The World Conquerors
Chapter Seventeen, The Key Positions of Jewish World PowerGoogle Translator (60 Languages)
By Louis Marschalko (1903 - 1968)
Published 1958The World Conquerors: Chapter Seventeen, The Key Positions of Jewish World Power (1958)
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Chapter Seventeen (pages
The Key Positions of Jewish World Power
MODERN civilisation is governed politically and controlled economically by men in key positions. Influence exercised through men in key positions is often more decisive than rulings of heads of State or resolutions of Parliament. The Jews have always understood how to occupy and keep these key positions forthemselves, and also how to utilise them either for grabbing political power or for the purpose of governing behind the scenes.
The news services of the world are practically all in the hands of a few big Jewish news agencies. Therefore some 2,000 million people hear news that is generally favourable to the Jews and to the aspirations of Jewish nationalism. The Jews control the cinema and the film industry, not only in America but in almost all countries of the world, including the Soviet Union. The textile industry and the cotton trade is also nearly everywhere in the hands of Jewry. The gold trade and gold production is associated all over the world with the following names: Rothschild, Bleichroeder, Mendelsohn, Japhet, Seligman, Lazard, Strauss, Morgenthau and Schiff. The Oppenheimers control almost the whole diamond production of South Africa and nearly all world trade in diamonds. The hostile political influence of one member of the Oppenheimer family is well known to ministers of the South African Government. Through the Diamond Trading Company Sir Ernest Oppenheimer built up one of the greatest monopolies in the world, which had even its own secret police. This monopoly consists almost exclusively of Jews, and it keeps Western Germany under a boycott even today. Consequently, Germany's needs in industrial diamonds can only be covered through the black market or with the help of smugglers. (Der Spiegel, Vol. XI, No. 35.) To the Oppenheimers belong 100 of the world's greatest diamond, gold, copper and uranium mines. Hisprivate fortune is about a billion dollars. (243) Though Sir Ernest has died recently, the position of the Oppenheimer monopoly remains unchanged. Lord Melchett (Alfred Mond) controls the nickel, while the wheat trade is in the hands of Louis Dreyfus.
The Jewish Encyclopediagives a very interesting survey of how the Jews gained influence in the various countries by loan transactions. The Sterns and Goldschmidts in Portugal, Baron Hirsch in Turkey, the Rothschilds in France, the Strassbergs in Rumania, Poljakov, Speyer and Russia, and Kuhn, Loeb and Co. financed the building of the railways in the United States. The Jewish Encyclopædia also confirms that the mercury trade is in the hands of the Rothschilds; Barnato Brothers and Wernek, Bett and Co. control an important part of the diamond trade; Levinson and Guggenheim the copper trade; and Graustein and Dreyfus the paper industry.
But even more interesting than the Jewish Encyclopædia is an issue of the Edmondson Economic Service Bulletin, dated 1939, [Robert Edward Edmondson] from which it can be seen that the 440 wealthiest American families, meaning here old established Gentile millionaires, possess altogether twenty-five billion dollars, whilst a handful of American Jews possess wealth computed at 500 billion dollars. Even such a small and relatively little-known Jewish concern as the Insull Brothers [Samuel Insull] exercises control over five billion dollars.
Syria is a typical example of the malign influence of the world conquerors. Hatikva, the Zionist paper written in Hungarian, boasts that the whole economic life of Syria is under the control of a 60,000 Syrian Jewish minority. Almost 100 percent of the professors in the University of Damascus are Jews. According to Zionist sources, the 60,000 Syrian Jewish minority holds key positions in the economic life, and plays a major role in the cultural, industrial and commercial life of Syria.
As a result of this, Syria, while living in a realm of fantasy, is drifting dangerously nearer to becoming a Soviet satellite.
The Suez Canal itself, the nationalisation of which almost embroiled mankind in a third world war, was controlled for almost 100 years by the financial interests of the world conquerors. Originally, Disraeli, the Jewish Prime Minister of Great Britain, acquired a large holding of the canal shares for the British Government. The Rothschild banking house of London made a profit of more than 100,000 pounds sterling (244) on the first credit transaction alone. When the Egyptian President Nasser wanted to terminate one of the greatest business interests of the world conquerors, Israel, Great Britain and France vainly attempted to protect them with fleets, tanks and rockets.
In previous chapters, we have quoted the Protocols, and pointed out paragraphs giving directions how to establish a government over all other governments. It is stated in Protocol V that: "In place of the rulers of today we shall set up a bogey which will be called the Super Government Administration." With this is closely connected some of the most important instructions of the Protocols, which tell us that as long as it is not advisable to put Jews into the highest positions the important posts will be filled by persons of doubtful character.
It must be noted that Jewry, as a most disciplined nationalism, obeyed this order without fail. Be it Soviet dictatorship or American democracy, Jews everywhere fill positions behind a Gentile front. A Gentile puppet is in the forefront as head of the State, Prime Minister, etc., but at his elbow stands a Jew. Eisenhower comes first but next comes Baruch who is much more influential. Similarly, Stalin was followed by Kaganovich. It is noteworthy that this plan was carried out not only in cases affecting the most important key positions but often in those concerning posts of lesser importance also. The head of the office is a Gentile, his deputy is a Jew. The commander-in-chief of the occupation forces is an American or Soviet general, but his deputy is a Jew. At Nuremberg, Gentile judges sat on the bench, but Robert M. Kempner, helped by 2,400 other Jews, toiled in the background.
The first president of the old League of Nations was a Jew called Hymans. But he was quickly replaced by a Gentile. The time had not yet come to put Jews into the leading positions. Yet according to reports in the New York Times of August 22nd, 1922, Nahum Sokolow emphasised in a speech delivered to the Zionist Congress at Carlsbad, that the establishment of the League of Nations was "a Jewish idea".
Dr. Dillon, referring in his book to the Versailles peace conference, tells us that the most influential exponents of the whole gathering and those with the most characteristic interests were Jews who came from Palestine, Russia, the Ukraine, Greece, Great Britain and the Netherlands. (245) But the Jewish delegates sent from the United States were the most important of all. It may surprise the reader to know that most of the delegates were convinced that the real influence behind the Anglo-Saxon people was Jewish.
The Jews stood behind a Gentile front here, too. The delegates receiving the publicity and those who signed the treaties were Gentiles. But those who acted as advisers and represented the real power were Jews.
Today Jewish world power is based on the system of a Gentile front. This is a kind of mimicry. "Secrecy is the character of our power." If a map of Jewish world power could be drawn up it would actually represent a pattern of the key positions held. We might add that this map can never be perfect and it is very incomplete even today. It would show those key positions so far occupied by Jewry, or a small fraction of them, from which it dictates world policy to the Gentile front.
The United Nations (U.N.O.) became the most powerful organisation of world Jewry. The U.N. is the chief organisation of Eastern and Western Jewry. It is the beginning, and a sample of supranational world government, and on its staff both Eastern and Western Jews, Capitalists, and Bolshevik Old Testament "Nazis" meet. On top of the glass palace of the United Nations in Manhattan the flag of U.N.O. is displayed, the pale blue and white colours of which are strikingly identical with those of the Israeli flag. But it is not only the colours of the flags that are similar. The people represented by the flags are alike, too. The most important key positions in the world are occupied by men of the same race. Taking 1951 as the basis for our survey, we give a list of names. It is almost as sinister as the list of the Russian Bolshevik leaders in 1917.
Dr. H. S. Bloc, head of the Armament Dept.
Antoine Goldet, Principal Director, Dept. Economic Affairs.
Ansgar Rosenberg, special advisor Dept. Economic Affairs.
David Weintraub, director Economic Stability and Development.
Karl Lachman, head of the Fiscal Dept.
Dr. Leon Steinig, director of Narcotics Division. (246)
Henry Langier, deputy-chief of the Department of Social Welfare.
Dr. E. Schwelb, deputy-chief of the Dept. of Human Rights.
H. A. Wieschoff, in Administrative Dept. of the Non-Autonomous territories.
Benjamin Cohen, Assistant Secretary-General Public Information Dept.
Dr. Ivan Kerno, Deputy Secretary-General Legal Dept.
Abraham H. Feller, head and chief advisor of the Legal Dept.
J. Benoit-Levy, director Films and Visual Information Bureau Division.
Marc Schreiber, legal advisor.
G. Sandberg, legal advisor to the Dept. of Codification of International Law.
David Zablodowsky, head of the Printing Dept.
George Rabinovich, head of the Dept. of Interpreters.
Max Abramovitz, deputy-chief of the Planning Office.
P. C. J. Kien, head of the Accountancy Dept.
Mercedes Bergmann, official of the Personnel Dept.
Dr. A. Signer, head of the Health Clinic.
Paul Rodzianko, Secretary of Appeals Board.
Jerzy Shapiro, head of U.N. Central Information Bureau in Geneva.
B. Leitgeber, head of U.N. Central Information Bureau in New Delhi.
Henri Fast, head of U.N. Central Information Bureau in Shanghai.
Dr. Julius Stawinski, head of U.N. Central Information Bureau in Warsaw.
David A. Morse (Mocovitch), head of the Dept. of I.L.O., Geneva.
Three of the four chiefs of I.L.O. are Jews. They are:
Altman (Poland), David Zellerbach (U.S.A.), Finet (Belgium).
V. Gabriel-Garces, Ecuadorian correspondent and delegate.
Jan Rosner, Polish correspondent and delegate.
Andre Mayer, first Vice-Chairman.
A. J. Jacobsen, Danish delegate. (247)
M. M. Libman, head of the Dept. of Chemical Fertilisers.
E. de Vries, Dutch delegate.
Gerda Kardos, head of the Fibres Dept.
M. Ezekiel, head of the Economic Analysis Branch.
B. Kardos, head of the Dept. of Miscellaneous Commodity Section.
M. A. Hubermann, head of the Technical Forestry Dept.
J. P. Kagan, technical officer Logging and Equipment Section.
J. Mayer, head of the Food Office.
F. Weisel, head of the Administrative Dept.
Out of the four members of the Executive Committee,
Alfred Sommerfelt and Paul Carneiro are Jews.
J. Eisenhardt, president of the Re-educational Committee.
Miss Lauffman, head of Dept. of International Understanding and Education.
Dr. O. Klineberg, departmental head.
H. Kaplan, head of the Public Information Bureau.
C. H. Weitz, head of the Administrative Dept.
B. Abramski, head of the Dept. of Housing and Travel.
S. Samuel Selsky, head of Personnel Bureau.
B. Wermiel, head of the Administrative Employment.
Dr. A. Welsky, head of the Office of Scientific Co-operation.
M. M. Mendels, secretary.
Leonhard B. Rist, economic director.
Leopold Chmela, president and chairman of the Board.
E. Polask, member of the Czechoslovakian Board of Governors.
P. Mendès France, member of the French Board of Governors.
A. M. de Jong, of the Board of Governors of Holland.
D. Abramovich, of the Board of Governors of Yugoslavia.
Josef Goldmann, of the Board of Governors (Czechoslovakia). (248)
Louis Rasminsky, Canadian managing director.
W. Kaster, Dutch deputy-director.
Louis Altman, deputy managing director.
E. M. Bernstein, head of the Department of Enquiries.
Joseph Gold, leading counsel.
Leo Levanthal, leading Counsel.
Mayer Cohen, head of the Health and Welfare Dept. of I.R.O.
Pierre Jacobsen, director of the Repatriation Dept.
R. J. Youdin, director Repatriation Division.
Z. Deutschmann, head of the Technical Dept.
G. Mayer, head of the Dept. of Translations.
M. Siegel, head of the Financial Dept.
Dr. N. Goodman, managing director Co-operation Dept.
A. Zarb, director Legal Section.
Max Suetens, president of the organization.
F. C. de Wolfe, U.S. delegate in the Administrative Council.
Gerry Gross, deputy managing director of L.T.O.
H. B. Rantzen, president of the International Telecommunication Committee.
A. G. Berg, head of the organization.
Col. A. C. Katzin, representative of U.N. in Korea.
George Novshon, U.N. information officer in Korea.
Ernest A. Gross, second delegate of the U.S.A. to U.N.O.
Isador Lubin, head of the Economic and Employment Committee.
Julius Katz·Sochy, permanent delegate of Poland.
Dr. Ales Bebler, permanent delegate of Yugoslavia.
The lists already quoted show that the vital key positions are held everywhere by Jews. (249)
Let us now make a detailed examination of the highest political government of the United States. Between 1945 and 1951, the non-Jewish Harry Truman stood in the forefront, but according to a statement in the Chicago Tribune, the second line, the secret government of the U.S.A. consisted of the following members: Morgenthau, Herbert H. Lehman and Felix Frankfurter. At the same time as Marshall was Secretary of War, Mrs. Anna Rosenberg, a Jewess from Budapest, acted as Deputy-Secretary of War. During the Truman administration, although Dean Acheson was Secretary of State, foreign affairs were, in fact, directed by Felix Frankfurter. At the same time it was said that Bernard Baruch was the real President of the U.S.A.
Since, according to the Hidden Empire, eighty-two percent of the employees of the State Department were Jews, we cannot be surprised at this state of affairs. The sad picture is completed by the key positions in the American immigration office, together with those in big capital, the Press, the film industry, radio and television being in the hands of Jewry. Here we may add that, according to the same authority, Jews controlled al least sixty percent of the national income of the U.S.A.
In any case it must be put to the credit of the "little" Harry Truman that during his administration the investigations of the McCarthy Committee were able to progress undisturbed. After Roosevelt's death, the White House, which Harry S. Truman took over, resembled a synagogue. When Truman left there were hardly any members of the world conquerors in the White House. David K. Niles was evicted from it, and so was Samuel Roseman.
During the Eisenhower administration the position has not improved but has become rather worse. The McCarthy investigations ceased and the world conquerors evicted by Truman were replaced by other Jews. The pamphlet, The Coming Red Dictatorship, edited as a special issue by the American paper Common Sense, gives an appalling picture of the real set-up of the Eisenhower administration. Eisenhower's chief economic adviser, for instance, is a young Jew called Arthur F. Burns, one of Bernard Baruch's men planted in the White House. The chairman of the Atomic Energy Commission is L. Strauss; the military expert on Far Eastern questions is General Lyman Lemnitzer; the head of the secret world government is James Paul Warburg, (250) the banker; and one ofthe chief U.S. delegates to U.N. is Jacob Blaustein. Isidore Lubin directs German reparations. It would take too long to enumerate all the key positions occupied by the world conquerors in the Eisenhower regime, but it is certain that the position is, if anything, worse today than it was during the time of Roosevelt.
In conjunction with the U.S.A. we now turn to the Soviet Union. Rumour would have us believe that the overwhelming majority of the Jewish participants ofthe 1917 Revolution was driven underground, and that subsequently a great Russian or Pan-Slav movement got the upper hand. This was said to be evident at least in the Politburo and in the most important governmental positions.
It would be an absolute misconception of Soviet affairs to think that so-called "Muscovitism" constituted the Jewish form of Bolshevism, or that Titoism and National Communism was in the slightest degree "anti-Semitic". Muscovitism represents no doubt the most perfected form of the Jewish system of world domination. The essential character of this system is that the civilised, cultured and intelligent workers in all countries behind the Iron Curtain must be ruled by Russian methods, regardless of the fact that these methods were originally prescribed for Soviet citizens only. Lazar Kaganovich, no doubt, was the most determined exponent of this plan. It is, on the other hand, perfectly possible that there were certain Communist leaders in the various States behind the Iron Curtain who refused to submit to Muscovitism. Slansky-Salzman and Anna Pauker were themselves Jews and Communists. It was not, therefore, the Jewish character of Kaganovich's Muscovitism that called forth their objections. They reasoned, however, that the schedule prescribed for home use was not suitable for the Czechoslovak, Rumanian or Bulgarian worker. They wished to adopt those methods to which Rumanian, Czechoslovak, Bulgarian and Hungarian Jews had long been accustomed.
All this is far from meaning that the Soviet Union has turned "anti-Semitic". Louis Levine's conclusion in 1945 that the Soviet Union was governed by one million Jews in key positions still holds good today. The Soviet Jews firmly believe that the Muscovite type of Communism represents the most perfected form of Jewish world domination, and they will, therefore, ruthlessly exterminate even (251) other Jews who are unwilling to share their views on this point.
In the Soviet Union, Lazar Kaganovich was as predominant an exponent of how the world conquerors rule behind the Gentile front as is Bernard Baruch in the "democratic" United States of America. The real dictator is here, whether it be behind Stalin, Malenkov or Khrushchev that he acts. His younger sister Rosa Kaganovich was Stalin's third wife, while his son Mikhail Kaganovich married Stalin's daughter Svetlana.
The recent removal of Kaganovich does not mean much. He retired for the time being but the one million world conquerors in key positions remain the real masters of Soviet Russia.
Molotov's relations are interesting to record. He is not a Jew, but his wife Karpovszkaja, the younger sister of Samuel Karp, the American multi-millionaire oil magnate, is a Jewess.
Out of the nine members of the former Politburo, Kaganovich and Mikoyan were Jews. Saburov most probably also belonged to the world conquerors, and Swernik was a substitute member.
Like the democracies, a characteristic feature of the Soviet system is that the visible leaders arc not usually the real rulers. ThusVladimir Ashberg, a Jewish banker, plays a most important role in the Soviet Union. His position resembles that of Morgenthau during the Roosevelt era. He is in various degrees of relationship with all the important Jewish banking families, and he is also a member of the Jewish World Congress. He is the chief financier of the Soviet Union.
If we examine the holders of key positions in the Soviet Union, we will see that this country also is under the control of the Jews. The year in question is 1951.
Professor Mark Mitin, president of the Science Academy of the Soviet Union, the highest authority on Marxist-Leninist ideology, and editor of the Kominform Paper: "For Lasting Peace and People's Democracy" ~ isa Jew.
Also a Jew is Pavel E. Yudin, one of the most important people in the Soviet Union, head of the History Department of the Soviet Union's Science Academy, deputy-chairman of the publishing house of popular scientific works, editor of the Kominform Paper which publishes official Soviet propaganda, one of the chief leaders of the "purges" behind the Iron Curtain, political adviser of the Red Army (252) in the East German Occupation Zone and the present dictator of Eastern Germany.
M. Z. Saburov, president of the State Planning Office and Planning Committee, is a Jew.
A. I. Lavrentiev (real name Lippmann), deputy foreign minister, former ambassador to Czechoslovakia, bosom friend of Alger Hiss, director of Soviet diplomatic espionage all over the world and head of the network of foreign espionage which organised the Persian disturbances, is a Jew.
Eugene Varga-Weiszfeld, head of the World Economic and Political Institute of the Soviet Union, oneof the most important leading officials of the Soviet's economic life, is a Jew, too.
Ilya Ehrenburg, propaganda chief, writer of Pravda leading articles, leading publicist of Soviet ideology, and the director of the Kominform "Peace Movement", is a Jew.
Leonid Menikov, Soviet ambassador to Rumania, is a Jew.
I. Nosenko, minister of heavy industry and transport, is a Jew.
Anatole Yakovlev, Soviet ambassador to the U.S. during the hearings of the Rosenberg treason case, and now one of the heads of Soviet espionage, is a Jew.
M. N. Svernik, former President of the Soviet Union, and now leader of the Russian trade unions, is a Jew.
A. F. Gorkin, Secretary-General of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet, is a Jew.
David Zaslawsky, editor of Pravda, is a Jew.
S. A. Losowsky, former head of the Soviet Foreign Office, and now director of the Soviet Information and News Service, is a Jew.
Prof. I. P. Trailin, attorney general of the Soviet Union, former Muscovite member of the "Committee for the Prosecution of War Criminals", and director of the Law School of Moscow, is a Jew.
Boris Stein, director of the Diplomatic Service School of the Soviet Foreign Office, one of the Soviet delegates to U.N.O., is a Jew. The Soviet Foreign Office is so full of Jews that Russians humorously refer to it as the "Synagogue".
Franktine Schul, one of the leading exponents of world Communism, who speaks sixteen languages, is also a Jew. In 1950 he (253) was leader of the Red terrorists in Indo-China, and at present he is head of N. 3 Group; as such he directs the extermination of anti-Communists behind the Iron Curtain.
S. V. Kraftenov, Minister of University and High School Education in the Soviet Union, is a Jew.
General K. Gorshenin, Minister of Justice, is a Jew.
Jacob Malik, previously chief Soviet delegate to U.N.O., and at present Soviet ambassador in London, is a Jew.
Major-General Boris Rasin, military attaché in Great Britain, is a Jew.
Solomon Abrahamovich Reback, deputy-director of the Soviet Atomic Energy Committee and also security chief of the special department of M.V.D. which controls the atom scientists, is a Jew.
Colonel I. Vigdor, counter-espionage officer commissioned to the security service of Soviet Atomic Research, is a Jew.
Major Kahan, secret police official, detailed to the Atomic Energy Committee, is a Jew.
A. Mikoyan, member of the Politburo and Minister of Commerce, is an Armenian Jew.
M. M. Brodin, Press chief, is a Jew.
Peter Levitsky, vice-president of the Council of the Soviet States, is a Jew.
D. Manuilsky, dictator of the Ukraine, is a Jew.
A. Kornejchuk, author and nominal President of the Ukrainian Republik, is a Jew.
A. N. Jacobson, dictator of Estonia and delegate representing Estonia, is a Jew.
N. Jakovliev, head of Soviet public education, is a Jew.
Yu Masenko, special expert on Indian affairs and director of the Communist movement in India, is a Jew.
G. I. Levinson, expert of the Oriental Section of the Soviet Science Academy on Chinese affairs, and one of the Chinese Communist leaders, is a Jew.
A. D. Danyalov, member of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet, is a Jew.
F. T. Gusev, Deputy Foreign Minister, is a Jew.
S. Y. Romin, Minister of Building and Road Construction, is a Jew. (254)
D. I. Fumin, Minister of Food and Raw Materials, is a Jew.
Jacob Suritz, Soviet ambassador to Brazil, is a Jew.
Colonel Rudenko, chief public prosecutor delegated by the Soviet to the Nuremberg Trials, is probably a Jew.
Isaac Zaltman, director of tractor production, is a Jew.
I. G. Bosakov, director of the cinema industry, and possessing ministerial rank, is a Jew.
Prof. Pontecorvo, director of Soviet hydrogen bomb production, is a Jew.
S. Z. Ginsburg, president of the State Bank, is a Jew.
K. R. Herzberg, chairman of the Torg Bank, is a Jew.
A. G, Samuelenko, chairman of the Vnieshtorg Bank, is a Jew.
X. Yacob Simenov, chairman of the Prombank, is a Jew.
We should also bear in mind that the members and leaders of the Soviet Science Academy are almost exclusively Jews.
In 1957, the most shocking disclosures were published regarding the extent of the world conquerors' influence on Russia. Joseph Stalin, the most powerful and ruthless dictator, built up Soviet power to what it is today, and this he achieved with the help of the Jews. His wife was Rosa Kaganovich, and the Kaganovich family exerted a terrible influence in the Soviet Union. We know from authentic Jewish witnesses that only for Jews is the Soviet Union a Garden of Eden, since here they enjoy key positions in the Government, in the Army, in the academies, in planning offices and factory managements. According to reliable British and American reports, Yiddish was often spoken in Stalin's house in general conversation.
But Stalin, originally a great friend of the Jews and the second spiritual father of Bolshevism, was shaken in his convictions by events. This is affirmed by Emmanel Birnbaum, a Jewish writer, and also by an article in Aufbau. Stalin's faith in the Jews was shaken when Hitler's armies reached the circular railway lines on the outskirts of Moscow, enabling Stalin to see what degree of panic spread among the 500,000 Muscovite Jews, who fled leaving to its own devices "the great and glorious Bolshevik Revolution" which had done so much for them.
In the light of this, the exposure published in FranceSoir of June 7th, 1957, carries the mark of authenticity. In the article referred to, the French paper throws sharp light on the circumstances of (255) Stalin's death, which were described to members of the Polish Press by Ponomarenko, Soviet ambassador to Poland.
According to the ambassador's account, in February, 1953, Stalin submitted to the Presidential Council of the Soviet a decree to the effect that all Jews in the Soviet Union were to be deported to the Soviet Republic of Birobidjhan. Many Poles, Russians, Georgians, Estonians, Latvians, Lithuanians, Hungarians and others ~ more than the total number of Jews in the Soviet Union ~ had previously been deported on Stalin's orders, but against these deportations not one of the Soviet leaders ever raised a word of protest.
But when, as we learn, Stalin wanted to touch Jewry, all the Soviet leaders immediately turned against him. Kaganovich and Molotov, whose wife is Jewish, immediately stepped in, and Voroshilov, whose wife is also Jewish, said that he would quit the Communist Party at once if Stalin dared to touch Soviet Jews.
According to the account of Ponomarenko, Stalin flew into a livid rage, as a result of which he suffered a heart attack from which he collapsed and died on the spot. The account of the Soviet ambassador at Warsaw is perfectly credible. But Stalin's death was said to be in March and not in February, 1953. If that is so, perhaps his death was not instantaneous, due to a heart attack, but caused by something else... perhaps a dagger thrust, a revolver bullet, or poison killed him. The avenging arm of Jewry can reach far.
But this story becomes even more sinister if we examine what happened after Stalin's death.
The well-informed Hungarian weekly Way and Purpose (Vol. IX, No. 8, page 10) published a most interesting article portraying Khrushchev.
This paper states that Khrushchev's biography was recently published in America. It was written by a Jew and from it we learn that Stalin's successor, the most powerful person in the Communist Party, comes from the Ukraine and is the son of a Cossack blacksmith. While a young man, he lived in the Ukrainian town of Mariupol (Zhdanov), a port on the Sea of Azov, and as a turner [person skilled in turning wood on a lathe] earned good wages. He lodged with Jews and enjoyed their company so much that he learned to speak Yiddish. This orthodox Jewish family became rather fond of the young man, who was readily at (256) their service on Saturdays, when he usually lit the kitchen fire as well as the fires in other rooms of the house, and who ate with an excellent appetite the stuffed fish and other typically tasty dishes of Jewish culinary art, to which his kindhearted landlady was pleased to treat him. At that time life was not too good for Jews living in the Czar's empire. In those days the Beilis case was being heard before the Kiev courts. Beilis wascharged with ritual murder, i.e. with having killed a young Christian boy and taken his blood. This case engendered great hatred against the Jews and an "anti-Semitic" organisation known as the Black Hundreds terrorised Russian Jewry. The excited population carried out pogroms in various parts of the country. The situation was rather dangerous in Mariupol too. The local leader of the Black Hundreds, a master butcher, was instigating the population in the market place to start a pogrom, and it seemed quite likely that the Jews of Mariupol would not escape a dreadful fate. To prevent the pogrom, a Jewish teacher hastily organised a body of men to disperse the crowd that had gathered for the massacre of the Jews. Khrushchev volunteered, and when it came to action he took part bravely in the fights. Bleeding from head wounds he returned to the Jewish family, who in the meanwhile had begun to suspect him of belonging to the Black Hundreds. But this incident dispelled all suspicion, and the Jews washed and cleaned the wounds of the limping Khrushchev, while the cobbler, his landlord, announced with satisfaction: "This is a decent chap and I am sure he will never harm us!"
This he certainly never did and the Jews were not ungrateful to him. The cobbler's son, who was no other than Lazar Kaganovich himself, helped Khrushchev throughout his life, supporting him in every difficulty. He brought Khrushchev into the Bolshevik movement and exerted his influence in his favour whenever possible. Kaganovich brought him to Moscow from the Ukraine and introduced him to Stalin. There is no doubt, therefore, that Khrushchev's relations with the Jews are excellent and that he has proved to be a faithful servant of those aspirations to world power laid down in the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion.
Certain Western intellectuals have tried to produce all kinds of evidence to establish the so-called "anti-Semitic" attitude of the Soviet. They quote evidence such as the liquidation of Beria, the (257) trials of the Jewish doctors, the recent removal of Kaganovich, the Slansky case and the peaceful despatch of Anna Pauker-Rabinovich. But to believe that Bolshevism could be capable of such a basic change would be to misunderstand the essence of the Soviet system.
In the usually well-informed Jewish newspaper Aufbau of New York, the organ representing Jews who fled to America from Hitler, a very interesting article was published on May 4th, 1951, from the pen of Jehoiachim Alkalai, a Jew of Tel Aviv. At a time when Stalin was already suspected of "anti-Semitism" it informs us that during the German invasion of Russia, those Jews who had to flee from Hitler's invading troops were sent by the Soviet Government to Central Asia for resettlement. This ensured that more than 400,000 Jews were not only safe from further German persecution, but that at the same time there were found excellent posts in the Republics of Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and other Central Asian member-states of the Soviet Union. These posts were in those territories where the Soviet Union's great new centres of armament production and atomic research were to be built.
The article points out that with the resettlement of the Jews the Soviet Government achieved several important objects. In the first place, the Jews were removed from thoseparts of theSoviet empire where the majority of the population is made up of Russians who, according to past experience, are prone to "anti-Semitism". The Jews were also preserved from any further suspicion on the part of a certain fraction of the Bolshevik Party possessing "cosmopolitan" features in their ideology, since among the inhabitants of Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan they had no chance whatever of expressing any of the so-called Western sympathies they were alleged to hold. But the most important aim of this resettlement was to ensure that the Soviet heavy armament industry to be established in these districts should be in reliable hands.
"For the time being it seems certain," writes Jehoiachim Alkalai, "that due to their more than average intelligence, as well as to their long-standing experience, the Jewish scientists, technicians and administrative experts are almost indispensable to the Soviet Union."
It is also pointed out in this article that there are three Jewish ministers in the Government of Uzbekistan and two Jewish deputy ministers in the Government of Kazakhstan. "In the ministries of (258) these states a long list of important key positions are filled by Jews." The Jews are very strongly represented in the State planning office known as "Gosplan" which controls the entire economy of the State. Among the party executives, this same paper informs us, are many Jews and they abound especially in "Agitrop" (the Ministry of Propaganda). In commercial trade and industrial organisations, Jews are also employed as directors and leading scientists. Finally, this well-informed Aufbau article concludes by stating that the economic and social position of the Jews is much better in the Central Asian Soviet Republics than in any other part of the Soviet Union.
What in fact happened was that Soviet Russia successfully transferred the basis of her power. The best and most indispensable elements of Jewry were transferred to the new and vitally important industrial regions. The armament industry and the uranium production of the Soviet Union is in Jewish hands and under Jewish administration. Thus a second and a third Iron Curtain was built hiding the world conquerors behind the Ural Mountains. As a result of this, European Russia, which is thoroughly infected with "anti-Semitism", is almost devoid of the Jewish scientists, works managers and State planning designers who constitute the indispensable basis of Soviet power. They are far away in the new vital production centres of the Soviet Union which are hardly accessible even to long-range. American intercontinental ballistic missiles.
It is also worth noting that according to the report in Aufbau in 1951, Lazar Kaganovich was still controlling this new strategic Soviet power centre. He was elected into the Soviet Politburo by the Tashkent district of the Republic of Uzbekistan. It is also certain, according to Aufbau, that these high Jewish officials, leaders ofthe Soviet's political, economic and cultural life, were sent to these regions with a definite mission.
A gigantic ring of key positions has been erected behind the second and third Iron Curtains, which governs the entire Soviet Union. On this is based the whole future of the Soviet system. And yet by the detention, trial and acquittal of a few Jewish doctors it could conveniently be advertised to the outside world that "we are 'anti-Semites'…" or "anti-Zionists". Although Lazar Kaganovich was removed from the visible post he previously held in European Russia where he was well known, he was nevertheless neither hanged nor (259) imprisoned. The political observer of today might rightly wonder what Kaganovich was doing in the new power centre of the Soviet, where the hydrogen bomb, the intercontinental ballistic missiles and the sputniks of the Soviet are being produced.
In 1956, a delegation of the French Socialist Party, led by its secretary-general, Pierre Comin, visited the Soviet Union. Upon his return home, Pierre Lochak, the Russian-French interpreter, published the shorthand account of the whole material of the conversations, which took place during this visit between Khrushchev and Kaganovich on one side and the French delegation on the other side. During the course of these rather frank exchanges, Lazar Kaganovich replied to French remarks about Western humanitarianism: "There is no place left for humanitarianism until we have secured the final victory of the Soviet Revolution. The sole duty of the proletarian dictatorship is to secure and complete the total victory of the Revolution.
According to Kaganovich, the victory of the Revolution cannot be anything else but absolute world domination. And Khrushchev, also, promptly added that the Soviet Government is based today on Jewish leadership and that it was due to certain considerations only that Jewry was masked by a Gentile front.
"If Jews today occupied everywhere the first positions in our Republic," said Stalin's successor, "they would most probably not be very popular with the native Russian population. If, for instance, we appointed a Jew to a high administrative position in the Ukraine and he then proceeded to surround himself with Jewish personnel, this would certainly arouse the jealousy and animosity of the local population towards the Jews. But we are not 'anti-Semites'. If you look at Mr. Kaganovich you can see he is a Jew. And Mr. Mitinhere is also a Jew. And dear Lydia Faktor, our interpreter, is Jewish as well. I, myself, have a half-Jewish grandchild. We all fight against 'anti-Semitism'." (Sueddeutsche Zeitung, July 5th, 1957.)
It is a corollary of the Soviet system that in order to mislead the Western world, and especially the anti-Israel Arab nations, it needs to create occasionally a false appearance of "anti-Semitism". But the real power of the Soviet Union ~ the heavy industry and war production based on Jewish leadership still exists today behind the second and third Iron Curtains. Neither has the Soviet Union forgotten (260) the pronouncement of the venerable rabbis in 1951 which we have already quoted, namely, that "a third world war would result in the total extermination of the Jewish population of the world". And if world Jewry perished, Bolshevism would perish with it. Khrushchev, Molotov, and the entire new Soviet intelligentsia could, of course, end by becoming farm labourers. But this is exactly the thing which even the Gentile section of the Bolshevik movement would not like to see happen.
The Western Press likes to spread various tales about the "anti-Semitism" of Khrushchev and of the Soviet in general. The Rheinischer Merkur, the West German Christian Democrat paper, reputedly close to Chancellor Adenauer, published recently a lengthy article written by Stephen Pollak, a Jewish publicist in London. This well-informed and honest Jewish journalist complains in his article that the Soviet system strangles Jewish culture. In the Soviet Union the Yiddish theatres are closed and several Jewish actors have been executed. He lists as a grave complaint the fact that there is no chief rabbi in the Soviet Union and that facilities in the rabbinical training colleges are insufficient. He bitterly complains that the development of cultural life among three and a half million Soviet Jews is made impossible. But this holds good for all other nations of the U.S.S.R. Bolshevism succeeded in smothering Russian culture itself.
"During the Jewish World Congress in London," writes Pollak, "Dr. Levenberg, representative of the Jewish Agency in Britain, said most interesting things about the social and economic position of Jews living today in the Soviet Union. Whilst in 1933 there were 270,000 Jews in agriculture, today the entire Jewish population of the Soviet Union works in the cities as civil servants, doctors, scientists, etc. They even fancy themselves as the holders of a few key positions from which the Russians have not yet been able to evict them. According to official statistics there are still 25,000 Jewish scientists working in the Soviet Union." (Rheinischer Merkur No. 50, of December 13th, 1957.)
A most important fact is admitted here, though it is wrapped up in the guise of a complaint. The facts and figures recorded by Louis Levine fully agree with Dr. Levenberg's statistics: Soviet Russia is governed by about three million Jews in key and administrative (261) positions, 25,000 of them working in the top scientific appointments of the Soviet responsible for the atomic bombs and space rockets.
This question of so-called "anti·Semitism" in the Soviet can be answered without bias by quoting Khrushchev himself. As we know, Eleanor Roosevelt paid a visit to Khrushchev in 1957, and the first thing she did was to question Khrushchev on the position of the Soviet Jews. And this is what Khrushchev said to her:
"The Communist cannot be 'anti-Semitic' for Communism is against every form of racial discrimination. And if any member of the Communist Party was known to be an 'anti-Semite' none of us would shake his hand. How could a Communist become an 'anti-Semite' when Karl Marx was himself a Jew? My own son, who was killed in the war, married a Jewish woman. Soviet Jews have every chance of securing both the best education and the highest positions." (Bridge Builders, Vol. X, No. 23.)In thisrespect Poland's position is most enlightening. The policy of the Gentile front is demonstrated here most conspicuously. Jewry has carefully avoided appointing a Jew Prime Minister of Poland. ButPoland's archbishop, during his visit toAmerica in 1946, emphatically stated that the majority of the Polish Communist Party consisted of Jews who ruthlessly terrorised Poland. The Polish Premier was never a Jew. The Gentile front today consists of the Pole, Gomułka, but behind him are thereal holders of power: Roman Zabrovszky (Jew), secretary-general of the Communist Party; Hilary Minc (Jew), Ministerof Economy; and Jacob Berman (Jew), Under-Secretary of the Ministry of Economy. Jews occupy the key positions in the Polish Government from which they dictate to the unfortunate Polish people.
The fate of Hungary, especially after the attempted rising to secure independence in 1956, is another striking example of the Gentile front. In 1951, the President of Hungary was Sándor Rónai, a half-gipsy by birth, though his wife was a Jewess. The President of the Hungarian Politburo is also a non-Jew called István Dobi ~ a hard-drinking railway worker ~ always at the beck and call of Moscow in return for a few drinks.
Until the spring of 1956, Mátyas Rákosi-Roth was the real Jewish dictator behind the scenes. He was secretary of the Communist Party. (262) Another important Muscovite Jew called Ernoe Geroe-Singer took over his role from Rakosi later.
Allowing for a few changes and replacements here and there the Jews were the masters of Hungary.
József Révai, alias Moses Kahana, Minister of Education, the notorious instigator of the Mindszenty Trials, is a Jew.
Mihály Farkas, Minister of Defence (real name Israel Wolff), another Muscovite Jew, was formerly a printer in Kassa.
Ernoe Geroe, alias Singer, played an important role in the Spanish Civil War on the Communist side. Later in the Second World War he helped to organise the treacherous organisation known as Freies Deutschland (Free Germany) under General Friedrich Paulus, and was for a long time afterwards Stalin's personal representative in the Far East. Ernoe Geroe Singer's radio speech on October 23rd, 1956, did much to provoke the Hungarian rising, because in the course of it he asked the Soviet to maintain their occupation of Hungary. The enraged young Hungarian workers and university students replied to this by a spontaneous revolt.
Zoltán Vass, alias Weinberger, Minister of Economy and director of the Komló mining trust, was also a Jew. His wife, who was one of the doctors inthe Jewish hospital, and who handed over the wounded and sick patients under her care to the Soviet executioners, was a Jewess.
Gábor Péter, alias Benjamin Auspitz, the notorious chief of the Hungarian M.V.D. (secret police) was naturally a Jew, also. From being a small town tailor's assistant he became head of the Hungarian Communist secret police and is responsible for the murder and torture of 30,000 persons. Later he fell into disgrace and, according to what meagre news there is concerning his fate, was sentenced to nine and a half years' imprisonment.
The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Erik Molnár, was, of course, a Jew too. He had written a long "scientific" treatise concluding that the Hungarians as an "Asiatic" people should be resettled on the steppe of Golodnia.
Ivan Boldizsar, alias Bettelheim, propaganda chief of the Hungarian Communist regime, was also a Jew. Jews grabbed the key positions of the entire network of the Communist secret police in Hungary. They became the commissars, the (263) leaders of local government and the directors of the people's factories.
The shifts and changes that took place in Hungary between the Gentile front and those forming its background are not difficult to follow. In 1956, Rákosi was replaced. His successor in the post of secretary to the Hungarian Communist Party, i.e. in the dictatorship, was another Jew, Ernoe Geroe-Singer, who represented the very same Muscovite and pro-Zionist line as did his predecessor. When the Hungarian uprising began on October 23rd, 1956, the young Hungarians who during the previous twelve years had been educated in Communist ideology and consequently had no knowledge whatever of the Jewish aspirations for world power, wanted Imre Nagy to become Prime Minister.
Very few people know that Imre Nagy was a half-Jewish smallholder from Western Hungary and that his real name was Grosz. His mother was Hungarian but his father was Jewish. His wife is a Jewess. He lived for a long time in Moscow and was a student under the Stalinist regime. His role as a leader in the Hungarian rebellion appears to have been ineffective and his behaviour suspicious.
However great the crime he may have committed against the Soviet Union he was not placed on trial until very recently.
Both the Hungarian fight for freedom, as well as its suppression, proved that although many things may change in Communism, its Jewish and Zionist world-dominating features are permanent and unchangeable. After the Soviet attacks on November 4th, 1956, Hungarian key positions were once again occupied by the Jews who act now as ruthless dictators over the unfortunate suppressed Hungarian people. They dictate in the factories, in the party centres and from all leading positions of the reorganised secret police.
The position of Rumania is also interesting and worth a closer study. This courageous young nation of Central Europe has for centuries been familiar with the aspirations of Jewish world power and might have been one of Hungary's best allies. Just before the Second World War a new movement won support from all sections of the Rumanian people; it was known as The Iron Guard. The old concepts of Socialism were adopted by this fanatically chauvinistic group which, unfortunately, often clashed with both the Hungarians and other neighbours. But behind Carol, the Rumanian king, his mistress, Mrs. Lupescu, alias Maggie Wolf the Jewish red-head, (264) carried on her intrigues and persuaded the king to uproot the movement, which he actually did. It is appalling to think that even Hitler's Germany, in the pursuit of its own "great political concept", misunderstood and helped to liquidate this Rumanian movement, whose leaders sat with Jews in the concentration camps until 1944. It took the treason of King Michael to awaken the German leadership to the importance of The Iron Guard, which was thereupon organised into an anti-Bolshevik legion. Their training was completed and their equipment issued during the last few months of the war, and on May 8th, 1945, the legion of the Rumanian Iron Guard constituted the last armed resistance to the Bolshevik units.
After the war, a Gentile front was organised with great efficiency in Rumania. Petru Groza became the Prime Minister, but behind him stood the Jewess Anna Pauker-Rabinovich, a most faithful disciple of Stalin. Kisinevszky, first secretary of the Rumanian Communist Party, was of course, a Jew. Teohari Georgescu-Lebovich, Minister of Internal Affairs; Maurice Roller, head of public education; Maurice Bercovici, head of foreign trade; Max Salamon, head of propaganda; and Mondy Kerkovici, who with Rebecca Nathason were leaders of Soviet-Rumanian cultural affairs, were all Jews.
With Gheorghe Gheorghiu-Dej's assumption of power and with the removal of Anna Pauker-Rabinovich, the position may seem changed, but that is only a superficial view. The unfortunate Rumanian people are still subjected to the same terror previously exercised by Anna Pauker-Rabinovich.
Czechoslovakia presents yet another example of the Gentile front. Here the Prime Minister, comrade Gottwald, was a half-Jew. But behind him Slansky-Salzman was first secretary of the Czech Communist Party, leader of biological class warfare and a characteristic Jew. Slansky-Salzman, like the non-Jewish Hungarian László Rajk, was executed, although a Communist, because he was not willing to accept the Muscovite type of Jewish world domination. He wanted to secure power for the Western Jew only. At the present time a Jew called Dr. Kosta is head of the foreign Press service of this hybrid State. Dr. Eugen Loebl, assistant secretary of foreign trade, is a Jew. Ludwig Frejka, economic adviser to President Gottwald, is also a Jew. Vasely, head of the Czechoslovak secret police, the Czech (265) replica of Gábor Péter (Benjamin Auspitz); Bruno Kohler, commandant of the militia, together with Lomsky, Bubona, Fuchs and Taussigov, important district secretaries; Bistricky and Goldstecker, Czech ambassadors; Truda Jakaninova Cakutrova, head of the Czechoslovak delegation to U.N.O.; Jiu Hironek, departmental head of the Ministry of Information, as well as Augenthaler and Gottlieb, the two senior officials of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, are all Jews.
The half-Communist Hungarian paper, Világ (World), wrote on March 15th, 1953: "With the help of the Soviet M.V.D. many Jews succeeded in occupying leading positions in the Communist Party."
With the execution of Slansky-Salzman, the Jewish background appeared to have been liquidated. The anti-Jewish Czech workers had to be shown that Bolshevism was not Jewish. Nevertheless the Jewish background is still retained holding in its grasp the real power.
Yugoslavia is another example of the foregoing. Marshal Tito ~ real name Josip Broz ~ is a non-Jew. But until his recent death, a Jew, Moša Pijade, wielded actual power here. The name of Moša Pijade isconnected with the murder and starvation of 200,000 members of the German community and also with other macabre cases of genocide in Yugoslavia. Thirty thousand Hungarians fell victim to the systematic extermination of racial and national groups in Yugoslavia.
Otto Grotewohl, Premier of Eastern Germany, is a non-Jew. But Gerhard Eisler, the Jew behind him, is the sole possessor of real power. He acts as with the authority of both Eastern and Western Jewry. He is the faithful follower and protégé of Eleanor Roosevelt. Paval E. Yudin, Soviet commissar, wielder of Soviet power in Germany, is naturally, a Jew. The terrorist organisation is in the hands of the bloodthirsty Jewess, Hilda Benjamin.
The above list, of course, is far from being complete. But it gives some information about the organisation of the Gentile front, i.e. about the real face of the masked Jewish power. We also know that the number of Jews in key positions and leading posts is actually much higher in the enslaved countries behind the Iron Curtain than our lists show. This is due to the fact that Bolshevik Jews live everywhere under different cover-names, and most of them have even changed their first name in order not to be recognised by their previous Old Testament names. Of all the countries behind the Iron Curtain, (266) Poland appears to be the most dominated by Jewishpower. Cardinal August Hlond's statement made in America on July 6th, 1946, draws attention to this. He said: "Jewish leadership in the Government created a form of rule disliked by the majority of the people. The important question is not how many Jews sit in the Government but, rather, what kind of positions do they occupy?"
Usually the first secretary of the Communist Party is the real dictator in the countries behind the Iron Curtain. He has at his command the complete machinery of the political police, the Communist Party and the Soviet administration. For this reason it is a most dangerous sign that in 1951, Bulgaria excepted, the position of first secretary of the Communist Parties of all the countries behind the Iron Curtain was held by Jews. This is true even in Tito's Yugoslavia. Jews are also the chiefs of the political (secret) police, or alternatively, they hold the post of Minister of Internal Affairs. Moreover, it would seem that the ministerial posts of education, propaganda and defence are also gradually being taken over by Jews. It is also revealing that at the same time Jews are desirous of obtaining the post of Minister of Defence in the Western world. At this moment Jules Moch is Minister of Defence in France, Emmanuel Shinwell in Great Britain, whilst in the U.S.A. Anna Rosenberg is Assistant Secretary of War. Mr. Eisenhower has lately appointed a Jew as Assistant Secretary of War to Mr. McElroy.
Mr. Bernard Baruch, America's "Elder Statesman", who controlled the 351 most important industries of the U.S. during the Second World War, said proudly: "It is undoubtedly true that I probably had more power than any other man in the war!"
I had more power than anybody else! ~ says Baruch, and this power itself is part of the Jewish world power.
It is a clearly discernible political fact in the Western world that the more Jews there are sitting in the key positions of a democratic State, the quicker will this State drift towards Bolshevism. For instance, the whole political position and outlook of France today can be explained by the immeasurable Judaisation of French political life. As we write these lines, the French Premier is Pierre Isaac Isidore Mendés-France, son of David Mendele Cerf-Hirsch and Sarah Farburger Cohen. (267) Akin to the power-pattern of the States behind the Iron Curtain, Robert Hirsch, as chief of the Sûreté, wields supreme police power in France. Jacques Duclos, the second most important Communist of France, is a Jew too. Jules Moch, one of the most influential personalities of the French Social Democratic Party, who was Minister of Defence for a long timein post-war French Governments ~ and was thus one of those sabotaging the integration of German divisions in the European Anny ~ comes also fromthe ranks of the world conquerors to take over the glorious traditions of a napoleonic inheritance.
Paris remains the centre of Diaspora, the Monde Juif tells us with pride. And France meanwhile hurtles dizzily down the slope of corruption following the example of the perished Roman and Spanish Empires.
Since the American occupation, German heavy industry has been infiltrated by so-called "American" capital, the pressure of which dominates Western Germany today. In West Berlin, the late Ernst Reuter, only, was acceptable as burgomaster ~ he who had been before first secretary of the German Communist Party and who was, of course, a Jew. Meanwhile, a Jew called Lipschitz is Minister of Internal Affairs in West Berlin.
We have already pointed out that in 1951 all the first secretaries of the Communist Parties in countries east of the Iron Curtain were Jews. With the removal of Slansky-Salzman in Prague; Gábor Péter, alias Benjamin Auspitz, terror chief, in Hungary; Anna Pauker-Rabinovich in Rumania, and Beria in the Soviet Union, certain shifts seemed to have taken place in the key positions. Western radio propaganda, also firmly in the grip of the world conquerors, likes to ascribe this to "anti-Semitism" in the Soviet Union and in the enslaved countries. But "anti-Semitism" is simply non-existent. With the detailed data given relating to the Soviet Union and to the countries forced behind the Iron Curtain, we proved that there also power is firmly in the hands of the Jews. The fact that political figures are shifted in these countries, and that at times certain unpleasant tasks are assigned to non-Jewish Communists, means absolutely nothing. Neither does the occasional liquidation of one or two Jews bear any significance, since the Protocols say that one or two of their own ilk will be sacrificed. This is the explanation of the liquidation of Beria, Slansky, (268) Peter-Auspitz and Pauker, in view of the fact that the population of these countries suffering under their tyranny slowly became aware of the predominantly Jewish character of Bolshevik power, and in their rage turned against the bosses of the terror. Thus Beria and a few others had to be sacrificed to create the illusion that the State was against the Jews. All those who carried through these measures were the themselves Jews. Nobody knew the real reasons and motives for their actions better than they did and Western Jewry understood them perfectly too. When here and there in the Western world signs of anti-Bolshevik tendencies become noticeable it is expedient to distract public attention from the Jewish character of Bolshevik power. "We are one people," wrote Theodor Herzl.
Until the truth of this is recognised by the non-Jewish world, all talk about differences between the Western and Eastern world is sheer lies and stupidity. There are no differences whatever! Jews are sitting in the key positions of the Eastern Hemisphere as well as the Western Hemisphere, and they will never attack or harm one another for they know that they would only destroy themselves. They would thus destroy Jewish world power. These considerations gave rise to the idea of co-existence, the sabotaging of European re-armament and the patriotic popular movements,the sale of the atomic bomb and all those discoveries and inventions offering to the Eastern and Western Hemispheres the possibility of living side by side.
As long as this is the position, all talk on the radio of Western nations about "anti-Bolshevism" is a lie. And as long as it cannot be frankly stated in the West that Bolshevism is nothing else than the most perfected form of the Jewish world power, it is useless to talk about the free Western world and Western democracy. And similarly, until it can be pointed out freely in the East that the Western world is not governed by "imperialist Capitalism" but by the silent terror of political influence and by ruthless exploitation on the part of the Jewish money power and Press, it is dishonest to talk about the prevailing system of the suppressed States behind the Iron Curtain as "Socialism".
The Jews are trading today with our wheat, diamonds, clothing, religion and prayers. They control the Communist Parties in China and India, as well as the Republican Parties of the free Western world, as (269) was seen when they planned the destruction of Senator McCarthy. They command the U.N. armies against the North Koreans, and they stand behind the North Koreans facing the forces of the U.N. In Vietnam they oppose the Communists, and while many thousands of non-Jewish "legionnaires" died heroically at Dien-Bien-Phu, they kept the Bolsheviks advised of French moves from the French National Defence Council itself. While championing the re-unification and integration of Europe they render it simultaneously impossible. They speak of the possibility of securing co-existence, although they know very well that co-existence is, in fact, perfectly possible. The Western and Eastern Jew have always understood each other. In 1917, during the war of intervention, the Western Jew helped the Eastern Jew by the material building up of the Soviet, and during the Second World War he helped by the eleven billion dollar loan, by the Lend and Lease Act and by the support given at Yalta, Teheran and Nuremberg. It comes to this: the Western and Eastern Jew, by selling each other the secret of the atomic bomb, displayed the black flag of a possible atomic death above the heads of the non-Jewish nations, in order to establish their rule over the world.
The Western world does not lack its daydreams. "Moderate" Bolsheviks, pink intellectuals and so-called anti-Bolsheviks have to learn that mankind cannot be classified correctly into groups of Bolsheviks, "moderate" Bolsheviks, and "anti-Bolsheviks". The correct classification is into the two groups of those who see and recognise the danger of Jewish nationalism, and of the others who deny it. Anyone who is "pro-Jewish" or denies that the main features of Bolshevism are Jewish cannot be at the same time a true anti-Bolshevik!
"We are one people! We are the same people!" said Theodor Herzl.
The Gentile front is for the "man in the street", for "our creature and slave"; for the masses. It is an illusion, like the sovereignty of the White House, or democracy or equal rights. But in the second line, behind the scenes in key positions, are Bernard Baruch, Frankfurter, David Lilienthal, Strauss, Oppenheimer and the iron fist of Jehovah wielding the power which will smash kingdoms and democracies to pieces. For the masses of the Eastern Hemiphere, the non-Jewish Khrushchev is god; but the second line is held by the Kaganovich dynasty, (270) by Yudin, and the tommy-guns of the M.V.D. and the steel-helmeted Maccabees.
"We are one people!" But a people who will desert their host-nation whenever their interests dictate it. On one occasion they abandoned even the Soviet Union itself. This happened when the European armies stood athwart the circular railway system on the outskirts of Moscow. The Jews, having expropriated for their sole use the last motor cars and vehicles and loaded them with all the treasures of the Soviet people, ran away, leaving behind the angry Russians.
But now, as a result of their great victory in the war, they can say: "We have conquered the world. We control mankind from key positions behind the scenes." (271)
Chapter Eighteen: Secret Powers of Contents,