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Blood Electrification
Total Cancer Remissions through Blood Electrification Combined
with Magnetic Pulsing plus Silver Colloid Ingestion

By Dr. Robert C. Beck
March 20, 1997

 Theories Offered for Information and Educational Purposes Only and are the Author's Opinions

Copyright © 1996/1997 Robert C. Beck1 D.Sc. Revision March 20, 1997

My archives contain a tantalizing report from several decades ago describing an authenticated record of an older man who was struck by lightning, survived, and subsequently grew a third set of teeth and a bushy head of youthful new dark hair. His grossly metastasized, inoperable cancers vanished. He threw away his glasses and cane, and appeared much younger and was totally healthy for the first time ever.

This fascinated scientists and years later almost encouraged some highly illegal and bizarre human experiments in an abandoned aircraft hangar in Wendover, Utah where Tesla coil research with ball lightning was underway. The incident generated wide speculation but few insights at the time. This mystery remained sleeping until 1990 when an astounding discovery was reported at Albert Einstein College of Medicine in NYC by Drs. Kaali and Wyman (See Science News; Mar. 30, '91 pg. 207; and LongevIty: Dec.' 92 pg. 14.). Not surprisingly, these data were apparently immediately suppressed.

As a totally unexpected and unpredictable outcome of my self-funded research since 1991 into "blood electrification" with micro currents for AIDS (currently showing excellent results) a growing number of users previously unknown to me, began independently reporting remarkable "spontaneous remissions" of numerous other diseases including cancer. Most involved no doctors, medication, or time off. Recoveries occurred after subjects had self-administered an altered do-it-yourself in vivo blood electrification treatment patially described as an In Vitro process in US Patent #5,188,738 issued to Dr. Steven Kaali in '93. (This work may have been anticipated twenty years earlier in 1973 by patent # 3,753,886 and by several others dating back to the turn of the century...)

We were puzzled to find explanations. This preliminary report offers one possible theory. The magnetic pulser success with Cancer was independently proven in 1984 and described in US Patent #4,665,898 and eleven other independent researchers and patents going back over fifty years.

The Einstein College disclosure describes removing blood from one arm, electrifying it, and returning it to the other arm in a process similar to dialysis. It also describes surgically implanted active electrode chambers containing miniature batteries sewn inside blood vessels. This author's preferred approach leaves all blood in the body, is totally non-invasive, costs practically nothing and is safely accomplished in about a month with ~two hours per day exposures as one goes about his normal activities. It handles most pathogens while blood flows naturally through the ~60cc volume of the electrified forearm's ulnar branch arteries from elbow to wrist. Without medications, invasive techniques or doctors, most pathogens, viruses, microbes, parasites and fungi just tend to disappear. Progress can be easily observed with dark-field and phase-contrast microscopy.

The entire process and simple apparatus is fully described in my '91 paper and recent issues of Explore. (Vol. 7 #1.) Also simple instructions for self-made silver colloids of far better quality than you can usually buy are given. You can turn any glass of distilled water into a 3 ppm top quality colloid in about two minutes anywhere with a shirt pocket battery-operated instrument.

To date many "spontaneous remissions" of dozens of "incurable" illnesses including HIV have been reported by users and researchers of this "blood purification" when combined with ingestion of pennies-per-gallon instantly self-made silver colloid. Since none of dozens of friends using these apparent miracles has experienced infections, colds, flu, pneumonia, or lost a single day's productivity in over three years, evidence strongly suggests restored immune systems or dramatically improved blood functioning. It is also fascinating to note that several pet owners report their cats now refuse to drink water if silver colloid is not added. Trips to veterinarians with previously recurring infections were cut dramatically. It is as though the Creator had left a secret "back door" method for mankind to finally conquer incurable diseases plaguing us since the beginning of time. To stay out of big trouble, these data are being offered under "First Amendment freedom of speech" rights and legally should not be construed as medical advice.

It has long been known that dissections of cadavers dying of natural causes reveal many have had cancer several times during their lifetime resulting in "spontaneous remissions" generally without their knowledge and without ever visiting a doctor. An optimally functioning immune system somehow "handles" diseases of which the subject seldom becomes aware. Several promising broad-spectrum natural immunological agents like interferon and interleukin are produced by healthy Immune systems but would cost thousands for patients with already overloaded or "shut down" defenses although many such neuropeptides could speed cures.

Other respected researchers describe "pleomorphic" forms of cancer pathogens which evolve through several stages- even mycotoxin involvement- all of which surrender to blood cleaning. In spite of dozens of theories offered, most diseases disappear with these simple, rapid, inexpensive in-vivo do-it-yourself tools and without drugs, herbs, homeopathics, pharmaceuticals, diets, doctors, discomfort or any medical intervention. Users have nothing to buy except replacement batteries. Complete recoveries cost under $2 per patient per disease.

For persons unable to self-assemble the simple electrifier (about two hours and ~$30), dozens of people are currently custom building them and several companies are providing excellent and reliable combination "plant growth stimulators" and colloid generators ready to use. Most retail from $125 to $200 [Editor's note: 1997 prices quoted. Currently $197 including Priority shipping within the USA, contact the Editor ] .But this health breakthrough is politically incorrect and may never be FDA approved because of billions invested in treatment facilities, pharmaceuticals, and in clinical diagnostic equipment which must be amortized even if made obsolete.

This discovery gives power over diseases back to the individual; an economic disaster for the health cartels. The only dangers lie in too rapid detoxification avoidable by increasing water intake for flushing wastes (Herxheimer's syndrome), plus ingestion of any herbs (even garlic) during blood electrification because of vastly enhanced cell absorption due to electroporation. (See J.C. Weaver; Harvard-MIT in Journal of Cellular Biochemistry 51 :426-435; 1993.) All drugs, herbs, alcohol, tobacco, and some vitamins must be discontinued for at least two days before starting and for the duration of blood electrification or magnetic pulsing. This minimizes substances in your blood plasma which can become toxic at ~20X their normal levels.

Electrification is now being successfully used underground around the world. One Eastern MD claims numerous documented cancer cures by using only blood electrification and no surgery, radiation, drugs or chemotherapy. Many were considered terminal. We're even seeing clean blood tests of now healthy patients with previously long-standing Lupus. We have in our posession many IRB's (Institutional Review Board Studies) showing complete HIV remissions, sero-conversions, and negative PCR tests.

The most reasonable theory of why electrification is so surprisingly effective for so many conditions lies in the now-proven fact that when correctly applied directly into blood (not into other body tissue like palms of hands, soles of feet, or organs) it neutralizes all microbes, pathogens, fungi, parasites, viruses, bacteria, mycotoxins and coexisting foreign lifeforms and alien invaders and their byproducts. This should never be confused with Royal Rife or Hulda Clark technology. Effective results are found to require a minimum of 27 Volts under load with low impedance output which must deliver up to several milliamperes measurable current into skin to produce the required 50 to 100 microamperes internally through blood after the inevitable series resistance losses through vessel walls plus several layers of tissue.

Electrical currents in blood can be measured with an ac microamp meter by IR drop using partially insulated hypodermic needles inserted ~6 inches apart into the same artery. Clark's "syncro zap" running at her standard 30 khz (considered many octaves too high to be effective) actually measures only ~2.6V peak to peak under load (~2000 ohms) at palms. This is an order of magnitude too low to have any real effect beyond placebo. The syncro-zapper's current is unmeasurable directly in the blood and physically cannot produce the essential 50 to 100 uA required internally. This may only mask readouts of parasite presence radionically. Unfortunately the live bugs remain undisturbed and are still there and will still be observed in stool and microscopic blood diagnosis. To function at all, electrification requires cotton-covered salt water saturated stainless steel electrodes [Editor Note: gold or silver plated electrodes work equally well] never over 3/32" wide and 1" long.

These must be carefully positioned directly over and precisely in line with arterial pulse points on opposite sides of the same wrist. This maximizes current into blood by not wasting it in surrounding tissue. Square or round TENS, EKG, EEG, EMG, etc. electrodes work only marginally and should never be substituted.

Preferred instrument pulse-repetition rate is ~4 Hz biphasic with steep rise time and 50% duty cycle. Rate is not critical although much higher frequencies and certainly higher harmonics of the essential square wave output are degraded by "skin effect" where currents travel around the outside of body instead of internally. This is demonstrated by lighting a bulb in one hand while touching a Tesla coil with the other and not getting shocked.

Electrification causes no known harmful side effects to healthy cells or tissue. A restored and unencumbered immune system may make one almost immortalElectrified blood cells are observed to live for well over a month when sealed under cover slips on microscope slides while the average life of "normal blood is ~4 days. This strongly suggests that even aging bodies may easily and rapidly be made impervious to many hostile, toxic, infectious, antibiotic-resistant and even yet undiscovered invaders. The subject is barely scratched with miracles being reported regularly ranging from dramatic weight loss to restored hair, feature symmetry (Prof. R. Thornhill, Univ. N. Mexico), etc., many of which were totally unexpected but that I have personally experienced or observed.

One example- cervical cancer alone kills ~a of all victims in the third world, and has long been known to be caused by the papilloma virus. Electrification eliminates these toxic "'fellow travelers" coexisting in our blood and automatically handles innumerable diseases previously considered "incurable". Ebola or other possibly genetically engineered biological warfare "designer" germs may be unleashed someday per some theories of Gulf War Syndrome diseases which are currently immune to all other known countermeasures except blood electrification and colloids.

Like all revolutionary ideas, this incredible breakthrough barely survived initial ridicule and rejection because it is too startling, effective, inexpensive, simple and foolproof to be believable. It has experienced violent opposition from entrepreneurs selling health products made obsolete. Next, massive resistance came from the population's ~85% harboring unconscious hidden agendas or "death wishes" or "defeat the healer" and who must protect their secondary gains. And almost universally, people simply refuse to take responsibility for their own health. They think the "Doctor" priesthood should know what's "best" for them. And predictably, some doctors realize this will erode their incomes because it is cheap, universally effective, simple "do it yourself at home", and cures many things they can't. (A patient cured is a customer lost!)

So acceptance of blood electrification is just now emerging to enthusiastic acceptance from those who've experienced the results. Being profit-motivated, the establishment must resist anything like this. But we now have our "hundredth monkey". Skeptics have only to use this technology to directly enjoy immensely better health. Take back your power! This works!

The writer is a researcher, not a practitioner. I have nothing for sale. Please never try to contact me by phone or letter or through third parties since it is a felony for me to answer well meaning medical questions. I am a physicist, not a licensed medical practitioner and such devices are not presently FDA approved. But I am preparing a do-it-yourself photo illustrated manual covering all details which should be available by the end of this year.

(For more information on Blood electrification, contact the Editor : Ken Adachi, Editor)

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All information posted on this web site is the opinion of the author and is provided for educational purposes only. It is not to be construed as medical advice. Only a licensed medical doctor can legally offer medical advice in the United States. Consult the healer of your choice for medical care and advice.