Tooth Infection Frequencies From Dr. Hulda Clark
From Ken Adachi, Editor
November 2, 2005Tooth Infection Frequencies From Dr. Hulda Clark (Nov. 2, 2005)
I need to explain in a separate article how to use a frequency generator, but for those of you who already have one and know how to use it, these frequencies are very useful to keep gum and teeth infections in check until you can get to a dentist and have your teeth fixed. I usually wrap a single layer of industrial strength paper towels (usually in a blue roll) around a 4" copper pipe electrode (3/4 or 1" diameter pipe) and wet the paper towel with tap water from a plastic squeeze bottle. I'll hold a plastic bag behind one electrode and touch the side of my cheek. I'll hold the other electrode in my opposite hand. If I can take it, I place both electrodes on each side of the jawbone for a while and then go back to one cheek and one hand electrode. The Staph Aureus and Clostridum are the most common bugs. I do 5-10 minutes at each frequency. I'll dowse the list first to see which ones I need. Use 100% positive DC offset square waves. Allow no part of the waveform to go into the negative voltage region; that's rather important according to Dr. Clark (you'll need an oscilloscope to check it). I run the frequencies shown with a range from "x" to "z" as a sweep, setting the center frequency of the sweep at exactly the middle frequency between the two shown (for those who don't know what I'm talking about, just wait for the article explaining the application and use of frequency generators).
Bacteria (KHz)
1. Staph. Aureus 378 and 381 KHz
2. Clostridium Botulinum 361.0-364.55 KHz
3. Beta Streptococcus 380.6- 387.4 KHz
4. Strep. Mitis 313.8 - 321.1 KHz
5. Strep. Pyogenes 360.5 - 375.3 KHz
6. Strep. Sp Group G 368.15- 368.85 KHz
7A. Bacillus anthracis 393.5 - 398.05 KHz
7B. Bacillus anthracis (2nd range).363.2 - 365.3 KHz
7C. Bacillus anthracis (3rd stage)..359.4 - 370.5 KHz
8. Lactobacillus acidolphius 346.05 - 351.65 KHz
9. Corynebacterium diptheriae 340.0 - 344.0 KHz
10. Bordetella Pertusis 329.85- 332.25 KHzUnknown pathogens
11. 384.3 - 387.2 KHz
l1A. 367.9-375.05 KHz
11B. 326.95 - 331.5 KHz
l1C. 293.2.. 297.4 KHzPlaque
12A. 378.8 - 383.05 KHz
12B. 294.7 - 298.25 KHz
12C. 233.1 - 238.2 KHzPlaque II
13A. 384.95 - 387.05 KHz
13B. 278.75 - 284 KHz
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