him and which one of them has taught us that the origin of Communism is British? Or that Soviet Communism is a front for British Imperialism? And who has told us of British sedition through the kingdom cults that now controls millions of Americans? This brings to our attention a recent effort to twist patriotism into treason in the form of a book called PLOT AGAINST THE CHURCH which we have already named as sedition. Let us here analyze this artful ruse for all to see; with the following analysis of this book:
"It does not take one long to discern that the book THE PLOT AGAINST THE CHURCH by Maurice Pinay is indeed itself a plot against the Catholic Church and against any individual of the Christian faith. It is at once recognizable that the intention of the publishers of this instrument of revolution are seeking to destroy with a vengeance the very institution which they claim to defend against the enemies of Christ. With how the clergy within the church defend the Jews, their Masonic marionettes, and "Jew communism", immediately identifying the Catholic Church with Communism, Judaism and Masonry. He plainly states on page 296 that Catholicism is responsible for Castro's victory in Cuba. He strives to make Communism and Catholicism arm in arm companions in order to make Communism and Catholicism appear decadent and beyond recovery from the insinuations of a nebulous disease called Judaism. This is a clever trick designed to help a bleeding victim die. The whole vile thing is a Jew bait trap aimed at dissident Catholics and others in order to entrap them into a reactionary movement of anti-communism (anti-Catholicism) which itself is the fake opposite of its blood brother Communism, has the same masters and direction and the net result being the total destruction of the Catholic Church."
"Who are these 'defenders' of the Catholic
Church? Are they not preparing the Church for destruction by aligning her with Communism, thus manipulating her into the role of 'Mystery Babylon' in order to 'prophetically' destroy every spiritual and physical vestige of the Roman Church. The 'plot' is to cast the Church in the most distorted light possible in order to more effectively destroy it."
"The author indeed makes Catholicism synonymous with Communism. Therefore it becomes a simple deduction to come to the understanding that those who are drawn into the 'anti-communist' sham are necessarily anti- Catholic. Here is the subtlety of Satan and those Catholics who are fighting Communism in order to save their church are in fact the worst enemies of it. This fact cannot be understood until one sees Communism and anti-communism as one force and not two. They are only fake opposites working as a pincers movement toward the same goal of the Universal Masonic Republic alias kingdom of God on earth."
"Communism is Judaism according to the author but he fails to mention that anti-communism is its fake opposite. Therefore he is a part of the evil conspiracy which he proposes to expose. He elaborates at length to prove that Communism is Judaism but he carefully avoids mention that anti-communism is equally 'Judaism.' It is a pitiful fact that anti-communism is anti-Christian and escapes detection because it wraps itself in the American flag and quotes the Bible (Scofield Bible) from the Church altars. Only those who know the plan of salvation can see the deception."
"The author claims over and over that the Jews (those who say they are the Jews) are the source of evil Communism and strife, but he dogmatically and persistently honors them with such titles as 'descendants of Abraham, Israelites, sons of Israel and Hebrews.' This is the grossest contradiction and insult to the faithful ones of Christ Christians) who are the sole heirs to these titles. Does he not condemn the Jew Pharisees in name but embrace them in fact with all the force at his command? These perpetrators of iniquity have never been 'the chosen ones' as he so states.
The author is the epitome of the big lie and with the forked tongue of a rattle snake he seeks to Jew bait honest Catholics into helping destroy their own Church.'"Ironically if the Jews have such absolute control of everything and are so opposed to the book PLOT AGAINST THE CHURCH, why and how has it been boastfully printed in four or five languages and spread around the world? Ponder this.
"The PLOT AGAINST THE CHURCH is a spearhead attempt to quicken revolution by helping build the reactionary 'anti-communist' movement and Jew is the bait. The time and setting has changed but the scheme is not new, it is only for us to recognize what it is. I submit that the author is a Luciferian Mason and that he despises the Catholic Church and the Christian faith. His subtlety of identifying with the Church gains a vantage point from which to war against the truth of Christ."
"The serpent always devours himself. For those who know the meaning of world revolution the author(s) is quite revealing on page 292 where it states 'that the re-enlivement of Arianism in the East coincided with the persecutions of Catholicism and with a preferential treatment of Jewry.' He admits Arianism alias British Israelism is united with those (those who the British Israelites claim are the Jews) they claim they hate, to destroy the Catholic Church. In fact he states on page 296 that 'the Jews were the initiators and propagandists of the Arian heresy.' This somewhat allies Hitler with so-called Jews of which he was supposed to have killed six million."
"Even the most vain fool can see how the author has the greatest praise for those he pretends are the arch enemy of the Roman Church. Over and over he usurps titles long ago used to designate only the people who believe in Jesus Christ as God and Saviour, even referring to Graetz as an Graetz did not write a book, but to say that he was not an Israelite anymore than Hitler was.
"Again and again the author relates the
decadence of the Catholic Church, stating that the Fifth Column from within has almost totally corrupted the Church and at the same time he further degrades and spits upon the Church by using the Church to propagate a myth called Jews and Judaism. True Christians in the Roman Church are keenly aware that 'those who say they are the Jews are not' and therefore do not give them recognition that they do not deserve by carrying on fake anti-Jew warfare and propaganda."
"Christians in and out of the Roman Church do not recognize anyone as being a Jew except themselves, and all others who have been regenerated in Christ. Paul the apostle taught that only those who have faith in Christ are true Jews. This disqualifies Maurice Pinay's definition of Jew and indicts him as a propagator of an age-old lie that makes devils a special people of God or a special people against God when the so-called Jews he speaks of are no more than a segment of the unsaved people of the world and deserve only recognition as such. The author relegates Christian Catholics to ignorance and seeks to entrap them by claiming that they recognize his fictitious Jews as a special enemy of the Church, let alone that Christians are propagators of the heresy of anti-Jew or pro-Jew hogwash. This in fact would be his best accomplishment as subtle as it might seem."
"If then the author's mythical Jew does not exist as Hitler did not then his accusations that the Roman Church is infested with the peculiar vermin makes him a gigantic liar and leaves him a member of the cesspool of unbelievers in Christ he calls the Jews. The truth of the matter is that Christian Catholics are not concerned with the mythical Jew heresy but are concerned that Christ is their Saviour by His atoning blood and that it is their duty to preach His saving grace to all unbelievers whatever sect they be."
"The only difference in Christian Catholics and any other Christian is that the Catholic Church has been selected as 'Mystery Babylon' by workers of iniquity in order to be destroyed so that it might fulfill the perverted prophecies of
premillennialism and British Israelism. THE PLOT AGAINST THE CHURCH is no less a part of this scheme to destroy the Roman Church and all Christians of any church anywhere.""Pinay would fain hope that he could succeed as the devil's advocate by urging Catholics to attack and disrupt their own Church by getting them side tracked into a sham fight called Jew. He wants them to make a Jew where none exists. He strives to instruct the reader that the foundation of the Catholic Church is based on a negative absurdity of anti-judaism. This is a rank misrepresentation of the efforts of Christian Catholics who have based their faith in Jesus Christ instead of some cocked tale Jew heresy."
"If the vendors of this trash have read it then they must be aware that the author gives as his solution to the bugaboo Jew, world government through union of national states and alliance of all religions. He says we must 'unite in a brotherly way' page 637) and 'National and racial rivalries should be laid aside...' Further he states that world peace can only be obtained by the political uniting of all peoples (page 637). On page 638 he states that we must bring about unity to save ourselves and that 'all lands of the earth can form a world organization.' Perhaps this is another way of propagandizing the British Israel attempt at world government in the name of Christ. Read it for yourselves. In black and white it advocates World Government. Is this patriotism?" End of quotes from analysis of the book PLOT AGAINST THE CHURCH.
This is only one example of false patriotism and deception used by the enemies of America to hide the identity of the largest underground movement in history.
The most one can say for this garbage is that it is an insult to the common sense of an idiot, let alone the mass of Christian Catholics who believe the Gospel of Christ.
We read in PROPHFCY ON PARADE, page 16-20,"The enemies of Israel, who are the Gentiles (sons of Japheth) nations of Europe, will reveal
173themselves as the desolators and attempt to displace the nations of Israel from any national existence."
"Charted here are the moves of the three unclean spirits: Nazism, Facism and Communism (Rev. 16:13). Do not overlook the work assigned to these unclean spirits by the 'little book' from which our understanding is to come, for they were 'to gather them to the battle of that great day of God Almighty.' (Rev. 16:14). And do not overlook the fact that Communism is our last and greatest enemy who brings together and heads the 'Great Confederacy' of which God's Word warns us and from which we hold His sure word of promise and protection when we inquire of Him."
These are not the statements of an isolated nut, but a propagandist who knows the spiritual plot to build a world slave state in the name of Christ. And who has not heard the same thing called"God's judgment of the enemies of Israel" in almost every church in the land?
To those who understand the British Empire plot to dominate the world under the aegis or God's kingdom, the above quotation reveals the buildup of a new Nazi Germany and a "revived Roman Empire" to be used to destroy the United States under the Biblical pretense of Divine Judgment upon America.
In fact the destruction of the United States is the meaning of all the "prophecies" of British Israel and its army of soothsavers and diviners. This propaganda neutralizes any genuine effort to defend our country. It is the master stroke of twentieth century power politics.
1985 UPDATE: British Israel never operates in its own name and it is not an organization. It is a religious organism and a super cult that crosses religious affiliations and denominations. British-Israel is the Kingdom Message, i.e., the teaching that there is coming an earthly kingdom of God for a thousand years.
British Israel is a religious organism that has no
membership list and no visible organization. No one really understands how he is being silently guided and directed right into Communism through this false Christianity. The Kingdom of God on Earth is the propaganda of this subversive "Christianity". Today we have many identity cults, all of them denying that they are British Israel but they do not deny that they are propagandists for the Kingdom Message. Some say "We are not British Israel; we are Anglo Israel" or, "we are Christian Identity or Israel Identity". They are all the same because they all toot the Kingdom Message. This they will not and cannot
How has this Spiritual Communism covered our land with the help of the American people without their knowledge? The answer is religion. A doctrine of World Government Socialism has insidiously been introduced to them and they have swallowed it under the name Fundamentalist Christianity.
You should be able to see by now how Fundamentalist Christianity with its doctrine of racial and national salvation and its coming earthly kingdom is nothing more than Nazism under a Christian cloak. Whereas the Nazism of Germany was used on the country of Germany, Fundamentalist Christianity is being used on the whole world through World Evangelism. Fundamentalism is that stratagem or deception that neutralizes, blinds and divides a man against himself. Is this indeed the beast that all shall worship both great and small save those elect who have the spirit of God to keep them from spiritual deception? If you understand this book, stop where you are and give thanks to God that He chose you to reveal it to you. If you do not understand this book, search the list at the back of this book and do as we are commanded in Matthew 6:33: "Seek ye first the kingdom of God,..." Even though Scripture warns over and over of the
175Judaizers, Fundamentalist Christians have given themselves over to Jewish fables.
Chapter 4: World Evangelism and The Scofield Bible (Undermining America With "Christianity")
Table of Contents Union Jack (complete book in pdf)
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