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 Contrail Spraying Continues
 More Photos -  New Florida Reports
From Derrel Sims <>
       From: (Jeff Rense Sightings Radio Show )
       Date: Wed, 2 Jun 1999 13:19:02 EDT
       Subject: (no subject)
       My name is Mike. I live in Jacksonville, Florida, on the Intercoastal  Waterway. This morning about 9am I was out by the pool reading the paper. I noticed a jet several thousand feet up leaving a contrail, which spread out and became very large and did not disappear after a few minutes. I have seen this many times in the past few months.
       Since I've been listening to your program and hearing about Chemtrails, I've been taking a closer look at the contrails. This mornings contrail was different, in that it turned brown.
       I could see it actually change colors before my eye's. It made me think what Mr. C.[Al Cuppet] said last night on your program about getting the general public used to seeing the white one and then slipping the one's that turn colors by you. I live about 2 or 3 miles south of  Mayport Naval Base in a community called Queens Harbour. I guess they are trying to take out the military, too.
       From: (on file)
       Date: Tue, 1 Jun 1999 13:20:37 EDT
       Subject: contrails
       Please let everyone know, Ft. Lauderdale and the coastal area being sprayed almost daily for the last three weeks.
       Thank you , A Fort Lauderdale resident
       Observers watched one large jet fly a circle through earlier contrails
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