The Freedom of Knowledge, The Power of Thought ©

Ken Adachi Radio Interview with Don Nicoloff, Nov. 23, 2009

From Ken Adachi, Editor
November 23, 2009

Ken Adachi Radio Interview with Don Nicoloff, Nov. 23, 2009

Don Nicoloff asked me to fill in for his November 23 scheduled guest, Dr True Ott, due to an oversight in scheduling arrangements. I was happy to oblige. I wanted to concentrate on explaining the POSITIVE developments that have taken place of late in THWARTING the New World Order Takeover and Takedown agendas.

It's a common attribute of modern man to focus on the NEGATIVE information presented in the news as the ONLY view of reality, but there is a constant stream of POSITIVE developments that occur SIMULTANEOULSY to the negative, that is NEVER reported in the news, yet is having a PROFOUND effect on the final outcome of events.

Do not lose sight of the fact that for every NEGATIVE action, there is an equal, and OPPOSITE reaction. You had assumed that Newton's "law" only applied to physics, but-I have news for you- it applies to EVERYTHING in the universe. Everything.

Ken Adachi & Don Nicoloff on Evident Footprints Radio Show, Nov, 23, 2009 (1 hour, 24 minutes)


Subject: Don's radio show
From: Aaron
Date: Tue, November 24, 2009
To: Ken Adachi


I just wanted to say that I appreciated the radio program you did with Don on the 23rd. Your positive outlook of the world was refreshing (I think I spend too much time over there at Rense). The chemistry you have with Don adds a nice touch. The gentle and good natured interaction between the two of you makes listening even more enjoyable. Also, I thank you for the hard work you put into your website.

I thank Don too for a wonderful radio program.


Aaron C

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