The Freedom of Knowledge, The Power of Thought ©
The Adventures of Don & Carol Croft

Episode 62

Powerwand Non-Instructions

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[Editor's Note: Yesterday, I had lunch with Ted Gunderson. On our way into the restaurant, I stopped in the parking lot to show Ted how easy it was to dissipate a cloud using the Visual Ray, a technique I learned from Trevor James Constable's book, The Cosmic Pulse of Life. Since we've been seeing real clouds of late, I wanted Ted to experience the same thrill that I felt when I first tried Visual Ray cloudbusting in that very parking lot about 3 years ago, having only read about the technique in Trevor Constable''s book. I pointed to a nice puffy, cotton ball cloud and said that it would evaporate in about 3 minutes or less. As I eyeballed the cloud, Ted asked me what I was doing and wanted to know if he could join in. I said "sure". I told him what I was doing and within 90 seconds that cloud had completely disappeared. Ted was ecstatic! He couldn't get over it.

He had never, in his wildest imagination, thought that it was possible to do something as seemingly 'magical' as that and he kept shaking his head repeating the word 'amazing' as we walked into the restaurant.

I relate this anecdote because Don Croft is also doing something seemingly 'magical' with easy-to-make orgone generators, the Powerwand being the latest evolutionary development in anti-parasite technology. If you've been keeping up with the last 12 or 13 episodes of his Adventures series, you know just how effective the Powerwand has been in neutralizing, crippling, or, in some cases, evaporating those forces opposed to peace, brotherhood, freedom, and good will. Don keeps repeating to the reader that you can do the same things that he's doing in his Adventures episodes, if you are but willing to engage. Like Visual Cloudbusting, you'll never experience the thrill (and benefits) of astral jousting with orgone toys - unless you try it.

Think about it for a minute. Imagine that you had access to Aladin's Lamp and could get the Genie to give you 'capabilities' to thwart and abort high tech, un evolved souls dedicated to a negative, destructive agenda directed towards you and your fellow man. You could employ these 'magical toys' from the comfort of your living room and never expose yourself to direct physical danger or engage in mortal physical combat. The 'action' takes place in your mind, with the assistance and amplification afforded by the orgone tools (and unseen, higher dimensional beings engaging the 'un-evolved ones'). Your magical tool is self governing by design: it can only harm those who are engaged in the business of harming others. The degree of pain inflicted by your tool is proportional to the level of evil to which your target has sunk. Those who are newbies to the game of fascist enslavement get a bad headache and are otherwise made to wish they were engaged in some other type of work. The bosses, the planners, and the really nasty 'enforcers', usually suffer a more harrowing fate. Now, wouldn't that be neat? Well, that's precisely what's taking place.

Mind you, Don & company are often going after the heavies and Big Boys of the NWO Police State. These are the 'people' who will be handing out orders to the dumbed-down military and police pawns when they kick in their martial law/roundup/concentration camp scenario. What if a large percentage of these 'people' became incapacitated in some way and couldn't carry on their work? What would other negative cohorts do if they started to notice that their all-powerful bosses and planners with their invincible, high tech/black magic technologies, began to drop out of sight? Would that begin to worry them? Would they become concerned that they might be next and maybe think about looking for another line of work? You can bet your life they'd worry.

If there's one thing you can absolutely plan on when dealing with an un-evolved, Service-To-Self entity, it's their desire for self preservation. Make the kitchen hot enough and these guys will jump ship faster than you can say "Osama bin Laden did it!" (By the way, have you noticed how completely and utterly Mr. Bin Laden, the 'architect' of the WTC bombing and raison d'etre for the U. S. government to launch a blitzkrieg bombing attack against the impoverished people of rubble strewn Afghanistan, has fallen from the corporate media/White House spotlight?

Even the next evil arab who was declared responsible for the WTC attack, Saddam Hussein, has now fallen from the limelight. Now it's a toss up as to who will next take up the Demon's Crown. Will it be the president of Syria, the leadership of Iran, or the leader of North Korea? Also, do you think Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, and Kissinger draw straws or play 'janken' to decide? ...But I stray too far.)

Isn't it wiser to 'retire' these upper level people now, while we still have the freedom and opportunity, before the martial law scenario? If enough people make or buy a Powerwand of their own-and use it- there won't be a martial law scenario. It's like deploying Don's Chembuster or a Tower Buster: once you see for yourself just how well these orgone generators work to clear the sky or neutralize ELF towers, you wind up asking yourself: "why did I wait so long?"

Ready-made Powerwands from are available in four sizes: Powerwand A, B, C, and Mega Powerwand D For more information, please send an email...Ken Adachi]

By Don Croft
April 24, 2003

Powerwand Non-Instructions (Episode 52) by Don Croft

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I very rarely see or feel energy, so don't feel like a chump if you don’t, either, okay?

Suggestions of Engagement
The real performers with these devices are our imaginations and all of us have one of those. Please don’t underestimate the power of your own imagination! The crystal-based devices that Carol and I developed, also Mark’s Shiva and some new creations of other folks, including Larry in Japan, Gale in Texas, and Gerard in Australia, access and amplify the latent power of our imaginations; so all we need to do is convince our ego-based doubts and fears to step aside and let the rest of us do what needs to be done these days to prevent the world’s gang of tyrants from committing mayhem and genocide as they exit history’s stage. Don’t worry—if your target is not guilty he/she won’t experience anything more than a vague discomfort and if the target is innocent the energy will likely feel good to him/her. That’s how this new technology works.

When I use my PW to disable a secret police predator or other tyrannical miscreant or enabler, I sometimes imagine that I'm standing knee deep in water with the raging ocean behind me. I imagine the 'recipient' about to get a huge wave of orgone crashing over him/her. I feel the water recede all the way down to my feet, rushing out toward where my a** end is facing as a tsunami builds up. I do this on a slow inbreath as I ‘feel’ the water receding away from the shore until I’m standing on wet sand. Then, as I exhale, the wall of water/orgone that has reached an incredible height right behind me on its way to the beach hits the target who is standing in its path. I feel it all over the front of my body as a sort of outward pressure in this case. Carol says that really freaks them out or kills them, depending on their threat (to humanity) level. It always takes them by surprise, she says.

Another technique: I imagine my shapeshifting doppelganger, which is an immense black panther most of the time, prowling around the target, looking for an opportunity to pounce. If the targets are just some chump psychic agents or internet NSA hackers, he knocks them down and plays with them, as a cat does with a bird or mouse, and they get terrified beyond comprehension (my internet browser operates as it should from that moment, most often). If the target is a killer, I see the very hungry panther ripping his/her throat or guts out and I even imagine myself relishing it—I think that makes it more real for the target. Remember that we're not making these determinations and if the imagined target is harmless (we all goof sometimes) nothing at all will happen except that I feel a little chagrinned. If I’m really off base, the target would feel a rush of nice energy, but so far, my wife tells me my hunches have been pretty good.

In most cases, I get angry before I do the work. Righteous anger is like gasoline on a fire. If you think anger is always a bad thing, try to figure out how to disable the deep, long-term mental programming that was used to convince you of that, okay? You can bet those programmers don’t want you angry at them, and you may be angry at me for mentioning this, which is yet another evidence that you were programmed ;-) If you’re a New-ager, your burning anger will be veiled by a smile and an expression of concern for me (You might be beyond redemption at that point:-).

Another one: As I breathe both in and out, I imagine spirals of bright orgone moving up through the target, spinning very fast. I spin them both ways, so it looks like a DNA molecular pattern.

I don't know if any of the crystal-based devices will work if one is unwilling to use the imagination.

Imagination gets a bad rap in our culture because of some pseudoscience and/or religious/ mental programming considerations. In fact all of the great discoveries were made by people with extremely active imaginations. It's only when it gets out of hand or when drugs are used that the imagination tends to be fruitless, misleading and even harmful. I think a good imagination is also tied to one's control of the ego. The ego, when out of line, always skews the imagination, sidetracks us and gets us false information, which is why I ignore channeling as a source of usable data.

Having said all that, you really need to find your own expression with these tools. We mustn't institutionalize any of this work. Dominic in Australia gets good results with his Powerwand but he dislikes my approach, so I’m waiting for his treatise on this and will include that when I receive it.

If you have children, you might consider letting them use the devices for you, after having read them these instructions. Just don’t put any pressure on them and make sure that they don’t feel that they need to meet any of your expectations, okay? You can bet that most eight to thirteen year olds will instantly grasp these concepts and will go right to work with appropriate gusto. They’re probably more observant than you are, too, and will more quickly visualize the target and even the fed peekers, both physical and astral. Let them be your teachers. Children, unlike brain-compromised and heart-suppressed adults, can easily distinguish the stink of the presence of the secret police psychics and new age fake helpers from the fragrance of angelic and bonafide-benevolent Other visitors

Here’s Cheri’s account about using her Powerwand and you can see that her approach is entirely different, though certainly as viable:

“I think I was psychically attacked night before last - my lower back was killing me, then my middle back. I got into bed about 8:30 at which point I got a sharp pain in my right side. I pushed it with my finger - sore - weird. My little PoWi [Powerwand] was on a dresser busily covering about 5 other things, but, from bed (in my mind), I just told it that if this was an attack by the dark side, would it please stop my pain and send it back to them tenfold, then on up the chain of command to the top. All pains were gone within 3 seconds. No Sh*t!!!!! So I'm keeping this PW and ordering a another one for my sister. This one'll work great in sync with my Shiva - the bad boyz are goin' down!!!!”

By the way, we don’t need to be touching the devices in order for them to work for us. We don’t even have to be in the same room or perhaps even in the same town. There may come a point where it won’t matter if the thing is turned on. Often, I find that my PW’s battery has run out before I’ve done some good work with the PW.

I don’t know if there’s a limit to how many people can use one device or to how many jobs one can set the thing to accomplish. I think you’ll need to get a feel for that yourself. There are others who are inclined to program these devices for extended work, but my personal style is more inclined to real-time encounters with the bad guys and their chump secret police minions. I’m hoping that forums will continue to be used copiously to record and discuss the experiments others are conducting along these lines.

Astral Visitors
A good test for you to determine if the PW is ‘doing something’ is when your computer gets hacked by the NSA/CIA geeks. I used to get that interference nearly every time I get online and, as I said, they stop as soon as I focus some special attention on the hacker, though sometimes I need to attend to the hackers’ superiors if I’m in a hot spot due to having done something particularly hurtful to their collective predatory agenda and in those cases it’s usually one of the superiors who is hacking my computer, Carol tells me. The boss hackers, usually MIB [Men in Black], have a lot more talent, occult resources and determination than the chump level hackers. Carol says they’re always shocked/angry that somebody like me can actually ID and stop them. MIB usually die when they get in the way of the PWs. I think they’re like the nazi SS, who had to murder an innocent before they could put on the uniform. Ever wonder why a SS officer was appointed Secretary General of the UN?

For psychic peekers, I find it expedient to blast them every time the thought occurs to me that my privacy is being compromised by them. As a rule, I do this every time I even think of them because that’s probably exactly when they show up. Some are clever at hiding and the most clever ones are also the ones who have the most innocent blood on their hands, according to my wife. The psychics like to work on us during sleep after we’ve stopped them from coming around during our wakeful life.

It’s a good idea to wake up when you sense their influence on your dreams and blast the snot out of them. I found recently that I was able, in my semi-sleep, to clearly identify four fed psychics. My psychic wife confirmed that for me. She’d woke me up to help her deal with a noisy, materialized agent downstairs in our house (a common occurrence until that anight) when I found these other feds. We’ve been sleeping more soundly since we stopped those nighttime visits.

These days the NSA won’t do anything at all until/unless one or more of their psychics can get a clear picture of our circumstances, so disabling the astral visitors really puts a kink in their plumbing. Remember that anyone who is in the astral plane is particularly vulnerable to our brand of interference, and in that world, the imagination of the "corporate entity" (you, the would-be victim) is king. So have some fun with these vampires, okay? You’ll no doubt find, as I have, that you’ll get fewer and fewer intimations of psychic peeking as you progress. The psychics in the NSA and the other secret police agencies in the world know the score - don’t kid yourself. None of them are under any illusion of patriotism or the desire to serve humanity. None.

Remote Viewers
The remote viewers are another story. Many of them are legitimate military men and women. If one of them hasn’t figured out that many of their targets are innocent and that the people ordering the viewing are criminals, give him/her a blast when you sense the intrusion and it will make the right impression without harming the viewer. I feel them as rather clumsy, relatively blind intrusions compared to the higher level professional psychics. I think the secret police use them as backup only and the military uses them routinely for somewhat more legitimate reasons..

Remember that every single molestation of your privacy, your skies, even your telephone, email and snail mail, is just another opportunity for you to exercise your right to protect yourself and your family and friends from this vast corporate monster that I’m calling the world order.

All of these intrusions are at the hands of the secret police and their affiliated chumps in the otherwise more legitimate police agencies around the world. The satanic orders, like Golden Dawn, Theosophical masonry, etc., are sub-groups of the secret police and do their dirty work on occasions when the fake governments of the world want to divert attention from themselves. For instance, the murder of the Special Forces doctor's family a few years ago in North Carolina was performed by one of the CIA’s satanic assets and the string of murders in Maryland and Washington, DC, last fall had the same characteristics, including the token ‘Ace of Spades’ calling cards left at each murder scene.

Tomorrow, the World
So…stop the secret police from enforcing the world order’s agenda and we will have effectively disabled the world order’s terror campaign and the next logical step will be the dissolution of the corporate entities that are posing as legitimate national, state, county and local governments in the world. Then, I think it will be natural and easy to fix this political mess by dissolving all heavily centralized ‘authority’ and consulting locally and at the county and state levels to arrange for more organic, managable and feasible forms of government.

The fact that we’re already a global society is no longer debatable, I think. We (a more conscious humanity) accomplished that, not some vague, hidden organization of ‘masters’ on our behalf. See how important your work with these devices can be to the course of history and for the safety, health and prosperity of the human race?

I figure that for every hundred powerwands, Shivas, Big Mamas, etc. out in the market there will be about fifteen or twenty of them in the hands of people who are willing to use them as I propose, and that’s probably enough to finish off this corporate beast that’s posing as legitimate police agencies around the world. It’s not necessary to be as aggressive as I am, but big results do require big efforts.

If you’re one of the remaining majority who hasn’t the inclination or courage to take this monster on, you can at least be sure that just turning the thing on and staying within its sphere of protection will keep them at bay in your case and you’ll probably be physically safe from them as long as they don’t get their wish and establish martial law. If you only have one of Mark's Shivas you should know that this protection will only be available when you consciously make it happen because that device must be activated consciously for specific goals. As with any magic pursuit, the results will depend largely on your ability to clearly define the goal. Saying, ‘Protect me from predators’ won’t likely get you much in the way of discernible results.

Ford Fairlanes & Ferraris
The analogy I use to describe the difference between a gifted, disciplined psychic and one trained by the world order’s masters is that the former is like a Ford Fairlane and the latter is like a Ferrari. While the former may not win any races on the track, it also won’t likely break down and it will be reliable for the distance. The latter gets more impressive track results but needs extra, constant attention to the mechanical workings and you wouldn’t consider taking it very far from the repair shop.

That analogy works loosely with the PW and Shiva. The PW will work for anyone just by turning it on, at least in terms of protection and some marginal healing and consciousness-raising. If you don’t work consciously with the Shiva you’ve just bought an expensive doorstop for all the good it will do for you.

I’d say that the same non-instructions work for the Shiva as for the Powerwand and I agree with my wife that optimally one would want to have both around if one is serious about tackling the world order. As a demonstration, I just spent three weeks in the face of the regime with only a Powerwand and I never felt like I was in any danger, though what I did and where I went during that three weeks would be considered quite risky and was very damaging to the regime’s genocide agenda..

It’s in vogue now to talk about reptilians and ET predators but in fact Carol and I believe that the human ones (secret police) are far more dangerous right now and if we ignore the non-human ones we’ll still win the game if we focus on these more immediate, fake-government physical threats. Only humans can do the real dirty work and the real healing work in the world right now. If you have the inclination and talent to deal with the reptilians, draconians, B-Sirians, etc., that are in league with this fake world government, the Powerwand and Shiva generally work on them the same way they work on astral human peekers; so have some fun with them. Most of them are a lot more clever than their human cohorts and can manipulate your perception, time and collateral events better, which I think is their calling card, by the way.

Chaco Canyon
For example, on my way to gift Chaco Canyon this week [April 7, ‘03], a car plunged onto the westbound highway from the overpass about a mile ahead of me, blocking traffic. Then, as I exited a half hour later onto the same overpass (my tank was just about empty and I couldn’t have made it to another gas station) the computers at the truck stop nearby, where I was about to gas up, stopped working and I lost another hour just getting my gas. That was in Alubquerque. I made it to the vicinity of Chaco Canyon that night, regardless, and I didn’t even bother looking into what non-human agency may have tried to interfere with me that way, earlier. Humans simply aren’t clever or resourceful enough to do that kind of interference work, in my opinion

Undermining the world order by neutralizing the secret police agencies will also effectively disable any alien or reptilian intentions for us, we believe, because the secret police are the only effective 3D interface between predatory ET and ourselves.

We feel certain that the two bodies taken on stretchers from the NSA house up the street that day in early February, a couple of hours after I aimed my Powerwand at it (the house I was visiting was getting beamed really heavily from that house a half block up the other side of the street) were reptilians (part human or at least using human forms). I already knew the PW kicks predator butt, but the targetted fellow whom I was visiting apparently needed some convincing ;-)

When I went with Gale and her kids to gift downtown Beaumont, Texas, last week a fedmobile (it was a new, expensive, silver-bronze pickup that looks like a silly imitation of a HUMMV, so he was probably the cowardly Special Agent In Charge of terrorizing Gale and her family lately) pulled up behind us while we were waiting for a freight train to pass. We ‘made’ him and he then pulled into the police parking lot, which was adjacent to where we were, and double parked by some cop cars.

I nailed him with Gale’s Powerwand, then drove next to his vehicle to look at him—well, okay, I wanted to gloat--through the window. He turned to face me and had a look of abject terror on his face, which told me that he’s just a peeker, not a killer. If he was a killer, he’d have been killed, I’m quite sure, though technically he would have committed suicide by unlawfully interfering with somebody, innocent, who has a Powerwand and isn’t afraid or too deeply programmed/compromised to use it.

By the way, Gale has just started marketing a much simpler, less expensive device which may be used this way to good effect. The feds have already sent some thinly veiled threats to her on that account, so you should consider that a fine endorsement for her products ;-) I wish they’d be stupid enough to threaten me directly. I can always use good, free advertising.

These chump level secret police, that most of us have by now recognized in our areas, may be rather benign and non-threatening. But their mere appearance indicates that the higher-ups, who are searching for ways to secretly kill not only us - but millions of other innocents - are ceaselessly inventing ways to interfere with us, so when these chumps show up it’s an open invitation to imagine the Powerwand’s energy appropriately disabling the killers in the higher ranks (which I also did in this case and which you can certainly do, too).

I’m told by a former insider that the killers in the NSA, CIA and FBI are only happy when they get to do wetwork, so when you see one of them with a happy look on his face (always look for the bulge in his pansts at the ankle—that’s his backup piece) you’d better PW the rat bastard ;-)

As I see it, what we’re doing is Whittaker Chambers’ dream come true. He was the betrayed chief prosecutor at the Nuremburg trials after WWII. I think we all know that those Nazi murderers were soon working in our own already-Nazified federal government and also became Interpol and the national secret police agencies in the newly-formed countries, both communist and fascist (‘democratic’ nationalism).

Let me know if you want some courtroom-quality evidence from Ted Gunderson which clearly shows that the feds knew about the foreign component of 9/11 six months in advance but never interfered with those fellows.

If Wilhelm Reich had used these tools, he would likely have lived a very long, even more fruitful life, having done to the human fake-government predators with these tools what he did in self defense to those nasty ETs’ ships with his cloudbusters.

Have you noticed that nobody’s ridiculing ‘conspiracy theories’ these days? If anyone I talk to expresses doubt about the power of conspiracy, I hold up the physical evidence of the vast network of new military transmitters as stark testimony to what the world regime has in store for us if we don’t stop them. By now, I think everyone is willing to consider that these things are certainly not for cellphones. I’d point out chemtrails to the Pajama People, but most of the places I visit are no longer plagued by these poisonous spewplanes - thanks to our extensive CB network.

Vo Joanna is a traditional African/Indian healer in Brazil. She’s Al McAllister’s mentor (Al’s site is ) and has been very supportive of our network. Vo Joanna has also provided some unique insights about the workings of the orgonite devices. She reminds me very much of the Xhosa wise woman in Africa whom Carol and I visited.

Al recently took her a Succor Punch, which is the crystal/electronic device that’s at the core of the Powerwands and here’s what Al told me about her assessment of that device:

“I just returned from Vó Joana's house. She was very happy to tell me about her experiences with the SP you gave her, and I am passing it along to you.

Vó Joana has a few disciples, 'sons' and 'daughters' as she calls them, that she is 'developing' as mediums. From what I understand these are people who are learning how to incorporate their 'guides' so as to be able to serve humanity much as Vó Joana does. She says that we all have these guides, the head guide is our 'father', the other ones are responsible for and participate in our evolution inspiring and orienting us in different disciplines, moments and nterests in our lives.

Vó Joana attends to people inside a very small, long room, that has an altar at the opposite end from where she sits. She has placed the SP on this altar with the crystal pointing towards her, and turns it on during the whole session with her 'sons,' She said it has been very helpful to all there due to the huge amount of positive energy and strong spiritual light that it generates, she finds it to be marvelous in its effect and is very thankful for the gift. She has not yet identified the entity that operates the SP, but has seen her as a figure in the crystal itself, she did say that it is a woman saint.

Vó Joana will have other things to say as time goes by and I will relate them to you. She asked that you please be careful with your own life energy when you do things such as the events at Mt. Shasta [we disabled Count St. Germain there], it can be very debilitating and age your body [I have been aging faster lately, but it’s a small price to pay]…

…She commented that the Count St. Germaine was "evil in human form". You did a lot of good.

Well that is it. Vó Joana asked me to tell you that she is praying for you, she thanks you (and Carol) for all the dedication and effort that you put out.

I thank you also, take care.


Notice that all of the media attention directed against us paints us as dangerous, not as deranged or paranoid ;-) I keep meaning to send those guys some money for all that free advertising they’re providing.

What I just discovered [May 12, ‘03] is that these devices are powerful healing tools. Carol’s been telling me this right along.

A few days ago, one of our zapper customers asked me to give her some advice about her dying brother, whom the docs had given a few days to live and whose shrink told him he’s welcome to take all the prescription drugs he wanted now. The problem was cancer and liver failure.

I told her that I was clueless about helping the guy, since he was too far away for her to get a zapper to him but that I’d send him and her some energy from the tools. I did that right away and I felt an incredibly strong Kundalini rush all over my body in the process. That was a first. I get a lot of sensation, as I mentioned above, but never any Kundalini activation to speak of.

A couple of days later, she emailed me to say that the cancer was gone and there was no sign of liver problems and that he was going home that day. Also, she said that his attitude was completely new and that he wanted to fix all the things that had been wrong in his life. I gather that he was pretty profligate until that point.

Since then, several others around the world have asked me to send energy that way and each time, I got the Kundalini rush; sometimes stronger, sometimes weaker. I wonder if the strength of the rush relates to the size of the problem or to possible barriers to healing within the recipient? I’ll update this as I get more info.

Larry in Japan created Big Mama and that one seems to do all the stuff that Shiva and PW do together. He got some awfully strong confirmations during the early stages of construction. I don’t know if he intends to sell them, but he’s uploaded plans and photos on forums files section.

Gale in Texas has been making unique orgonite wands that do a lot of this but they have no fancy work in them and would be the most easily affordable. I’m encouraging her to produce a consistent product so that I can help her market them. Rory in N. Ireland may have something similar in the works and we haven’t yet had the opportunity to review what some fellows in Australia are doing in that vein, but they’ve got a pretty good track record in our network.

Some others are spontaneously creating similar tools, so this tells me that Jesus’ promise that ‘The meek shall inherit the earth’ may be in the process of fruition right now. I think only braindead New-agers actually believe that this Satanic world order would willingly hand the governments of the world back to humanity, but ol’ Goebbels said it best: The Bigger the Lie, the more people will believe it.

~Don Croft


Additonal info on the Powerwand is found in Episode 52

The Adventures of Don & Carol Croft Index page

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