[Special Note for readers who are reading this page from an electronic translation in your native language. Since you are already reading this page within the electronic translator, when you click on any of the articles linked below, the article will go to a translated page, allowing you to read the article in your native language. Ken Adachi][Editor's Note: Update, March 14, 2013. This index page on hydrogen peroxide is one of the most frequently read pages on this web site, month after month. I'm glad that so many people from around the world can find out more information about the wonderful germ fighting capabilities of hydrogen peroxide, which is inexpensive and easy to obtain. However, since posting these articles over a decade ago, new information has come forth about an equally inexpensive and easy-to-obtain oxidative therapy that works better than hydrogen peroxide and is easier for the body to handle. It's called "CDS water" and is made by first combining Sodium Chlorite with Citric Acid (called "MMS" or Master Mineral Solution) and then infusing the Chlorine Dioxide gas produced into a bottle of distilled water using a simple process explained im this article:
How to Make CDS Water, the World's Most Powerful Germ Killer & Disease Eradicator, at Home ~ For Next to Nothing (March 15, 2013)
http://educate-yourself.org/mms/cdsproductionexplained15mar13.shtml#topYou can still read about and use hydrogen peroxide as suggested in the articles posted here, but look into the basic science of MMS as your primary at-home oxidative therapy because it's gaining a reputation for resolving just about every disease condition in the book, from cancer to AIDS, to diabetes, to malaria, etc. I urge you to read this basic tutorial explaining what MMS is and how to make it:
The Basic Science of MMS (Chlorine Dioxide) Sep. 4, 2012
http://educate-yourself.org/mms/chlorinedioxidebasics004sep12.shtml#topYou can obtain the MMS ingredients from internet vendors mentioned in the article (or send me an email if you want further information on making MMS yourself at home...Ken Adachi]
By Ken Adachi <Editor>
September 2006Index of Articles on Hydrogen Peroxide
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I decided to organize the various articles and notes I've posted on hydrogen peroxide into a single location to make it easier to find them. The first article by Walter Grotz, a retired Postmaster and late 20th century promoter of hydrogen peroxide, is as good an introduction as any to the subject of hydrogen peroxide.
Hydrogen peroxide is a simple chemical compound. It's water with an extra atom of oxygen attached to it, H2O2. Hydrogen peroxide is valuable as an oxidizing agent (like ozone, or bleach for example) because it can release that single oxygen atom in the presence of another reactive substance. This reaction is called oxidation or bleaching. It's important to remember that the gas we call "oxygen" is really TWO atoms of oxygen, O2, tightly bound together.
Human beings and animals are oxygen and carbon based. We utilize oxygen (O2) for respiration and expel carbon dioxide, CO2. Most of the microbes that cause infections (and are associated with cancerous tumors) don't like an oxygen rich environment. Some types of bacteria (anaerobic) can't survive at all if oxygen is present, while other bacteria can tolerate it in low concentrations. That single atom of oxygen, though, is really bad news for microbes because the outer electron shell of an oxygen atom needs two more electrons to feel happy and "complete". The reason that water is so stable is because the two atoms of hydrogen (in water) provide one electron each to the outer orbital shell of one atom of oxygen, making it (the oxygen atom) chemically more stable.
As a teenager, I was encouraged by a doctor to use a mixture of 1/2 water and 1/2 hydrogen peroxide for two or three days to help get rid of a mouth infection. He told me the peroxide would help get rid of the infection, but not to overdue it, just rinse -once a day- for two or three days and that's it! He led me to believe that it's a powerful germicidal, but that it was also dangerous, for some unexplained reason, and that you might get too much of it if you overdid it! I held that belief for many years until the mid 1990's when I started attending health expos here in southern California, I was exposed to new information about 3.5% hydrogen peroxide (available from drug stores) that led me to realize that it's not dangerous, that it can be used full strength (3%) as a mouthwash, and that it can be used quite often, rather than sparingly (now for you nurses and health professionals out there, before you start jumping up and down about using up the body's store of catalase, please read the articles first and realize that the notion of depleting catalase has been exaggerated in school texts and training manuals).
Besides using it topically or as a mouthwash, hydrogen peroxide can be taken into the body as drops, or intravenously, or by injection, or even inhaled! Read Bill Munro's articles below to see how he used a nasal sprayer, obtained from the drug store, to create a fine mist of hydrogen peroxide and inhaled the mist You'll discover why when you read his articles.
It's a good idea to get a few books on hydrogen peroxide. I like the one by Dr. William Campbell Douglass called "Hydrogen Peroxide, Medical Miracle" You can find it at amazon.com
I've been asked by many people where to get food grade hydrogen peroxide. Today, there are many outlets over the Internet. Just do a Google search for "35% food grade hydrogen peroxide" and many vendors will come up. Don't attempt to use 35% Hydrogen Peroxide until you've carefully studied its usage and properties. The book by Dr William C. Douglass is a good tutorial.
Update Sep 25, 2008 ~ Special note for brain-cell-challenged individuals: 35% hydrogen peroxide is a powerful OXIDIZING agent. At 35% and higher concentrations, peroxide will OXIDIZE skin tissue immediately on contact, and you will therefore sense this as a BURNING sensation. Do NOT allow your skin to come in contact with 35% hydrogen peroxide. Wear RUBBER GLOVES when handling 35% hydrogen peroxide. The only time I handle a bottle of 35% hydrogen peroxide is when I'm in the process of diluting it down to 3.5% peroxide and I ALWAYS wear rubber gloves while handling the bottle and associated equipment. This caution is ONLY applicable to 35% peroxide, and NOT drug store grade peroxide which is always 3.5% (three (point) five percent)
To obtain 35% food grade hydrogen peroxide in Great Britain and other European countries, I've listed a UK compnay below.
The outfit is called Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide, H2O2 (http://www.food-grade-hydrogen-peroxide.co.uk/)
They offer free shipping within the U.K. I assume that they will ship to other countries in Europe and perhaps other continents as well. They offer a link to a tutorial on taking drops of H2O2 which you can read here:
Notes on Internal Use of Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide (May 12, 2012)
The protocol they reference is the one recommended by Dr David G. Williams. His protocol uses 35% food grade drops of H2O2 mixed with water and gradually increases the dosage to 25 drops, three times per day by the 16th day. That amounts to 75 drops of 35% peroxide in a single day. That's a LOT of peroxide. To play it more conservatively and see how you can handle it, you could always follow the same dosage (drops per day) protocol recommended by Dr. Williams, but start with 3.5% food grade (1/10 the strength), instead of 35%, for the first three week trial. Then go to 17% (1/2 the strength) for the next three week trial, and finally go for 35% (full strength) for the third three week trial. That gives your body six weeks to gradually ramp up to the full recommended dosage from Dr. Williams (you could also increase the strength more slowly yet and spread it out over 15 weeks for instance by going from 1/10 to 3/10 to 5/10 to 8/10 to 10/10 strength on the 15th week. See dilution info further below). If 75 drops per day of 35% food grade is causing your stomach to ache or if you experience too much die-off or other discomfort, BACK DOWN to a lower dosage until your body acclimates and can handle the full load. You are taking these drops on an empty stomach and IT'S NOT EASY to handle even 10 or 11 drops of 35% food grade peroxide on an empty stomach (although some people have no problem at all).
Dr. William Campbell Douglas is more conservative on dosage than Dr Williams, and puts a cap of 10 drops per session of 35% H2O2 per day as the upper limit. There are studies with mice that show the induction of stomach cancers with RELATIVELY low concentration of H2O2. That's not to say that mice studies automatically correlate to human effects, they don't, but you shouldn't ignore the data nonetheless. For any sort of lung or bronchial condition, many people find inhaling a mist of 3.5% food grade (three point five percent) as discussed in the articles and videos from Bill Munro is very effective in clearing lung and breathing problems. You can also add 3.5% food grade peroxide + distilled water to a room vaporizer.
(This commentary is my OPINION on the effectiveness of using food grade hydrogen peroxide as a therapeutic aid. It is not medical advice nor a recommendation. Make up your own mind and arrive at your own decisions on what to do in taking care of your health - because no one cares about your health more than you.)I urge every reader to study "Hydrogen Peroxide, Medical Miracle" by Dr William Campbell Douglas II before embarking on oral ingestion of drops of hydrogen peroxide. You need to study this subject carefully and become informed before jumping in.
Another good source of information about Hydrogen Peroxide is the book 'The Truth about Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide' by James Paul Roguski.
How to Dilute 35% Hydrogen Peroxide to Various Strengths
1. Diluting 35% Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide down to 3.5% (1/10 strength):
To make 3.5%, you take one part of 35% peroxide and add 9 parts of distilled water.
Eg. 1 oz of 35 % hydrogen peroxide + 9 ozs of distilled water = 10 ozs of 3.5 % peroxide (or 2 ozs of 35% + 18 ozs of water = 20 ozs of 3.5% peroxide. etc.)
2. Diluting 35% Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide down to 7%:
Add 2 ozs of 35% hydrogen peroxide + 8 ozs distilled water = 10 ozs of 7% peroxide.
3. Diluting 35% Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide down to 10.5%:
Add 3 ozs of 35% peroxide + 7 ozs of distilled water = 10 ozs of 10.5% peroxide
4. Diluting 35% Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide down to 14%:
Add 4 ozs of 35% peroxide + 6 ozs of distilled water = 10 ozs of 14% peroxide
5. Diluting 35% Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide down to 17.5%:
Add 5 ozs of 35% peroxide + 5 ozs of distilled water = 10 ozs of 17.5% peroxide.
6. Diluting 35% Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide down to 21%:
Add 6 ozs of 35% peroxide + 4 ozs distilled water = 10 ozs of 21% peroxide
7. Diluting 35% Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide down to 24.5%:
Add 7ozs of 35% peroxide + 3 ozs of distilled water = 10 ozs of 24.5% peroxide
8. Diluting 35% Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide down to 28%:
Add 8 ozs of 35% peroxide + 2 ozs of distilled water = 10 ozs of 28% peroxide
9. Diluting 35% Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide down to 31.5%:
Add 9 ozs of 35% peroxide + 1 oz of distilled water = 10 ozs of 31.5% peroxide.
Intravenous Hydrogen Peroxide Infusions:
(Update, Jan. 6, 2011. There is currently a smear campaign in place (orchestrated by the pharmaceuticals of course) to create doubt and worry about using hydrogen peroxide as intravenous infusions. Some doctors who use to offer the infusions now have backed out due to intimidation and threats from the Big Boys of organized medicine. This always happens here in the Land of the Free whenever a cheap and effective alternative therapy starts gaining ground and becomes an economic threat to the drug pushers. Let me know if you find people on the 2002 list who no longer offer the infusions, or conversely, if you find a doctor who offer peroxide infusions and is not listed..Ken)The link below provides a 2002 list of American and international physicians from the International Oxidative Medicine Association (IOMA) who offer intravenous hydrogen peroxide infusions, bioluminescence therapy, and other therapeutic oxidative modalities. .
Articles on Hydrogen Peroxide (& Other Oxidative Therapies)
Hydrogen Peroxide by Walter Grotz
http://educate-yourself.org/cn/hydrogenperoxidewaltergrotz20nov04.shtmlThe Many Benefits of Hydrogen Peroxide by Dr. David G. Williams
http://educate-yourself.org/cancer/benefitsofhydrogenperozide17jul03.shtmlAlternatives in Cancer Therapy - Hydrogen Peroxide
http://educate-yourself.org/cn/hydrogenperoxidecancertherapybookexcerpt.shtmlHydrogen Peroxide v. Prostate Cancer by Bill Munro (Oct. 14, 2005)
http://educate-yourself.org/cn/hydrogenperoxideandprostatecancer14oct05.shtmlHydrogen Peroxide Nasal Sprayer & Garden Applications by Bill Munro (Feb. 7, 2005)
http://educate-yourself.org/cn/hydrogenperoxide07feb05.shtmlThe Therapeutical Applications of Hydrozone and Glycozone by Charles Marchand (1904)
http://educate-yourself.org/cn/hydrogenperoxidecharlesmarchand1904.shtmlVinegar and Hydrogen Peroxide as Disinfectants
Letters from Readers
Chronic Pneumonia and Inhaling Hydrogen Peroxide (Jan. 3, 2011)
http://educate-yourself.org/lte/chronicpneumoniaandperoxide03jan11.shtmlLung Cancer & Hydrogen Peroxide (Nov. 4, 2010)
http://educate-yourself.org/lte/lungcancer04nov10.shtmlCollodial Silver and Nebulizer (Aug. 18, 2009)
http://educate-yourself.org/lte/csandnebulizer18aug09.shtmlHydrogen Peroxide and COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) July 12, 2009
http://educate-yourself.org/lte/copdandhydrogenperoxide12jul09.shtmlHydrogen Peroxide and Room Temperature IQ, A Deadly Mix (Sep. 25, 2008)
http://educate-yourself.org/lte/peroxideuse25sep08.shtmlTaking Drops of Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide & Water (Sep 20, 2008)
http://educate-yourself.org/lte/peroxidedrops19sep08.shtmlChlorine Dioxide (MMS), A Powerful and Inexpensive Germ Killer (June 26, 2008)
http://educate-yourself.org/cn/chlorinedioxide26jun08.shtmlGains Benefits from Taking Hydrogen Peroxide Drops Daily (Sep. 23, 2007)
http://educate-yourself.org/lte/benefitsfromH2O2takendaily23sep07.shtmlRelief from Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease & Emphysema Using Hydrogen Peroxide (April 19, 2007)
http://educate-yourself.org/lte/hydrogenperoxideandpulmonarydisease14apr07.shtmlHydrogen Peroxide Handles Stomach Bug & Ideas for Germ Fighters (Feb. 12, 2007)
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