Atlanta Smothered in Chemtrails Over Veterans Holiday Weekend
[Editor's Note: Please note that I have not seen a chemtrail whiteout in my area of southern California since early Spring of 2004. I no longer even see the occasional, single chemtrail line here and there. During mid and late Summer of this year, they were TRYING to lay down chemtrail whiteouts here, but it wasn't working. The Sylphs would show up immediately and start taking out the chemtrails as fast as they were being laid down. I've posted some photos in July and August showing the Sylphs taking out chemtrails locally, but I have many more shots, taken on different days during the Summer, that I hadn't yet uploaded to this web site. Somewhere in mid or late August, they just STOPPED trying to plaster this area with chemtrails. We've had deep blue skies and real clouds here for all of September, October, and now halfway through November, 2004. The reason that Atlanta gets smothered with chemtrails is due to the fact that the DOR atmospheric orgone energy envelope there is PREDOMINATING over the positive, OR atmospheric polarity. DOR is the "glue" that holds chemtrails together. When you deploy ENOUGH chembusters and ENOUGH Tower busters, HHGs, and other types of ORGONE GENERATORS throughout the greater Atlanta area, you will TRANSMUTE the DOR into the OR polarity of orgone and the chemtrails will then disperse and not form into an overcast. Furthermore, that change of atmospheric orgone predominance from DOR into OR polarity, will allow Sylphs to come into that area in sufficient numbers to take out those chemtrails as quickly as they have done it here (and Sante Fe and many other places).
You need to also realize that a big city like Atlanta PRODUCES a great deal of DOR orgone energy due to negative activity such as satanic rituals, murders, deception, skullduggery, crime, masonic rituals, or even nuclear plants, underground bases, reptilian activity, reptilian hives, etc. On top of that, you have the DOR potential being intentionally PUMPED UP by the traitors using 'cell phone' towers, ELF towers, HAARP, and helicopters carrying mind control equipment which broadcast that energy all over the city, often 24/7. When you have a city that is PRODUCING a lot of DOR, you need to counter that energy will a greater number of orgone generators than what would be required to 'neutralize' a different city where the population is more loving and less acts of evil are being committed.
I can only hope that enough people from the Atlanta area who are reading this paragraph will take my words to heart and make the effort to 'gift' Atlanta with a SUFFICIENT number of orgone generators to do the trick. If you do that, you will witness the END and demise of chemtrail overcasts in Atlanta-just as I have been astonished to see that transformation take place here...Ken ]
November 14, 2004----- Original Message -----
From: DM Boggs <>
Sent: Sunday, November 14, 2004 3:28 AM
Subject: Atlanta Holiday Toxin
Hey Ken,Thank God! Finally, I can breathe! Finally, I can see stars! Finally, I can see the moon! Finally, I can let my dog go outside for his nightly "moon naps" without fearing for his immune system! Finally, I can breathe!
Wed. Nov 10, I was outdoors with my fabulous Labrador retriever, playing "fetch" near the banks of a nearby river…
I noticed about four spaying rocket planes working the hell out of the sky, not missing a clear area. They had already covered so much of the sky - and the toxins had not even fully expanded yet. I tell you - they went totally OVERBOARD in ATLANTA! The result of this spaying was total SMOG – and a chemical drench on Atlanta, for 3 solid days and nights.
The spraying turned to the SMOG/HAZE by nightfall - Covering the skies with this THICK CHEMICAL GROSSNESS- then as perfectly planned/manipulated- RAIN began- and it rained, and rained, and rained... for 3 days and nights. And for 3 days & nights we had the NASTY SMOG FILLED SKY - pouring aluminum and other deadly chemicals into all life it contacted.
I stayed indoors as much as I could, during this Veterans Day Chemical /Cloverleaf Evil Project.
I have known about Chemtrails for a little over a year. Approximately 1/10,000 people are aware/educated of the TRUTH regarding Chemtrails-
What shocks me is that the neighborhoods, streets, and society was, “business as usual” during these past 3 days of creepy gassy filmed-over skies throughout Atlanta-
Does no one even look up at the skies anymore?
Light and Love,
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