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Lakeport, Calif. Bank of America Refuses Cash For A Mortgage Payment; Manager Calls Police
Feb. 8, 2012

Lakeport, Calif. Bank of America Refuses Cash For A Mortgage Payment; Manager Calls Police (Feb. 8, 2012)

Forward courtesy of JD

In another example that we appear to be rapidly moving into a cashless society, Bank of America in California refused to accept cash for a mortgage payment. The manager of the bank said it was against their policy to accept legal tender physical currency (aka U.S. dollars) as payment for Bank of America mortgages.

The customer attempting to pay his mortgage, firefighter Robert Somerton, recorded the ordeal in Lakeport branch which made the bank manager so upset that he called the police. The police detained Somerton for a half hour before releasing him with a warning that he may never return to that Bank of America branch or he'll be arrested.

"I was shocked. I had no idea this would happen. Since when does a bank not accept cash?" Robert wrote<> after the affair.

Part 1

Uploaded by rpsomerton on Feb 3, 2012

Feb 3, 2012 Bank of America Lakeport, California. I attempted to make a cash payment on our mortgage, the manager refused to take the cash saying it was against bank policy.

I was shocked, had no idea this would happen, since when does a bank not accept cash... Right! When I protested, the manager called the Lakeport poilce dept. After being detained for about 1/2 hour and nearly arrested for shooting video inside the bank the cops decided to let me go.

The BofA manager made a complaint against me and had the cops inform me that I am "no longer welcome inside the Lakeport branch of Bank of America." Also that if I "ever attempted to enter the branch again I WILL be arrested!" So apparently Bank of America DOES NOT accept American cash dollars as a form of payment on mortgages in AMERICA!



Part 2

Uploaded by rpsomerton on Feb 4, 2012

Also tried to on Feb 3, 2012 to get BofA to endorse a check from Farmers Insurance (roof damage back in March of 2011) because BofA is listed as co-signers, but again the manager refused. Cops we're called, I was asked to wait outside of the bank (while the manager called HQ about the Farmers check) which I did.


Part 3

Uploaded by rpsomerton on Feb 4, 2012

So I'm waiting OUTSIDE BofA & 2 Lakeport police cruisers and an unmarked arrived, detained me for about 1/2 an hour, said I was being investigated for "shooting video inside the bank." "Casing the bank" they said, to rob it later!?! RIGHT... I walk in there with $1400. BofA refuses to take and I'm gonna try robing them??? Stupid cops doin' stupid work, got it all on video!


Part 4

Vid 4 of 4 Outside Bank of America, Cops telling me that if I enter BofA again, I'LL BE ARRESTED!

Uploaded by on Feb 4, 2012

So apparently in AMERICA, Bank of America WILL NOT accept U.S. cash dollars for payment of mortgage debt. They've also refused to counter sign a Farmers Insurance check (roof damage sustain on our home back in March OF LAST YEAR) now telling me that because it over 10k I'm to mail it to them and they'll pay a contractor to come fix our roof. Anyone following us for very long knows that we've already fixed our roof with cash out of our pockets. We've uploaded many videos about this in the past both here on YouTube and on our fb page: Thanks for viewing this set of videos, hope ya'll have enjoyed them, I did get a little upset inside the BofA branch just couldn't believe my ears. WHAT AMERICAN BANK REFUSES TO TAKE AMERICAN U.S. DOLLARS... BANK OF AMERICA!


Robert Somerton on Facebook

Lakeport, California Bank of America branch located at:

500 N Main St
Lakeport CA 95453

[if any enterprising reader can discover this bank manager's name and contact info, please contact the Editor]

Bank of america, Lakeport, CA at 500 N Main St



Bank of America tries to shut you up! Stop telling the truth about us and we will modify your loan


redirishusa 3 days ago

Thank you for this Video. I am going to share is all over the web. Bank of America is hurting our country. Join the fight at of like us on FaceBook at "Keep Bank of America Honest" Twitter "KeepBoAHonest" and our YouTube channel "Stop Bank of America" Let's take back our country.


puddlewks2 3 days ago

wow...this does it for me...i'm closing my account and opening one with a local credit union. B of A told me they were going to put a ten day hold on my paycheck too after I've been banking with them for years? why? because i'd stopped having it automatically deposited into the account and had requested a paper check. same employer i'd had for years, same source of funds. same customer, they are trying to force everyone to use paperless cashless transactions only? looks like it.


killaj2000 3 days ago

I'm so glad this guy video taped this. Bank of America is the worst bank I've ever known of. They wouldn't accept CASH??? WTF?? PEOPLE.......STOP DOING BUSINESS WITH THIS BANK!!


redirishusa 3 days ago

Thank you for this Video. I am going to share is all over the web. Bank of America is hurting our country. Join the fight at w w w Keep Bank Of America Honest dot com of like us on FaceBook at "Keep Bank of America Honest" Twitter "KeepBoAHonest" and our YouTube channel "Stop Bank of America" Let's take back our country.


StopBankOfAmerica 3 days ago

Nice collar, officer Fat Ass! Keeping America safe for Corporate Criminals who steal our property and who lent us our own credit and then charged us principal and interest for the privilege of doing so. You have earned your meager salary today with ingnominious distinction.


Comments posted at:

by a Yahoo! Local User

poor service: recently I went to my local b of a and I had a long wait in line. All the tellers I know and trust are gone. I used to be called by name and now everyone asks for my id. I tried to talk to the manager and she rolled her eyes at me and walked away. She didn't seem to care that I was going through a difficult situation. I just don't know anymore.

y a Yahoo! Local User

Great Tellers, Bad manager!!!: When I go in to my local Bank Of America I think the tellers are nice and friendly but they keep changing. I only know 2 people in the whole branch now. When ever I have a problem there seems to be no supervisor around to help me. One time I spoke to the manager about my account and she was so rude to me. I can not believe that someone made her a manager. I would not even have had her as a janitor in my opinion.



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